From Harford County Public Schools:
On Wednesday, October 30, at 2:40 p.m., First Lady Michelle Obama will join Sesame Street’s Elmo and Rosita, the Produce Marketing Association and the Partnership for a Healthier America for an announcement about marketing healthier foods to children. Following the announcement, Mrs. Obama, Elmo and Rosita will join school children for the annual fall harvest of the White House Kitchen Garden. For this harvest, the First Lady invited children from MD, VA and WV whose schools are starting to offer healthy snack options. Students from Magnolia Elementary School will join the First Lady and help harvest this fall’s garden!
From The White House, Office of the First Lady:
Sesame Street’s Elmo and Rosita to Join First Lady Michelle Obama for an Announcement about Marketing Healthier Foods to Children
After the announcement, Mrs. Obama, Elmo and Rosita will be joined in the garden by children from MD, VA and WV whose schools are starting to offer healthy snack options
Washington, DC – On Wednesday, October 30 at 2:40 PM ET, First Lady Michelle Obama will join Sesame Street’s Elmo and Rosita, the Produce Marketing Association and the Partnership for a Healthier America for an announcement about marketing healthier foods to children. The announcement comes on the heels of the first ever White House convening on food marketing to children, during which Mrs. Obama called on stakeholders to leverage the power of marketing to promote healthy products and decrease the marketing of unhealthy products to kids.
Following the announcement, Mrs. Obama, Elmo and Rosita will join school children for the annual fall harvest of the White House Kitchen Garden. For this harvest, the First Lady invited children from MD, VA and WV whose schools are starting to offer healthy snack options. Starting next school year, all schools will be required to follow the “Smart Snacks in School” nutrition standards, making vending machines and a la carte lines healthier. Many schools across the country have already met or are working to meet these standards to ensure kids are getting the nutrition they need to lead healthy lives.
Mrs. Obama will also be joined in the garden by children from Harriet Tubman Elementary and Bancroft Elementary in Washington DC who regularly help in the White House Kitchen Garden. Mrs. Obama planted a vegetable garden on the South Lawn to initiate a national conversation around the health and wellbeing of our nation – a conversation that evolved into her Let’s Move! initiative to solve the problem of childhood obesity within a generation.
Children from the following schools, in addition to the two DC schools, will help harvest this fall’s garden:
Magnolia Elementary School, Harford County Schools – Joppa, MD
Magnolia Elementary School is a Healthier US Schools Challenge bronze recipient. The school has made great strides in improving their school meals by ensuring that all competitive foods sold on the cafeteria line meet the requirements for the Healthier US Schools Challenge. Additionally, Magnolia Elementary participates in the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program through the USDA, which introduces school children to a variety of produce that they otherwise might not have the opportunity to sample. As part of their afternoon routine, the school reports that students have become “adventurous eaters” and try different fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Magnolia also participates in Maryland Meals for Achievement, which is an innovative classroom breakfast project that offers school breakfast in the classroom each morning at no cost to students, regardless of family income. The school also participates in a Harvestable School Garden program where students and parents participate in the harvesting of the garden, and vegetables from the garden are incorporated in their school lunches. As part of the program, students in grades 2, 3, and 4 participate in monthly nutrition lessons. As a result of these initiatives, Magnolia has seen an increase in student readiness for school and rigorous work.
Linwood Holton Elementary School, Richmond Public Schools – Richmond, VA
Linwood Holton Elementary School has prolific, well-maintained vegetable and flower gardens, and each grade level maintains its own flowerbeds, along with help from parents and community members. Linwood Holton Elementary also has curriculum aligned with their gardens. The school is located in the Upham Brook Watershed and has established a rain garden to improve the watershed and educate students while improving the water quality. Linwood Holton Elementary also works to ensure that students have healthy snack options available to their students.
North Elementary School, Monongalia County Schools – Morgantown, WV
North Elementary School began their Panther Pride garden in the spring of 2011. In the garden, they grow a wide variety of fruits and vegetables from snake beans to black radishes to strawberries. Many teachers at the school implement garden-based learning, incorporating the garden and its produce in math, science, reading, writing, and health lessons. The school has engaged with the local farmers market, and students learn the value of pricing, marketing, and selling produce at the market. The school has also recently added a WORLD garden where they have planted a new variety of produce indigenous to the almost 50 countries that the students at their school represent so that students can learn about different cultures and expose their palates to international flavors. Last spring, the school began serving some of the items from their gardens in the cafeteria for students, and more recently, they have begun serving items from local farms.
What an honor…to be selected as a prop by a political hack. Congratulations.
The White House garden has always been a political joke.
The soil on the grounds is so contaminated with heavy metal(s) (lead is the worst one, if I remember correctly) that all harvested food immediately goes into a dumpster.
Note that they lowered the lead levels by bringing in a huge amount of soil, compost, etc, plus they’re not growing plants that are more likely to absorb lead from the soil (potatos, carrots, lettuce).
The contamination had been known about since at least the Carter administration. When Clinton was in office, they put the garden on the roof and they trucked in fresh soil for it.
In the spring of 2009, the First Lady and students from the DC area broke ground for the garden and since then nearly 1,600 pounds of food has been harvested. The produce is used in the White House but is also donated to local area food banks.
That’s a lot of crops if you axe me.
Dont know of any food banks that would take fresh produce. most take only NON-perishable food items. But hey let the homeless eat the lead.
Has Queen Bee started growing reefer yet? I bet the King would sure dig that……
Saw several news articles on MSNBC that because of the shut down, the white house gardeners had all been laid off, the garden had been ruined and wild animals including a fox was running rampant and pooping on everything. So the fox just ran off and all of the vegetation sprung back to life? More propaganda.
The comments on here or from very sick people just can’t get over the fact that a black family is in the white house.
Classic misdirection. We can’t get over the abysmal failure that democratic liberalism has been (and always will be), specifically when led by Obama.
You’re kidding yourself, or just lying from the get-go if you think it’s about skin.
Hey dipshit. He is only half black. Skin color has nothing to do with it. Please drink more cool aid, read your books, and come up with a better argument.
Which was more racist… your voting for him because he IS black, or my voting against him because I have fundamental disagreements with his redistribution of wealth ideas, his desire to create a nanny state and the fact that his only qualification to be president was that idiots are duped into finding him likeable? I don’t like Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi either, I guess because they’re white.
Proving my point low information voter listen to shit like this.
Some more of your propaganda bull shit.
33 years later and you still have the same failed policies.
Reagan had it right.
You can try to spin it any way you would like, but the truth is and from the beginning event before he won the election it has been about his skin color. While he was being sworn in you had Republicans meeting secretly to planning on how to make him fail facts are facts and they have not stopped. Before he was elected race relations in America was supposed to be good, individual racism was not as prevalent but institutional racism has always exist. Right wing radio and TV talk show keeps the race baiting going. Fox news channel and WCBM your local channel is a prime example of institutional racism. When you guys use the term we the people, real American and we are going to take our country back, just what he’ll do you mean. This not your America it is our America so stop the lying and wise up stop listen to Republican bull s!!t and become an informed voter not a tea party zombie.
What the hell did I just read?
You need to “move on” you fleabagger
Move on–do you think it is ok for people for vote on color alone? Do you deny than many, many Barack obama supporters support him, just for that fact that he is black? I’m just curious on your thoughts on this…
That’s a really nice simple question. I doubt you would enjoy a complex answer so I’ll let your fetid imagination run wild.
The question was directed specifically to Move Do you also post as Move
Nope. I just like coming here to afflict the comforted and comfort the afflicted.
Because, I love your lexicon, you are just so much smarter than the rest of us. The most impressive thing, is that you know it…. Just curious as to why almost every single one of your posts has a demeaning manner. Why not just state something and leave it at that? The folks that knock people down are only trying to falsely build themselves up.
Enlightenment and introspection will benefit you someday. Probably not today, and probably not as a result of any effort on my part or anyone else you choose to disagree with. Such is the fate of this batch of asocial conservatives that populate this county. Eager for their own entitlement, and willing to deny anything to others they despise.
Sorry pal – I don’t want anything from you.
Too bad I can’t say the same for you and your ilk.
Sorry, Democrats started the KKK, fought to keep segregation till the end, fought allowing blacks to have fire arms, and advocated sterilization for them. Know your history peon
And a Republican President sought to preserve the Union and fight the rebellious southerners that wanted to maintain states rights which was a funny way of saying Slavery. Another Republican President sought to set limits on the avarice and power of corporations because they were literally choking the rivers and skies and providing foul food to the American people. That same Republican sought to preserve the natural beauty of the United States by setting aside public lands for the benefit of future generations. Another Republican President engaged in a massive public works program to create a network of highways that crossed the country and created a better method of transportation for commerce to flow across the nation.
Exactly what happened to those Republicans?
The irony of your post is that those same Republicans you claim to once admire are still trying to preserve the union. You just happen to be on the other side.
B. Only in your mind are they preserving anything of the sort.
They nominated Mitt Romney, the Lib/Dems smeared him with lies, the mainstream media conspired in those lies, and the majority of people who voted selected the administration we have today. So we have trillions of dollars of additional new debt, an economic disaster that continues, a health care debacle not limited to just the web site, allies who hate our guts because we spy on them, foreign countries who would like us to fail but own our debt, an intrusive NSA, a Justice Department who got Brian Terry and others killed because they demanded gun dealers break the law, A State Department that got its own employees killed because of gross criminal negligence, a Congress that is permitted to take monetary support for what is called bribery in the private sector, and the beat goes on.
That is what we have, Because, and you seem to be very happy with it and endorse it every chance you get. Why don’t you write a letter to the widows of Brian Terry or Christopher Stevens and explain to them who has been punished for getting their dead husbands killed.
Hey, WTF, no one needs to plot how to make him fail. He has done a splendid job of failing all by himself. World class. And he doesn’t get a pass because he is partly black. MLK asked that we judge by content of character. He is judged a failure.
What the hell did I just read?