From Harford County government:
Last year, Harford County Executive David R. Craig announced the top priorities for his Administration during the remainder of his term as county executive. As the Craig Administration enters its final year in office, the County Executive has provided an update to the County Council and to the public on where these projects and programs stand.
The final year program of priorities includes: improvements in education, public works, public safety, property acquisition, land use, assistance to community agencies, information technology, and the county workforce.
Related to public safety, the county recently broke ground for a new Emergency Operations Center. This facility will be completed in the fall of 2014, and will house the recently-created Department of Emergency Services. The department and the new facility will ensure that the county continues to provide the highest level of service to the citizens and visitors of Harford County, as well as to provide support to the volunteer fire and emergency medical services system.
Regarding transportation, the county and the state are making progress on the Route 22 intersection improvements at Paradise Road, Beards Hill Road, and Old Post Road. These are on track for completion in 2014.
Some other initiatives that the county has completed include: capital project commencement for public schools and Harford Community College, a feasibility report on the formation of a Water and Sewer Authority with the county’s three municipalities, and changes to the employee pension plan to make the system more stable.
For county government operations, the elimination of the outdated mainframe and the adoption of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is currently underway. Related to this is the implementation of EnerGov software which will assist multiple county agencies with tracking and managing critical government data related to business licensing, land management, permitting processes, and code enforcement issues. Both projects are on pace to be completed in 2014.
“The Administration will continue to work in partnership with the County Council, allied agencies, business leaders, and community organizations to complete these priorities and position Harford County to maintain the quality of life of our citizens,” said County Executive Craig.
“During my time in office, we have worked to improve services and provide the amenities that our citizens expect, while streamlining government operations and remaining fiscally responsible. I am proud of what we have accomplished so far, and our work will continue right up through my last day in office,” County Executive Craig concluded.
To view the County Executive’s full presentation on the final one year program status update, visit the Harford County Government website at
Continuation of our plea for redress to the Bel Air Super Walmart:
Dear Mr. Craig:
I am in receipt of your letter of September 27, 2013, in regard to my inquiry as to a MD 924 @ Bright Oaks Drive/Site Access and a signal for the Super Walmart store being imposed upon us. You provided a concise review of traffic studies in your letter but failed to mention any thing about my, and the other citizens of this community, concerns that were the focus of my letter.
Allow me to reiterate the genesis of our plea: we are opposed to the construction of a Wal-Mart Super Center at the location adjacent to Plumtree Road and between Rt. 924 and Hwy. 24 in Bel Air, Md. I asked that a light not be permitted on Emmerton Road, the SHA then wrote back to me stating that “Harford County is the sole agency for all developmental approvals…including access to the county highway roadway network.”
Therefore, please inform me what you are specifically doing to stop this monstrous store being foisted upon our community that will increase traffic to an unsustainable level and endanger our children. Since the SHA informed us that Emmerton Road will need to be upgraded to six lanes, I would like to know who will bear the cost of this and what will become of the cemetery abutting Emmerton Road. It seems that both you and the SHA are pointing to the other for a resolution to our concerns.
You people are cry babies… You want the government to step in and violate zoning laws and free enterprise. How would you have felt if they did the same with your property? Don’t like the congestion in Bel air? MOVE!
If all it takes is a walmart to turn 924 into a 6 lane road the handwriting is on the wall already. Walmart or no, that 6 lane road is in your future. Deal with it or move. Bel Air ain’t getting any smaller.
Hell dude, Route 22 is going to be a 6 lane road in Aberdeen. Where are the comments associated with it’s news articles? Oh wait. LOLz!!!!
Craig, the disconnected and disinterested politician that he is, equates improvements to education with that of fields and buildings. He continues to not recognize the people behind what is truly needed to improve education. His one liners and quips continue to be absurd.
Citizen is absolutely correct. Not only is Harford County falling behind the rest of the state when it comes to teacher salary funding, he’s also doing the same thing to the rest of the Harford County workforce (general government, and to a lesser degree, the Sheriff’s Department). How many times does everyone have to hear how great the employees are for “doing more with less”? Well guess what folks, we’re beyond doing more with less. We are now doing less with less! If David (and his ilk) get their way, pretty soon we’ll be a second class state like Texas (yee-haa mo fos!).
Duh- anybody with a brain knows his top priority in his final term as co ex is to get elected as governor so he can live several more years off tax dollars without doing any real work. Oh yea he didn’t seem to mention in his report the fact his admin failed to make scheduled improvements to the landfill at scarboro on time and our trash had to be shipped to balto co which wasn’t at all cheap for us taxpayers. Probably an oversight on his part wouldn’t you say?
And he fails to mention his recent land buys for his political chronies..the worst being this Water Street purchase in Havre de Grace for yet another hand out to his developer buddy Clark Turner who is getting top dollar for an EPA clean-up site. Craig’s competition should have an easy time detailing what has been one of the most corrupt administrations in Harford County history.
Jerry Prestons old farm in Jarrettsville is being put to good taxpayer use. It’s been deserted for 3 years now. Think it would be ok to fish and shoot some geese on that pond? A few more acquisitions and harford county will own every major property in Jarrettsville.
The counties long range plan for acquisition of of public lands, parks and recreation is on the Harford County website. There’s a state suggested formula for open space acquisition and it’s based upon the number of residents. The county has failed to meet the quota however Jarrettesville is one of three locations where they plan to continue to acquire land. Why? My guess would be an effort to concentrate open space – makes it easier at some point to provide contiguous parcels – better for wildlife and better for providing for what might be a larger park at some point; maybe like The Rocks. It’s also cheaper to buy large parcels than an acre at a time. You might not like it but it makes more sense.
Hell,,,,, I just wanna know when tenants are moving into the pretty , big, new building (next to Target in Aberdeen) that was built to “bring in buisness” for Aberdeen…Not that I mind driving past it everday , seeing it empty. Just love seeing my tax dollars going to work….LOL
Oh, you noticed that too? I’m glad I’m not the only one to notice, It’s been built for over a year. Herp derp.
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