From Harford County Public Schools:
Harford County Public Schools is about to embark on the year-long budget development process for the FY15 operating budget. We have been working to develop a plan that will engage all stakeholders in meaningful discussion regarding the budget and the needs for the system throughout each stage of the process. We will ensure that the entire community has an opportunity to become involved in the process and partner with us in the development of the 2014-15 operating budget.
The first step in the process is the development of the Superintendent’s recommended operating budget, which will be presented to the Board of Education of Harford County in December. As such, Interim Superintendent Canavan has scheduled input sessions to provide an opportunity for the community, as well as all HCPS employees, to receive a presentation on the budget development process, to be introduced to the new online budget input tool and to provide budgetary recommendations. Mrs. Canavan is starting with her employees first, and a forum has been scheduled to provide an opportunity for all HCPS employees to discuss their needs and cost-saving ideas with her. In addition to the employee-only forum, community input sessions will be held in the same week. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend one of the dates below!
· Tuesday, October 22, 5:00 p.m. – C. Milton Wright High School
· Thursday, October 24, 10:00 a.m. – LIVE VIDEO STREAM ONLY
· Friday, October 25, 3:30 p.m. – Patterson Mill High School
The Board of Education will also hold input sessions for the FY15 budget in January. Those dates are currently being scheduled, and more information will be forthcoming.
Hillary Doherty says
It is good they are having public input sessions, but not one of them is outside of traditional 9-5 working hours. Are you kidding me???? Do they just want to say they had them and that no one came to justify doing whatever they want? I think this is ridiculous.
Cdev says
One starts at 5 I am sure it doesn’t end then
ALEX R says
Remember, work to rules. So none of that after hours stuff.
Working Parent says
It’s convenient all of the input sessions are scheduled when no working parent could possibly attend.
supportive parent says
I will be writing to tell them just that. I hope you and all working parents do the same.
Cdev says
Did you read or just skim?
“As such, Interim Superintendent Canavan has scheduled input sessions to provide an opportunity for the community, as well as all HCPS employees, to receive a presentation on the budget development process, to be introduced to the new online budget input tool and to provide budgetary recommendations.”
It sounds how you will learn how to provide your feedback.
give me a break!! says
The Board of Education will also hold input sessions for the FY15 budget in January. Those dates are currently being scheduled, and more information will be forthcoming.
Sam Adams says
Hey Canavan and Jewel – here is the process…zero-based budgeting. Spending starts at zero and then each expenditure needs to be justified before it is reflected in the budget. Too much same as last year budgeting is what has gotten HCPS in trouble. Time for some new thinking.
ALEX R says
Zero based budgeting is old thinking but still valid. Justifying what you want to spend, now that is a novel idea. Which will be ignored.
Are you kidding me says
I know that the start time is 5, however if you do not get off of work until 6 and are an hour away you miss most of the meeting. As far as 3:30 start time that is crazy. People who work are not able to attend, which is most likely what the BOE wants. I still can’t believe that they haven’t changed the way the buses are being run or the pay-to-play. Wish I could afford to move.
Cdev says
Than use the on-line comment tool!
Are you kidding me says
I do, but it doesn’t seem to matter, how many letters are written, how many people show up, they already have their minds made up. I will continue to try to attend meetings and I will continue to email and write every chance I get.
No pleasing you says
No matter what people do, someone will whine and complain. Maybe we should have American Education Week visitation at night for all those who won’t take off. I didn’t see any shortage of people pulling their kids out of school to see the Ravens’ parade last year and that was during the day. Stop whining!! If it is important enough, you can find the time!