The Harford County Sheriff’s Office sergeant who suffered a stroke last year and retired from service with the agency this fall will benefit from several new sources of assistance after The Dagger told his story.
Former Sgt. Noel Raufaste will receive free sessions of physical therapy at Ultimate Health in Bel Air, a donation arranged by Deputy First Class John Ryan. In addition, former Sheriff’s Office deputy Marc Eaton has kicked off a fundraising effort to help meet some of Raufaste’s medical costs.
“Noel is a great worker, always been a great police officer,” said Ryan, who is running for sheriff in next year’s election. “After I read the article, I reached out to a few friends to get him some help.”
Raufaste was on patrol in Rock Spring on May 10, 2012, when he suffered a stroke and remained undiscovered in his vehicle for several hours. As detailed in a November feature by The Dagger, Raufaste rallied from a bleak initial prognosis but, after more than a year and with the input of medical experts, Sheriff Jesse Bane determined he would not be able to resume his duties as a law enforcement officer. Raufaste accepted a medical retirement through a state pension plan which provided 40 percent of his pay, approximately $2,500 per month.
To further assist Raufaste, Eaton created the Signal 13 Fund, which takes its name from the radio code for “officer needs assistance.” Online on Facebook at, Eaton said donations will support Raufaste’s co-pay and prescription medical expenses. He said the fund will support only Raufaste for now, but may be expanded at a future date for other EMS, fire, and police personnel in need.
“I’ve been where they are,” Eaton said. “When I got retired, I had nothing. I don’t want to see anyone else go through that.”
Ryan said his status as a challenger against the two-term incumbent Bane did not play a role in his helping Raufaste.
“People know me, know that if they need help, I try to help them,” he said. “When it came to Noel, I didn’t think of what I was doing first.”
Thanks to these two Deputies for reaching out to Sgt Raufaste, and helping provide assistance.
Left unanswered is why the Sergeant was left for approximately 5 hours unnoticed during his duty shift while suffering from a stroke. As I understand from the previous interview with the Sergeant, he went to work on the day he had his stroke even though he was feeling ill, because two of the three assigned Sergeants were previously scheduled off for that day. If a senior shift supervisor can go missing for approximately 5 hours and be unnoticed, what does that say for the organizational structure of the HCSO?
How wonderful to see what can be done when others rally behind someone to truly help them. It speaks volumes. Is there anything that can be done to revisit the status of his retirement, to provide him with better support?
He is getting his due pension according to the rules in place. As I understand it, there wasn’t two choices to pick from– he is part of the state pension system and not the Sheriffs pension plan– the later would have cost him more $$ out of his own pocket. Our pension is not a freebie from the county or state– We contribute to it more than the county does. It should be noted that this officer could have purchased long term disability or short term disability to supplement his income. His pension pays him what he is due! I am also wondering if the officer is also collecting SSDI as well. If his income is only $2500 per month, he should be eligible for Medicaid. A lot of facts regarding pension and total compensation are missing here.
So let me get this straight because you feel like you do actually contribute more you think that this brother makes you different. We don’t have short term disability maybe you can go and get that changed good luck. Have you called him to see if he is collecting SSDI has anyone called him until then shut the * up
HCSO employees can purchase Aflac for short term disability.
Jackass, don’t be one! Previous poster didn’t say he should or shouldn’t have SSDI but wondered out loud to the possibility of it. If he is disabled, he would be collecting both. No one is saying he doesn’t deserve help of assistance, however the whole picture hasn’t been shown as to his income or insurance needs. How much he contributed to his plan was preset for him, as he couldn’t have chosen the Sheriff pension over the state pension as only correctional officers couldn’t be part of the change over to the state pension plan under which all deputies fall. Take a chill pill dude.
Thanks for the clarification. I would like to make one point, however and that is, I wouldn’t fault the Sgt. for not signing up for disability. Most young people do not think that they will get sick, and usually they don’t. It scares me that some young people think that they don’t even need health insurance, but that is another issue. Anyway, the risk of having a stroke goes up with age and again, most young people aren’t thinking about serious, debilitating conditions such as a stroke, now being referred to as a “Brain Attack.” Part of the reason for the change in terminology is to raise awareness that a stroke is every bit as serious (and moreso) as a heart attack, as recovery from a heart attack usually renders people able to return to their functional life, unlike a stroke or brain attack. Hopkins has a BAT, or Brain Attack Team, and if the Sgt was promptly discovered and transported to such a resource, perhaps he could have received state-of-the-art intervention. I have seen the amazing things they do to help people like the Sgt every day. The reason I am stating all of this is that the Sheriff’s Office owes it to this man to make things right, and figure out a way to help him long-term. Someone didn’t do their job to devise and implement a policy and procedure for ensuring the welfare of their personnel out on the road. He put his life on the life for Harford County and was let down. Not right.
If he is making $2500 he is not eligible for Medicaid. That limit is really low like under $1,000. If he applies for SSDI he would still have to wait 25 months before he would be eligible from the time he 1st files his paperwork.
He did not know he had the long term disability. This too has been taken care of and he has applied for it. His memory is bad and he forgets things. He is a proud man and has a positive attitude. He just needs some help. That is what donations are going to help him and others with.
Loyalty in this profession goes along way….good for Sgt Raufaste…Props to Ryan and Eaton helping fellow officers in need…
It is especially heartwarming to hear about this during the holiday season. Well done, Retired DFC Eaton and Sr. DFC Ryan. Sgt. Raufaste is blessed to have someone looking out for him.
Say what you want the Sheriff Office at least it has good retired people. Good Job Mark Eaton and Good creating this page and site this may this help many others Who cares about the election you took care of one of your own and should be proud. Don’t give your cause be proud and stay strong. You are the first any maybe only for reasons to give your name and for that I sat thank you sir. We See what you are doing.!.!
Mark Eaton has spoken and not 1 person has truly made a valid point why folks should not support what he has said, things must change.
If you go to the Face book page you can find the link posted November 26 for a pay pal merchant account. This is temporary until we have the the web site up and running which should be this week. The only administration fee is pay pal, I tried to get this waived but they wouldn’t do it. They get 2%. All other expenses are covered and no one is paid to help with this fund. It is all volunteer with 100 % donated to Noel and hopefully any others we can help. It all goes to Noel and if we can get it going it will help others. If you want to help us with something in the way of fund raising or any other way let me know. So far it is myself and a fellow Brother Retired Trooper Don Welker helping me. We know it is Christmas and money is tight for everyone, you can donate a dollar or twenty dollars. Aaron thank you for the post we appreciate it. This is not about politics, it is about helping Noel our Brother. Thank you in advance for any help you give us.
That is awesome that others even retired people are willing to help this guy. Just a few questions1.) do you have a union and if so what have they done to help or what do they plan to do, 2.) how did it get to a point where a deputy can’t go to his appointments because he can’t afford his co-pays, 3.) Is anyone else from this department disabled and who checks on them? and lastly 4.) Why does the Sheriff not check on each and every disabled officer at least monthly they did there time it seems like they deserve such. I’m just looking at it from my perspective but I’m just a citizen so maybe I’m wrong. Anyway I appreciate what you all do and hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday. THANK YOU
I have talked with Noel, and all I know is he needs help with therapy and co pays. John Ryan spoke with me and he said he would take care of the therapy and I would try to help with the copays and doctors visits. I gave John Ryan’s name to Aaron, John didn’t want his name out there for doing this. Myself and Brendan Hopkins came up with the idea of the Signal 13 Fund to help Noel. Brendan also is retired on a small disability retirement. Brendan talks with Noel several times a week to keep in touch with him as does another Deputy. This is not about an election or who is Sheriff and who has not helped. They need help and we want to see that they get the help they need. Noel, and Brendan did not have over 12 years of service so they have to pay all of their health insurance fees. So you can see after taxes and health insurance there is not a lot left to live on. I know I take a lot of heat on the Dagger for my stand, I would hope that everyone would put those differences aside and make a donation to our fund to help our two Brothers out. Remember guys, you are all one call away from being in this situation yourself. If you can help us in any way contact me on the Face Book page and as soon as the web site goes live I will ask Aaron to post that. Thanks.
Consider it done. Would be happy to make a donation.
He did not know he had the long term disability. This too has been taken care of and he has applied for it. His memory is bad and he forgets things. He is a proud man and has a positive attitude. He just needs some help. That is what donations are going to help him and others with.
Thank you. We appreciate it. Merry Christmas.
Marc Eaton for sheriff blahahahaaaahhaa.
The web site for the Signal 13 Fund just went live.
I have serious concern’s about this department and how it treats its people. I respect these few people that set this fund up. But where I work the union would grow a set and make sure this guys copays are taken care of and my department would find a place for me to finish my career. What is wrong with this department where is the union or the department that’s my question(s). I live here I don’t work here but be sure I’m watching this, I’m sorry your going through this but I stand behind you brothers. This is bad.
This is just another black eye for the HCSO. I agreed to keep the politics out of this post, but it’s extremely difficult to accomplish that.
To begin, despite what anyone may think regarding Mr. Eaton’s views and comments here, one must applaud and stand by him for the efforts shown to assist a fellow officer, in spite of the fact he is retired. Kudos Marc! BTW, I don’t agree with some of his views, comments…
What bothers me along with most is the treatment of the deputies. In all the years I have been involved with this department. Certain folks received certain treatment, favorable or unwarranted. Why is it that another SGT was granted ILD benefits while suffering a heart attack after shift, and it was related to his duty, (which it should have been) and this SGT who suffered a similar type of vascular accident while on duty is denied the same or equal consideration for health benefits and his recovery? Stress contributes greatly to CVA type events like this one.
Why aren’t we jumping up and down, making the citizens aware of this injustice by other means that this billboard? Where are the TV news investigators on this?
Why isn’t the Deputies Union all over this? OK maybe they’re timid to challenge the Sheriff or county, but come on, what’s the Deputy Benevolent Fund for? Wake up Union…. Sponsor a fund raiser for the guy….
And sorry, John Ryan has a hidden agenda with this. His integrity is nil as most are concerned.
Let’s all join together and help the ones who risk their lives to keep all of us safe.
Happy and Safe Holidays to all…
Today was a good day for the Signal 13 Fund. Politics are put aside and people are coming together to help Noel. Thank you very much to all of those who donated.
Wondering when if or if not each candidate for Sheriff is going to make a donation to this fund, also are they willing to put a link to this cause on there website? That would seem appropriate, I hope they all do it.
CVA’s, Strokes and the like are not part of the public safety heart/lung bill that was passed years ago to include heart attacks as line of duty incidents. One of the issues with CVA’s/strokes is that to be considered line of duty, there needs to be a catalyst. There was a Baltimore County officer who died several years ago of a stroke following his involvement in a tense barricade. The symptoms started during this, and as such this incident was deemed the catalyst for his stroke and as such was line of duty. Had Noel been involved in an incident and stroked out, different story.
On the issue of the union, folks need to understand that the union only exists at the discretion of the sheriff. If the sheriff decided to not entertain them anymore, they become nothing more than prepaid legal. It isn’t like other places that have FOP’s or contracts or collective bargaining. Basically, the department has to take what they are given which is why there is never any open outcry or politicking. To many of us, we feel like the kid at school who gets bullied for his lunch money and then sends Christmas cards to the bullies. To be blunt, we are tired.
As for the continual questions of dispatch……the Sheriff’s office doesn’t control dispatch unfortunately. In some cases there are dispatchers who want nothing to do with police and want to be in fire side, but they cross train for a promotion. The get on our channels and do as little as possible. Some refuse to run anything unless you ask, some can’t be bothered to stop texting to respond to pursuits. Yup, we’ve had foot pursuits where a dispatcher never answered up. The flip side though is that there are some of the best dispatchers in the world (my opinion) up there that I trust my life to. It’s a give and take though.
The Signal 13 Fund has hit $1,000.00 dollars. We have changed the mission statement and we are working toward helping others. Our goal is to provide assistance to Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS and our Dispatchers here in Harford County. Please check out the Face Book page @ and our web page at to see our new mission statement. If you have any questions you can contact one of us with your questions. Donations can be made by clicking on the donate link. Noel is doing well with his therapy and we haves someone who helps him with his bills and just keeps in touch with him. This person is not from the Union, no help has been offered by the Union. We have had donations from several members of the department though. If you want to donate I just want to let you know we post your name of the Face Book page to thank you for your donation. If you want your donation to be private just send me an email and let me know and it will be kept private. Any amount is appreciated from $5.00 dollars on up. I would hope that those who disagree with my stand on the Sheriff would put aside and work with us to help our Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters & EMS and our Dispatchers. Keep a watch on the web site for our upcoming events and fundraisers. Thanks and Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe new year.
We have hit 358 likes on our Face Book page. We have over $1,000.00 dollars in the pay pal account. We are in the process of getting the required paper work to become a non profit organization in order to have fund raisers and raffles. We also need this to open up a bank account. The response to our Fund has been great and we have been amazed at the responses from people willing to help us with our events. Charlie’s Angels from the Aberdeen Police Department and Jason Neidig from the FOP Lodge 128 have been very helpful guiding us in this. We appreciate Aaron Cahill for doing the follow up story on Noel and keeping in touch with us on this Fund. Mike McMillion and Don Welker have designed logos for our page. We are going to have decals made of these logos to sell and give out for donations. We are working on several events in 2014 in the way of a Bull Roast, Basket Bingo and doing a raffle for an IPad. Working on some other ideas as well. Take a look at our Face Book page and our Web Page for the changes we have made. Please like and pass our pages on to your friends and families to get the word out. Please like and send us an email with any questions that you might have. I would also ask that the people who stand up for their candidate no matter who they are donate to our Fund. In this cause there is no side to take but the side of our injured Hero’s. This is for our Hero’s still pounding the pavement and putting themselves in harms way. Thanks and have a Happy and a Safe New Year.