From James Thatcher of Bel Air:
At 70 years of age, I can remember no President who has so divided this country as has Mr. Obama. Even under Jimmy Carter, whose ideology differed so greatly from my own, I was able to think of him as “my President” because when he spoke, he spoke to all the people. Can you imagine FDR attacking political enemies in his fireside chats…or Ronald Reagan accusing Tip O’Neil of hostage taking? Reagan’s admonishments were usually directed at deserving foreign nations (as in, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”.)
Our current POTUS, on the other hand, misses no opportunity to disparage those who don’t drink from the far left cup…even moderates in his own party have felt the chastising and wrath of this administration. And, of course, the mainstream media never calls him out unless one of his failures is so egregious that they are forced to jump on the bandwagon…as they did on the recent Obama care rollout disaster.
The president and his lieutenants have referred to conservatives such as me and the Tea Party as “hostage taking terrorists”, “legislative arsonists”, “anarchists” and just plain “terrorists”. While I’m not formally a tea partier, I am familiar with their values and their platform. They are peaceful citizens who love liberty and want the federal government to spend within its means. They also want to eliminate waste and reduce the size of government. Their “radical” platform goes like this:
– Eliminate excessive taxes
– Eliminate the national debt
– Eliminate deficit spending
– Protect free markets
– Abide by the Constitution of the United States
– Promote civic responsibility
– Reduce the overall size of government
– Believe in the people
– Avoid the pitfalls of politics
– Maintain local independence
That “common sense” platform is considered to be radically to the right by the President and his team. Could it be that the real extreme are those disparaging the Tea Party?
Conversely, Obama, Pelosi and others of their ilk, have embraced and supported the actions of folks like “Occupy Wall Street”. They, among other things, believe in:
– Engaging in direct and transparent participatory government (in light of Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the IRS targeting of conservative groups…they’ve got to be joking)
– Empowering one another against all forms of oppression (referring to big business, aka the job producers in our free market)
– The sanctity of individual privacy (in light of NSA spying on US citizens, again, are you kidding me?)
– Believe that education is a human right (don’t like that the “establishment “ is requiring them to pay back student loans)
– That the military and police force have prevented freedom of the press (when the national media clearly have the President’s back)
All this while occupying public grounds for weeks and months, leaving their mess to be cleaned up at the taxpayer’s expense.
Leaders are supposed to lead, to bring opposing sides together, to negotiate for the common good, to represent all the people. Mr. Obama chooses to divide and conquer. Even in his second term, with no election in his future, he continues to act as “Campaigner-in-Chief”, further dividing the electorate.
So, when I hear the president speak, he is clearly talking to “other” constituents. He’s not talking to the producers; not to the job creators; not to the middle class who have worked and saved their entire lives only to fear for their retirements; not to the folks who believe that free markets and American entrepreneurship and ingenuity made this country great…he is definitely not talking to me…or including me…no, I’m sorry Mr. Obama but you have chosen not to be my President!
Sorry you feel that way. Mr Bush was my President and I didn’t like him very much either. Maybe your allegiance is to some other faction that is self serving and interested in destroying our government for the sake of some personal animosity.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Run for Office B. If you have ideas about how to make things better, engage and get involved. Or if you prefer to sit on the sidelines or on the couch shouting criticisms, then we see how much your devoted to changing things. Anyone can be a critic, it takes a bit more courage to stand up, do something, and be criticized by folks with no involvement and an active mouth.
Because you get involved?
Because you don’t shout criticisms?
Because you have the courage to stand up and do something?
Because you are hypocrite.
My criticisms are often directed at people who are only critics, that includes you, Andy Harris, B, Marc Eaton and all the other disenfranchised self righteous “Entitled” compassionate christian conservatives that seem to actually bear no resemblance to any of those adjectives.
Because I made a small mistake.
Because you are a self-righteous hypocrite.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
As you attack my freedom of speech and religion in one more meaningless post
You have a right to your freedom of speech. You also have a right to be an annoyance like the Westboro Baptist Church. Whiner.
People like me will always be an “annoyance” to those of you ready to take away liberty.
“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power”
It is easy for an uneducated moron such as yourself to discredit and disrespect one of the greatest generations in our counties history. Many of the men and women have paid the ultimate sacrifice defending the very freedoms that you take for granted today. This man has earned the right to speak his mind and you have the right to shut up and listen. The irony is that morons like you can’t wait to give away all of the freedoms that our older generations have defended with their lives for many years. Maybe you should move to Cuba if you like socialism so much.
70 years old? Thankfully in another generation or 2 the republican party and their antiquated worldview will be gone as they pass away. Then we can finally embrace the full potential of twenty-first century technology and ideas. Once a single-payer health care system has been in place for a few decades and all of the resistance to it has disappeared, we can move on to more important challenges that will require huge investments from government to solve, including developing renewable energy, preserving freshwater supplies, improving sustainable agriculture, improving education for all students and space exploration and colonization. When the republican party’s only solution is to reduce government and let the free markets do what they do (make money, not progress), it’s no wonder why they continue to lose elections.
You must be a socialist. I heard China is calling for more people like you. I’ll help you pack
Spoken like a true moron.
Typical is right. As I’ve said before many times we must be for social justice and progressivism in order to bring a non-capitalistic system led by government into being. A government-centric economy is what we long for here in the US. European countries are ahead of us but we can catch up and surpass them. I can’t wait for the day when there is no need for a Wall Street and the people will share the work and the fruits of their collective labor.
I never said to get rid of Wall Street. Free markets have a purpose…to make money…with little else to consider. However, that money provides the taxes to allow the only entity with enough resources to take us in the direction needed to make progress in solving the enormous challenges this planet faces. That entity ain’t some private corporation.
“make progress in solving the enormous challenges this planet faces”…, we can’t even pass a friggin budget (going back to when the Dems controlled the house). What world are you living in that makes you think WE are going to solve the planet’s challenges?
The sooner you realize that corporations aren’t the only entity that cares about self-preservation and “making money” the better off you’ll be. You really think the schmucks in Congress give a rat’s-ass about YOU or solving the challenges of this COUNTRY, let alone the planet? Wake up.
Like the “Iron Lady” said, Upton, Socialism works great until the government runs out of other people’s money….and its coming fast.
Upton Sinclar you say you can not wait for the day… well get comfortable because that day is never coming. Of all the insane things people have discussed for our future I must say your ideals are among the worst.
Brian social justice and progressivism will prevail over capitalism. You see the American people will go for it since their emotions guide them. Parents and especially mothers fear for the children’s future and will vote for a government that cares for them more than businesses. Americans won’t vote for “S” and “ism” or the more ominous “C” and “ism”, but they will wholeheartedly support and vote for liberalism since it is idealistic and is not threatening. Americans will accept of standard of living that is less, but secure. They want competition to go away and have a government-centric economy. We have been moving this way for 100 hundred years and we have succeeded in leading one of two political parties. It’s just a matter of time. Progressives are patient.
Guys, I’m pretty sure ol’ Upton is being tongue-in-cheek here. Just a guess. I can’t imagine a communist being this forthcoming about it.
Sniff Sniff – I smell a commie
It’s funny that people so easily dismiss 70 years of direct experience with American government programs for pie-in-the-sky promises. The Federal government is good at a lot of things, but large open-ended social programs isn’t one of them.
Pie-in-the sky got us to the moon in less than a decade. Big ideas are the only way to solve big problems. Only government has the ability to gather the massive resources required to make big ideas become reality.
Uh huh. The Apollo program cost billions upon billions in taxpayer dollars and the lives of three astronauts … and we still couldn’t get back to the Moon if we wanted to! Sure it was impressive, but not a lot of lasting bang for the buck there.
For an interesting comparison, take a look at NASA’s Orion project versus the successes of SpaceX and Scaled Composites. Only government, you say?
Yet they wouldn’t have had the technology without trailblazers who went to the moon an additional 6 times (less Apollo 13). Until Space X or Virgin put people on another planet or launch craft outside of our solar system, they are nothing more than followers. Long lasting effects from the Apollo projects are being used everyday. The return on the investment has been phenomenal. While only 3 Apollo astronauts died, there have been others in the shuttle program who paid the ultimate sacrifice. If NASA’s budget was anywhere near 1% of the Federal budget, the possibilites would be much better that we would be on our way to Mars. It would be much better to spend the 1-2% on NASA than buying another useless “Zumwalt class” destroyer or spending 1 and 1/2 trillion on Lockheeds F-35 vice the 18 billion on NASA we did in 2012.
Exactly my point. The billions spent on our now non-existent manned space program can only be justified in the light of other even more inefficient government programs. The U.S. government just does not have a good track record of doing anything economically.
I think you misread my point. Common defense of the country is constitutionally mandated. Lockheed and General Dynamics are private industry. Some things the government does poorly, but not all. Apollo and the space program were and are well worth it. National Parks, libraries, rural electrification, the internet are some they do well.
Pie In The Sky, This government can’t design, create and launch a web site successfully or choose and oversee those who could. Don’t talk to me about government and Big Ideas.
Alex when are you go to get onboard with social justice and the progressive way? You seem like an affable and intelligent fellow and being a capitalistic ideologue is anti-moral. We need to put people first through government guided economic principles. Profits are second to workers and CEOs must be subservient to people and the state.
Spoken like a product of a liberal education.
Socialism has failed in every country that is has ever been tired.
Take away the people’s ability and means to better themselves and you are left with 3rd world socialism with the ruling class having access to everything and the ruled class left with shit.
Try reading Plato’s republic asshole.
Upton, Mr. Orwell aptly described you when he referred to ‘all animals are equal’ but he excluded you from the inner circle when he said ‘some animals are more equal than others’. If you are part of the ruling elite limousine liberals then you have little to fear. If you are one of their hangers on then you and your wallet are there for their convenience. I have seen them up close and personal and they are communists of the Stalin and Marx variety masquerading as progressives. You will be just as expendable to their agenda as all of the rest of us. You had better go back and learn the lesson of Martin Niemöller or you will be destined to repeat it.
…………….and getting a flag on the moon did what exactly?
You probably didn’t think he was your president from the get go since you thought he was a Kenyan Muslim!
I won’t address all of your items Mr Thatcher but let’s take a look at a few:
– Eliminate excessive taxes: Not sure how to respond. Which Federal Tax are you stating is excessive? Not local/state as the President has no power on those. Gas tax for the Federal side hasn’t risen in close to 20 years. Income taxes? Rates go up and down all the time for different reasons. He has not raised/lowered them any more than any other President. I would rather have a flat tax on all income above 50k a year and no property tax on any one over retirement age. Not going to happen unfortunately.
– Eliminate deficit spending: President Obama is lowering the Federal Deficit the fastest since WW-II, even putting it below Paul Ryan’s budget estimates for this year in his 10 year plan
– Protect free markets: I would think that the majority of the major corporations in this country are sitting on 2-3 trillion in profits for the Fortune 100 every year and a Stock market at its highest level is protecting the free market. As a Self-employed business owner, my concern is regulations that favor large business over small business, not business climate in general and how the government treats me. I have to hold my nose and join NASE and Chamber of Commerce just for a voice even though I despise half of what they stand for.
– Abide by the Constitution of the United States: Asking Congress for permission to attack Syria and when they declined to do it, he complied. What specific example are you speaking of? Please don’t say O-care as it was a law approved by the SCOTUS, following the whole process. If you believe Ted Cruz and others of his ilk should not be up for Seditious acts against the people of this country, we probably will disagree on who is abiding the Constitution.
– Promote civic responsibility: Not even sure what that means with relation to any President?
– Reduce the overall size of government: Smaller Federal workforce than Reagan both in total numbers and as a percentage of US Population
– Believe in the people: You and I may disagree on what we see as the common good. It’s America. I don’t think all Conservatives are bad (being a former one myself) or that all Liberals want you only to have one 8 oz soda per week.
– Avoid the pitfalls of politics: Not going to happen regardless of who is in office, nature of the beast unfortunately
I’d think out of your list, the current President can put a check in some of those Tea Party boxes when you look at it objectively.
I like your articles sir, nice writing style and hopefully our fellow Harford Countians appreciate your opinion, even if they don’t agree. Too much division is ruining this country, not liberal nor conservative viewpoints. It’s not an all or nothing sporting event for the brass ring.
Any President’s 10-year-plan is baloney, especially a lame-duck’s. He can include all sorts of junk in the future that he won’t be in office to enforce and his successor has to deal with (and that can be either done quietly or an effort on the order of WWII depending on how the media chooses to spin it). The only thing that matters is the current budget.
It’s not the President’s 10 year plan, it was Ryan’s. His record showed a Federal deficit for this year (if he and Mitt Romney were elected) of a 1.045 T deficit. We are dropping way below that. Sorry if that was unclear.
Eliminate federal debt–Not only is it not going to happen, but how would you propose to even reduce the debt level? Leme see… cut everything in half but don’t touch the Pentagon and defense? I get it that you don’t like the Prez but he is still your President as you are a US citizen and you can’t just decide by yourself who would be in charge. Meaningful steps that include cuts and revenue increases should be implemented to balance the deficit year-to-year. As the GDP grows over the years, the debt and liabilities would be reduced as a percentage of the national GDP. It is only the realistic thing to do, to cut everything else but your preferred programs would never be economically or politically doable. I am surprised that at 70 yrs old, that you talk like a complete numskull and lack any perspective as to our debt levels compared to gdp and the tax levels which are lower than they have been in decades. Before you mouth of about my President and our country, perhaps you should educate yourself about things before you post.
When was the last time the government was able to reduce debts and liabilities as a percentage of the national GDP in a sustainable fashion? Or, are you looking forward to the double-digit inflation that awaits us all when all the money the Fed has printed eventually washes into the market at large?
I am surprised that you talk like a complete numbskull and lack any perspective as to our debt levels compared to GDP (113% and rising) and the tax revenue levels which are higher than they have ever been ($2.7 trillion projected for 2013). Before you mouth off about the President and the country, perhaps you should educate yourself about things before you post.
Last Prez to balance the budget was Clinton!. Where was the Tea Party when we started 2 wars without a plan to finance the cost of $4 trillion? If you add homeland security and the prescription drug plan as well as the bailout package, Bush alone contributed more than a third of the current national deficit. If you add the Bush tax cuts and the cuts to capital gains rate which didn’t actually create any jobs or increase economic activity, then the total cost jumps to about $6 trillion during 8 years that the village idiot ran the country into the ground. My post was as true as it gets, you tea baggers can just shove it as you don’t like it because it is true. Don’t let facts get in the way of your delusional opinions,
Bush didn’t create any jobs because we were at full employment for most of his presidency. Look up the difference between debt and deficit. No war has been “financed” during the war. You pay them off during times of peace.
Where was the tea party when we responded to being attacked?
Love getting lectured by liberals who don’t know what they are talking about.
No government can ‘create jobs’ except maybe if they hire more workers and then I would submit that you and I created the job because we are ultimately paying the workers.
As you say, we were at or near full employment during most of Bush’s presidency. As compared to the current president where the rate of unemployment is high and if we counted those that have given up might be nearly double what is being reported.
When denials of words said repeatedly don’t cause concerns amongst his supporters, you have to wonder what they gain personally from said support.
I had great hopes for Mr. Obama. This country has badly needed for a long time a black President that would bring people together, would tell the truth, would surround himself with smart and effective administrators, and would leave a legacy for other minorities to follow, especially young blacks.
Mr. Obama and his supporters have failed at everything and he bears solely the responsibility for that.
The only lessons that Obama has taught young African Americans is that it is acceptable to blame everyone else for your mistakes and it is acceptable to not reach out and compromise with people whom you disagree. He is a complete isolationist.
A few random thoughts that escaped from my mind.
My belief system says that the more you count on the government for your survival and the less you count on yourself, failure and unhappiness are a inevitable outcome. I see themes woven trough here of gov’t doing this and gov’t doing that and it scares me. On a fairly regular basis I see gov’t fail at its task and yet you wish more for them. Even the military, which I am big supporter of, only really succeeds because massive amounts of money are spent.
The gov’t lost billions on the union job saving bail out of the car industry. 10’s of millions of $$$ are being wasted each day in the name of running a health insurance web site. Yet you are okay borrowing more money from China to create more examples I can start this statement with.
A note of importance to those of you out there who feel the gov’t is the answer. The gov’t does not make money it can only take money. When you take away the will to earn and produce you take away the ability to tax.
No thanks guys leave me alone and I will fight to the death to provide for my family.
I agree with Alex R. Further – nothing done in politics is about helping anyone – it’s about arrogance, power, positioning, winning – beating the other guy, and getting rich. Bush was arrogant and deceitful about Iraq and covered war costs with hidden budgets. Obama lies about the ACA and is backed by his pack rats like MDs two US senators. O’malley thinks he’s father nature, one step above God almighty. One flies the American flag and we vote for him. One is a person of color and we vote for him. the last guy – not sure why we vote for him.
Thank you Mr. Thatcher for your articulate, factual, and thoughtful article. Your seventy years on this Earth are meaningful. I wish I could say the same for others with half your time…..
You all voted for “hope and change”. That’s what you got, at the end of every month you “HOPE you have some CHANGE” in your pocket.
Maryland would like to welcome the President of all 51 States……………. Barack “Milhous” Obama.
Thank you thank you, people I need you to come out and vote for the next Governor of Fredrickstown.
Anthony “The Tax Man” Brown.
Anyone know the fastest was to Congressional Country Club, I can still get in 9 holes?