From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) issued the following statement on the passing of Nelson Mandela:
“I extend my deepest sympathies to his family, and the people of South Africa for this loss. But I know that his journey will continue, and justice will persevere.
“I join the world in mourning the passing of a visionary leader, Nelson Mandela. He was a tireless champion of justice and peace. His willingness to sacrifice his freedom for the freedom of others was an inspiration to so many – Senators and South Africans alike.
“Nelson Mandela may have fought for freedom in South Africa, but his moral courage brought hope to people all over the world. The world watched as he sought to vanquish the evils of apartheid, was held captive in Robben Island, and became the first black president of a democratic South Africa. Yet his unimaginable struggles accompany incredible achievements. For as Frederick Douglas said, ‘If there is no struggle, there is no progress.’
“As we celebrate the life of this incomparable man, we recommit ourselves to the cause of freedom and equality. We look ahead at the promise of a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. We have come a long way. Old obstacles have been demolished. The promise of equality and freedom remain within our grasp. But we have a long way to go, and cannot walk the path alone. As Nelson Mandela knew, there is no easy walk to freedom. But he knew we could do it together.”
InGodWeTrust says
Too bad Mikulski doesn’t recognize the fight for freedom in her own back yard. Too bad Mikulski doesn’t recognize that the ‘fight for equality’ being carried out by her and her ilk, is a fight to redistribute income, ie., steal from those who have, and give to those who don’t have…..which has nothing at all to do with equality. Too bad it is obviously acceptable to Mikulski to ruin the future of children and grandchildren, by destroying the best healthcare system in the world, in order to progress an evil agenda that is designed to control people’s lives, because in the sick and immoral minds of elitist Democrats, THEY think they know what is right for everyone else. In a word – it is EVIL. Too bad Mikulski has so lost her own soul, that she no longer even recognizes, or cares, when evil is standing right in front of her.
Karl Marx says
Senator Mikulski cares only about the revolution. You evil middle class counter revolutionary. You will be purged.
Mr. Moderate says
“Too bad” that IGWT uses the occasion of the death of one of the 20th century’s greatest leaders “for good” to rant against “the person” of someone whose heart-felt political beliefs he opposes.
Requiescat in pace, Mr. Mandela
Brianc says
Mandela eventually turned into a great leader. Don’t forget; however, he was directly responsible for many deaths when he lead the terrorist arm of the ANC.
Mr. Moderate says
I’m sure Thomas Jefferson, surely an advocate of small government but one who favored promotion of the general good, regretted the necessity that “…The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants….” Certainly the government of South Africa in the 1950s and 1960s that the ANC opposed constituted a tyranny.
The greatness of Mandela rests on the fact that upon his release in 1990 he rejected the further use of violence and pursued the policies of the Biblical “Prince of Peace.”
Brianc says
Mr. M. Since you agree with TJ on the “tree of liberty must be refreshed from time…….with the blood of patriots” Please tell me you support the 2nd amendment in its entirety.
BTW–I certainly do appreciate Mr Mandela’s attitude towards the people that locked him up after his release. I would have to research if he did follow Jesus’ footsteps later in his life though…
Mindless peons they are. says
They wont. If a non socialist said 1/20 of the things mandella did, or even talked about some of the atrocities mandella committed they would be labeled as terrorist.
Cdev says
So was George Washington Responsible for many deaths when he lead the Terrorist Army of the United States!
Hey Cdouche is back says
So can you please tell me what non government buildings that Washington Bombed? Can you please tell me which people Washington put oiled soaked tires around and burned alive? Can you please tell me? Because I can tell you several that Mandella did. Not only did Mandella refuse to renounce terrorism in his own words HE PLED GUILTY.
Cdev, please go fuck yourself.
Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. At his trial, he had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists. Here are some highlights
-Church Street West, Pretoria, on the 20 May 1983
-Amanzimtoti Shopping complex KZN, 23 December 1985
-Krugersdorp Magistrate’s Court, 17 March 1988
-Durban Pick ‘n Pay shopping complex, 1 September 1986
-Pretoria Sterland movie complex 16 April 1988 – limpet mine killed ANC terrorist M O Maponya instead
-Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court, 20 May 1987
-Roodepoort Standard Bank 3 June, 1988
Kharn says
The only mourning I will do is for the people of South Africa who will die during the civil war that will begin shortly. “Wait for Mandela to die” has been a common curse against whites in South Africa for years, and if you want to see where the country is headed, you need only look to Rhodesia.
Mandela can burn in hell.
Cdev says
How could Mamdella done any of the things you list if by all accounts he was in prison at the time !
Not saying he was a saint but without him South African blacks would still be suffering under apartheid that Reagan so approved of!
Cdev says
By the way my original point is that to the British, Washington was a Terrorist! There is no way to justify Aparthied, It was a codified Jim Crow system!!!!!
Slim Shite says
How could one person run the entire Tri state cocaine trade while sitting in a Baltimore prison? Opps
Cdev says
comparitively american prisions are much more relaxed!!!!!
ASK says
Reagan administration determined Mandela/ANC to be terrorists; Bush administration ended this embarrassment in 2008
“Mandela was imprisoned in 1964 after being arrested and charged with sabotage, specifically a campaign against the country’s power grid, and plotting to overthrow the government. No one was injured in the sabotage campaign.”
Brianc says
We can really find anything we want on the web.
ASK says
From your source:
“for all its flaws, Apartheid was a more benign system than what replaced it, and that the average South African was immeasurably better off under the hated white rule than they are under the alternative which black rule has created.”
South Africa Project – Post Office Box 282 – Converse, Louisiana 71419
Brianc says
Ok, not sure I understand your point. If apartheid was better, what was Mandela fighting against it for?
Kharn says
It is better to lead a failing state than be a nobody in a successful one.
Slim Shite says
To answer you question you only need look around the state of Maryland. Communists what to give to the Have nots, what the haves have.
Truth Is says
Black rule = Detroit. Any questions?
Five Iron says
Bush took him off 5 months before he left office. Not a big thing to brag about after leaving him there for 7-1/2 years. That being said, Clinton did nothing either. It is a failure of US Policy on both houses to keep Mandela on a terrorist list for that amount of time.
Slim Shite says
He really should still be in jail. Advocating the release for a militant murdering communist overthrowing a government, then bashing a “tea party type” for event mentioning a real “change” really proves that
1. Most people who say they are “open minded” and “tolerant” are only so to those who who agree with them.
2. Most of you only know your history from what you saw on TV.
Cdev says
He wasn’t advocating over throwing the government…simply doing away with the oppression of 75% of the country by 25% of it! Are you claiming apartheid was somehow OL?
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Mandela didn’t have clean hands when it came to violence and his history has been romanticized and sanitized.
South Africa is a very dangerous country today and makes some of our more crime an murder ridden cities in the US look safe by comparison.
Daddy Rabbit says
Common sense, you need to realize that trying to have an intelligent converstaion with Cdev is like wrestling with a pig. When it’s all over everybody is filthy and the pig had all the fun.
Cdev says
Never claimed he was a saint. But Aparthied would have had a much more violent ending without him. Also the Aparthied defenders need to be called out!
Common Sense says
@Daddy Rabbit –
It’s okay.
Cdev thinks I’m talking to him when I respond and I’m really talking to people who might listen and have an interest.
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Cdev writes – “But Aparthied [sic] would have had a much more violent ending without him.”
You have know way of knowing that. Apartheid was in decline from external world pressure and internal South African white & black pressures.
Cdev writes – “Also the Aparthied [sic] defenders need to be called out!”
No one is defending the practice of Apartheid. And if they do may a bolt of lightening strike them down.
Cdev says
Rarely does decline of that size happen so non-vilolently
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Cdev writes “Rarely does decline of that size happen so non-vilolently [sic]”
Really what would you call the decline of the Soviet Union and East Germany to name two?
Cdev says
Slavery in the United States, French Monarchy, India/Pakistan, Russian Monarchy, Jim Crow just to name a few off the top of my head! Those violent social changes!
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Again you wrote “Rarely does decline of that size happen so non-vilolently [sic]”
And I pointed it out two huge changes in the modern era and you dismiss the peaceful change and break-up of the Soviet Union & East Germany and the end of the Cold War
Are you kidding me?
Cdev says
Yes German reunification and the end of the cold war where two examples that fit in rarely but usually social change in a society does not occur peacefully with the previous regime keeping their heads. Usually it is pretty bloody!
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
The decline and fall of the Soviet Union & East Germany and averting a World War is a pretty good example, I agree.
So it’s not unprecedented that you can governmental change of power and political system in relative peace.
In fact commonly and most of the time in democratic countries changes in power happen at elections.
Cdevv says
Black is right and White is wrong! Lets play knock-out!
Cdev says
I never said unprecedented …I said rare! Btw I would say the two events are linked as part of the same. I will explain a little later. Also would the unoriginal poster stop!
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
I’ve grown tired of teaching you world history so I don’t want to talk about this topic any more.
COmmie Lover says
Then why did Mandella Plead guilty. Stop relying on MSNBC and Fox for your news.
F.L. says
Barbie, Hush. Fill out the retirement p/work and go quietly.
Marc A Eaton says
I wonder who writes this ding bats letters?
Karl Marx says
Commissar Mandingo was a revolutionary. He Was a glorious party member that helped end the middle class in South Africa. Commissar Mandingella should be praised for inventing a new way to punish the counter revolution. For those that don’t know, read your books, and look at the history of “Necklacing” Czar Mandella invited this tool.
B says
More pandering to the uninformed. This man was no MLK.
Because says
What do you bear in common with the Westboro Baptist Church? A willingness to express your Freedom of Speech regardless of how tasteless it is or who much of whack job you are willing to appear to others with more compassion and common sense.
I’m sure you would be first in line to accuse a rape victim of inviting her assault.
B says
As usual, an irrelevant reply from Because. Debate my point instead of attacking.
With three daughters, I would prefer to use Mandela’s necklace instead of accusing the victim.
Because says
You cannot conceal your hate, your bigotry or your ignorance.
Concerned Citizen says
Referring back to the original post, I do agree that Mikulski should concern herself with what is going on in her own backyard versus international grandstanding. On a large scale, she’s not that important. Given Mandela’s history, I have mixed feelings. In our own backyard, however, Mikulski could better spend her time working to help resolve the healthcare system debacle, our burgeoning national debt, and an assortment of social ills.
Arturro Nasney says
While I agree with the sentiment of CC’s comment, I feel the need to add a little something. Since Barbara is the assisting author of the health care, national debt and social ills problems, I would appreciate it a lot more if she would admit culpability and step aside in the hope that some one who is actually smart could step in and find solutions. The problem with our congress, every last one of them, is that they climb up into their ivory towers and feed from the gold lined troughs while creating huge problems. Why in the name of all that is holy would we now ask them to fix it?
Concerned Citizen says
Arturro, I absolutely agree with you. I will never get over the fact that Mikulski did very little to help all the people who worked at Bethlehem Steel and lost their pensions and health benefits after retirement. My father worked there for over 30 years and deserved better. It makes me sick to see some of these politicians build their careers on the backs of their citizens, with such meager help, while they (Mikulski) stays fat and happy feeding from “the golden lined trough.”
Because says
Wait a minute… which side are you on this time? Government intervention in the affairs of corporate America for the benefit of the little guy, or do you prefer Government enable Corporate America to set the playing field for open competition and the laws of supply and demand?
Concerned Citizen says
Your question is not worthy of a response.