From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Meeting Reminder
Wednesday November 06, 2013 – 7:00pm
Aberdeen Holiday Inn
1007 Beards Hill Rd
Aberdeen, MD 21001
The Nov. 6 meeting of the NHDC will feature Steve Johnson as our speaker. Steve is a candidate in District 34 for the House of Delegates. He currently serves as the President of the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce, and he and his wife, Julie, are the owners of Johnson’s Family Pharmacy. He will address the important issues confronting State government and his approach to governance. Read about Steve at
Steve Johnson is a Helton flunky. His signs are all over the place with Helton (on Helton’s trucks, parked illegally at various locations throughout Harford County, taking up legit parking spaces at park and rides, on derelict business properties, etc.). As they say….”Birds of a Feather, Flock Toghther”….well here’s a perfect example of it. Shame on both of them!
As the announcement says “Steve and his wife, Julie, are owners of Johnson’s Family Pharmacy” (true), but Art Helton owns the building that houses Johnson’s Family Pharmacy (a good reason to never patronize them!).
I love you, Whatever. How true it is. He’s a louse, my friend. We won’t forget. I’m not going to forget this. Wow. I’ve got atty’s on retainer. They’ll fix it and get thru it. GOOD LUCK GOVERNMENT!!!!!! We got u now!!!!
Well your parents certainly named you appropriately.
Isn’t this the same guy who tried to run for City Council? He stood up in public and swore that he lived in a rental property on Post Road while actually living in Perryman. Of course his buddy Art told him how to go about it. He lied in public! A lie makes one a liar. Just what we need more of in Annapolis. His sign says “a history of serving Harford County”. shouldn’t it say a history of screwing Harford county?
Yo….Ball Buster….you are correct sir! This IS the same guy who tried to run for Aberdeen City Council back in 2007, claiming residency in one of his slumlord houses on the east side of the city (sorry “eastsiders”, this isn’t a slam on you, it’s directed at Steve Johnson). He’s never lived (or never would) live on the east side of Aberdeen, but taking lessons (and direction) from “Uncle Art”, he figured he could claim residency in one of his rentals (while living in his “McMansion” on Fords Lane in Perryman (ironically, adjacent to Delegate Glen Glass!).
This scum bag cost the taxpaying citizens of Aberdeen around $12,000 in legal fees in his failed attempt to run for Aberdeen City Council! Good luck getting votes from those potential constituents Steve-O!
I’m certain that Art Helton and Steve Johnson read The Dagger, so “what up” dirty boys! I hope that you enjoy spending your own money on yet another failed candidacy! 🙂
Hey Whatever….it appears as though you have fully grasped the situation regarding the Steve Johnson / Art Helton relationship. “Birds of a Feather” indeed!
If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a noise?
If Johnson speaks to an empty room does it matter what he says?