From Harford Family House:
Aberdeen, Maryland, November 5th 2013 –On Tuesday, November 5th Harford Family House recognized its volunteers at a Founders and Friends Volunteer Recognition Breakfast held at the Wetlands Golf Course in Aberdeen, MD.
Like most non-profits Harford Family House can only achieve it mission with the help of many volunteers who serve in various capacities.
Receiving awards in categories listed were:
Bowtie Bill White Volunteer of the Year Award: Bill White was one of the founders of Harford Family House and well known and loved by the entire community. This award goes to one who gives without expectation of a reward and gives their all to serve the community.
Gary Stokes – ActionCOACH
Most Time Donated: Shirley Murray – Retired APG
Student Volunteer Award: Megan Kotrla – Gold Award Girl Scout Project
Special Achievement Harford Family House Award: Anonymous (this company does not want recognition for its efforts)
Stellar Committee Chair:
Donna Gustafsson of Rapid Refill – Purse Auction Co-chair
Jill Duran of Animal Emergency Hospital – Purse Auction Co-chair
Long-Time Server: Gertrude “Bea” Hopkins – retired, Apartment Sponsor
Corporate Supporter Award: Jones Junction Toyota, Debra McCollum and Steve Smeltzer
Outstanding School Award: Fallston Middle School – collection for Harford Family House, Elizabeth Blackwell – Teacher
Outstanding Church Award: Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Pastor Craig McLaughlin
Community Cheerleader Award: Patrice Ricciardi of Freedom Federal Credit Union
The highlight of the event was the client testimony by Patricia Cortez a recent graduate of the program at Harford Family House who shared her story of successfully achieving independence.
Harford Family House is the largest provider of transitional and emergency shelter for homeless families with children in Harford County, Maryland. Next year they will celebrate their 25th year of serving homeless families, moving them from hopelessness and homelessness to hope and independence. For more information or to learn of volunteer opportunities visit their website at
Stop Feeding Stray Cats.
Pest Control I would agree, But this is A people helping people org. I personally have seen how this works, this not the so called homeless of Festival Park fame.
There are one or two Mentally unstable that hang out in the park. the other’s are Dead beat’s to lazy to work.
I used to work for HFH. Contrary to the majority of the Dagger’s readers beliefs about homeless people, they make its clients pay rent & utilities based on their income and works with them in becoming independent and a good many of them already have jobs when they come into the program. Some are fleeing from domestic violence as well. You will have a few bad apples but here it’s the exception to the rule. If you want less “stray cats” in Harford County, you wouldn’t knock the program.
A good organization that does a lot of good work. Cdev and Because, why don’t you send them a nice check of your own money? I am going to do the same.