From the Office of the State Fire Marshal:
Deputy State Fire Marshals have concluded their investigation into the cause for a fire in a first floor boy’s bathroom at Aberdeen High School located at 251 Paradise Road in Aberdeen, Maryland.
Investigators from the Office of the Office of State Fire Marshal were assisted by the School Resource Officer from the Aberdeen Police Department and Aberdeen High School administrators with revealing the responsible student for the 1:04 PM blaze.
Twenty-five firefighters with Aberdeen, Susquehanna and Aberdeen Proving Ground responded to the scene and controlled the remaining fire within five minutes. It was determined the fire sprinkler activated and contained the blaze to the bathroom but significant water damage occurred to nearby classrooms and computer labs causing approximately $10,000.00 in emergency water damage restoration and cleanup.
A sixteen (16) year-old male confessed to igniting a paper towel dispenser inside the bathroom causing the entire school of approximately 1,400 students to be evacuated. No injuries were reported during the incident and students were dismissed at the normal conclusion time of the day. He was charged with 1st and 2nd Degree Arson, 1st and 2nd Degree Malicious Burning, Reckless Endangerment, Malicious Destruction of Property over $500, Reckless Endangerment and Disrupting School Operations. He was released to the custody of his father pending actions by the Department of Juvenile Services.
Dumb punk….but 8 seperate charges (isn’t that overkill?)
And 25 firefighters from 3 different companies responding to a paper towel fire that was “controlled” by the sprinkler system (isn’t that overkill?)
And why would there be damage to nearby classrooms and computer labs, when fire sprinklers are designed to activate individually, only above the immediate fire area, thereby containing the water damage to the same? (something must have been faulty in the design of the sprinkler system) 🙁
You have no idea how many charges the DA will Stet or Nolle Pro Sequi. Law Enforcement literally has to throw the book at them to get even one conviction because of the “Catch and Release” mentality in the legal system. A recent trial I participated in had a total of seven charges for two different cases. Two were Nolle Pro Sequi, four were Stet, and the one was plead guilty to, resulting in a 15 day sentence out of a possible 18 month maximum with a 12 month probation.
We could have used the new helicopter for air support. Im sure the fire department could have gotten update on traffic patterns. In all seriousness, it is a lot easier to have too many responders there then not enough. This student was not trying to sell girl scout cookies. He was starting a fire and it is better to have more needed help then not enough. The state charges for the worst because the judicial system seems to think juveniles are wayward kids that need to be home with their family and not in jail. I, for one, think that this individual should be charged as an adult. There were innocent kids and adults in the school. He knew what he was doing.
In Maryland charges dont merge until sentencing. So when you charge someone initially you charge them with each individual crime even lesser included offenses. When you go to sentencing then the charges merge.
When sprinklers activate, hundreds of gallons of water are released and floods the entire area with water. That is why rooms surrounding and/or below were damaged.
When the automatic fire alarm is activated in a school and the fire department receives the alarm they respond to the worst case scenerio, thus the 25 fire fighters from the three companies. For example if a student would pull the alarm at any of the new buildings that are connected to the fire dept. they would respond in force.