The blotter is compiled from records of calls for service received by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. The records are reviewed and prepared for publication by Dagger staff. They do not include records from municipal or state law enforcement agencies.
A caller from the 1500 block of South Philadelphia Boulevard reported Monday a neighbor was screaming racial slurs, had dumped oil on a door and was playing loud heavy metal music.
A caller from the area of Club House Road and Park Beach Drive reported Monday a truck was blocking the roadway.
A caller from the area of Route 7 and Poplar Hill Road reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of North Stepney Road reported Monday a window alert alarm went off.
A caller from the 200 block of Garner Drive reported Tuesday an assault.
A caller from the 1000 block of Carsins Run Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 200 block of Paradise Road reported a disorderly person Tuesday.
A caller from the 4900 block of Villapoint Drive reported a drug transaction at a residence Tuesday.
A caller from the 3500 block of Woodsdale Road reported a person driving with a child on the driver’s lap Monday.
A caller from Washington Avenue reported Monday a suspicious vehicle driving in the area.
A caller from the area of Clarkson Drive and Tiffany Trail reported a suspicious man Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Maple Wreath Court reported Monday the front door to a vacant house was ajar.
A caller from the 100 block of Walter Ward Boulevard reported theft of a wallet Monday.
A caller from the 3800 block of Swift Run Drive reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 2900 block of Brightwater Lane reported Tuesday a boarder stole medications.
A caller from the 3400 block of Emmorton Road reported Tuesday a person was begging in a parking lot.
A caller from the area of Route 924 and Singer Road reported Tuesday road congestion due to construction.
A caller from Grindle Court reported a suspicious man sitting in a vehicle Tuesday.
Bel Air
A caller from the area of Moores Mill Road and Econ Drive reported Monday a deer had been struck but it was still alive, possibly in the bushes.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Southampton Road reported an injured deer Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Wheel Road reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Cherokee Lane reported Monday the caller saw a suspicious person.
A caller from the 1900 block of Emmorton Road reported Monday two patients had been fighting the day previous.
A caller from South Bond Street reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Highland Road reported burglary Monday.
A caller from the 1000 block of East MacPhail Road reported Monday a man with a hammer and tools was trespassing.
A caller from the 200 block of East Ring Factory Road reported Monday the caller’s husband walked in on a burglary.
A caller from the 1300 block of Saratoga Drive reported Monday the caller found a basement door open.
A caller from the 1300 block of North Fountain Green Road reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the area of East MacPhail Road and Glenangus Drive reported a suspicious man Monday.
A caller from the 500 block of West MacPhail Road reported a cat bite Monday.
A caller from the area of Redfield Road and Gairloch Place reported Monday a child was in a vehicle unrestrained.
A caller from the 2300 block of Churchville Road reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the area of Auction Way and Bel Air Road reported a drugs complaint Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Bel Air South Parkway reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the area of Red Pump Road and Marywood Drive reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Artists Lane reported a disorderly person Monday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Markham Court reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the area of Wheel Road East and Schucks Road reported a man throwing things at cars Monday.
A caller from the area of Laurel Bush Road and Temple Court reported finding a needle Monday.
A caller from the 500 block of Upper Chesapeake Drive reported a dog bite Monday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Moores Mill Road reported a suspicious man walking dogs Monday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Churchville Road reported a disorderly man throwing food trays Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Kendall Gate Way reported a small, dark, suspicious vehicle near a Verizon box Monday.
A caller from the 400 block of Fox Catcher Road reported a dumpster in the middle of the road Monday.
A caller from the 500 block of Upper Chesapeake Drive reported Monday a child was assaulted.
A caller from the 1400 block of Landis Circle reported suspicious people walking through a neighborhood Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Salvia Court reported a suspicious situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 900 block of Hillswood Road reported Tuesday someone stole medications.
A caller from the 400 block of Fox Catcher Road reported Tuesday a dumpster was in the roadway.
A caller from the 1100 block of Andreas Drive reported identity theft Tuesday.
A caller from the 500 block of Weatherby Road reported Tuesday the caller had been scammed over the internet.
A caller from the 1800 block of Glendale Lane reported Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of South Fountain Green reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Conowingo Road reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Forest Oak Court reported children driving a golf cart in the street Tuesday.
A caller from the 500 block of West MacPhail Road reported a rat bite Monday.
A caller from the area of Honeysuckle Drive and Forest Valley Drive reported suspicious people trying to sell chemicals Tuesday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Saint Francis Road reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Harlon Way reported approximately 20 skateboarders impeding the flow of traffic Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Todd Road and Moonshadow Road reported a parking complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 200 block of Brierhill Drive reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Emmorton Road reported an assault Tuesday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Jeffrey Terrace reported Tuesday someone threatened the caller’s daughter.
A caller from the 1000 block of East MacPhail Road reported burglary Tuesday.
A caller from the 2200 block of Old Emmorton Road reported animal cruelty Tuesday.
A caller from the 4600 block of Mercedes Drive reported an accident in a parking lot Monday.
A caller from the 4600 block of Mercedes Drive reported Tuesday vandalism to vehicles.
A caller from the 1200 block of Halls Chance Lane reported theft of a cell phone Tuesday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Brass Mill Road reported Tuesday a person was refusing to leave a shelter.
A caller from the 100 block of Glenville Road reported fuel stolen from equipment Tuesday.
A caller from the 3900 block of Paddrick Road reported Monday a person was trespassing.
A caller from the 4000 block of Paddrick Road reported a hit and run accident Monday.
A caller from the 3900 block of Paddrick Road reported a person trespassing Monday.
A caller from the 3500 block of Berkley Road reported theft of wire Tuesday.
A caller from the 2500 block of Shuresville Road reported Tuesday someone had been getting into a car.
A caller from the 1700 block of Castleton Road reported Tuesday a person was unconscious.
A caller from the area of Route 136 and Route 440 reported a possibly intoxicated driver Tuesday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Love Road reported chest pains Tuesday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Pulaski Highway reported Monday a vehicle looked suspicious.
A caller from the 700 block of Stanford Court reported Monday someone drove away while intoxicated.
A caller from the area of Kennard Avenue and Flying Point reported two loose dogs Monday.
A caller from the area of Hanson Road and Tupelo Road reported Monday someone almost struck a child.
A caller from the 1400 block of Pulaski Highway reported theft Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Edgewood Road reported Monday a person was driving without being licensed.
A caller from the 1300 block of Business Center Way reported a suspicious person with a possible firearm Monday.
A caller from the 900 block of Swallow Crest Court reported Monday a car was stolen by the caller’s ex-boyfriend.
A caller from the 800 block of Windstream Way reported identity theft Monday.
A caller from the 800 block of West Spring Meadow Court reported Monday a tractor trailer was blocking the road.
A caller from the 800 block of West Spring Meadow Court reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Meadowood Court reported a man being threatened by a woman Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Edgewater Drive reported theft of food Monday.
A caller from the 600 block of Tupelo Court reported Monday a van was parked on a curb.
A caller from the 1700 block of Crimson Tree Way reported harassment Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Redbud Road reported drugs Monday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Harford Square Drive reported an assault Monday.
A caller from the 100 block of Reider Court reported a fight or disorderly situation Monday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Fountain Rock Way reported Tuesday a woman was drunk and disorderly.
A caller from the 1800 block of Edgewater Drive reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 800 block of Fishermans Lane reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Edgewater Drive and Fishermans Lane reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Pulaski Highway reported broken glass at a pawn shop Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Hanson Road and Fern Drive reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Harford Square Drive reported Tuesday a child was locked in a basement.
A caller from the 700 block of Sequoia Drive reported Tuesday a suspicious man was following the caller on foot.
A caller from the 1700 block of Melwood Court reported either losing or finding property Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Meadowood Court reported theft of items Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Silverside Road reported a person moving a shed across the caller’s yard.
A caller from the 500 block of Crownwood Court reported Tuesday a vehicle had been keyed.
A caller from the 2200 block of Hanson Road reported Tuesday a motorized cart was missing.
A caller from the area of Hanson Road and Fern Drive reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Grempler Way reported theft of a telephone Tuesday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Swallow Crest Drive reported a suspicious vehicle, possibly driven by a drug dealer Tuesday.
A caller from the 600 block of Otter Creek Road reported suspicious people behind a house Tuesday.
A caller from the 2200 block of Hanson Road reported Tuesday a child was left in a car and was screaming.
A caller from the 1900 block of Pulaski Highway reported a person violating a peace order Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Brookside Drive and Judy Way reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Harford Square Drive reported theft Tuesday.
A caller from the 900 block of Woodbridge Court reported harassment Tuesday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Meadowood Court reported theft of a bank card Tuesday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Emily Drive reported threats Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Van Bibber Road reported someone selling drugs Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Flying Point Road and Willoughby Beach Road reported an SUV driving on the road with no tags.
A caller from the 1300 block of Edgewood Way complained Tuesday of noise.
A caller from the 1300 block of Harford Square Drive reported vandalism to a vehicle Tuesday.
A caller from Edgewood Road reported kids throwing rocks at signs Tuesday.
A caller from the 900 block of Woodbridge Court reported a person violating a peace order Tuesday.
A caller from the 2300 block of Perry Avenue reported a suspicious person asking for drugs Tuesday.
A caller from the 2300 block of Carrs Mill Road reported a person trespassing Tuesday.
A caller from the 2300 block of Carrs Mill Road reported harassment Tuesday.
Forest Hill
A caller from the area of Route 24 and Grier Nursery Road reported Monday an injured deer was in the road.
A caller from the area of Morse Road and West Jarrettsville Road reported Monday someone possibly fired shots at the caller’s vehicle.
A caller from the 100 block of Gwen Drive reported theft of pills and money Monday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Landmark Drive reported loud music coming from another apartment Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Bear Creek Drive reported a man trespassing Monday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Sharon Acres Road reported an accident Tuesday.
A caller from East Jarrettsville Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Rock Spring Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
Havre de Grace
A caller from the 300 block of Quaker Bottom Road reported a trespassing complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Dalewood Drive reported vehicle theft Monday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported a reckless driver Tuesday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Chrome Hill Road reported trucks racing Tuesday.
A caller from the 100 block of Orsburn Drive reported a man exposing himself Monday.
A caller from the 2200 block of Jaycee Drive reported someone inside of a vacant home Monday.
A caller from the 400 block of Foster Knoll Drive reported a possibly abandoned vehicle Monday.
A caller from the area of Winters Run Road and Singer Road reported a doe laying on the side of the road Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported a lost wallet Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported theft of money Monday.
A caller from the area of Stiles Court and Jomat Drive reported a suspicious vehicle Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Mountain Road reported a suspicious person or situation Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported fraud Tuesday regarding a vehicle the caller sold to his daughter.
A caller from the 1000 block of Ensor Drive reported Tuesday trash had been thrown.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported harassment Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Old Joppa Road and Jerusalem Road reported a person wearing camouflage and carrying a rifle Tuesday.
A walk-in to the Southern Precinct reported having information on distribution of child pornography by a person at Joppatowne High School Tuesday.
A walk-in to the Southern Precinct reported theft Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported theft of a wallet and money Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Route 7 and Joppa Farm Road reported a person selling chickens on the side of the road Tuesday.
A caller from Route 152 reported an assault Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of West Michaelsville Road reported a civil dispute Monday.
A caller from the 5300 block of Onion Road reported an overdose Tuesday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Quaker Church Road reported Monday the caller arrived home to find a burglary.
A caller from the 1600 block of Dooley Road reported a person painting in a parking lot and making too much noise Monday.
“Racist Metalhead Dumps Oil on Aberdeen Door”
Instant classic.
A caller from the 1600 block of Dooley Road reported a person painting in a parking lot and making too much noise Monday.
God forbid someone be employed and contributing to the economy.
It was The money Trees furlough day…. she needs her beauty rest.
Seriously? It is slightly sick to be obsessed over a blog poster…trust me I don’t really think about you often and wouldn’t find it necessary to make snarky comments about anybody even if I disagreed with them.
Why are you calling the police for someone selling chickens. You are not taxed enough
Sounds like a couple or recidivist assholes named Ricky and Julian….