Harford County Public Schools is for the first time asking parents who are planning classroom visits during American Education Week to pre-register and provide a list of approved visitors for their child.
Also new for this year, photo ID will be required of all visitors. American Education Week 2013 is being observed nationwide November 18 – 22.
Interim Superintendent Barbara Canavan said Monday in a report to the Harford County Board of Education that the new procedures were being implemented as a safety and security measure, following a recommendation by the board’s Safety and Security Citizen Advisory Committee. No specific threat prompted the moves, Teri Kranefeld, HCPS manager of communications, said Tuesday in response to questions from The Dagger.
“No specific concern or threat but we are always working to ensure that our buildings are as safe as possible,” she said. “In the last several years, numerous incidents have occurred in schools across the state and the nation. It is our hope that this new process will allow us to enhance our security while providing a welcoming experience for our families.”
Photo ID has been required before in some Harford County public schools during American Education Week, but the practice is now being uniformly applied system-wide, Kranefeld said, adding that the requirement would expedite check-in. A local name change to American Education “Celebration” is also new. Kranefeld explained, “The word “celebration” is new to Harford County this year as we would like to celebrate public education with all of our visitors.”
Parents will get information from their schools outlining the recommended visitation days, varied by grade level in order to balance the number of visitors throughout the week, Canavan said, although parents are welcome whenever their schedules permit. Pre-registration forms are also being distributed to parents, with a registration deadline set for November 15.
Below is a letter to parents from Interim Superintendent Canavan announcing the new procedures, followed by the pre-registration form. Both documents are also available on the school system’s Web site.
Parent Invitation Letter for Website_noschool by daggerpress
American Education Celebration Registration Form for Website by daggerpress
My concerns with this pre-registration is that some of us do not always know our work schedules or there are times when something changes last minute. I may not know until that week which day is going to work best for my work schedule and the ability to visit all of my children. And every parent should be encouraged to come any day of that week not just the days that the schools want us to come on for specific grades. It’s an open door policy and a public school and yes, I want our students safe but we must also be welcoming to our parents. I will be interested to see how this new check in procedure will work and if it will go smoothly when several parents are checking in at the same time. So, if I don’t know which day will work for me and it’s past the Nov. 15th RSVP date, will I still be allowed to visit?
I was told that you can preregister even if you aren’t sure if you will definitely be there for that day. You may be able to register for all 3 days in advance so your bases are covered?
also – I was told that if you come and aren’t on the pre-registration list, you will just be required to check in at the office, as per usual on any given day. Just a more complicated time consuming process than the pre-reg.
Good to know! Maybe, I will just have to register for the whole week and then come when I can make it!
I am pretty sure reading it that you don’t committ to a day it is simply so they know you might be coming. The day recomendations, which have always been there are for teacher planning purposes. Teachers are encouraged not to give tests on the grade specific days so that visitors can actually see learning and not assessment. The other reason you may have a pre-registration is that it is becoming all to common for people in bad divorce situations to go and it puts the kid in a bad situation when dad’s new girlfriend shows up and mom does not approve or vice versa.
It’s not the schools job, or your job to determine whether or not a child should see a seperated couples new girlfriend/boyfriend.
“Bad divorce situation counciling” is that new for common core, or are you just bestowing your personal beliefs onto others with disregard?
Correct it is not the schools job to DETERMINE that; it is the parents/courts job too. It is the schools job, unfortunately, to make sure that the parents wishes/court orders are carried out. In that vein they need to know the list of people who are OK.
Ok, I can buy that. Sounds reasonable enough right now.
It’s about time.
Yeah no kidding, photo ID is big time safety.
I don’t see a “time” or “day” specified in said registration. If there is, as mentioned above, just register for the entire week. Case closed.
My sons school required visitors to sign in anyway. I think that is sufficient. This may backfire and discourage people from coming
People say they want safer schools but want parents welcome. They are always welcome, but within reason. Some schools will have over 1,000 visitors. That is almost unmanageable. Some parents won’t adhere to staying away during lunch even though there may not be any room in the cafeteria.
No matter what, people will whine and complain about something. I read where someone said you should come any day of the week. That is fine, but you might see your children taking a test on Thursday or Friday.
Who cares how disruptive this week can be on schools? Most parents are great, but a few bring screaming children, cell phones going off, etc. It’ll be fun.
My favorite part of American Education Week is when parents only come in to have lunch with their children. Stay and observe and see what goes on in your child’s classroom. To some it might be an eye-opening experience.
Amazing_ A photo I.D! However It’s not a
requirement for entering a school to vote. No, that would be too much of a burden.
Is school in session when you vote? BTW you are required in Maryland to show ID on your first vote.
Wendy Rosen and I need say no more.
Interesting. She likely had ID in both states she voted in. What do you think that means?
It means she is a fraud!
Clearly Mike. Clearly she is a fraud. Just like the impression you are leaving that Voter ID will work when people vote in two or more different states – unless it is a Federal ID and we all know how much you guys fear Federal IDs – I mean raise the specter of background checks for gun ownership and you guys become apoplectic. I had a co-worker who once voiced an opinion that there should be a Federal License to own a firearm because he had just gotten one and it was difficult in New York State. Imagine the Hornet’s Nest that created for him from his fellow gun owners.
I don’t fear a Federal ID. I’ve had one for 52 years. Thirty years active military and twenty-two retired. I carry my Federal ID with pride. Why would you think “guys like me would fear a Federal ID? Hell, I spent thirty years of my life providing a safe environment for folks like you to accuse us of all kinds of things.
The only impression that I left for those who have an open mind is that Ms Rosen is a fraud. Folks who have an agenda read into what others have to say. By the way, it is my understanding that Ms Rosen voted in Maryland and Florida. If I’m not mistaken, you have to declare in Florida that you do not have a state issued drivers license or other state ID from another state prior to obtaining one from Florida. If you have one you have to surrender it.
Voter ID does not stop people from showing up and voting twice. Second let us return to the original subject which is school security.
Inked fingers would prevent double voting.
The beauty and simplicity of inking a finger and having to show up to vote is so obvious but that wouldn’t work in our prevote, postvote, mail in vote, drive thru vote, anybody vote, vote twice, vote when dead…system now in effect.
cdev you’re hopeless. so you’re really going to fight against voter id and fight for id to enter a school?
cdev you’re pathetic
I am not against voter ID if done correctly like Indiana and Georgia. Second please stay on subject!
cdev presentment of identification is the subject
The subject is school security during American Education Week!
Curious as to who is going to enforce this. The year’s that I’ve visited my family (teachers, not students), the “security” has been manned by students. Specifically fifth graders. No adults present. I can only imagine how well this is going to go over with parents when a 10 year is checking their ID and refusing them access.
That being said, it is a great idea. I’ve always found it strange that American Ed. week was as open access as it has been. Then again, with that many parents and family in the building along with admin and teachers, the chances of something occurring is probably lower than normal.
The chances are always low, but the more you open your doors the more opportunities you provide.
So it is ok for people to need ID to see their kids but not to vote. I guess minorities wont be seeing their kids this week since apparently they cannot afford ID. Where is the outrage about minorities not being able to see their kids and this being a racist policy to exclude minority and college age parents?
How can that be……………….. that is discrimination to demand that citizens show proof of i.d. to get into schools.
The current administration allows millions of illegals into the United States without an i.d. They have even sent Biden the clown to Mexico to assure the Mexicans that my administration along with Owe Malley “The Tax Happy Leprechaun” that they are encouraged to come to America by the trunk-load.
We (the demtards) will provide you with voting rights, birth rights, Obama phones, food stamps, free medical, free education, in-state tuition and all the freebees you can sign up for (without i.d. of course).
Just to add insult to injury, we will choose to ignore the laws of the United States and allow these criminal invaders into the United States and demand the border patrol RELEASE THEM and ICE to NOT DEPORT THEM.
Although this is an IMPEACHABLE offence, we are not too worried about it because even though the President took and oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the current administration feels that they can circumvent and interpret it’s meaning to their choosing.
And what is happening in Congress now is Sedition. Shall we start there?
Not sedition, checks and balances to prevent tyranny
This is the worst week of school for teachers and we dread it and can’t wait for it to be over!!! This is a week of screaming toddlers, cell phones, text messages, and constant interruptions. Don’t even get me started about the primary kids crying when their parents leave and you have to stop teaching and take care of the issue. UGH!! I put on my fake smile and pretend they are not there!!
Aren’t you afraid of disenfranchising the blacks? They bitch and moan if you try to pass a law for photo ID to vote. Watch out, you’ll have Jesse and Al down here picketing.
It is not for the entire week…just Monday-Wednesday!! It is now called American Education Celebration. Schools are advised not to allow parents in the classrooms on Thursday and Friday .
If you do not pre register and are not on the child’s emergency card, you will not be allowed to visit classrooms. This is to provide a safer environment for all students, faculty, and staff