From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Fellow Harford County Resident,
Join us at our October meeting!
Harford Campaign for Liberty
TUESDAY, October 22, 2013
7 pm – 9 pm
Forest Hill Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill, MD. 21050
The federal government has been enticing local law enforcement with military style toys and surveillance equipment.
Does Harford County really need a Bearcat? What about portable observation towers with face recognition capabilities? Why does Maryland activate a SWAT team an average of 10 times PER DAY?
Did you know any of this? Want to know more? Dan Galluzzo, former NSA employee, will present an overview of this topic and discuss the successes other states and counties have had in preventing the militarization of local police.
Also on the Agenda . . .
County Council giveaways!!! More of your tax dollars are gifted to local business.
Government shutdown or salvation? How Washington conservatives are changing the game.
Rain tax news.
Free admission
Cash bar available
For Liberty,
Harford County Campaign for Liberty Team
Suspicious says
It’s all a part of the Fed’s plan for nation wide martial law…. and the local law enforcement is expected to be their henchmen. Disgusting….
Tyler Durden says
I’m extremely disappointed in KoC for hosting this brainwashing session.
tyler who says
Now we know who drives the bearcat. Its tyler
Suspicious says
Discussing what our federal, state and local government is up to these days is informative not a brainwashing session. Why would you say that? What are you disappointed about it creating, if not better informed citizens?
Yikes says
Well for the last 30 years progressives, sorry, communist, have been pushing for massive deficit spending in the sake of Karl Marx’s greater good. The dept is beyond repairable. Eventually the dollar will collapse, there will be food riots from welfare recipients that can no longer get free shit. The gun owners will attempt to fend off the zombie hoards. At that point, as planned, You will get your Utopia, when the rich Soros types have their way and are able to seize control. These vehicles are being put in place for just such an occasion. You can yammer on in denial and attack with the same old Tinfoil-hat-tea-party bullshit. Look around. Its happening. You cannot continue to drive up a debt, and refuse to institute a single thing to reduce the amount of spending. If a single one of you has a fraction of a brain cell that you can dedicate to reducing the wasteful spending you ought to be ringing your representatives phone off the hook. But, sadly you cannot take time out of your routine of watching your favorite team, and care more about who is getting eliminated on the X factor. Good luck
The Money Tree says
When the communists overthrew the Cuban government they seized private property including lands and monies, when the communists overthrew Russia they seized private property including lands and monies, when the “Muslim” communists overthrew the Iranian government they seized private property including lands and monies. Communists know they must rule with an iron fist because it is not human nature to dress the same, walk the same, talk the same and be satisified with all things the same because we are not robots. When you populate the citizenry with more takers at your beck and call than makers your fellow citizens will see you as the enemy and happily empty your house of all the things you don’t deserve anyway (in their eyes). Just as the normal, thoughtful Germans happily goose stepped over their neighbors the government ultimately knows they could get the police, the military, and whatever other armed, paid forces to take arms against any citizen who does not comply. Yes, it could happen here. I don’t walk around paranoid but under no illusion either that given the right circumstance indeed anything is possible.
disgusted says
Selling the fear again.
The Money Tree says
I’m a student of history and if you study what preceeds violent overthrow a primary driver is a glut of under or unemployed young men, easily passioned and convinced by thier “leaders” that thier cause is just even if it means committing violence against innocents. It helps if you can demean or demonize the innocents. World governments have never been static…almost all boundary changes or changes in government systems emerge through violence.
no dipshit says
No dipshit, you are denying the obvious, disgusting.
Billy Jack says
Salvation? You people are clearly insane.
Liberty Lover says
Bobby John? Billy Joke… Flap Jack – It’s a discussion title. Calm down. Oh, and rule #76 of the internet, as soon as you start a sentence with “you people”, you’ve lost all credibility.
Muffmouthski says
More toys for the brown shirts from the brown man in the oval office paid for by stealing our private property.