From Harford County Public Schools:
Harford County Public Schools achieved a more than 25 percent increase in participation in Advanced Placement (AP) assessments from 1,824 students in 2012 to 2,292 students in 2013; this at the same time total high school enrollment in the county remained steady. Total enrollment in AP courses in 2013 was 5,896, a 28 percent jump from the previous year, with many students taking multiple AP courses. With a focus on rigor at every level, Harford County anticipates the trend in increased participation and performance to continue.
AP exams were administered in all high schools, and the number of AP exams administered rose from 2,948 in 2012 to 3,871 in 2013, a total increase of more than 31 percent. By the time they graduated, approximately 24 percent of the members of the Class of 2013 had demonstrated college mastery or higher on one or more AP exams, up from 19 percent for the previous year. Achievement of this performance level qualifies students to receive credit at many colleges and universities.
“As a system, we are working together to meet the academic needs of each individual student,” said Interim Superintendent of Schools Barbara Canavan. “I want to take this opportunity to thank my teachers, administrators and support staff for taking a personal interest in the academic success of each student they serve. Their unified efforts ensure success for students in the future. I commend our students for their hard work and achievement and their families for their continued support.”
More than 60 percent of the 2013 graduates participated in the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
Compared to 2012, Harford County test-takers’ overall performance in mathematics improved by four points (520), improved by five points in writing (486) and improved by six points in critical reading (509).
Harford County mean scale scores exceed the state and the nation in critical reading (509 versus 497 and 496, respectively) and in mathematics (520 versus 500 and 514, respectively) and remain slightly behind in writing (486 versus 488).
HCPS is expanding opportunities to ensure greater participation in AP courses, as well as to increase scores in every tested area of the SAT. In particular, the school system continues to focus on supporting students in mastering coursework, resulting in increased achievement on these rigorous assessments.
Test scores, demographics and individual school information can be found on the school system website ( by visiting each School Profile.
Before congratulating “the system”, it must be noted that there was a huge influx to Harford County as a result of the BRAC. Congratulations are in order, but it doubtful that we should send the felicitations to the “system”. The continued assault on the education budget, the pitting of one community against another (Thanks Craig!) and the unending expectation on our educators are trending against this bit of good news. Get with it, Harford County leadership.
‘“As a system, we are working together to meet the academic needs of each individual student,” said Interim Superintendent of Schools Barbara Canavan.’
What about the kids that aren’t going to succeed in college and just need to learn a trade? How about expanding Harford Tech?