A Harford County Detention Center inmate attempted suicide by hanging Saturday evening, police said, and remained in critical condition at a Baltimore hospital Sunday afternoon.
The 47-year-old man was being held at the detention center without bail for a charge of 1st-degree assault, according to Harford County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Edward Hopkins.
Hopkins said corrections officers were alerted to the incident at approximately 5:54 p.m. when the man’s cellmate returned to their cell and found the victim. The man had been watching TV with other inmates in the unit’s day room less than a half-hour before, Hopkins said.
Corrections officers and nursing staff initiated CPR until paramedics from the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company arrived and took over life-saving efforts, Hopkins said. The inmate was transported by medivac to the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, where he was in critical condition early Sunday afternoon.
The suicide attempt came after a January incident in which an inmate succeeded in taking his own life. That death was the ninth in the last five and a half years at the jail, following the suicide of another inmate in November 2012.
String em up. Opps, too late
Perhaps we should give you the rope to do it yourself since you are willing to witness death upon another human being.
Perhaps you should follow in his footsteps
Can someone please answer why 9 people have died in 5 years and why another is in critical condition lets guess Marc Eatons fault what a joke
This pains me to post this, but DAP it correct and I gave him a thumbs up. To make that statement Finkel is cruel. He had family and their pain has just begun. If you want to find fault look at the problem. This Sheriff was campaigning for this job as the jail expansion was being built. He knew from day one how many people he needed. I can not believe that the County, the State would approve this expansion unless money was put aside to staff it. If you needed more teachers because of over crowding wouldn’t you hire the teachers then expand the school? If that money was there where is it and what was it used for? You are understaffed and lets be serious here even a 15 minute watch on someone will not stop them from hurting themselves. When it does happen Bane finds a soul to sacrifice to please the gods. How long has the jail been without a warden? Why does the Major spend so much time driving Major IA 28 around? Nine deaths in five and a half year. A wing built with no one to staff it. So lets concentrate on a new Aviation Unit which after the grant runs out the county will have to fund this. Lets not just put this on Banes shoulders where the majority of it should rest, where was David Craig for the last five years this was going on? Was he not aware that this jail expansion has been empty since it’s completion? Did Craig not know that staffing was needed at the jail? If you can find grant money for this Aviation Unit, why can’t you find grant money to staff the jail? Many of us have been on here since 2010 trying to show Bane’s incompetence and now he is doing that for us. I think this is beyond incompetence and is border line negligence. Nine lives are on your head Jesse, nine souls because you are incompetent. How many Correctional Officers could have been hired with the money the county is going to have to pay out for your poor job performance. It probably could have staffed the jail and a full time aviation unit. I wonder what would happen if someone from outside the county came in to take a look at the books and how you do things? Harford County you deserve a better bang for you hard earned tax dollars, and my Brothers and Sisters deserve better leadership then this guy and his goons are giving them.
Marc you aren’t even a Harford county resident. Shut up already.
Okay, dispute my comments not where I live. Typical Baner.
Marc this doesn’t concern you what is your motive for continually complaining about the sheriff of harford county when you haven’t been a resident here for decades?
You sir are nothing more than an internet troll living in your moms basement trying to stir up trouble because your life was nothing less than a failure.
Marc grow up, you are going to be dead for a very long time. Use the few years you have left in life doing something other than whining and complaining. Good god man this is what your lifes legacy has boiled down to? Being a whiney little bitch on the internet? Good god man get a hobby and stop making a fool of your self.
Jose, that is my department. I am a former Deputy. I always will stand up for the guys against a person like Bane and you. I am proud of my career, and my life since retirement. The men and women who come after deserve this to. Stop defending Bane because you are his bitch. Stop hiding behind fake names. You know me, the more you butt heads with me the more I will come back at you. I will not back down because you call me names or make stupid comments about me. This just makes me dig deeper. I use my real name because I believe in what I am doing for the victims of Bane. You and the rest of Banes goons hide behind fake names, you do this because you know he will not be in office after this election. So if you believe in defending Bane and what he does let us know who you are, but you won’t. I have no motive, I have a job and a side business and a darn good life. When Bane and the rest of you tools leave the Sheriff’s Office my work will be done. When my house is finished in Harford County you can stop by our open house, unlike Bane I will be there.
Marc you aren’t and haven’t been a Harford country resident for decades so piss off. Enjoy your retirement and your side business of making pens…. I hear you can literally make hundreds of dollars….
No I probably have not made that much, I give most of them away for free. The Thin Blue Line Pens that I make I give a percentage to fallen Brothers and Sisters. What do you do?
First off I will make this clear when I post I stand for all deputies corrections and law enforcement. Last time I checked we all wear the same patch and have the same Sheriff. The true issue behind this story, and the last nine deaths at the detention center is the lack of staffing. The Sheriff built a new addition to the detention center and cant even staff the existing detention center. Deputies and DFC’s are the one’s that take the fault at the detention center but how are you able to do your job when you are way understaffed. During moth of these deaths deputies were fired for what I ask, being understaffed? I guess its more important for Major Jackson to be in fourth of July parades. I guess it is more important to form an aviation unit that may cost 2.5 MILLION dollars. Is Jesse Bane just trying to lose this election????????
You speak for all deputies and correction officers? You do not speak for me.
Did you take dog tags from a work release inmate and try to get him kicked out of the program on veterans day weekend Stone? This may be Aegis worthy. Seems relatively shameless AND depressing, no wonder…
Who investigates these deaths. How many of the nine deaths in the last 5.5 years were murders. How many inmates have died since the HCDC opened.
Wow! I really hope Jesse Bane takes a hard look at the lack of staff he has there. He was all about not hiring a new warden (which personally I think is a mistake) but now his CO’s don’t have enough people to properly do their job or a leader to have their backs and guess who gets blamed for these deaths? The CO’s. I agree with Marc that both Bane and Craig are to blame. 9 deaths in 5 1/2 years is too much. We citizens need to be willing to ask hard questions and demand more than a political answer.
Another one bites the dust!
I am an asshole.
Love when foul mouthed people post with your name!
It’s almost as bad as that little Prick who keeps posting as me
Warden Major Tonya Jackson, Gregory Carlevero and Sheriff Jesse Bane need to step down while they have what little integrity is left. How many people will lose there lives before something is done or will you just keep paying the family’s off. As a deputy you are taught to treat a prisoner/inmate well unless circumstances dictate otherwise you are no better then the accused. What is going on now? The agency is in shambles.
Um in Baltimore city, gangs running the prison, and selling drugs, guards were sleeping with inmates and getting pregnant by the criminals. Yet nobody asked for anyone to step down. The head of the prison is still in place, and only a few low level gaurds were let go. Where were you then? Eh? hello?
You can’t even spell your your name correctly. It’s what not waht and FYI this isn’t the state or city correction system
Good, tired of paying for the continued failing “rehabilitation” efforts on these goons.
Sandi, Ethical, and of course, as always, Marc:
How does your theory explain why someone wishes to commit suicide? We would all like to read your wisdom in psychology. Oh, while you are at it, explain why people decide to commit crimes. SOS, same group.
Who are you to ever tell someone what they can do with their life. If they feel like going out why stop them. Pretty selfish of you people to try to control poor blacks. Rasicst Honkeys all of you.
Jermain- I agree with you and I m a deputy and I am not a minority. There needs to be more things I’m place to assist inmates so don’t hate all. Some or most support you
What I don’t appreciate is you calling me a racist slur
Deflection Monster, you are a faithful tool for Bane.
Code 67, this is the way Bane is fighting comments. He has his faithful call names, attack people and so on. They can not debate with facts because they are on the loosing side. They accuse you of using multiple names. I think the public sees Bane and his goons for what they are. Speaking of this, where has Jesse been. He is missing events at Ripken Stadium and the open house. I guess he is afraid of what he may be asked. I did hear the helicopter was out flying around yesterday.
Yeah, Marc, these are “facts”. I guess you don’t really know what facts are.
Waiting to see who Bane will point the finger at for this one. Pretty soon there won’t be any correctional officers to fire. All of these deaths in the past 5 1/2 years have come on Bane’s watch. He should be appalled and ashamed but he has more important things to do like sending a major to aviation lessons. I don’t care for David Craig, but I don’t believe this is his fault. Bane controls the agency money and there is no accountability so he continues to do what he wants.
If I were Bane, I would point at the guilty party, the one who tried to commit suicide.
As a previous inmate and a now good member of society they tried to treat us well but there was not enough of them. I’m not sure what’s going on but I didn’t have the help I needed I got it from the outside. I got my act together because of my wife and kids, I don’t blame the CO’s there are not enough of them they did what they could don’t look down on me I have a job, pay taxes and am not locked up. But I did this because I wanted it the HCDC is HELL
This is a complete disaster lack of officers, too many inmates, new section not opened. Warden who is out with the patrol major all the time. The old warden was the best at least cared. I love my job but when will someone higher up care….please! glad stories like come out because ita bad, really bad……………………………………….
Maybe a rap video is being produced during all this. Maybe they will be playing it in the background during the aviation unit debut. Eagle 1 and 80 proof
Who do you think that you are kidding?
Marc has no standing here. Vamoose!
Otto: Who are you to say Marc has no standing. At least he uses his own name and fights for those who can’t. Who are you and why are you posting on here? Vamoose yourself to the Detention Center and see what it’s like. The working conditions are horrendous. The inmates have it better than the co’s.
Lenny, your logic loses me. If the inmates have it better than the co’s, why did the inmate attempt suicide? How many co’s have committed suicide? You will say or grasp at anything to condemn Bane. Now, why don’t you go away or use your real name- marc eaton- since he speaks for all of the HCSO….HA!
People in jail majority of the time do not commit suicide becuse of how the deputies are treating them. Its becasue they do not want to face what is coming to them! so the easy way out to them is to kill themselves rather than face the punishment they have coming to them which is most likely more jail time. They can’t handle the fact that they will have to stay in longer & do the time for the crime, so they would rather die. They thinker the easier way out is death. it is sad, but true. its not becasue they are being treated poorly. Its comon sense people! when your used tobeing on the street then your caged up like an animal some can’t handle it.
SMDH, what you said makes sense to me. Perhaps, Lenny aka Marc will understand it. Of course, there could be another answer too, that is the same reason that caused them to commit a crime in the first place, they have a mental illess of some type. All the deputies in the world aren’t going to solve that problem.
Monster/Cheese/Otto if I have no standing then ignore me. You attack because you know I am right. You don’t dispute what I post you just call names and do your Jesse Bane two step to distract. Maybe Bane should be trying to staff his jail instead of making movies for the library. Maybe Major Jackson and Major IA 28 should do their jobs instead working on getting votes for Bane. Who ever wins the election is going to need a big broom to clear that nest of vipers out of the second floor. Your biggest concern is that one year from now you will be packing your desks up and looking for a new job. Disagree on my facts just once. You never do. It is the same old crap with you and no one is buying it anymore. The people who have to work under the second floor of the Black Pearl have had enough and are speaking up and this has you all worried. If Bane were a doctor, judge, or a prosecutor he would have been removed already. I wonder if the big reveal of the Aviation Unit will still take place. Maybe the families of the people who died under his administration should come and ask Bane some questions about money spent on 40 year old helicopters over staffing his jail to protect his people and the inmates he is trusted to protect. So please explain to us all how not staffing a jail and starting this Aviation Unit is a good idea. Prove you good standing on here, I will even let you hide behind you fake names. Grow a pair and tell us who you are.
Marc, you pretend to be a Christian. I guess we are of different religions, because your constant character assassinations of Bane are anything but. If you want to attack his ideas- do so because that is in the best interest of good government. We may disagree, but I could respect that. But what you do is spread stories and innuendos about Bane’s character and purposes. Anyone who has worked with Bane, probably far closer than you, knows that Bane is a good man. You think because you say the horrible things about him and tell people that this is the real Bane, you can get back at him for some reason. You never have really told us all what he ever did to you, but want us to contact you for some reason. If you have anything that the voters should know, tell us all on this site now. If you really care about HCSO personnel, tell everyone now what Bane did to you.
New angle, attack religion. Do some research Monster, I told you once before my dealings with Bane. This is what happens when you use too many names. Many who have worked with Bane know what kind of a person he is. Yes, a lot of us who worked with and for him know what he is. Now, with his decisions with his aviation unit and this death I think he is telling the County what kind of leader he is. Good try.
Correction, the problems is too many people on the second floor of the Black Pearl are using the name Monster.
Marc, if that is true, why are you always saying that I should contact you. You have even chided me for not contacting you by phone or email. What is that all about. Have you used so many names that you have forgotten what you wrote? Keep writing to me, Marc, and use as many names as you like. I am sure Mr. Gahler wants you to do-NOT.
Maj. Tonya Jackson does need to go. She is one the biggest two faced people around. Why is it that they want to screww with good officers and do nothing with the officers that are screw ups. Certain officers have been caught asleep at the hcdc and nothing has happenes to them cause they were TJ’s home girls. Years ago Jackson and another offucer were frauduently stealing overtime from the county. And now look she’s in charge. With her command so.e commans staff have resigned their rank to a lower rank and idiots have been put in place. Others have retired to get away from her.
Good hard working officers have been let go for no reason and the lying backstabbers are still working getting paid by the county.
Affirmative action is alive and well in the HCPD
But I really want a new helicopter.
Who cares if we don’t have cameras and staff to watch the cells after we arrest the criminals.
what is to watch….you want to see a hanging….maybe they don’t need more deputies, maybe they need psychiatrists.
It seems as if a few folks on here have a personal problem with Marc A Eaton. My question is why and what has he said that isn’t true. In all the articles posted by the dagger not one person has been able to justify Sheriff Jesse Bane’s actions or lack of action. It appears to me that Marc A Eaton is trying to bring accountability back and a few people are trying to smear him. Please tell me why you are targeting this man is it because the truth is coming out and he is feeding information to the media. Well if so then change your ways and this wouldn’t happen. Your acting like a Shit*y frat house, get your head out of your a*s and tell all of us how you really feel. I have yet to see ANYONE in ANY article about the Sheriff’s Office make any justification on why this continues to happen. I will end on this I’m sure you will target me know, go ahead but do me a favor an answer in 7 years what has Sheriff Bane done to better HCSO?????????????????
try reading the statistics, Mr. Weirdwire, aka Marc Eaton.
Funny thing about all the Marc Eaton haters is 1)most, if not all of them have never met him in person. 2) they can’t point out one false statement he has made.
I believe he would question any leadership that is as ineffective as Bane has been. Keep at it Marc, your a good man to stand up for what is right
They’re coming to take me away my friends… they’re coming to take me away… Th th th th th that’s all folks!!!
Funny how the Bane haters cry about defaming Marc but don’t mind chewing up Bane’s character. I will take Bane any day.
Bane’s character is one of secrets, favoritism, and poor leadership. I dislike Bane for many reasons but primarily because he lied right to me. Citizens should be appalled that he chose to pay a Major for a year while that major was caught in a theft case. Way to waste $100,000 or more taxpayers money.
Sandi, my problem with Bane goes back to when he was undersheriff for a good man Mele. He is the reason Mele was a one term Sheriff. Bane and Mele would not recognize the Union when we tried to form it, now these same guys who didn’t care for Bane back then are part of the chosen few and the love him. Bane is a liar, he has no respect for the Office of Sheriff or the good people who serve under him. Back under Mele you were guilty until proven innocent when a complaint came in. God help you if you didn’t kiss the butt of one of his neighborhood watch people. Does this sound familiar to you guys who work there now? So you see I have first hand experience with what the men and women are experiencing now. He had his click back then, just like he does now. The only thing different now is he has a new crew to do his bidding. I was never the Sheriff just one who served under four good Sheriff’s. This is still my department even in retirement. I will not sit by and see good people treated like this by a man who has no honor or integrity. I started at the Detention Center and I retired a Patrol Deputy and I had one hell of a ride doing it. The Correctional Officers and Patrol Deputies should have the same experience I had. From Lt. Dale Zepp and Sgt Smith from the Detention Center when I started until Lt. P J Osthehimer, Cpl. Rick Williams, when I started out of the Academy until, Lt. J Bowman, and Sgt VanSeeters when I retired. I had ups and downs but I would do it all over again. Under Bane people who came when he was in office they would not understand the fun we had working there. They deserve better then constant anonymous complaints against them from a certain Major. I get nothing for what I do and I do not care what the Baner’s say about me. I am proud to have worked as a Deputy in the greatest department in Maryland. The people who come after us deserve that feeling to.
Mr Wickwire I will not target you I don’t always agree with Marc on certain issues but it seems that he is out to do good. As for Monster aka David A Porter aka Cheeze Head aka Proud to be a Liberal what is your agenda. Like I said I don’t always agree with Marc but your constant bullying and bashing of him doesn’t support your cause. I have deputy that lives close to me that supports Marcs comments and I hope this isn’t so. If it isn’t then why not speak out? You say that Marc isn’t a resident but I am not that you care but I will vote, I’m not sure who for yet. Nobody has proven that they are capable of being Sheriff. I don’t like the back and forth I want the facts and that goes for both sides. I do have questions about a helicopter program and other spending issues. This after I spent more then two weeks off furloughed. What I want is answers, yes I could attend debates and town hall meetings but what is each Sheriff candidate’s platform. Why Don’t each of them put it in writing, I don’t even know who Bob Peck and John Ryan are but they are listed as running. It’s time to hear what changes each of these candidates have and maybe hold a few open question debates.
Sunkist, Bane has been sheriff for 8 years. How long has DFC Marc Eaton been sheriff. Marc will not talk about Gahler or any of these other candidates. He only wants to smear Bane because, and I don’t know what, did to him years ago. I would like to hear from other sheriff want-to-be’s as well.
What site did you find a list of those running?
I wonder if old Jesse boy has gone to the hospital to visit this inmate since he likes going to gangbangers funerals. Yes this is the truth. Oh but those gangbangers were such good people and spent much time in the HCDC. Jesse loves to get PR. The old man is nothing but a PR hound. He lovea to have compasion with the edgewood crowd to get their votes and the old folks in other parts of the county. Wake up people Uncle Jesse the gangbanging hug a thug sheriff needs to go.
Are you sure he’s at the funerals for the PR? He might be there to check for active warrants…
Lol…your funny. Jesse actually do work…..
The majority of you are quite privileged and had many great opportunities handed to you for the most part. When you come from nothing and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain you’ll pick the illegal business especially when you can’t get a good job because of a past record even something as small as weed pipe.
The problem is cultural acceptance, not privilege. Many poor people end up with a decent education and a good job by working hard and making smart choices. But if you choose to participate in a culture that accepts illegal drug use, dealing, life-long unemployment, violence against others, etc, do not be surprised if you’re not accepted into the mainstream culture.
Drug dealing and a basketball scholarship aren’t the only two routes out of the projects. But if you pick the illegal route, do not be surprised when you end up in jail or a pine box.
Issue after issue after issue within the leadership at the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. What about the fact that you have deputies that are in a position where they can make arrest(s), BUT can’t testify in court because they have integrity issues. Which to the public means they got caught lying in court or within the department. This is acceptable because Bane set the precedent when he created a position as a background investigator for a union president after he was caught sleeping on the job and lied. Why because the union president helped Bane get elected. He then continued to allow this deputy to have a take home car with emergency equipment. I don’t want to work with someone that lies and I cant trust, does the public want dishonest police. A person with an integrity issue was doing background checks are you kidding me!
Any mention of the sheriff’s office and the same old people come out of the woodwork hashing out the same old argument. Doesn’t anybody just stick to the argument at hand anymore? A hanging in this manner, no sudden drop to cause instant death, results in severe oxygen deprivation at approximately 2-3 minutes. Brain death occurs shortly thereafter around 6 minutes. The fact that this guy was alive when he left the jail and continues to live in critical condition means that officers were able to respond to the area and remove the pressure from his airway in a matter of minutes from the initial hanging. While the jail is definitely short staffed, the argument that this incident relates to insufficient staffing in any way is false.
Pat, yes I agree as do most people. To blame the Sheriff for someone committing suicide gives you some idea how much Eaton hates Bane. Everything that happens that could be negative is Bane’s fault. Anything good, Marc will tell you Bane had nothing to do with it. I get sick of reading it. Marc won’t say who he is going to support for Sheriff. So, you cant debate any factual information, just Marc’s innuendos and guesses at Bane’s motives. He needs to get a life.
I support any candidate republican or democrat who is running against Bane. Staffing issues at the jail are Bane’s fault. Again, dispute my facts…..we know you can’t. Stop having meetings to figure out how to shut me up and concentrate of your jobs. Period!
Marc0189@verizon.net, you have my web site Monster so you have my phone number. One of you that is using this name can call me anytime.
Marc or all of the names that you use,
What do you want to say that you are afraid to say on this site. If you have something on Bane, tell us all. You keep harping about me contacting you. I don’t want to. I am interested in what Bane did to you. Everyone is interested. So….quit playing games and tell us.
Okay, I will slow it down for you Monster. Justify the Aviation Unit over not staffing the jail. Are you capable of putting a clear thought together on this? And no one is buying that I use other names like you do. I feel sorry that is all you have to use, the think tank on the second floor is drying up.
Marc and your other names,
I will make it easy for you. When the aviation unit appears I will believe it. I have not seen anything anywhere except for the Dagger that mentions an aviation unit. Did the Dagger get this from you?
” For some time now, members of the Sheriff’s Office have been working to create an aviation unit for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office,” Sheriff’s Office spokesman Edward Hopkins wrote in an e-mail to The Dagger. “In several weeks, there will be a press conference to announce the formation of this aviation unit. There are no further details that I am able to release at this time. To be certain everyone has all the information at the same time, and so that it is not being addressed piecemeal we will schedule a news conference in the upcoming weeks.”
Monster says:
October 17, 2013 at 4:36 pm
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
Come on, Man,?Thank you for your facts and well reasoned argument. I also appreciated your hotlink to the AW139. I have to respectfully disagree with you in that times have changed even in Harford County. If this craft can assist deputies to control crime, then it is worth every penny. The other aircraft are not going to be available for Harford County other than shock trauma deliveries. We have to use anything and everything at our disposal to stop crime. Again, thanks for your comments. I respect what you have said.
When more then one person is using this name it is like telling a lie, hard to remember what you said.
So, justify this please?
I am not confused. I stated what I believe and will leave it at that. I will not comment further until I see that there is an aviation unit. Just because the Dagger has a story, and you say it is so, doesn’t mean it is so.
Monster it’s coming and when it does I would love to hear what you have to say about a 2 MILLION dollar or more cost per year for an aviation unit that isn’t needed. Also you keep going after Marc about what if anything he has on Bane. Multiple people have asked you what if anything Bane has accomplished in 7 years? Can you name one thing that Bane has done? Please name it.
Mr. Weirdwire, as I said to you earlier, look at the data. Look at the crime rate. Can you read, Marc.
Where do the crime numbers come from? The answer is L. Jesse and we have seen how he plays with numbers. Forget the data and read the headlines! Even the Aegis is a better source that L. Jesse.
That is always the answer. Even when you are presented with facts, Bane is wrong again and tampers with the numbers. You don’t want facts, you want to persuade the readers with your version of Bane.
Then present some “facts” of Banes that he has not had torn apart with documented and cited facts on this very site.
Oh, one more thing, Mr. Weirdwire, how come only the Dagger has carried the story about an aviation unit? I will talk about it if it happens. Tell Marc to stop making up crap.
Honey Badger don’t care about Mark A, Cheese Patrol, David A, Mr Wickwire or Monster and how they argue. Honey Badger wants a ride to the polling place on this 40 year old helicopter. Honey Badger gonna be really happy if Sheriff Bane and his helicopter picks Honey Badger up.
BBC be happy if he can ride in a chopper with Mr Burns and Honey Badger. That might not be possible due to weight limitations. BBC want to fly high in the sky and kiss Jessie goodbye.
Monster aka David A Porter aka Fred aka Skippy. You must be completely braindead. Marc Eaton has repeatedly responded to your questions as to why he doesn’t care for Bane. How many times does he have to say it before it sinks into your thick skull. On the other hand, he and others have asked you/you all to explain what Bane has done during his two terms and that’s when you start the namecalling. So now I am the one asking you to answer what Marc has asked–please specify in detail the accomplishments of Sheriff Bane since he was elected. I await your response which I’m sure will be nothing but accusing me of being Marc Eaton and slinging insults, once again ignoring the question and showing what a shallowminded dolt you are.
Lenny Lane,
You don’t read previous posts. I have answered that. Read, can you? Say hello to the mrs., Marc.
One more thing, Lenny, you accuse me of name calling and call me thick skulled and a dolt. I think we know who the name callers are.
Scary Monster- What I don’t get about you is that you are disputing that an aviation unit exists. Are you calling PIO Eddie Hopkins a liar? When is the press conference for the 40 year old helicopter named “Eagle 1” I don’t know, may you can tell me. You continue to not answer any questions so I ask you again is PIO Eddie Hopkins a Liar or are you a mule for Sheriff Bane. It’s one of the two, what else could it be? Are you calling the dagger a liar and saying they are printing things false? So its one of the three I would love to hear what you have to say. But you won’t comment coward
Marks 8th, you have what I have said. Marc even uses it for research. I encourage that, he might learn something. Eddie Hopkins is a fine guy. You read the Dagger. What do you think? And by the way, calling me a coward is name calling- this is what you accuse the Bane supporters. Between you and/or Marc, you make yourself look like a hypocrite.
Monster, stop bullying me.
Monster, when presented with facts you dance around them just like a good Baner. Still waiting on your answers to my many questions. What has Bane done, he done not someone else. How do you justify the Avaiation over more Correctional Officers. Eddie Hopkins is a good PIO and he emailed Aaron about this. I guess when it lands on your hard head one of you will believe it. As for who told the Dagger about it, what do you think?
yeah, you are still waiting for my email and phone call also. Tell me that is rational. When I see that an aviation unit has been created, I will have comments. Until then, no. So, don’t keep asking. Even more stupid is your constant posting saying I don’t answer your questions with facts. Have you read the Uniform Crime Reports? How about the Aegis that mentions the drop[ in the crime rate? I know, you will claim that Bane lies about the statistics, which makes it impossible to have an intelligent discussion with you. If you want to keep this going all night, I am not. In fact, because I have a life, I am done with this thread. But, I will be back, and you had better hope that the press conference says there is going to be an aviation unit because if it isn’t, I will hound you like you do Bane.
My question again Is Eddie Hopkins a Liar, Is the Dagger posting false stories, or are you a mule for the Sheriff. Its one of the three but you continue to beat around the bush. The aviation unit was confirmed your saying its not true? Which of the three then is an option, and if not what is your theory? You love to comment but never give facts. That’s what separates you, A few times you have been caught using multiple screen names. At one point you vowed to leave Marc A Eaton alone for good because he proved you wrong. Are there multiple monsters on here
Monster- Where is your answer? Maybe you should call Jesse yourself and ask him to verify the aviation unit.
This has wandered completely off topic. Return to it, or it’s time for me to shut the thread down.
Mr. Cahall, shut it down. I am surprised that you haven’t already.
Lets do away with all of this Sheriff nonsense and just set up a County Police Department similar to Baltimore County. I bet it would curtail some of the nonsense that we see on this blog.
Common Sense, It would the election process which always causes turmoil in the Sheriff’s Office. The history of the modern Sheriff’s Office in Harford County is one of deputy politics, including our friend, Marc Eaton. However, we would still need to have a Sheriff’s Office as it is mandated by the State.
Thanks Monster. I guess you could diminish the sheriff’s jurisdiction of responsibilities while keeping the office of sheriff. Let the sheriff oversee court security. I bet the county could bring in some real law enforcement heavyweights for an interview. We need someone capable of moving Harford county law enforcement into the 21st century.
Monster is 100% correct. “The history of the modern Sheriff’s Office in Harford County is one of deputy politics, including our friend, Marc Eaton.” But what Monster is not saying is that deputy politics was at its best when Deputy Visnaw facing dismissal for lying was able to wheel and deal a union endorsement for Jesse Bane, buy the office of sheriff with union funds and keep his job. Anything Eaton does on here has more ethics than Visnaw or Bane could muster in a life time!
@Common Sense,
Yes, it would do away with some of the nonsense on this forum and then will allow the county exec to appoint his own puppet to be the chief, he could then tell the chief how to police the county and what will be a priority. Lets use your example of the chief of Baltimore County who goes to Annapolis and testifies for the Governor’s gun grab because his lib Exec tells him he will. Right you are, trade away our ability to hold our elected police leader accountable so this forum does not carry on so. Good little Sheep.
I have been reading all your posts and listening to a lot of Harford county officers, I really like Deputy Marc eatons truth, he spells everything out, he tells the truth! Why do you men and women hide behind names. Mr eaton doesn’t he tells the public the truth, seems to me you all that run the sheriffs office now are a bunch of nasty politicians wanting the big bucks for doing nothing .You represent the sheriff talking the way you do. Thank you Deputy Eaton for letting the general public know what’s going on keep me posted I will pass the word around we need change.
I really like Marc Eaton. He know of what he speaks. He is a hero and we are lucky to have him. Keep up the good work Marc.
Back on topic. Has there been any update related to this inmate’s condition from the Sheriff or his staff in the last two days?
Word from HCSO earlier today was that the inmate was originally picked up on a Balto City assault warrant. He has been returned to the city’s custody, but indications are that he “is improving day by day.” More if and when I get it.
ANOTHER DEATH? I’ve followed your “blog” for almost a year now and it’s amazing to me how it gets so far off the track sometimes. Let me start with “thank you Mr. Eaton — your heart is in the right place”. Stop for a minute, think of the man who for whatever reason, chose death over life. Could this have been prevented? Yes, definitely yes — it is the responsibility both morally and professionally to protect all inmates from harm, even if it means to protect them from themselves. Think of what his family and loved ones are experiencing. It’s called SHOCK and all of the pain that comes along with death by suicide. Lives are affected — never to be the same again. Yet, it always comes back to Banes; and yes Mr. Sheriff Banes is accountable at different levels. Please remember that it also reflects on your structure of government in Harford County — the Sheriff does NOT have a total say regarding the budget and allocation of money. There are others over the Sheriff that make the money decisions. Regardless of who we point the finger at, there should be accountability at all levels. Since our Norman’s death in Harford County, I have gone through nearly a year of reading and writing and research to find my answers. I did not anticipate the vivid degree that the HCDC’s attorney showed to us regarding Norm’s death. I did not expect the transparency that was shared with us. In the beginning we had so many questions — we prayed for as many answers as we could find. Then we did our homework — day by day we learned. The findings were appauling; mistakes were made, lack of training, lack of appropriate tools — people plain NOT DOIN THEIR JOB! The thing is, it’s hard to point the finger at any one thing — I would certainly look at training and the right PPE; staff morale and lack of employees to capacity has certainly taken its tole — and it has “trickled” down through the ranks to the inmates; everyone is affected. I believe that there are many good employees there that see the need for change in different areas. To me, it is the “integrity for the sanction of human life” that is the priority. Then a real good look at the ConMed contract would shed a lot of light on the lack of medical services for the residents there. Serious mistakes were made with Norman — and we knew there would be a next. In our minds we are reliving it with this “next” family. It’s horrible! We remember that our Norm was going to HCDC for a couple of weeks on a traffic charge — he did not want to die when he left us — so we totally explored his whole week there to attempt to determine “cause”. ConMed enters: Norm presented to medical staff with life threatening emergency; he was denied the medical attention that could have saved his life. He died alone, in severe pain in just minutes after he was taken to his very private cell. After all is said and done here — one very sad thing is that it is fixable, it is preventable. Please offer this man and his family up in prayer, they’ll need a lot of them……..
Correctional officers can’t be everywhere at once. There are plenty of issues the jail has, but one issues isn’t a persons decision to commit suicide. You can try and prevent it but, if they want to do it, they’ll do it. Maybe the issue is with the psychology dept, identifying the signs upon entering the facility was pertinent when I was there. What happened? Anyway, it’s a tragedy, jail is a crappy place and these things happen. Blame the expansion, staffing, officers, medical or what have you, you can’t prevent every incident no matter what you do.
Hello Madateverthing: You’re right…….CO’s can’t be everwhere -but- what about being where you’re suppost to be. Can’t be two places at once when you don’t have the staff — and that’s when things just get dropped through the cracks. You are right again, a % of people with suicidal thoughts do succeed in taking their lives -but- with the appropriate medical policies and procedures in play a large % of those people live! HCDC does NOT have a strong medical contract with their provider. when a guard totally disagrees with medical because his/her good sense tells them to — where do they go with that? That have no where to go. There is no adequate system in play — not even to correct the simple things that could be fixed so easily. What should concern the CO’s is their oath to guard and protect its residents — even if the protection needed means protecting the inmate from himself. It’s called “dignity for human life”. All inmates enter the Detention Center alive — the institution’s responsibility is to assure that they come out alive. All CO’s need to take the oath that says “Not On My Watch”. Shame on Harford County for not holding ConMed to a higher level of accountability.
An officer was fires feom the HCDC for not doing a 15 min watch on an inmate and the inmate ended up killing himself. Ok that officer was fired for not doing his job. But the 2 officers from the previous shifts were also fired. Basicly because the county attorney wanted more fired. These 2 were good officers that did their jobs unlike the first. This is the kind of shit that goes on. Officers are suppose to be watching inmates on cameras that are on suicide watch, while sitting there they are playing and shopping on the internet.
You have officers that beleive they are entitled to be on the internet while working. Shopping, watching movies and playing and know one does anything about it.
FYI people, I worked at the HCDC for many years and ha e seen inmates leave that were DOA when the medics get there. The unwritten policy of the HCSO and the HCDC is that know one has ever died at the jail but at the hospital.
Hello Onethatknows: When the Medical Examiner signs the death report as: Suicide by Hanging — it reflects back to the address of where hanging actually occurred; the address given is that of the HCDC.
Ok, I have had two family member commit suicide, one very recently who suffered from a severe case of depression & older in age, I have had one who was young in age years ago & seemed normal as can be, like nothing was wrong, no signs to any of us that he had any depression, was excited about college, his friends, family & girlfriend. My point is this, there are not always signs! if you work in the Medical field or in the Military we are given tools to help us see some of the signs to aid someone who we think may need help, unfortunely they are not always present, if the person is real good at hising their feelings one caould never know the pain they feel & then one day they have overdosed or you find them trying to hang themselves. My point is no deputy or correction officer is at fault, they can not be everywhere at all times, ecpecially at a jail, when every jail in the United States is under staffed, I hate to tell you all this is not just in Harford County! So don’t feel like you all are so special to these needs! If the world was perfect, there would be more correctional officers & psychiatrists in every jail to help every inmate. But you have to remember, they are in jail for a reason! These people have committed a crime! They are not supposed to be spoon fed rainbows & fruity pebbles on a gold spoon! They are supposed to be in trouble & doing the time for the crime! The medical system on the imside is of course not going to be the greatest, i am not sying they deserve to be treated inhumane, I am just saying you have to remember, the reason these people are in jail. I hate to say it but the reason the suicides are probably happening on the inside is becasue of the remorse they are feeling for the crime they have committed or because they don’t want to face the punishment & the depression of having to not see family or be let out into society for a long period of time. Some just can’t handle it. So that can be an illness in itself that they can harbor & no correction officer or deputy will ever see becasue that inmate is gonna look tough & act like nothing is wrong & seem like they can handle the punishment until they are alone in their cell thinking & when they are thinking all by themselves then the reality of everyhing sets in! Oh Sh*T! I’m here, I may not come out! What am I gonna do, I can’t handle this! So there you have it. should there be a Behavioral Specialist to help these inmates? Yes, I totally agree, but its all about money, & what’s important. but that does not fall on the responsibility of the deputy or corrections officer! it think allot of you are really missing the poing & laying blame where blame does not need to be put! You can’t help some people at times when they have made their minds up! Suicide is a very hairy subject! No one ever has the answers one os looking for! only the one who has passed does!
We had two of our own take their lives. One of them I worked with closely for years. He had a saying that sticks in my head that he would tell people, “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” He took his own life. You just don’t know why all the time. People who make very nasty remarks about anyone taking their life needs to sit with the family who has. Do this while their loved one is in the next room being processed. Do this one time and it will change you forever, or at least I hope it would.
Hello Marc A. Eaton: You are absolutely correct Mr. Eaton — until you loose someone you love through suicide — you can not imagine. We have been fortunate to get as many, many answers as we have. We can now understand the “why” and “how” it happened. We accept that people made mistakes. What is disheartening is that these deaths continue to happen. I believe that “citizen awareness” is crucial at this point. Most people have NO idea of the facts that revolve around the deaths and their right to insist on accountability.
Hello Onewouldthink: ALL ABOUT MONEY IS WHAT’S IMPORTANT: I ask why doesn’t protecting the dignity of human life take the #1 priority as it should?
You can NOT speak to what is going on in the body and mind of a person during the episode of a suicide. All deaths are different; each has its own circumstances. I can only address what is documented in black and white with a signature. The truths are sad, alarming and painful. There were signs, and there are always signs that a person is going to act out their suicide. The question is: how attentive are the people around that individual; what have they been taught to observe; what training is offered to enable staff to do their job?
Obviously, something in the system at HCDC is severely broken. Even though there are many deficits in our correctional facilities nationwide, HCDC is a small unit. The amount of deaths HCDC has experienced is NOT within what is considered the “norm” for such a small facility. In researching these issues, it is my finding that the majority of these deaths happen in segregation and constant watch cells. Since the majority of suicide by hanging happens those cells they are considered high risk areas. It is imperative that those areas be adequately staffed at ALL times with state of the art equipment to use during these episodes. HCDC was found to be lacking in judgement and equipment regarding Norm’s death. I’m sure that every death is different with different circumstances. I can only address what happened to Norm. When we speak to the services that ConMed provided to Norm — we are not talking “medical service that aren’t that great” — we’re talking inadequate services provided to address the emergency medical needs of an inmate. We’re talking about poor judgement of professionals, people not doing the jobs they are paid to do; they’re paid well for not doing such a good job. Many have questioned along the way the grave lack of services provided to Norm by ConMed.
I keep hearing statements like: “remember why they are in jail”, “we can’t coddle them” — my reaction is that the reason a person is there, or why they are there, or how many times they’ve been there — DOES NOT MATTER. Those reasons have NOTHING to do their medical needs — especially if they are life threatening emergencies — if they are suffering, in pain then we help them; that’s the humane thing to do.
I firmly believe your comment on “it’s all about the money” -but- you have a town council that creates a budget and allocates the funding. The fact that there is not an employee whose main focus is the needs of HCDC, plays a major role in all the problems that exists there. The needed employee is a “WARDEN”. I’m praying for the next Sheriff — that he/she will have the discernment and endurance to secure the needed changes.
No, there are not always signs! Take it from someone who has had two family members commit suicide, like I said in my previous message, both members had medical help at their fingertips & family who are in the medical field very well familiar to the signs & they were not giving any what so ever! The one was a social worker & everything happening under her nose & she still did not pick up on it, so I don’t care what you say “Relative of the 9th Victim”, it’s not always the case! I personally have attempted it myself several times & I gave no warning what so ever! Do you know why? Becasue I did not want to! I felt the easier way was out, to be done! I felt life for me would be much better for myself & everyone if I were gone, so unless you ever have been there walked that edge, you have no idea! Don’t blame it on Money, Medical needs or the deputies! it’s a cop-out! It has to do with the person who holds the cards & that is the person who chooses to kill themselves! I am sorry,but the truth is they were looking for a permanant solution to a temporary problem becasue they can not handle reality, what life in genaral has dealt them & unless you have been there in that dark of a moment, don’t talk becasue you have no idea what is going through that persons head, I do becasue I have gone through it. When you are that down death looks like its the best answer for everything! Really its not & sometimes you don’t want anyone to know how you are feeling because you know if you talk about it someone is going to talk you out of it & if you really feel that is where you want to be then why in the hell would you let people know thats how bad you feel? Some can not be helped & some people need to stop laying blame! Suicide is just that SUICIDE, someone who did not want to live, someone who felt they had nothing to live for, some seek & display the signs of needing help, & we see that & watch them & help closely when we can & some do not! But, you can not go aroung laying blame! Luckily i woke up, got the help I needed & thnk everyday for the life I live & what I have & trust me I am very in tune to every person around me & could probably tell you more than anyone who is happy with life than any doctor could ever!
I am not even from Harford County, work here, but from an adjacent county, just an outsider looking in!
So staying on topic, will someone answer these questions for me.
Why do we have a jail expansion still empty after all these years?
Was the money there for manpower when the expansion was being built?
Who should be held responsible for the empty expansion and not staffing it?
Hello Marc A. Eaton: The money for the expansion was given in increments and fell short before completion. The recession hit and the completion/implementation was delayed due to lack of funds. Manpower was projected -but- obviously they didn’t have the funds to support it.
If you look at the fiscal budget, the funding of a salary for a HCDC Warden was approved and allocated to them for the 2012-2013 fiscal year?; now the 2014 budget also allocated a fine salary for a warden reflecting a raise this year for the warden? At this point I must ask: Where is the Warden? Someone who allocated that money to pay the warden — KNEW a warden was needed? Those funds were obviously used elsewhere.
That’s a fine example as to why a warden is needed; NO warden is going to permit someone to take part of their allocated budget; that warden is going to fight for every penny to facilitate the needs of his jail because success there is his only responsibility — it’s his priority.
The HCDC has a rep for not having its staff to capacity — and that’s what most corporations have done during this recession crunch. HCDC can not afford to run like that because of the nature of their business. It means not being able to hire the needed staff, not having good staff/inmate ratios, running in excessive over time payments, stressing out your employees, causing an unsafe work and residential environment. In the past, the Sheriff has admitted that the capacity of the addition will be needed at a future time — so right now it’s making do with what they have available.
Let’s not forget that Harford County Detention Center is a “FOR PROFIT” facility. There are people that gain from this Maryland Corporation just as does ConMed Corp.
The bottom line here Mr. Eaton is the needs of the present Detention Center most certainly should have been considered the priority before the addition. It just makes good sense to strengthen the areas of identified weakness before doing extra.
That is NOT taking care of your employees nor is it doing what is best for the inmates. It not only reflects on the Sheriff -but- also on Harford County’s Council.
Thank you for your post. I want to point out that not one of the passionate supporters of Bane would answer these questions.
I can’t wait until we clean house and we get a new sheriff in town and clean this mess up. Mr Eaton I want to thank you again for telling us how things really are. These men and women need to go. These men and women who hide behind fake names are sworn officers I call you people real low class bums. Your cowards, and you wear a uniform what jokers.
The ones hiding behind fake names are in fear of their jobs. If the Bane crew finds who they are they will be targeted. They are trying to provide for their families.
No one ever questioned the Correctional Officers doing their jobs well. It was the leadership of the people running the place that was questioned.
James, the people posting against Bane have to use false names, I understand that. What I don’t understand is the people who do the bidding for him hiding behind a false name. If they believe in Bane then they should stand proud to support him. Trust onethatknows, if anyone caught posting comments against this administration would be dealt with very quick.
Which way did he go? I say which way did he go?
Latest word is that this gentleman is improving and recovering and was successfully turned over to the authorities of the jurisdiction that wanted him. He is alive thanks to the fast response time and first aid care provided by the officers of the HCDC. The haters may now return to the underside of their rocks until it is time for them to jump to conclusions and make false accusations again.
I hope this Gentleman gets the help with his issues! I hope his family is there for support! I hope if Meds. are needed to help him succeed with his issues the Jail Medical system will assist and allow him that oppotunity! I wish him the strength to face & deal with his criminal issues & face reality & deal with the cards he has been dealt! Time to put your big boy pants on & pay the piper!
It is good to know he is doing well and I hope he does get the help he needs. I never once questioned the men and women in the trenches at the Detention Center. I worked there and it is a stressful job. Leadership is the problem at the HCSO, priorities seem to be a little out of wack.
Priorities are more than a “little out of wack”. They are way out of whack!!….and they are not getting better.
Hello mike welsh: I’ve been looking for you to comment here. You displayed such good reasoning skills when we had this big discussion early in 2013. You are the voice of calm and reason that usually gets the topic back on track. You always have a good perspective on what is said. Do we know if the most recent man is still alive? I’ve been thinking for months about what can be done to secure change. I’m all about hiring a warden; a person who’s only responsibility is to captain that ship — not the whole harbor. No one is going to give the HCDC the full attention that it needs to turn things around like the warden whose only job is that one institution; the warden has total responsibility and accountability. A warden would have a closer eye on the services provided by the health provider. That one person is going to fight for everything he needs to be successful. Everyone who works there and lives there deserve a top notch facility. The citizens of Harford County have paid for that. So, me and mine are going to choose a candidate who is like minded, and give him/her all the support we can. Waiting for more runners to post their platform. After nearly a year of reading the posts, we must agree, there is a grave need for positive leadership and improved morale among the troops. You fix the morale by fixing the problems. HCDC is in grave need of enhancing their suicide prevention program; they need to develop a state of the art suicide emergency kits to be place in all high risk areas. In considering all of the deaths, their training needs to be brought to “A Team” level. I have lots of good ideas for them because I care about every human life especially the ones that end in inmate suicide. Harford County is going through a lot right now — expanding in different areas, law suits against them and a Sheriff that they have put entirely too many demands on. Sometimes a fresh look, new eyes with new ideas — then such growth can stem in the way of positive change for everyone. Sometimes it just takes somebody from outside the box — to step in and fix it. If we stand together — it can happen………….Please remember the most recent man and his family in your prayers……..