The Harford County Sheriff’s Office will take to the skies with the formation of an aviation unit, the agency confirmed this week.
Details of the unit, including whether an airplane or helicopter had already been purchased and at what cost, remained unclear. The Sheriff’s Office declined to release further details ahead of an upcoming press conference to officially announce the aviation unit’s creation.
“For some time now, members of the Sheriff’s Office have been working to create an aviation unit for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office,” Sheriff’s Office spokesman Edward Hopkins wrote in an e-mail to The Dagger. “In several weeks, there will be a press conference to announce the formation of this aviation unit. There are no further details that I am able to release at this time. To be certain everyone has all the information at the same time, and so that it is not being addressed piecemeal we will schedule a news conference in the upcoming weeks.”
A source told The Dagger that a helicopter with a JT15D motor has already been purchased at a low cost from a government agency, but could not speak to expected operational costs such as fuel, pilot training, storage, or insurance.
The agency’s new unit would join other aviation divisons in place with the Maryland State Police, Baltimore County Police Department, Baltimore City Police Department, and Delaware State Police.
The Maryland State Police Aviation Command will continue to provide medevac services and other support as needed, spokesman Greg Shipley said.
“We work very diligently to support local law enforcement whenever needed,” he said.
The state police command is currently transitioning to operate a new type of helicopter, the AugustaWestland AW 139; the agency will eventually have 10 such units operating in seven locations around the state. The Aviation Command’s $28.4 million 2013 budget also provides for approximately 150 staff including maintainence and administrative personnel, Shipley said, and is drawn largely from the state’s Emergency Medical System Operations Fund, which levies a $22 surcharge every two years on registrations for certain classes of vehicles.
Where did this funding come from? Is this going to be Jesse’s legacy – Bane’s Planes? What are they going to do with this unit, look for marijuana plants in the cornfields? Oh yeah, we don’t have any farms left…hmmm…catch speeders on I-95 – nope, that’s MSP territory. I know, spend our tax dollars in the name of public safety!
They will fly over graduations to chase down any planes that attempt aerobatics.
Come on man, do we really need to spend money on this.
Strafing the more troublesome sections of the county might be the most effective use of the proposed aircraft.
Marc and his other names will be on this site soon.
This doesn’t make sense if this was a government surplus helicopter the operational costs will be insane. As a retired pilot I estimate between $300 to $400 an hour, plus staff to maintain it and dedicated pilots to operate it. If other police departments already assist why is this necessary. If it was bought on grant funding at some point the grant runs out and the taxpayers must pay the bill. If it costs the Maryland State Police Aviation Command 28.4 Million dollars to operate 10 helicopters, then assuming the Harford County Sheriff’s Office only has one that is 2.84 million dollars and 15 dedicated personnel. From what I know about the Maryland State Police AW139 is that it is brand new which means the maintenance costs would be much less, then what is likely a 1970-1980 era helicopter that government surplus would supply to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. Look county workers and teachers have not seen raises in years. I read that the Sheriff wants more deputies well on the surface they may have got it for a cheap price. They also may have got a grant but at some point every grant needs to be funded and how will that happen. Very disappointed
Even if they received a grant for part of the costs it means “someone” is paying. The real question would be; Is this unit necessary and will the citizens of Harford County receive a good return on their investment? I just don’t see this as being cost effective at this point in time.
Come on, Man,
Thank you for your facts and well reasoned argument. I also appreciated your hotlink to the AW139. I have to respectfully disagree with you in that times have changed even in Harford County. If this craft can assist deputies to control crime, then it is worth every penny. The other aircraft are not going to be available for Harford County other than shock trauma deliveries. We have to use anything and everything at our disposal to stop crime. Again, thanks for your comments. I respect what you have said.
I agree, while expensive, a FLIR-equipped helicopter able to respond support HCSO 24×7 would be much more effective at crime fighting than constantly begging the MSP for aviation support.
How many officers would it take to enable a HCSO 24X7 response support?
When has the HCSO “begged” the MSP aviation unit for support ? From what I hear, between MSP and the Balt City/County units the HCSO gets outstanding support. Exceptions being weather related when the aircraft can’t safely respond.
Mike Welsh you are 100% correct Baltimore county and MSP have always said they are there if needed and have always been there(with weather exceptions). Baltimore City and Delaware State Police have also been used on an occasional basis. All of these jurisdictions have direct radio communication capabilities with The Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
Except their assets are subject to availability and priorities, they won’t spend Friday night hovering around monitoring minor drug dealing, HCSO could dedicate their own helicopter to that use.
Monster /Fred visnaw / mark forwood / Mildred Sammy / Jesse bane. Whoever you are Really. Predictable. Question the bane / Napoleon and you appear. By the way what is bane giving John Ryan for running. Is John Ryan a cook, DJ , limo driver or a cop?
Aviation unit? Anyone remember the great tractor robbery in July when 4 hours of MSP helicopter searches turned up nothing?
Who thinks we can afford this? Is it because Bane knows he won’t win next year so he figures he will leave someone else with the bill? I want to see hard numbers on how this fits in our budget. Harford County cannot afford to be in the position our federal government is. It is an unnecessary expense at this time. Sure, it would be nice to have but a yacht would be nice to have too and I don’t have one of them.
If anyone doubted Bane’s insanity before this, it should be perfectly clear now. Are there any statistics stating how many times the agency has had to call another jurisdiction for use of their aviation unit? From what I am hearing from the deputies, it is only a handful per year. I foresee this heap being used sparingly, but of course, it will be at the Farm Fair next summer with BANE FOR SHERIFF signs all over it. Completely disgusted but not surprised. Hope this finally opens up everyone’s eyes.
I have directed a small portion of my vast wealth through my open society institute for the purchase of several drones in order to flush out those who oppose the new world order of things, simultaneously blaming the Koch brothers and the tea party for everything we are doing.
Chairman Mao-boma has promised to continue the funding of these glorious job creating programs through several taxpayer funded grants.
What is really sketchy is that the agency puts out an email asking all agency members to be quiet about the Aviation Unit maybe the public needs to know that. Maybe Jesse Bane and his cronies should see if the federal government has a party boat for $1 so when they lose the election they can set sail into the sunset for one last time.
Maybe a marine unit, full time SRT team and funding for more deputy’s would be more practical. Maybe give us a raise? But why an aviation unit when you have several surrounding you that are already 24-7 and have always been reliable? Jesse Bane I don’t know who talked you into this but it’s crazy.
I’m reading this as drones… Can’t see any other way for HarCo to afford ‘aviation’ other than that.
They’ll have to keep it on a constant loop of rt.40 to keep the shit bats in check.
While letting the drug dealers and shooters and stabbers in the rest of the county above the Rt. 40 corridor to their fun and games, Mr. Lahey?
Look I’m not going to sugar coat this. I work 3 jobs 1 full time and 2 part time I barely see my family. I have not seen a raise other then a 4% bs raise but my healthcare went up by even more then that and my contribution into my retirement plan went up as well. I also pay more in taxes and fica. I speak for me but I also think I speak for the majority. This is getting old I’m not going to sit hear and cry fowl but then again maybe its time. The detention center is short staffed, law enforcement is short staffed. No offense against specialized units and creating unneeded supervisor positions but when is enough enough????? It’s time to take care of deputies and the family they provide for that are hurting. Not only because they rarely get to see their dad or mom but because its to the point where many struggle to pay their bills and put food on their table. This aviation program is not needed and any way of justifying it is a shot in the face to all of the good people that put there life on the line for you everyday. Its shameful and I hope you have the dignity to stop it Sheriff Bane.
If I were you I would look for a change in careers, If enough people left that stinking force it might send a message. The sad thing is HCSO would end up like Baltimore City Police, hiring thugs.
Absolutely absurd proposition! This is unnecessary spending. With the air support of surrounding counties and MSP you can’t make an argument strong enough for me to support such foolish spending! Enough of this!
After this feedback can’t wait t see how long it takes Bane to rethink this. He is still stomping around the office over Gahler. We need some leadership in this office.
Where are all of banes supporters. What will banes boys on the council say about this?
I sit back and watch these anti-bane comments, mostly to the letters written by Jeff Gahler and wonder if these comments related to the sheriff have any merit. Reading this story I have to say Gahler has found himself a new supporter if he commits to killing this beyond stupid idea. There is no need for our police department to have a helicopter. Government spending continues to wreck this country and this is another example of duplication of resources. Enough! Sheriff Bane you have lost me and I am betting many more soon to follow! Stop this now!
After reading the upcoming press release about this HCSD Aviation Unit, I will be putting out feelers for a protest and/or petition drive to stop the madness. I will wait and see what kind of spin they put in the release so that I know what we are up against. I am not a county employee, nor am I in law enforcement, I’m just another pissed off citizen that is tired of throwing money into government agencies that act like this (fiscally irresponsible). THEY WORK FOR US!!!
This might be a brilliant flash of foresight, as the march of crime from the Route 40 corridor marches relentlessly into Harford County.
However, the use of aviation in crime fighting is extremely limited, pretty much to the roles of tracking and ground vehicle guidance. The other function is that of traffic observation; I’m not sure checking I95, Route 24 and the 924 junction warrants it! – cameras are already used.
The truth is, we can’t afford it, and with our current economic situation, it is not likely to be a possibility in my lifetime.
If we want to save money, we need to curtail the misuse of welfare, curb some of the “bleeding heart” programs, and stop allowing liberal judges on the bench. We also need to stop county government from building edifices that are far more substantial, and therefore far more costly per square foot, than we can ever, as individuals, afford for ourselves.
Local government needs to live as they force us to do; tightening their belts and living within their means.
This is a money pit that should not be allowed to fly.
Hopefully the naysayers and Baners will see what some of us have been saying all along–that Bane is completely out of control with no common sense. The employees can’t get raises, but he’s going to hire pilots? This is the wake up call for the voters of Harford County.
Native–petitions won’t stop Bane. There is no system of checks and balances and the man does what he wants. Public outcry will only make him more determined to “win”. This is the kind of man that is heading the main law enforcement agency in Harford County. But please get the word out and we can be heard at the next election.
That is why we need to see the meat and potatoes of it; we need to fight fire with fire and I am chomping at the bit to find out who funded this. We will drag more than Sheriff Bane into it.
Who is this guy to tell us to wait for the information related to this albatross? So we all get it at the same time? Little Obama deciding what he will tell us and when. I have some suggestions Mr. Bane, the truth and now!
Right as usual sir………………………..
More resources to catch them but not enough resources to keep them incarcerated.
You are truly the Bane of our existence.
The HCSO fully believes that they can do whatever they feel like doing, it is common knowledge throughout a number of other counties that the shit they do is sometimes questionable and borderline illegal and they laugh about. I would love to see a Federal investigation into this department and other depts. as well.
Hedley, aka Marc, I told Marc Eaton a long time ago to do just what you said- get a federal probe into the HCSO. Interestingly enough, he made many excuses for why that couldn’t happen. Are you arguing with yourself or just blowing BS again?
are you kidding???? where are they going to keep it. next to the 50 motorcycles that sit around all winter? maybe the rv. or tank they keep in forest hill. you should see some of the equipment they have. it’s sick!!
hire a few more officers. you ever try to get a cop to your house? it takes forever. i’m sure they are not going to land the helecopter in your front yard to help you.
just keep blowing our budget. must have been o’malley’s idea. if you are living pay check to pay check, would you buy a $7,5000.00 suv? i think not!
George, right, right and right!
And as far as living paycheck to paycheck and buying a $75,000.00 SUV, yeah, well, great analogy, and people do that on occasion, but government agencies do it on a regular basis and it needs to end here in Harford!
There are public and private small airports in Harford county. I would assume it won’t be “free” to keep stored somewhere.
The State Police pay over a million dollars a year at Martin State Airport just for the hangar that they lease.
Here’s a shiny new toy (well, a shiny new 40+ year old one at least). Vote for me!
Besides being a DJ, Cook, Limo Driver, and part time cop does John Ryan also fly helicopters?
Cheese Head this article is about Jesse Bane and his unlimited checkbook and poor decisions/leadership not about John Ryan or Jeff Gahler. What’s your point or is this a new tactic that you and monster have devised to take pressure off of Mr. Burns???
I’ve seen Jesse Bane’s tactics first hand…. Who else tries to bury buying a helicopter? I gotta believe there is something going on with Bane and Ryan. Why else would Ryan the ultimate Jack-of-all-trades and Ace-of-none be running? Is the guy a cook, dj, driver or cop?
cheese patrol, are you writing to yourself again?
Cheese Patrol Police you are right on. Monster /Cheese Patrol/Headley Lamarr five posts in starts with accusing me of doing what he is doing, posting under different names. This is again a poor attempt to discredit me or anything I may post. His grammar is perfect as he posts under Monster.
In post #8 Monster shows great grammar and punctuation as he responds to Come On Man. After Monster has denied being a member of the Sheriff’s Office Command Staff, he writes “WE have to use anything and everything at OUR disposal to stop crime.” So is this a statement from a member of the department or another distraction attempt?
Twelve posts in his posts as Cheese Patrol and he not capitalizing where it is needed and capitalizing where it is not needed. This seems intentional to me, like someone trying to disguise their writing habits. Then he starts to attack John Ryan who is also running for Sheriff. No one has said a word about John to this point.
Post #23 written by Headley Lamarr is in response to People for the Ethnical Treatment of Deputies. Now I have been critical of Bane and his head hunters and the FOJ crowd. Lamarr calls it a “stinking force” and calls the entire department “thugs”. Something I would never do, I go after the bad element and do not put the great hard working Brothers and Sisters down.
Post #25 Cheese Patrol has great grammar and punctuation in his post
Post #26 Cheese Patrol again with dropping the capitalization of Banes name and bad grammar. Time is 8:16 AM
Post #35, Headley Lamarr again goes after the department as a whole with accusations of illegal activity and wants a Federal Investigation.
Post #36, Monster is back accusing me of being Lamarr bringing up the Federal Investigation. In past posts I did state that I tried to get a Federal Investigation into Bane’s handling of the Forwood case with no luck in getting this done. Monster again makes an attempt to accuse me of using several names. Time is 2:16 PM with no comments in between so now we go back to Cheese Patrol.
Post #41, Cheese Patrol is back with wanting know what John Ryan is? Now he wants to add a question if John is a helicopter pilot? To this point the only one wanting to know this is Cheese Patrol, no one has even brought John up.
Post #42, Cheese Patrol Police attempts to focus Cheese Patrol and keep him on point. Cheese Patrol Police can also see that this is a new tactic to turn the conversation from Bane to Gahler or Ryan.
Post #43, Cheese Patrol responds with perfect grammar and punctuation and again brings up John Ryan and this time stoops to name calling. Time is 2:25 PM.
Finally post #44 @ 2:22 PM. Monster is back asking himself if he is answering himself and back to bad punctuation. I am confused how post #43 is at 2:25 PM and post #44 is at 2:22 PM.
Now, lets start with John my friend. John is a business owner, a pilot, I think he has done DJ work, I don’t know about Limo driver, but you have left out that he one heck of a car detail guy. Unlike you John is not the type of guy to call names and put someone down. He is a good father and husband, he is a dear friend to me and one of my Brothers in Blue. I have talked to John and he has explained why he is running for Sheriff. I respect him and his actions. Monster/Headley Lamarr/CheesePatrol, you are trying to get the nasty comments between Republican candidates and their supporters going to cause problems. I am hoping that Gahler, Ryan and Peck will focus on the problem at the Sheriff’s Office this election cycle which is Bane and his minions. I would also hope that everyone would also concentrate on defeating Bane and turning the department around for the good people who work there. Let us keep focused on removing Bane and not going after the Republican Candidates. This is what you and Bane want. I learned a good lesson after the last Sheriff’s election and the last election for President. Attack the other side of the party and stay focused in our party for the betterment of the Sheriff’s Office.
Monster/HeadleyLamarr/CheesePatrol, if you are who I think you are I can understand how poorly you have done you job in hiding what you are doing. You spent your time studying to get promoted and really did no police work. You would not know how the mind of a Cop works.
Now as for this article, my work was done when the article was written. Think about that.
Marc, You really don’t have a life when you spend this much time analyzing who wrote what. Even then, you come up with a lot of wrong answers. But what really bothers me is your disdain for any officer who has gone for promotion and college to be a better person and policeman. You think it is better to stay at the same rank for 20 years and work at your own business hauling shit. If that is your choice, fine, but don’t denigrate ambitious people who see a bigger picture than you do, seek to improve their knowledge and skills, and keep current with society and the law to better understand and do their job. You are a small person who has to blame Bane for all that is wrong as you see it in the HCSO. You digust me.
This response was as poor as your response as Cheese Patrol. So easy to hide behind false names. Grow a set and post under your real name. I am sure that if I could check the IP address it would come back to the second floor of 45 South Main. When will you and the rest of you FOJ’s learn you can’t get me down with you nasty words. Skippy good for you for getting that law degree. By the way, I had shoulder surgery 9/3 and I am off until around December. Unpaid to so I have a lot of free time right now. What answers were wrong Skippy?
Mark, here we go again with the real name bullshit, how about the cops grow some and use their real name? Why don’t YOU post your phone number, credit card number, SS number. By posting your name it’s amazing the info someone can get. Now answer my first question.
Monster, I can tell Bane is puppetering you into writing what he wants. Your post is as scattered as he is. Who said anything about promotions and college? I’d go to college too if the county paid for it and if a deputy had enough money to contribute to his campaign, they’d get promoted too. You Baners are scrambling now. And I’m sorry to hear that Marc Eaton “digust” you. The more he digust you, the happier I am.
marc, you screwed up again. I mentioned promotions, college, etc. to Marc Eaton, not Lenny Lane. Get your names mixed up? Also, since when do you know when someone uses proper grammar. I am told that all you know is how to collect and throw shit.
Monster, youre a dope. I read what you wrote to Marc Eaton on this thread, genius, not because of posting under different names. God you are so stupid. Go fly a helicopter.
Mark, pay attention to what you read, I called Balto. City Police Thugs.
Eaton. Get a life. Thanks for making my point about John Ryan. Clearly the guy comes to work to get some sleep. Also evidence that Bane is not managing us.
Monster/HeadleyLamarr/CheesePatrol I worked really hard and long on that and all you can give me is two and one quarter lines in response. Come on Man! Grammar and punctuation is good, or is it well?
Marc Eaton it’s coming.
Will Bane even remember tomorrow that he bought a helicopter yesterday?
The petty and childish bickering by some current and former law enforcement officers on this site is getting old, very old. There have been insightful comments from some, but they are overshadowed by the few with personal vendettas and agendas. Why don’t you two or three go get a beer/coffee/soda/whatever and hash things out, or take it to a boxing ring, or just drop it (whatever it is)?
Native, how is pointing out the truth childish? The only vendetta is opening people’s eyes to the way the agency operates and the man who has run it into the ground. I’m sure the understaffed overworked correctional officers at the Detention Center are delighted to hear that an aviation unit has been formed when they are working 80 hours a week just to keep the place staffed. I could go on ad nauseum but my point is that I don’t believe most of the posters on here are petty–they, like myself, just want people to know what the hell is going on with this agency and how money is being frivilously pissed away.
There is a difference between pointing out agency issues and the petty little personal squabbles that two or three of you have on here amongst yourselves.
Hazzard: What you call “petty squabbles” are people’s livlihoods. No raises, overworked, underpaid, not respected, political games, political favortism, mismanagement, no accountability, destroying peoples lives, needless expenditures–what world do you live in that you call these issues petty?
Lenny Lane, aka Marc, He is calling you petty. He is correct.
Monster, the Dagger knows I use my name and no other. Good enough for me. You have been caught so many times using different names and discredited so I am sure no one takes you serious. I don’t. You have me email, phone number and my address but you are afraid to deal with me face to face. You beat this name thing to death, to me and other cops we know why you do this. Distraction for Jesse. Give it a rest. If you so proud of Bane and what he does then use your name, what do you have to be afraid of. Other then me.
Marc, first of all, I am not afraid of you. Secondly, you do post under more than one name. Thirdly, why should I use my name, no one else does, and when I did several years ago, I was harassed. Lastly, and most important, why should I contact you? What are you going to say that you can’t say here to everyone? Are you afraid of getting sued? What is your problem, tell us all now or shut up.
I am writing about your PERSONAL vendettas on this board, comments to one or two other commentators that you don’t get along with, you damned well know what I mean and you choose to spin it about the department now. You and a handful of other screen names on here (likely 2-3 people) do nothing but in-fight. Stick to the program.
You hit it on the head. This site is being used as a political format. That is not what it should be.
Just because you have been caught doing that you accuse me and others of doing it. You have a hard time believing people other then me disagree with you and you Lord Jesse. Stay tuned I have more for you.
The Sheriff has been able to keep his Department within budget where others in the county bust theirs. If he couldn’t afford the new unit I’m sure he would not have done it. It seems that some just want to add more workers, when the Sheriff seems to get the most out of his budget and his Deputies because the work hard and understand the times and respect a man that respects them. I always thank a Deputy when I see them and they always say great things about our Sheriff. I for one can’t wait to see us move forward and have this vital resource.
Take Flight: It took you Baners 2 whole days to come up with a way to put a positive pro-Bane spin on this fiasco and this is the best you can come up with? The word respect is not in the man’s vocabulary. Keep trying.
@Take Flight,
Vital resource! How so? What makes it vital? More like a nice to have resource.
How would you know if the Sheriff keeps his Department within budget? Are you an employee of the Sheriffs Department?
You say that this Sheriff understands and respects his employees who in turn respect him. I experience just the opposite. Without fail, all of the Deputies I talk to say the current Sheriff has absolutely no respect for his employees other than his senior inner circle. Some of the Deputies I talk to don’t even believe he has respect for some of his senior ranking leaders. They say the Sheriff only promoted some of his senior officers for political reasons.
I fail to see how forming yet another specialized unit is a good idea when patrol is still short staffed. This just pulls more deputies off the street, not only to staff the DFC slots in the new unit, but also to fill those supervisors spots (which I suppose is good news for anyone trying to promote next year) with a limited benefit to the agency as whole or to the citizens of Harford County.
If Bane really wanted to form an aviation unit he should’ve gone for new drones, not 40 year old helicopters that other agencies didn’t want any more. Drones are significantly cheaper to acquire, maintain, and operate as well as being faster to deploy. It’s not like the helicopter is going to be flying 24/7 (or even every day most likely.) I doubt it’ll even been staffed 24/7 (probably be another M-F 8-4 gig except for call outs.) If patrol needs it for a pursuit, a critically missing person search, a suspect search, etc they’ll still have to call out a crew, wait for them to get to the hanger, prep it for flight, and actually get on scene.
Ah! Yes! – But the sheriff can’t jump in a drone to drag his ass off to some Eastern Shore conference. Don’t you see how essential this equipment is?
How many current deputies would be qualified to work an aviation unit? I bet the number with over a thousand hours as PIC could be counted on one hand.
was skimming these posts and cant let this go…ive been with this agency for several years now and know for a fact that most of the “patrol” guys have disagreed with pretty much everything the sheriff has done or NOT done the past couple years. you don’t work hard for someone out of respect of the person….we work hard and try and bust our ass because its a job we love! honestly, a lot of your younger deputies have come to conclusion that this is what we have to settle for right now…lay low, answer your calls, do police work….but don’t rock the boat…especially with the current head of patrol! morale does suck right now, certain brass looking over your shoulder/possibly 8 years with no raise/a weak union….but the vast majority feel that the current “regime” will be out of here in the next couple years due to election and retirements!
@ Take Flight you are clearly one of two certified pilots that exist or the major pilot in training. If you ask a deputy who doesn’t know you how they feel about the Sheriff they cannot comment. But if you know a friend of a deputy they will enlighten you. The Deputy’s despise bane not because he is there boss but because he is an ineffective leader. If this is the new 2nd floor plan good luck and sorry your aviation program got leaked but maybe communication is an issue. Yes I would like a raise but I would also like for you to explain to me how an aviation unit outweighs that or additional staff, I am sure many BS excuses are ready for this big press conference. I also bet that you are poo-ing your pants knowing that info got out and you could not do your secret special unveiling. Guess What maybe from now on you will at least let your own department know before you send out an email announcing the unit but telling agency members to not talk about it. Good Job Cowards!
Jesse Bane you are out of your mind its 2013 not 1974. This agency is full of specialized units and now an aviation unit. This is your county that you live in, this is crazy. I saw a previous comment about running into deputies and asking about the Sheriff a.) that is not allowed per policy, b.)election years suck and finally c.) I agree with Mike Welsh the deputy’s DO NOT support Jesse Bane as a whole so I’m not sure who you are talking to but they probably have brass on there collar not stripes.
To rent two buildings for Megan’s Law and CID and Crime lab the Sheriff’s Office paid nearly 280,000.00 dollars last year. Now to rent a building for the Aviation Unit will add to this. What is even more interesting is that the owners of these two buildings just happen to be donors to Bane. Not a bad return on a donation.
The Sheriff wouldn’t win an election if he couldn’t balance his budget. I have heard because of his successful leadership of the County drug unit, he has extra money that funds the rents for these building and units. An Aviation Unit could even be used to enhance eradication of drug growing in our county. You keep attacking a Sheriff that has moved his Department so far ahead.
This sheriff has done nothing to move the office ahead. Every police chief and sheriff makes the same use of seized money to pay for the expenses of the drug units. What did Bane do? Big pay raise his first year for deputies? Nope that was previous sheriff who got that on his way out. Southern? No, again previous sheriff. Jail expansion? Sorry, previous Sheriff. Bane wants this helicopter to be his legacy. How funny will his pending photo op be when this ridiculous idea is killed off by the citizens! You say to use the Aviation Unit to enhance drug eradication? Sounds exactly like the National Guard Program that we are already supporting with our tax dollars! NO MORE DUPLICATION OF EFFORT AT TWICE THE COST!!!!!!
Grumble: Bane wins elections because old people and the people in Edgewood can’t see through him. He wins elections by getting donations from employees and then promoting them. He wins elections because people like you believe the bull*#@* that he spins. The only place he has moved the department is into the gutter.
State Police aviation’s primary function is medical calls and will respond for law enforcement duties if they have time. They also cover multiple counties. Baltimore County air is obviously primarily for Baltimore County. I may be more pro-police than most, but if we’re getting the problems here in Harco that Baltco has, perhaps we should give Harco aviation a chance. The budget is going to be mismanaged no matter what. At least they’re funding something to give public safety a chance this time.
“The budget is going to be mismanaged no matter what.”
Think what you are saying. You are suggesting that the citizens of Harford County fund a very costly aviation unit on a full time bases, to support an infrequent requirement for use of that asset, when other agencies are already supplying air support to Harford County whenever it is requested. Then, to add to your observation, you acknowledge that the resource will be mismanaged!
Exactly why would any citizen of Harford County support such a premise? Nothing like a few million more dollars to be mismanaged.
Mike Welsh, you just spoke for the majority of the citizens who still give a shit… “exactly why would any citizen support such a premise” indeed!!!
“At least they’re funding something to give public safety a chance this time.”
Really. A chance at what? Are you acknowledging that public safety is not successful under Sheriff Bane? What has the Sheriff been funding that has been a waste of resources and gave public safety no chance of success?
Marc and Mike Welsh, You like to talk about how the deputies hate Bane. Marc, you like to pretend to be the spokesmen for the deputies who cannot speak. Well, I talk to deputies also, and what I hear does not support your negativity to Bane. Maybe I should be the spokesman for them, and then I can be as authoritative as Mike Welsh, who knows what he is told by a few whiney malcontents. Or be as nasty as Marc who runs Bane down constantly, no matter what the story says. Marc, what are you hiding? You have skeletons in your closet and that is why you have a hatred of Bane. Criticizing the air vehicle is fine, but saying the horrible things about Bane’s character is not. Just tell us all, Marc, what do you want to say to me in private that you are afraid to say in public. Say it online to us all, so that we may understand what your deep secret hatred is shown at every opportunity. If you can’t do that, then I think we know you are bs’er .
@Monster- Please put it out there if you have dirt on Marc I have seen several posts that he should wait “it’s coming” from a screen name “dark past to be revealed”. So say it already tell us what he did or didn’t do. What skeletons does Mark Eaton have in his closet, put it out there. Afford him the chance to respond unlike the coward Bane has done. So what is it????
Your going to need more then this blog. My careers ups and downs are well documented in my personal file and my IAD files. Which are private, but I would love to see it on her. I gave my reasons for my dislike of Bane and his lying ways. Guys that worked with me know what kind of a cop I was. I have nothing to hide. I was retired in 2002 for PTSD, there you happy Monster. The job beat me and I had no more to give. I got a 48% retirement, not a medical. I am working on trying to get a support group started for Police and First Responders who deal with this also. I am not crazy like you want people to believe. Do I have issues because of PTSD? Sure, but I deal with it. There are a lot of guys who have it and do not know it. Sadly some of them take their own life because they do not get help or like me they think it is a sign of weakness to admit you have a problem. Do some reading on this. I used to be ashamed of those four letters but you just have to come to terms with it and move on. Thankfully I have a great wife who is understanding and stands with me.
Native, my problems with Bane are the way he treats the people I worked with and came after me. The job itself takes a toll on you without having to deal with the crap that is going on with Bane and his Crew. They deserve to work without fear of retaliation from Bane and Major IA 28. They see the things going on with people who lie and commit other integrity violations and see the way the FOJ’s get treated and they others who are disposable. Monster is a coward who hides behind a variety of screen names, he has been caught and his only thing he can do is accuse me of this. Mike Welsh caught him a while back doing it. I don’t care what this coward says about me, posts about me. I made mistakes while I was a Deputy but I took my lumps and went on with my career. I retired with my integrity in tact. These people are pissed because I get information and I get it out for you all to see. I even know about the silly little plot they were going to use when there Aviation Unit leaked. They said that this was intentional and they wanted to catch Gahler with this so he would over react. This shows you the dim wit he is.
The Deputy’s who post on here are brave for doing so and I know they can’t use their names for fear of Bane and Major IA 28. But Monster who IS one of the Command staff on the second floor hides behind a fake name because he knows 2014 is going to bring a new Sheriff and he is afraid, a coward. I am tired of hearing you were threatened. Really, no one has called me and threatened me. When you have your house shot up then come talk to me about threats okay. I have a web site with all my information on it no one calls me. Your one of Bane’s tools it is that simple. And just because you say I use more then one name does not carry any weight. Like I said before The Dagger knows I do not use any other name but my own. That is all that matters to me.
Monster can you shed some light on the conflict of Major IA 28 and one of the guys I went to the Academy with. He is a valuable asset to the Department along with a few others on the Black Pearl and I would hope after Bane is gone he will be kept. Major IA 28 is a loose canon that Bane can not control. And to think she wants to be the Chief of Police of Bel Air Police Department, God help them.
Marc in sentence four you said “her” not “here”
Just one mistake? Then the CD english for dummies is paying off.
This issue has caused the 2nd floor of 45 S. Main Street to really wonder where Marc Eaton gets his info. Good maybe if they did the job they where sworn and upheld to do these issues wouldn’t happen. NO reason for an aviation unit, fiscally not acceptable when your deputies are feeding there families table scraps. Keep up the good work
Hello everyone I am Monster I try to intimidate everyone on here at the direction of Jesse Bane. I most likely got my job because I lied and he saved me or I covered up stuff and he promoted me. Well anyway nice talking to you and just know that we talk about Mark Eaton and the Dagger during our command staff meetings. Love Monsters Puppet
Is it 2014 yet the election cannot get here soon enough
You should watch what you say on here. The drones will be watching
There’s no doubt in my mind that an aviation unit for the HCSD adds to the bloating of our local government’s budget and takes away from the potential pay and benefits of existing deputies, There is also no doubt in my mind that a leadership change at the HCSD is long overdue. What else is overdue, is some direction on this thread – a handful of cops and former cops are going at each other’s throats with veiled threats, innuendo, and an overall tone of hatred toward one another. He said/she said… nobody gives a shit about your little spat besides you two or three. I (and I’m sure plenty of other readers) care deeply for this county, and would like to have a debate or just add some commentary in direct relation to the proposed aviation unit of the HCSD.
Amen, Native.
For the life of me I can’t figure out why the citizens of Harford County would want to pay for an Aviation Program that will be obviously used to violate 4th Amendment rights of the citizens who are paying for this program. The Harford County Task Force is already using MSP and Military Helicopters to illegally scan residences with FLIR technology, who are suspected of marijuana grows or methamphetamine operations. Even though these scans can not be used as probable cause, because they have been illegal without a warrant for over ten years now, does not mean that they don’t use the technique over and over again for intelligence purposes. Even though this is illegal, it goes on everyday because it never comes out in court documents. Just one more example of the HCSO breaking the law, as you guys do everyday, then you want the people, who’s rights you will be violating, to pay for this. No wonder you guys call us, “Sheeple”…….
I want a helicopter too. Since neither one of us can afford one, I am content with driving. However you want to spend my money to purchase one…………… I don’t think so.
If the storage facility lease or purchase for these aircraft (and payments made to them) can be connected to any of the brass (through political donations) in the HCSD or HCPD, I would immediately call for their removal from office as this should be grounds for termination from office with pension and benefits DENIED.
Muffmouthski, Forest Hill Air Park.
Instead of paying for storage facilities at the Forest Hill Air Park, why doesn’t the HCSO just make a landing spot on top of the new multimillion dollar Detention Center expansion and keep the Aircraft there. The new expansion is not being used for inmates because the Sheriff has never added enough Correctional Officers to staff the facility. It just sits there empty for almost two years.
Why not expand the Traffic Unit to deal with the growing traffic concerns in Harford County? A small traffic unit could use some grant money to deal with the traffic fatalities in the county. We had a three man unit in 2002, now there is a Sgt, Cpl. and only three DFC’s so really only still a three man unit. Wouldn’t money be better spent on a Unit that needs to be expanded rather then a Aviation Unit that will cost millions to maintain once the grant money runs out? You have six Police Motors that are effective in Traffic Enforcement yet they sit most of the time. The biggest need is to use that multi million dollar Detention Center expansion that is still empty after all these years. I agree with the question asked of the Col C., “what where you thinking”?
In four days it will be one month since the Sheriff’s Office said they were going to have a press conference and the big reveal. What is the hold up? Or is it the fact that it has been put on hold due to maintenance issues and paint problems? Or could it be someone had second thoughts about the justification of the cost over raises for workers and manpower at the Detention Center? I wonder if the Sheriff will ever explain this to the voters?
@ Marc A Eaton- This aviation unit was supposed to stay secret for along time somehow it was exposed. Now the costs of running it are pilling up and they don’t have the money to fund it. The upcoming press conference has been put on hold and this may be the biggest mistake in the last 7 years for Jesse Bane. But when you surround yourself with command staff that leads you in a wrong direction this is what you get. This program was a failure from the start and will be dumped on the next Sheriff. Sure they will have a press Conference in the next few months but the program was bound to fail from the start. It was more important to form an aviation unit then to hire more people or to give employees a raise. Bottom Line and it backfired.
They can always put it on ebay.