Roye-Williams Elementary School was briefly locked down Tuesday afternoon on the advice of police who were investigating a domestic disturbance, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and Harford County Public Schools said.
The school was locked down at approximately 2:45 p.m. on the advice of the Sheriff’s Office, according to HCPS Communications Manager Teri Kranefeld. The lockdown was lifted 35 minutes later, just before dismissal, she said.
According to Sheriff’s Office spokesman Edward Hopkins, at 2:30 p.m. that afternoon, a woman told deputies that she was concerned about her 27-year-old ex-husband’s well-being, saying he had called her around noon and made irrational statements and other statements which “could be construed as wanting to harm himself.”
Hopkins said one of the man’s statements concerned the woman’s children, who attend Roye-Williams, but he did not threaten the school directly or threaten to harm his children. As a precaution, the school was placed on lockdown and deputies went to the school. However, Hopkins said the man was not present at the school and had not been at any point that day, and officers found nothing amiss.
Deputies later located the man at his home in a confused and emotionally distressed state, according to Hopkins. The man told police he needed help, and was taken into custody under an emergency petition and transported to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center for evaluation.
Thanks for the truth on this. Too many conflicting stories….
I agree Sandi the school system gave a different story originally. Maybe they should have sent a letter home explaining what happened but they didn’t. It took a media request to get the facts, that needs to change.
Really? Did your kids come home safe? If the answer is Yes, then shut up and thank the school, not bash them on here!
I would rather have truth than confusing unrealistic information when it comes to my child Money Tree!
Look it’s fake Money Tree.
Money Tree- So I’m guessing your kids go there? What if the kids didn’t come home safe. In any other school the principal would send a letter explaining what happened I agree that a letter or robo call should have went out. This is young kids that can’t explain why they were locked in there classrooms. So yes they came home safe but you send your kids to school everyday with the expectation that the HCPS will keep them safe. A simple letter to the parents of this school would have been nice.
It’s not always up to the principal wise guy… On top of that just hug your kid tell them you love them, and shut your crybaby @ss up!
Cecil County does the same stupid shit! They beat around the bush when something happens, I don’t want cat shit covered information, I want to know the truth! Yes, my child may have made it home safe, but i want the real story not something to make the school system look good to the public eye! That’s why my child has her cell phone & I dare anyone in that hillbilly school system to punish her for contacting me & letting me know what the hell is going on during a lockdown rather than just a half ass message saying the school is on lock down & not to worry! I want to know why!
Money tree,
Can I just say that you a a very classy gentleman.
Actually fake Money Tree is a foul mouthed bully.
In all fairness did the school have time before dismissal to prepare an accurate letter?
This is no ones business but the schools. I’m more than educated enough to know that, see my acronyms of achievements?