From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Meeting Reminder
Wednesday December 04, 2013 – 7:00pm
* Aberdeen Holiday Inn*
1007 Beards Hill Rd
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Our speaker for the December 4 program of the NHDC will be a representative from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. The topic will cover the new State Stormwater Management law and what affected counties are doing to move forward- or backward – on implementation. The topic is very timely as the Harford County Council recently tried to rescind any action to implement.
Please remember to fertilize your lawn next spring.
Because nothing says love for Maryland more than polluting the Bay.
Don’t forget to take a short drive into our neighboring state to get the good fertilizer.
PROUD TO BE LIBERAL understands that social good cannot be achieved without drastic intrusive government intervention. Even if we are wrong about storm water management the social good is served and the impact on a rich farmers and landowners is acceptable.
Upton Sinclair understands that for-profit companies are the best way to protect citizens from predatory and dangerous practices that corporations routinely inflict upon us. As long as billionaires make a profit the impact on normal Americans is acceptable.
Nothing says love for Maryland more then spending others hard earned dollars on stupid shit.
Another government money grab. Carroll Co. said they would meet the rain tax laws without needing the rain tax but Md socialists ( elected democrats) said that was not good enough. You must raise taxes you conservative fools they said.
Brianc: You don’t consider the pollution, using workers like robots, the cheating and payola, that many corporations engage in. You think small business owners are in the same league as Wal-Mart or GE?
GE who paid zero in taxes while making billions in profits and even managed to get millions in tax refunds. According to the New York Times story, GE reported U.S. profits of $5.1 billion in 2010 (and $14.2 billion worldwide). “Its American tax bill?” asked the Times. “None. In fact, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.” The company accomplished this, the story said, due to “an aggressive strategy that mixes fierce lobbying for tax breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its profits offshore.”
ExxonMobil and Shell earned $9.6 billion and $6.1 billion respectively, bringing their total 2012 profits to $35 billion for Exxon and $18.9 billion for Shell. Exxon received an estimated $600 million in annual tax breaks. It paid just a 13 percent federal tax rate.
Apple has saved over $74 billion dollars in American corporate taxes since it started moving assets to Irish shell corporations that consist of little more than an address and paperwork a few decades ago.
In 1952, 32% of all the revenue generated in the US came from large corporations; today, less that 10% of federal revenue comes from corporate America. Who makes up this deficiency? You do sucker.
I appreciate the dividends Exxon-mobil pays to it’s owners…
Of course you do. Profits are the only thing in life.
PTBL, I researched your facts and see that you cut an paste from thinkprogress. org . If you read further into that document you would see that they had 9.2 billion in the 3rd quarter toward capital and exploration expenditures. That means other companies and people got that money, ie jobs!!!!!!!!!!!….. They also returned 7.6 billion to shareholders, that means people got that money , ie income for people, retirement plans contributed too. However, these people get that money by working. Unlike what they have to do to get it from the Government(vote liberal). You accuse everyone else of just spewing conservative news outlet propaganda–yet you do the same exact thing; just from the other side.
back to work for me.
GE Makes millions and pays no taxes because its CEO works the the Obama Administration.
Here’s another guide of “Taxbreak” big business gets: Or is this kind ok?
WASHINGTON, Dec 9 (Reuters) – The U.S. government sold its last shares in General Motors Co on Monday, leaving taxpayers saddled with a total shortfall of about $10 billion on the automaker’s 2009 bailout.
“With the final sale of GM stock, this important chapter in our nation’s history is now closed,” Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said.
Liberals are the lowest form of life on earth
Insults are the last refuge of the out-argued.
And social programs like obama care and these nonsense taxes will end the middle class! You and your socialist friends are disgusting
Money Tree you are a victim of the tea party propaganda machine. Today, the top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90% of Americans combined. Today, the top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90% of Americans combined yet they only pay 30% of the total taxes. That means that the 99% pays 70% of the taxes. If they own 90% of the wealth, then they should pay 90% of the taxes instead of you picking up their share (unless you are a billionaire too.) The whole strategy of the GOP/Tea Party is the massive transfer of wealth from the middleclass to the wealthy. And the saddest part of this is that the tea party voter is abetting this and don’t even realize it.
I believe that the legitimate role of government is to value principle above popularity and to work for the advancement of all citizens: to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens and to secure their life, liberty, and property; compel each one who enjoys the protection of government to bear his fair share of the burden of performing the above functions; to establish a monetary system and a standard of weights and measures; to protect us from the voracious, unscrupulous big corporations that would harm, if not kill, consumers through unsafe and dangerous practices to gain higher profits for a tiny, yet powerful, handful of billionaires who use social issues, such as women’s health choices or gun regulation, to manipulate voters who are ignorant of the consequences of elections; to provide a social safety net to less fortunate citizens to allow them to realize the American dream; to maintain order and provide services to the American people for a better and safer life such as national security and safety, infrastructure and education; as the repository of laws and the courts to assure equal rights for all of its citizens; to protect the environment and a sustainable water supply.
PTBL, you say “If they own 90% of the wealth, then they should pay 90% of the taxes instead of you picking up their share (unless you are a billionaire too.) ”
That is so lame. So you take income as the only factor in determining taxes?? Again Lame. Don’t you consider factors like the risk, the investment, the struggle, the hard work, the lost sleep, the jobs created that many business owners like me have in the everyday course of our lives. Obviously you have never signed the front of a paycheck. When you do, please let us know and we will take your opinions with more than a grain of salt. In your own words, You are a victim of the liberal propaganda machine.
Off to work I go..
The end of the bourgeoisie (middle class) has been our goal from the start. You don’t deserve your money, the people do.
@Proud to like wiener and The Money Tree –
I disagree that liberal/progressives are lowest form of life. They believe in statism and intensive government economic & social intervention and are wrong. And conservatives have to win elections with better ideas and solutions.
@Proud to be Liberal –
You have made many vulgar and vial statements about conservatives and tea party people and are in no position to lecture anyone.
Common Sense: I have never used a term to describe the tea party that they themselves have coined. Is my fault that they are so ignorant as to not know that THEIR term “tea bag” has other meanings? As soon as conservatives go back to their party, the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Robert La Follette, Sr., and begin to work for the average American instead of billionaire corporations that send their jobs overseas and destroy the country for profit, they will be elected. Meanwhile 2016 will see the end of the tea party.
Proud to be Liberal –
You own the vial things you’ve written and have no moral high ground to perch yourself on.
Rich liberal/progressive/Democrats who own corporations manufacture overseas and legally shield their foreign profits in low tax countries. So it’s not a partisan thing it’s an economic thing. And if these wealthy liberal/progressive/Democrat tycoons didn’t seek efficient, cost-effective manufacturing and supply chain solutions they’d go out-of-business.
BTW I find it hilarious that “Upton Sinclair” is not familiar with “The Jungle” which was the reason we have government protections from predatory corporations in the first place. He really ought to read it.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
Oh, so you are gay? Peter puffing plunker.
I want to suck you cock.
This was not posted by me.
I meant everyone’s cock because I am an asshole.
“proud to be liberal” and “upton sinclair”: when immature, clueless, wanna-be-intellectuals start arguing….. one can usually expect it to reduce itself to the classless idiocy that we had to read above. you should both just shut up and go learn more about the world.
I’ll come clean, it is me that is posting all this talk about sucking cock. I do this because I do not have an argument.
Proud to be Liberal, Upton Sinclair and Common Sense don’t espouse my views however once again I have serious doubts the owners of the original names are responsible for being gross and profane because they’ve never been profane here before. I think the same 5 year old, perverted basement dweller that gets his jollies trying to create negative impressions of posters by acting like a jerk using their names is once again active and awake. Perhaps sobered up enough to type or has forgotten to take his/her meds. Really wish the site owners here would disallow or disarm the Dagger from having multiple people w/ different email contact addresses, clearly not the same as other and able to use the same name. It’s an unfortunate necessity when people can’t seem to behave like adults or do the right thing without need for being blocked.
I did not use any of the names above! Only yours… (see the … gives me away) but Proud to be Liberal is a total Dbag along with all the other social parasites (liberals)
Seek help. No normal person has this sort of obsession over comments on a blog.
I agree, trolling on the dagger shouldn’t be so comical!
Who wants to take me from behind?
I do.
Common Sense: This is not the forum to work through your sexual hang-ups. I am certain you are a church going man and a paragon of virtue in that venue. However, going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
Posting your school boy antics under my name may make you think you are cool, but you are very sick.