From the Harford County Health Department:
On Saturday, November 2nd, the Harford County Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) will host a county-wide Affordable Care Act Health Forum from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Union United Methodist Church, 700 N. Post Road in Aberdeen. The event is part of a larger, comprehensive outreach initiative targeting the approximately 20,000 uninsured Harford County residents under the age of 65.
Marilyn Johnson of the Harford Community Action Agency, Harford County’s lead Navigator funded by Seedco, will be a featured presenter at the Forum. The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) named Seedco last spring to serve as one of six connector organizations statewide that was contracted to provide consumer assistance and health insurance enrollment resources to individuals and small employers in Harford, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester counties. Navigator and Assister representatives from the Harford Community Action Agency, Inc. and the Harford County Health Department, and Cheri Wilson, MA, MHS, CPHQ from the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, also will speak at the Forum.
“Single individuals already insured through Medicaid or who currently are uninsured, heads of households with families, small business owners, or others interested in obtaining information on behalf of others will find it worthwhile to attend,” states Harford County Health Officer, Susan Kelly. Those attending will learn about the key provisions of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), coverage eligibility guidelines and a schedule of county-wide enrollment opportunities, and other informative details to help consumers decide what options best suit their needs and incomes to obtain access to affordable health care coverage.
The Forum also promises to provide information on a wide variety of topics and terms related to the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid program expansion and eligibility, the Maryland Children’s Health Program, the Small Business Options Program, heath care tax credits for business owners, information about health disparities, and more. Materials will be available in English and Spanish and transportation is available. Seating is limited to 300 persons.
The Harford County Health Department reminds the public that Maryland Health Connection open enrollment continues through March 31st, but consumers have only until December 15th to complete the process in time to have qualified health plan coverage in place by the New Year. Medical Assistance enrollment for those who qualify will continue to be available at any time.
Founded in 1909, the NAACP ( ) is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization, whose Mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. Included among their advocacy issues is to bring our national voice to assist in the eradication of racial and ethnic disparities in health, with a focus not only on disease prevention, but on the social and environmental factors that affect health and wellness.
The Kaiser Family Foundation offers a very understandable animated overview of the Affordable Care Act both in English and in Spanish on its website. The English version can be found at: while the Spanish version at:
More information about Maryland Health Connection and health insurance options is available by visiting, or where consumers also can enroll for coverage. Members of the public may also call representatives called “Assisters”, available at all Health Department locations, at: 1321 Woodbridge Station Way in Edgewood MD (at 443-752-4105), 120 S. Hays Street, in Bel Air (at 443-752-4213) or 34 N. Philadelphia Blvd. in Aberdeen (at 443-752-5409). Additional valuable information is available on-line at:
Do the take my EBT?
No need for you to use your EBT card. Both Cdev and Because will pay whatever your cost will be. Please advise them of what they owe when you have picked out a plan.
Another compassionate conservative pseudo christian barbara.
For the social good you will be able to sign up for Medicaid and not have to pay any of your money. It is the least we can do to help those in need.
Social Good and Social Justice is an excuse for lazy *** to continue to be lazy *** while people like you support it. Hey ***, you have too much money now. How much of it have you given away? Willing to bet you have a nice nest egg somewhere. Oh But wait. Socialism is for the people, not the socialists. DUH silly me
Yes social justice is for the social good. I will gently profess a progressive movement that I know the American people will inevitably embrace with gusto.
Are you really Cass Sunstein?
I happen to agree with you that the general American public will indeed embrace progressivism with gusto, as we are too lazy to think on our own and take care of ourselves. Fortunately, when progressivism unwinds at the hands of liberty, those simple, lazy, utopian minds will be the first to be removed from the gene pool. Because, we all know…..”you can’t fix stupid”.
Under the banner of progressivism we can usher in social justice. If you call it “S” or “C” and “ism” the American people will never take to it.
We progressives on the Dagger are successfully promoting social justice through progressivism.
More free shit for freeloaders.
The less fortunate are have been left out of the economy and we must share our vast communal wealth with them. It is the New American Way.
Ah Communal wealth, another Marxist has spoken. Please read the works of those you so wish to be prophetic for. There is no room for those who cant help themselves.
I think if you look at the morality of sharing the common wealth with those less fortunate you would come to the progressive and more thoughtful way of thinking about our society.
I looked it at, why should I help someone who refuses to help themselves . We had no money growing up, we struggled to get by. Did we bitch? NO, Did we beg? No, did we ask for or take a handout? NO. I got off my ass and did what I could to get by. Against all odds I have been able to scratch out a little slice of the American dream for myself. You didnt build that, the government didn’t build that. I built that. I made sacrifices, I didn’t buy things I could not afford, I lived within my means, worked hard and made it. People like you that advocate all things communal are really what keeps those who are downtrodden from being anything but. Shame on you. But, when bad times do come, I will be sure to direct any looters and zombies your way. I hope you meet them with outstretched arms.
There are those among us who see suffering around them for whatever reason, be it laziness, addiction, criminality, or simple bad luck and decide that the only way to assuage the torment that suffering causes within themselves is to take the wealth of others, many of whom have worked hard for perhaps decades to get where they are, and redistribute that wealth to mitigate their self inflicted guilt. The odds of convincing them that they have no right to wrest assets involuntarily from another to give to those they perceive as less fortunate – as if they were some sort of modern day Robin Hood – are as miniscule as of their convincing me they do. Sadly, in their blind push ever forward, they completely ignore the fact that the uber wealthy will never be tapped to help alleviate the suffering that pains them so. The ultra rich that they despise so vehemently will skate because no one in Washington will ever act to alter that arrangement – and they see these people who perpetuate this condition as heroic defenders of the poor. Rich people are powerful. Rich people fund campaigns. Rich people are who politicians pal around with. Rich people keep getting richer no matter which party is in charge. The only people that will be receiving “affordable” care are the poor and it will once again be paid for by the powerless, middle class, multitude.
Upton Sinclair – “see here, you can’t turn all these people out into the night it is inhuman brother, inhuman.”
ME – “I’m not your brother.”
Upton Sinclair – “we are all brothers in the eyes of God.”
ME – “all these people, are they are sisters and brothers?”
Upton Sinclair – “they most certainly are”
Me – “then you won’t mind if they come and stay at your place will you?”
Upton Sinclair – “friends…… friends don’t worry, we shall find haven for you in our own homes. It won’t cost you one cent more than regular hotel rates.”
Do nothing with us! (negros) Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! … And if the negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! If you see him on his way to school, let him alone, don’t disturb him! If you see him going to the dinner table at a hotel, let him go! If you see him going to the ballot box, let him alone, don’t disturb him! If you see him going into a work-shop, just let him alone, — your interference is doing him positive injury.
-Frederick Douglas
January 26th 1865
If you see him on the street selling crack arrest him and the one he is selling too. If you see him with stolen goods arrest him. If he assaults his family or neighbors arrest him. If he kills others who look like him (or anyone else) arrest him. If he refuses to furnish financial support for the children he has fathered arrest him.
October 29th, 2013
You are missing the point of the speech moron. He was advocating against welfare and other “Social Justice” programs you and your friends are so proud of. It has done nothing but make it worse. You are a racist bigot so we would not expect you to be able to comprehend this.
I’m not missing anything. I stand by what I said, and that goes for you also. There is not a single racist comment in what I had to say. The racism and bigotry is in your mind, not mine.
Frederick Douglas was a conservative uncle tom.
I pick mah boogad and eatah them. Mmmm, taste like crutons. They get it.
We have to give social justice progressivism time to work.
It’s taken 80 plus years in the US to get where we are today.
China, Where thousands are executed by firing squad and mobile lethal injection vans. Russia where the communist revolution murdered millions. And South Africa where over 4,000 white farmers have been murdered as revenge for apartheid. Good examples.
Perhaps Castro wouldn’t have murdered his own countrymen had the US only “treated him better” after he “decided to end his affiliation” Also known as pointing nuclear weapons at us. I’d say that’s a clear indication that he was ready to “end his affiliation”.
I’d love for the Cuban people to be free. I think they would benefit greatly. But that’s not going to happen as long as the Castro family is alive. But HEY! At least they all have the same worthless free healthcare… Aside from the politically connected of course. They get the real doctors. IT’S PARADISE! And it’s coming to the US.
I hope people like you have the guts to take credit for what’s about to happen to our health system. But I’m sure you’ll blame someone else. That’s what the left does.
They will blame blame blame. They never take responsibility for their own failed actions. They always want more money, more resources, more time. But never put forth plans on how the appropriated resources will be dedicated. Most of them are what Karl Marx referred to as “Useful Idiots” They go around parroting the party line and pushing the wagon of Marxist fecal matter. When its all said and done, they are the first ones that get “purged” You people deserve the government you vote for.
Castro didn’t point weapons at us. That was the Russians. Also, modern day china does not experience ‘thousands’ dying in lethal injection vans or firing squads. Lastly, Castro although a oppressive dictator at first eased off in his later years.
Thank you Mr. Because you are a true progressive.
Alexa R – Only someone who against the greater good would worry what I pay or don’t pay. Progressivism is on the march and we’d love to have you join us.