The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is set to announce the formation of an Aviation Unit and the acquisition of its first helicopter unit next week.
The announcement will come at a news conference Tuesday at the Forest Hill Airpark, Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Cristie Kahler said.
According to a flyer sent out by the Sheriff’s Office, the agency has acquired a Bell OH-58 helicopter, more commonly known as a Kiowa, a light observation helicopter in use by the Army since the late 1960s. It was unclear what variant of the OH-58 the helicopter was, its date of manufacture or purchase price; Kahler declined to provide additional details ahead of Tuesday’s event. Bell also manufactures a civilian variant, the Bell 206A JetRanger, which has seen wide commercial and law enforcement use.
“The addition of this helicopter serves as a new resource available to all Harford County law enforcement, and public safety agencies, in an effort to better serve and protect the citizens of Harford County,” the flyer stated in part. “We are excited to add this new dimension of law enforcement capabilities to our resources.”
This is sweet, NOT. It’s a waste of money It’s a waste of resources but heck to be a pilot or spotter would be sweet. This program is a burden for the next Sheriff and who the #ell talked the Sheriff into this is he nuts. After the grant runs out it will cost him 2+ million a year. That’s sad and I hope the public sees that. Eagle 1 is a failure Sheriff Bane
What “new dimension” is it that Bane is adding to Harford County Law Enforcement? Seems to me that the State Police program already had us well covered. The only new dimension will be budget and personnel committed to Bane’s new dementia program.
Wasted resources.
He can’t make it happen on the ground so now he is taking to the air. What a mistake. Truly misguided. The traditional intelligence directed crime fight is where Sheriff Bane should focus. All fluff. He has not been a good steward of the public trust and now of the taxpayers money. When the free parts run out from partners up north then what. Just a start!
What a complete waste of money The dept can’t even get a raise. When the grant runs out who is gonna fund it then, Baltimore county is a blink of an eye away , what about Msp. Bane you don’t have a clue all you are doing is creating jobs for some of your other buddies. Another specialized unit that will sit at the air park and do nothing. On an typical day how often does the Duty officer call dispatch for aviation? Is first vehicle gonna service your helicopter?
Too bad Bane didn’t put some of this money toward something useful like paying for Sgt. Raufaste’s therapy co-pays. Shameful and ugly.
I’m looking forward to the Press Conference. It will be interesting to see where to money came from for the “chopper.”
BBC, take it elsewhere….. If the Sgt. had an OTJ injury, you would have a case, but he was injured due to sudden illness. He had a stroke…
He can’t remember the names of the people he worked with, or if he can, he can’t orally communicate them. . What if he can’t remember your street name. He is not fit for duty. Why should the taxpayers eat the costs of the medical expenses indefinitely?
You sir are shameful, ugly, and a forum (blog) troll. Take your failed rhetoric to a the original thread about Sgt. Raufaste.
Well then “Open Head(minded)” shouldn’t he get an on duty retirement or is that against what you think.
If he has years of service in his pension yes, though, I don’t think he does. No he should not get a monthly pension check. he should get a lump sum of his contributions plus interest. He is probably on SSI. He wasn’t shot, or injured in a vehicle accident. His ailment is not an on the job injury. Heart related illness is specifically outlined in LEOBR. If the clot had made it to his heart, he would be, but it didn’t, so it’s not.
I know this makes me sound like a “Dick”, but the facts are the facts, I don’t make up the rules, or laws.
So because he wasn’t shot but had a stroke on duty makes a difference. People are stupid sleep well during thanksgiving weekend knowing that if you need help when your sucking your turkey down, the pie is down, you ate your stuffing a deputy will be there #ss. Sleep well
You are correct Benny, A Deputy will be there, though the deputy prefers to chew his turkey, I’ll leave the sucking to you.
Benny, I clearly communicated that my previous was going to make me appear dickish, however, it’s the facts. Calling me an ass really missed the mark. If i could change things with the swipe of my magic pen, I would. I feel bad for the Sgt. but the folks at LEOPS probably don’t care that much.
I think that we should all remain hopeful that his illness can be linked to a OJT injury. I hope and pray that it does, however, in the interim, I am not going to skirt around the facts.
Open Minded, seems you are anything but that. Sorry your mouth , or should I say keyboard enganes before your challenged brain. Where did you go to medical school? Seems to me that a stroke may be brought on by hypertension and other heart and stress related factors. Example the Sgt who passed from a heart attack caused by stress from a funeral? Heck, he even got an OTJ burial…..
Come on man, get real….
Open Minded: You are anything but open minded. The agency left the guy in a parking lot for 3 hours without questioning where he was, even though the technology to locate him is in place. Perhaps if Bane paid more attention to “policy” than helicopters, Sgt. Raufaste wouldn’t be in the situation that he is now. And I’m glad to know that you’d rather put the taxpayers money into a broken down piece of equipment that will only be used to promote Bane’s reelection campaign, than to help defray the cost of Sgt. Raufaste’s therapy. I didn’t say he should come back to work, stop putting words in my mouth. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner, don’t choke on your turkey and if you do, don’t call 911, call the aviation unit.
BBC what other company or agency would continue to pay for a person that is unable to perform their duties?
Aaron Cahall reported the following:
“Though he returned to light clerical work and office duties for several months, a medical evaluation earlier this summer found Raufaste was not capable of fulfilling the duties of a law enforcement officer. He had little choice but to accept disability retirement at a state-determined 40 percent of his previous pay.”
So for over a year, several months longer than the HCSO had to (according to the article), they kept him in his classification, but he didn’t have the capacity to do the job?
The Sgt. took a disability retirement, and now has obmacaid. Can the State Police enact policy that the HCSO must adhere to any more than the HCSO can enact policies that Communications must adhere to? I don’t think they can, they are all separate agencies.
It would be nice if he were hired back to continue the clerical work, that he was able to do, when a position becomes available.
Aaron Cahall, clearly I was a party in hijacking this article blog……Sorry
I do need to remind everyone to please keep the comments on-topic.
However, please feel free to continue the conversation about the Sgt. over on the original story:
Sheriff Bane never intended on putting this money towards Sgt Raufaste’s recovery fund or to assist any other deputy that Is in need. My question is this year will Sheriff Bane hand out Christmas presents to his deputies families that work three jobs or are they exempt? Merry Christmas Sheriff Do your toy drive while half of your department lives off food stamps and the other half’s Christmas is made to be nothing, its a good feeling. Join in make a press conference about that but instead enjoy your helicopter ride I am sure it will help you get to LEEDS training in Ocean City, MD quickly.
Food Stamps? ROTFLMFAO….. Benny what are you smoking? Those guys work extra jobs, and overtime, because they like what they do, and they like the money. If a deputy and his family are in over their head then maybe they should take a cold hard look at their lifestyle and then trim the fat.
Come on Benny, Continue to entertain us.
No they work them because they have to, they miss there kids soccer, football, and field hockey games. Yeah food stamps the below average deputy household of 4 is eligible for food stamps so as you said it because it seems to funny to you and that makes me sick “ROTFLMFAO” real funny now
Where are these deputies on food stamps living? Are they living beyond their means? I would think so, though no doubt there probably are some on government assisted living. There are slime balls in all walks of life, and in every career field.
My parents worked two jobs, whats the problem? If you work hard, you can play hard. Whats next? There kids are starving and they have holes in there shoes? Be real Benny, step away from the KoolAid…
So I respected you but now I read your comments about people needing help. Happy Thanksgiving
Where are these deputies on food stamps living? Are they living beyond their means, Lots of toys with a huge house to put them in? I would think so, though no doubt there probably are some on government assisted living. There are slime balls in all walks of life, and in every career field.
My parents worked two jobs, whats the problem? Whats next? There kids are starving and they have holes in there shoes? At one time in my life I had three jobs, was it because I was on the brink of poverty……no, I was just motivated.
Uncle Benny, you are a crock. I doubt there are any deputies on food stamps. If there are, they need help in budgeting and spending their money. Get off your high horse.
What a bunch of whiners. If a deputy doesn’t like the job and pay scale then do something else. Seems like these cops thrive with 2nd and 3rd jobs. They have more time then they know what to do with. Food stamps my ass.
Are the taxpayers really ready to let a 1960’s era bell jet in flight. Is someone in the Sheriff’s Office smoking crack, or are you stuck up an #ss crack. Do you know how much this will cost? This is crazy.
The OH-58 was manufactured until the late-1980s, with numerous upgrades available for avionics and power train. Properly maintained and within the approved lifespan of the airframe, it is perfectly safe.
You’d be very surprised at the age of the aircraft in the sky every day.
You are correct. If properly maintained it is safe. However, the cost to maintain a much older aircraft is very expensive and the aircraft down time for hard to find and limited available parts is often extensive. This is why most public safety organizations that have aviation assets keep more modern aircraft. The asset is of no value if the aircraft is grounded awaiting parts. It would be interesting to know if another public safety organization gave up this aircraft to acquire a more modern reliable aircraft.
The most appropriate two words used to describe maintaining an aviation unit would be: Big Bucks. These costs are on going and get more expensive as time goes by. It’s why you can often get these aircraft for free… they cost big bucks to keep them flying.
Mike, you know I am a supporter of Bane, but I agree with you on this issue. Also, the problem with a grant is that it leaves the grantee holding the bag when the grant expires. This is why almost all governments are in financial difficulties and continue to expand,
Amazingly many folks think that if the money comes from a grant or from resources generated by the federal government or drug confiscations that it is somehow ‘free’ money. It is never free money.
If you need an OH-58 part, call Bell Helicopter and order it, they’ll either ship you an identical part, or the updated replacement part. The OH-58 will be in the Army’s inventory until 2036, and they have over a thousand aircraft so there is no danger of Bell stopping production or parts shortages.
Do you think the aviation unit will be running the same helicopter for the next 23 years?
Even many of the department folks don’t support this move. Why:
– deputies can’t attend training because of “budgets” but command staff can travel the country on speaking engagements
-deputies are wearing stained, torn and otherwise ill-fitting uniforms and supervisors refuse to order new ones because of “budgets”
– some deputies are purchasing safety equipment out of pocket ( body armor, etc) because the agency reuses to believe their hand picked vendors could make a mistake
– deputies can’t get a k9 when needed and often have to call one out from home (missing persons, etc)
It’s not a bad idea, but there is so much more that could and should be done first before even thinking of this endeavor.
Strange that over 80% of the deputies on a survey with over 200 responses supported the implementation of an air unit…. It is just the same grumpy old dudes that try and bring the place down with constant negativity that are complaining. Sad… Retire… Do the people who enjoy working and doing their job a favor and just go complain in a closet somehwere.
Interesting. I heard just the opposite. The results were overwhelmingly against the formation of such a unit. Would the HCSO be willing to publish the names of Deputies who responded in support of forming an aviation unit?
It was a deputies union online survey that received over 200 responses. Total assumption on my part but you must be getting the opposite information from Marc a. Eaton, king of all he isn’t even around.
Sorry to disappoint you, but my information does not come from Mr. Eaton. Regardless of how the Deputies feel about establishing this unit, Sheriff Bane is moving forward with doing so.
Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep looking for your posts.
When was this online survey? I am a Union Member and I never saw such a survey.
p diddy, where is this survey you posted about. I can not find it on the web site and so far no one has responded from the Union with any answers about this survey. Can you tell me where to find this information at?
There was a survey sent out to all union members and from what I heard it ended up being in favor of the aviation unit. I have no idea how many responses there were or if it really was “overwhelmingly” in favor of it or not.
There was pretty limited information provided about the proposal and if I recall correctly the information provided basically extolled all the benefits of acquiring the helicopters from MCPD and none of the drawbacks including where the funding to actually maintain, staff, or fly it would come from. Since then significantly more information has become available and I know very few people who are still in favor of it. It’s more of a running joke now than anything else.
It’s pretty easy to send out a 2 question survey over email, provide limited and one sided information on the website, and get a positive response. I’d bet all the steps that I should’ve gotten and haven’t that if the same survey was sent out today that the response would be overwhelmingly negative, not that it matters now since the helicopters are already here.
Interesting that Bane took the time to survey the deputies, but gave the public no opportunity to weigh in on a decision that will cost us tax dollars. Typical spend-a-crat. Spending your hard earned dollars for his unnecessary and wasteful glory.
P Diddy just a question are you trying out for 80 proof or riding in the parade with a certain major. Either way keep up the great work. When did the deputies agree to support this? I would say 90% of the deputies feel blackballed and that Sheriff Bane cares more about his Air Unit then his deputies. Have a great Thanksgiving I look forward to your anticipated response.
@babymama…. ur mom is staring in the next 80 proof video, not me. and for the two majors, would not piss on one of them if they were on fire! might chuckle a little tho.
Have you seen the size of some of these deputies, talk about super sized. They need some weight training before that helicopter is going to lift their fat asses of the ground!
Lets stick to the facts. First this helicopter is strictly being done for a political reason. Bane knows he is behind in the election and needs something to get him ahead of Gahler. Lets hope it backfires. Next, research this helicopter and find out what it can be used for. Almost nothing except for flying (maybe). Only carries 2 pilots. Who is going to fly it? (meaning taking more deputies off the street) Can never be used for rescue purposes. Absolutely nothing in life is free. It will cost between $700 to $800 for each hour it is in service. So maybe it was donated by the Federal government – how much did it cost to retrofit? Go back and read a complete study that was conducted by the state of NC? (Did HCSO conduct a study of this type and how can we get a copy). NC found that the Bell OH 58 was not cost effective because of its limitations. I know Harford co. is self insured but think about he liability. What is going to be the life cycle cost of this helicopter. Harford Co – be prepared – if Bane gets back in, in 5 years he will be trying to replace this antiquated helicopter with a new Bell (Tax payers – 15 to 20 million). It is time that this state shared resources of this type instead of every county and every municipality trying to replicate resources (i.e. Muncipal Swat Team). Harford county – if you allow this helicopter to go through – getting ready to pay through the teeth. How about more Correctional officers so that new facility can be opened.
I believe that the state and other jurisdictions already share their assets. My understanding is that Baltimore City, State Police etc., already respond when requested for air support.
Would you want your neighbor borrowing your lawn mower every week and not paying you for fuel or maintenance? I highly doubt it, and I am sure that Baltimore Co. tax payers don’t want to fund our use of their helicopters because its more cost effective for us. MSP’s air units primary mission isnt law enforcement use, its medical rescue. Harford Co. isn’t the small po dunk place your grandparents grandparents grew up in and you need to keep up with the times and problems that there are.
Marc, the survey was taken at least a year ago before the union allowed you back in. I assure you that just because you cannot find it doesnt mean it didn’t occurred. The results are typically only available from their surceys to review for a week or two.
Diddy: To answer your question, no I wouldn’t want my neighbor to borrow my lawnmower under the terms you described. But to continue using your analogy, the neighbor wouldn’t be borrowing it every week, maybe 3 times a year in which case there would be no problem. But my neighbor doesn’t have much of a yard, so why would he need to buy a lawnmower in the first place? The answer of course, is that he wouldn’t. Put patrol deputies on the street and correctional officers into the Detention Center with the money and quit rewarding your political contributors with prime jobs, Sheriff Bane.
Okay, show me the survey. I am on my second year of membership. Show me the survey please. I am starting to wonder if such a survey was done. If it had been I am sure you would have posted it or told me how to find it. If I find this “survey” I will be glad to post it. Your answer to me is how a politician would answer the question, or avoid the question.
I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.
Have you seen these fat bastards? We are going to need a bigger copter!!
If no study was done I am sure one is being worked on by now with a post date of your post on it. Bane loves his numbers.
Marc was it an HCSO driven poll to the Deputies, or a DSU poll to the members? It sounds like the later. What does a membership poll prove to the 25 folks who read and post on the dagger? Just curious, not trying to stir the poo.
Are you going to be at the press conference?
Have a job interview at 12 noon, but I would love to watch this one.
Which way did he go?
No poll was done. That is a crock of crap from P diddy/ monster/ future pilot. If a poll was completed maybe I missed it because I was handling calls for service, but then again I am required to checked my email once every four days, so no poll was completed. I am sure that the sheriff will sugar coat this unit on Tuesday. Make it look like the greatest thing since sliced bread and have a line of commanders and fake Lt’s/Dfc’s in flight suits who could care less about anyone but themselves. Hail to eagle 1 the worst mistake maybe in the entire history of the agency.
I feel your pain, and understand your frustration, but what if this project turns out not being as financial burdensome as everyone is saying?
I think is too early to say if this is a bad decision made by the boss and his admin. Obviously time will tell. Realistically, the Sheriff has 6 months to make it work, and then it’s primary’s, sell it’s usefulness to the county, and in 11 moths the general election.
King Looie, I understand John Ryan is a pilot. Will he be flying the helicopter if elected?
@king looie Katz- I agree but someone will have to pay for this nothing is for free. I do think its a bad decision and respectfully I do so because all units are understaffed yet an aviation unit is formed. I really do respect your lack of hostility. I have not seen a raise in 6 years but money is there for an aviation unit. Its nothing personal to you but even if money becomes available to fund raises it’s gone because of this unit and that is reality at some point this unit will be self funded through HCSO, a unit that just isn’t fiscally necessary. But thanks for being decent
I have no reason to be hostile with anyone and their opinions. I am in your same, or in a similar boat.
Let me ask you to draw a comparison though. The state has a SWAT / HNT team. We have a SRT / CNT / team, and not to leave the DC out CRT. While we could call in the state for our hostage / barricades, or to assist the apprehension unit with high risk details; We have instead developed a group of highly trained Deputies who serve in these positions as a secondary duty. Is it not feasible for the aviation unit to act in the same capacity?
I haven’t taken a firm stance in either direction yet, because I want to hear from car 1’s mouth, the total costs, and the total benefits. I don’t know what dollar sign to put on a human life, or on our brothers and sisters? If my child was lost in the woods, or in the woods and injured, I would want every available resource on the hunt. Does this justify the costs of the unit? How many hostage / barricades do we get in the average year? Not many, but we have Johnny-5, a TRV, and a CNT truck and about 30 deputies assigned to those units as a secondary assignment. We seem to have no problem justifying these units, but we are familiar with them.
What about illuminating an armed suspect while deputies on foot attempt to apprehend? There are definitely some pros to the idea of having a unit but I also understand the cons.
From a political perspective, does this give the HCSO a bargaining chip when negotiating for more positions and funding step increases? The level of service, other than medical emergency will have drastically increased to the citizens of Harford County (or the perception).
When I sit around and think about stuff like this, this is the kind of sh*t that comes to mind. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and know that I respect everyone’s opinion, I just ask the same in return.
The formation of an aviation unit should be examined on the basis of need. If this asset is the most needed top priority for the HCSO, then Sheriff Bane will have made the right decision. However, if the cost of maintaining this unit vs the need and value of its use could be better used elsewhere in the HCSO then he will have to answer his critics with valid data and not anecdotal occurrences of use that politicians often deploy.
My guess would be that the Sheriff is going to tell us that the start up costs and probably first year operating costs will be ‘free’ to the county taxpayer. They try and leave you with the thought that it is free money. It is never free money, someone is always paying.
I understand that these aircraft were obtained from the Montgomery County Police Department. We should be asking why they chose to get rid of them.
Maybe the announcement should be reconsidered:
Support your local police and keep them independent.
What a waste of my tax money. What planet does Bane live on?
Eaton you are an idiot, the cost to maintain and fly is less then what you are saying. How does a security guard ( former corrections officer) know what the cost of maintining and flying a helo in the first place? I think it is a great idea for the helo, Harford county uses other agency’s helo’s all the time and this is going to be the best assest for them and the county. I hate that people are complaining about tax money, well its better to go here then to Obama. I bet the people crying about tax money are the same ones that are collecting Odumbo care and live off of the state.
Sorry Deputy Not corrections officer
Is the public allowed to attend this event and ask questions. I called the northern precinct and was given a phone number to call the public info coordinator in the morning, I called the southern precinct and the guy was nice and said he thinks yes. I’m running out of time but would love to be there to ask how this is fiscally proper. Once again I get the run around and I am willing to take off of work but can’t get a straight answer. So if the public isn’t allowed and the press release wasn’t made clear when will the sheriff allow the public to have input? This is crazy
From what I am hearing, there will only be 5 questions asked. These questions will be asked by “plants” in the audience. Of course, the questions will be such that they will make Bane look like the almighty god that he thinks he is. Sham.
How about an update on how the aviation unit is doing Sheriff Bane? I heard that recently it was to be used to help with a burglary investigation and they couldn’t get it off the ground and Baltimore County had to be called in. It’s been several months–time for some numbers.