Harford Campaign for Liberty
November 26, 2013, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Knight of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Dive, Forest Hill, MD. 21050
Harford Campaign for Liberty invites all our friends and fellow patriots to join us for the last meeting of 2013. We’ll be closing out the year with the second installment of Ira Crowe’s series on how to “Identify and Detoxify Political Spin.”
Also on the Agenda:
–What’s ahead for the GOP?
–Information on Maryland Legislative Watch: Don’t get caught with your pants down!!!
We are blessed so that we may bless others. Please bring a canned good or other nonperishable item for The Sharing Table.
Free Admission – Cash Bar Available
” Don’t get caught with your pants down!!!”
At the Knight of Columbus Hall?
Dear Disgusted, I’m not sure what you mean. Can you be specific about you disgust and animated reaction to this announcement.
“Also on the agenda: What’s ahead for the GOP?”
S.S.D.D. (being stuck in the past and losing national elections, even when the congressional districts have been gerrymandered to the max to benefit the dwindling minority of voters that that still identify themselves as Republicans!) Those of you that don’t agree, get your heads out of the FOX hole and pay attention to what’s trending across America. Then again, there are still folks that believe that the earth is flat……… 🙁