From Harford County government:
Harford County Department of Public Works crews discovered a pipeline break on a major sewage main on Friday, November 22. Water and Sewer crews with support from a local heavy construction contractor worked through the night and this morning to repair the 30 inch concrete pipe.
The break resulted in spillage of sewage into Bush Creek in Harford County. The estimated volume is unknown at this time. Crews hope to have a temporary repair completed on Saturday to stop the sewage overflow. Workers hope to have a permanent repair made by next weekend depending on the delivery of the pipe transition that is necessary.
The Maryland Department of Environment and the Harford County Health Department have been notified. The break was caused by tree roots that grew into the pipe through a joint. Over time the roots grew culminating into a break.
Please contact Dick Rex, Chief of Water and Sewer Maintenance, at 410-612-1612 for further information.
No doubt somewhere uphill from the pumping station on pamela dr 21009 (google it) they just replaced a bunch of the line in that area and tree roots caused the problem? This has probably been leaking for some time.
Pure nastyness.
Last week it was an 800,000 spill in the gunpowder this week the Bush. Anyone who still eats a crab or fish that may have ever touched the waters of the chesapeake bay should have their head examined. Our own little poop filled ganges river, it’s no wonder the cancer rate is so high surronding the bay.
You may want to have your heard examined, how do you get cancer from a crab that may have eaten a turd? Please list anecdotal evidence.
Comparing that, to say, a company +50 years ago who dumped waste oil and chemicals in the river is totally different.
You are right the only thing in raw sewage is a couple a turds absolutely no chemicals in that stuff.
I see there was also a comparable leak on the patapsco last week, That green stuff in the local oysters should be good and ripe by thanksgiving stuffing time. Enjoy.
You should look up what the Bush Valley declaration is. Half of the are is a toxic waste dump. Its been there for years, and isnt goin away. A few turds will just give your crabs a nice roasted corn flavor. The PCBs have been there since the 50’s. Perhaps CDEV should go out with a straw and suck some up.
Well its directly into Bush River in Abingdon. Millions of gallons and still overflowing but since it started late Friday night MDE or health dept was notified of the great extent of the spill, as evidenced by the lack of news. Looks like a bumbled report or incompetence or a cover-up for the “future” governor? A force main comes directly from their Bush Creek sewage pump station and that sewage is metered down to the gallon on a daily basis. Rex knows that. Neighbor of mine worked on that station and is really disgusted. They would have to shut that station down while fully repairing its discharge pipe and it pumps MILLIONS of gallons a day-the only choice is BUSH RIVER!.
More comments from the peanut gallery, the internet. Only on the internet does one keep hitting the reply button more and more to “win” even when they have no clue other than what they think they know because their cousin’s neighbors college roommate told them so.
Peeps like my man Jack only focus on one issue, he hates the Bush River, laughs at every boat with a fishing rod only to cut into that juicy year old frozen tilapia that was pulled from some other “toxic river.”
Of course, he’ll reply to me, hey buddy, you win no matter what, I’m wrong, and you’re right. I’ll save you the trouble.
People always get higher than the other. You can have a brick wall built, and notice it’s crooked and complain. The guy will say “I’ve been brick laying for 25 years and you don’t know what you’re talking about”
What the person doesnt know that his farm raised tilapia are fed shit from waste water streams. Enjoy you shit
“Yeah”, go shite on your mommas carpet.
Well at least Im not eating it. So chicken shit, keep eating your chicken shit–tilapia-raised-on-feces-hits-us-tables