From the Republican Central Committee of Harford County:
At their regular monthly meeting on September 18, 2013, the Republican Central Committee of Harford County passed a resolution asking that all Republican representatives in Congress make every effort to defund ObamaCare. The complete resolution is attached.
All yall whites wanna take away from the downtrotten black folk. racistr Repblicans
mad mad and madder says
You,,,,,MAD MAD MAD, Should have stayed in SCHOOL….
Justin A. Glimmer says
Really? I’m certain that “MAD, MAD, MAD” was some Caucasian moron trying to make it appear as though a stupid non-white person posted that trash. Read between the lines you under-achieving dolt!
ALEX R says
No, he had Burbey for Grammar and Spelling and got an A for the course.
word on the street says
Republicans, give it a break.
Mr. Moderate says
What! Harford Republicans want to defund Obamacare! You gotta be kidding. Next thing you’ll
try to tell me is they would also like to defund Food Stamps and Head Start. And let’s not forget free or reduced lunch programs. I wonder if they have heard of the 80th Congress and what happened to it in the 1948 election. Do you think they have any concept of a “Fair Deal”– or only
care about the “What’s Mine is Mine Deal.” M
good sense says
Justin A. Glimmer says
“Obamacare” is the law of the land, and if you look at the entire package, it’s a good law. But PLEASE keep wasting your time voting against it at all levels of government, because it MAY keep you from “F-ing” up other things that you just may be able to influence! 🙂
Dumbass says
How is law good moron? Congress got an exemption, unions got an exemption and you cannot keep you plan or doctor. Plans in Maryland are going up 40% just to implement this law. Kids can stay on parents plan until age 26 but have no problem spending $800 million on video games and countless millions on Iphones.
You are truly an idiot.
Cdev says
I am pretty sure last week unions did not get an exemption but spew the talking points you know. The plans are higher because the coverage is far better than it used to be.
word on the street says
Dumbass, that sounds like a typical tea party republican. Calling people names and trying to belittle them makes you the idiot and a moron.
noble says
Yes, and that’s not even to mention what they actually said.
Cdev says
I find it funny that not once in this resolution do they actually call the law by the real name.
Cdev says
Seems that according to a fox poll when you call it the ACA 8% more republicans approve of it than Obamacare!
Paul Mc says
“Seems that according to a fox poll when you call it the ACA 8% more republicans approve of it than Obamacare!” – Yes, however, in each poll, 67% found it very unfavorable. The number is, statistically, very insignificant. The question asked if they were asked if they viewed it very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, very unfavorable, or don’t know. 67% of each found it very unfavorable.
Paul Mc says
“I find it funny that not once in this resolution do they actually call the law by the real name.” – You mean, except for the very first line where they actually do call it by its correct name, right? Lol.
Common Sense says
President Obama calls ACA, Obamacare.
Stop being a fool. I am embarrassed for you.
Cdev says
Yes but he understands the two are the same thing, according to our Fox poll the same can not be said for republicans!
Paul Mc says
You do realize in that very same poll, Democrats liked Obamacare less than they liked the Affordable Care act as well. Also, Independents liked Obamacare less, men liked it less, women liked it less, whites liked it less, blacks liked it more, those with a college degree liked it less.
You see, even though it was a poll, Cdev, the exact same people were not polled on each question, a sampling was taken of the population, so in statistics, there will be slight differences. That is the way statistics work. I would suggest you maybe educate yourself on this as opposed to playing partisan politics.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Cdev says
Yes in dems there was a 1% difference amongst republicans it was 7%
Because says
What better way to deal with the denigrating term intended by others but to turn it around for your own benefit? The same now can be said for the terms Liberal, Conservative and Christian
ALEX R says
Tell you what, folks, when NO ONE, not one single person, gets an exemption from the President to the Congress to every union and every company including those in Pelosi’s district, then I might be more okay with it. Until then it is just another crappy law that has been imposed upon the masses but the care is not nearly good enough for the big dogs.
I’m for opposing it in every way possible at every possible moment and opportunity until it applies to EVERYONE with NO exceptions.
Mike Welsh says
In the history of our country, anytime the congress created laws and told us that it was best for us, but exempted themselves, you know that you have not been told the truth.
Samuel says
Mao tse Dung, Stalin, and Hitler all said the same thing.
Because says
And Republicans
Common Sense says
Because there you go again.
You know that the far-left ideologues who identify with & admire Mao, Stalin, Che, Hilter, Fidel, etc…are in the Democrat Party.
Because says
You know nothing except hate and contempt for the rights of others to benefit your own selfish interests
Common Sense says
Because you are quite curious.
Because I and many Americans believe that we are overtaxed and government is not the answer we should let you demonize us.
Because we are for the rights of all citizens and our mission is to make certain that the government’s insatiable appetite for taking away these rights is thwarted.
Because you are statist and you want to increase government’s power and collect obscene amounts of taxes for wealth redistribution and we disagree with you.
Because your ideology is bankrupt, your arguments are weak and you lack basic financial and economic literacy.
Because says
This is the post I am refuting Mike. You say they passed laws and exempted themselves from coverage. That is not the case. Later on you say something completely different.
Mike Welsh says
While there are many laws that apply to us that Congress is exempt from, you can, if you wish, do research to discover them.
Lets start with one that has made most congressional members wealthy. That would be a law against insider trading when investing in stocks. You and I can’t use insider information to engage in trading, but this law does not include members of congress. Congress uses the rationale that they have a need to know information, but should not be precluded from engaging in normal trade and investing activity while a member of congress. We should just trust them when they tell us that knowing advance information had nothing to do with their decision to invest in a particular stock, or buy land just before a significant project was going to located on or near such a land purchase. I suppose you believe it was just coincidence that many members of Congress just happened to buy stock in a particular pharmaceutical company just prior to the government announcement of the Viagra approval. I guess it was just sheer luck on their part!
good sense says
Amen, Mike.
George Willbury says
You all really have no clue what you are talking about. Congress is not exempt from the law. Congressmen have health insurance already. About the only place where there are any ‘exemptions’ appears to be in the definition of ‘Cadillac’ insurance plans. Not even the congressional insurance plan is one of these Cadillac plans, so again – they are not ‘exempt’ from anything by the ACA…
Mad Republican says
If I’m not misspoken,,,,I belive the congresses healthcare is subsadised?????
Because says
Were you drunk when you wrote this? Almost every federal employee has their healthcare cost paid for in part by their employer. I can’t speak for congress, but if this is what you are upset about it merely shows how clueless you are about the nature of employer subsidized health care.
Mad Republican says
Wow really Because,,, No shit ??? Sherlock… Was making a point as to why,,, congress wont give up their insurance for Obama care..
Mike Welsh says
Apparently the confusion occurs when we use the word Congress. While actual members of Congress are not exempt from the provisions of the ACA, congressional staffers (of which there many more than actual members) were also caught in the new ACA provisions. Specifically, they have a major portion of their health care premium cost subsidized by their employer.
Now that the staffers have been mandated to go into the exchanges just like the members of congress, they would lose their subsidies under the ACA law, as they make salaries above the permitted subsidy levels. So the President exempted all of the congressional staffers from this provision of the law. Now, staffers will continue to receive approx $5,000, for single or $10,000, for family subsidies even though they exceed the earnings threshold that applies to all others who go into the exchanges. This nice perk is something that does not apply to any of us. We have to pay the full costs when we exceed the earnings threshold, unless of course, we are congressional staffers.
This new exemption only applies to staffers, not actual members of congress. That’s how Congress is able to say that Congress is not exempt (yet anyway) from the provisions of ACA.
Mad Republican says
Thanks Mike
Because says
“The Affordable Care Act says that starting in 2014, members of Congress and their staffs can no longer get their health insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, as they have in the past. Instead, these federal employees will have to get insurance through the exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act. Other Americans with work-based insurance aren’t subject to such a requirement. They can continue to get health insurance through their employers. Other federal workers, too, can continue to select health insurance plans through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. But not Congress.”
I’m basically saying you’re full of it.
Mike Welsh says
“I’m basically saying you’re full of it.”
No what you are saying and I am saying is the same thing. Congress, both members and staffers, must go into the exchanges. What I am saying and you are not saying, is that staffers, will, through a presidential granted exception, be permitted to continue receiving a subsidy that they now receive. Had they not received this granted exception they would have been treated like everyone else in the exchanges. They would have received a subsidy only if their incomes fell within the earnings threshold established in the law. Since staffer incomes (in almost all instances) exceed the threshold, they would have lost the subsidy. Now they will not lose it, thanks to the presidential granted exception.
Cdev says
They don’t have to just like no one who has a plan with an employer has to.
Mike Welsh says
You might want to explain that the the employees of Home Depot, Walgreens, etc., who have been told that they will no longer have medical provided through their employer, including the spouses of UPS employees.
All members of congress including staffers must go into an exchange. It does not apply to other employees of the federal government.
Cdev says
That was their employers doing!
Mike Welsh says
Of course it was. And the Congress has told all of their employees (members and staffers) that they must now choose an exchange for their future medical plans. It’s the law.
George Willbury says
I cannot believe the amount of misinformation so many seem to have about this law. The ACA does not provide any health insurance whatsoever. Many of us wanted it to, but that potential provision was beat down by a hoard of misinformation. This of course was the ‘public option’ that was destroyed by the Koch brothers.
The ACA only mandates that everybody has insurance, and that all insurance plans at least meet a minimum level of coverage. Those that have plans that meet the minimal level can keep their plans. Employer-provided insurance does not change as a result of the ACA UNLESS your employer currently provides only insurance plans that do not meet the minimum level of coverage (in that case then yes, it may cost more for your insurance, but what you are getting increases dramatically – most notably in that you will not have to pay for your annual checkups and such – which if you do the math offsets the increased cost of the new level of coverage PLUS some!
Even more annoying about the lack of understanding (which is obvious and plentiful going by comments on Dagger) is the fact that the ACA is a Republican plan to begin with! This plan is almost identical to the plan floated by the Gingrich-controlled House in ’93. The only reason this bill is being so flatly rejected by Republicans is that a Democrat got it passed. The only reason that the public finds the ACA unpalatable is that the Republicans are misleading America in a fiercely divisive and destructive manner. The result of a Republican ‘victory’ on this issue is simply an increase in the number of Americans that die due to lack of health insurance, and a general decrease in the quality of life for poorer Americans. Amazing that this supposedly ‘patriotic’ party can be so misleading and destructive of American lives…
Because says
I don’t need better healthcare B. I do see the need for other people to receive better healthcare or healthcare at all. Stop looking at the world through your filters of selfishness. You are nothing but an opportunist looking out for yourself and no one else. In fact I would go so far as to say your mantra is “Screw everyone else give me what I want”.
Common Sense says
@George Willbury
I can’t find the health care bill you referenced produced by the Republicans that matches the 2600 page ACA Bill which was passed through Reconciliation chicanery with no Republican votes?
You don’t understand that businesses are going to do what’s in their interest when it comes to Obamacare and many people will be adversely affected.
So you can keep posting the Democrat talking points, but ACA is going to cost taxpayers more and destroy the US health care delivery system.
Cdev says
It was the GOP alternative to Hilary Care which was a Heritage Fondation brain child.
Because says
It sucks anyway. We pay twice as much for care that is considered inferior to that offered in other developed countries. Somehow we never seem to look at how other countries handle this simple task because “We’re Americans Dammit” and we know what we are doing.
B says
By “as offered in other countries” you mean paid for by other people. Lets call this bill what it is; the Because wants someone else to buy him better health care bill.
He claims government confiscation is charity, and calls those that want to spend or save the fruits the of their labor selfish.
This bill is another example of the older generation in this country stealing from the wealth of youth. Consider yourselves enslaved.
Because says
I don’t need better healthcare B. I do see the need for other people to receive better healthcare or healthcare at all. Stop looking at the world through your filters of selfishness. You are nothing but an opportunist looking out for yourself and no one else. In fact I would go so far as to say your mantra is “Screw everyone else give me what I want”.
B says
See the part above about your generation stealing from the youth of this country. Not only are you taking wealth, but opportunity as well.
When you have children, it is no longer about you.
POd Republican says
DITTO (Alex)…Dems think Obama care is going to pay for itself…If its such a good plan ,,,,why all the exceptions???? Like free healthcare,,, go stand in line with Greece. The unemployment line that is….My healthcare cost jumped 30%.. (HELLO)..Some part of the plan are good,,, but the BIGGEST part (how to pay for it)…Doesn’t work.. Just too many “freebees” going out , no income coming in…welfare doubled since Obama came in,,, oh all those unemployment numbers going down,,,,,Cuz , people stoped looking for work,,,, (and are collecting “disability” Social Security…Simply saying,,,Payfor it BEFORE you implement it… Which reminds me ,,wasn’t it Pelosi , Reed and the Pres…the ones who coined “Pay as we go”??????No “we have to have to pass it to see whats in it.”…BAAAAAAAAAH… thats like buying your car befor you get to drive it!!! DUMB< DUMB < DUMB.
hahahahaha says
Remember. ” If you like your current plan, you can keep it. ” -Barrack Hussein Obama
Cdev says
And you can
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
You are so disingenuous.
One of the consequences of Obamacare is that many employers will provide coverage only for the employee, drop coverage entirely, have to replace the plan they are offering if it doesn’t comply with the ACA standards.
So many people who like their current plan won’t get to keep it.
Arturro Nasney says
you are partially correct Cdev. You can keep your current insurance. The problem is that many of the current policies will no longer be available! How can you keep a plan with a company that refuses to sell it, at a price decided by the government?
Brianc says
Actually maybe employees can keep their current plan,maybe not. It’s not up to them, as an employer; it is up to me. Right now i pay 80% of my employees premium. For single young people that’s around 295.00 and married families close to 750.00 per month. I am not saying I would do this, but if my taxes or hc costs or anything else continues to make my company’s bottom line go lower, guess what, I could just start giving my employees a 500.00 or so HC stipend, and tell them to go find their own HC. That certainly would be less work for me. Then they Are on their own, and no they can’t keep the insurance they had. People, including prez obama seem to forget, it’s not necessarily the employees decision.
Cdev says
That was my point. People are losing plans because of their employer making choices not the president.
Brianc says
I’m supposed to make the decision; I’m the employer, not the president.
Cdev says
Yes you are. The president is not making those decisions for you!
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Are you so financially and economically illiterate that you don’t get it?
Samuel says
Cdev would struggle to run a lemonade stand, yet alone understand real world economics. Perhaps this troll should run for higher office. Dipshit would fit right in.
Because says
Do what your paragons of big business do: Pass the cost of doing business on to the consumer. Outsource to some third world country where workers are paid pennies per hour behind barbed wire fences. And complain your taxes are too high.
Common Sense says
When you say “Pass the cost of doing business on to the consumer” where do you suggest businesses of any size do with increased costs?
Because says
You clearly miss the standard set by big oil and other too big to fail entities. Get the government to cut your taxes or find a way to screw the US by outsourcing, paying a minimum wage or reducing hours to part time level.
Common Sense says
Because ExxonMobil is the number one corporate taxpayer in the US.
Because if more money stays in the US economy as opposed to being misdirected to government then more private sector jobs would be created and economic growth would increase.
Because says
Offett by government subsidies
Common Sense says
Because investments in oil exploration & production by oil companies are legitimate expenses and are tax deductible.
Cdev says
So I take it you are for subsidizing buisnesses? Also when has trickle down actually worked?
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
When has a government centrally controlled Marx!st or Social!st economy worked?
Cdev says
It hasn’t but I am not advocating that. But you are advocating trickle down
Common Sense says
Again your lack of even basic financial principles and economics is startling.
Free markets create jobs.
Milton Friedman has written extensively on how free markets create economic success.
Brian says
Wow what a waste of time! Really the Harford County Republican Committee votes to defund the law??? What kind of say do these small town political want to bes have? I vote to stop paying property taxes to the County! There I just did the same damn thing and will have the same damn result. NOTHING!
Citizen says
Agreed. Whatta waste of time. Nothing but nonsense grandstanding. Get a frigin real cause.
Megan says
Just got my “Estimated” cost analysis for the “Affordable” care act from the IRS who has been asking for payroll data for months now. The increased cost associated with this bill is 12% more then my entire profit margin. I have not taken a pay check in 3 months so that I would not have to lay off any employees as we slowly recover. Sadly I announced today that I will be laying off 14 employees. The rest will no longer be full time until a better solution can be reached. I guess I now know what all the hope and change was about that I voted for. I am ashamed that I ever voted for this administration.
vseitz says
Glad for your return, sister.
Because says
“Restaurant Impossible” is filled with stories of businesses run by people that do not know why they are unable to make a profit. Before you go blaming someone else for your financial difficulty, perhaps you should assess your business model and your costs of doing business, and if you can’t manage to make a profit find another job.
Common Sense says
Because you’re being heartless here.
Because you want Megan to shutter her business, terminate her employees and not pay her creditors.
Because do you rely on reality TV shows for most of your research?
Because says
It was a metaphor Common Sense. Like the hedgehog you are you can only see in Black and White and draw no conclusions on your own without being spoon fed
Common Sense says
Because you use an artificial reality TV show to compare and contrast with a real life business that Megan owns and operates.
HA says
Restaurant impossible is a fake reality show. Its host has been caught lying about his pedigree and lost the show for several years because of it. 80% of the places on these show eventually go out of business anyway. Feel free to look it up for youself you bunch of brainwashed wannabe master minds.
Because says
Restaurants fail at an amazing rate in any economy. Yes he lied about his pedigree. If you can’t derive something from the improvements he introduces to failing businesses you’re the one that is incapable of learning.
Cdev says
Looks like you where struggling before ACA. It’s the free market. Adapt or fail.
really says
Adapt or fail. Cool Im down with that. No WELFARE, then. Thanks, practice what you preach.
Because says
No welfare for you
Henry S says
Ha, you now say adapt and fail, when not too long ago you were on here preaching the glories of bail outs. Hypocrisy at its finest. Teachers too. Adapt or fail.
Cdev says
When did I advocate bailouts!
Megan says
No, I have staff, overhead, A mortgage on my building, insurance, Federal taxes, State taxes, City taxes, Payroll taxes, insurance Fees, and regulatory compliance costs just to start the list. I am sorry but I do not gouge my customers for money like most of the government contractors out there. I have to chuckle at the negative comments. None of you have seen my PNL statement. I know how to make a profit. My company has been doing it for 22 years. I have employed hundreds of locals, paid millions in taxes and created over 200 jobs. When you have done that, I may consider your criticism as valid. Until then, you should attempt to offer solutions, rather then trash talk everyone who has an opposing view point. CDEV and its (for lack of a better description) ilk are the poster children of all that is wrong with this country. I am willing to bet you all get sexually aroused by the comments you leave on here. If you like, you may stop by my business, I will show you what it is like to run a company. But I am sure you would rather continue to hide behind your keyboard.
Milton says
Keep your head up. The idiots on this site love to harass people on here in a vain attempt to keep themselves relative. Many are losers that probably do get stiffies out of spewing hate via anonymous web sites. Its the only sexual gratification they will ever get. They always deflect their own racism hatred and phobias onto the other side.
Cdev says
If you don’t change you will fail. It is the free market. Secondly Milton and Megan you have no credibility when you break out the filth in your posts!
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Oh, now you’re going to cry because Megan and Milton said something mildly insulting?
You simply have no knowledge of Megan’s business finances and no idea of the impact of ACA on her business.
You’re are being childish, arrogant and ignorant.
Cdev says
Mildly insulting? It is a clear violation of the terms of service and honestly lewd. I will take Megan up on her offer to show me how to run a business. I will stop by but I need to know the name of the business.
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
No lewdness, sorry Cdev you’re grasping.
Cdev says
So discussing masturbation is not lewd?
Mad Republican says
hmmm,,,Lewd??? I think not ….Dems are crying to teach 5yr olds all about gay sex and marriage..Oh masterbation is taught in sex ed in schools ,,,isn’t it???? You’ve read between the lines on all your post,,,doen’t your door swing both ways????.. Read my other posts,,,,If you want a Hand-Out,, Move to Greece, with their failing economy…Jeeez
Cdev says
So you are saying two wrongs make a right? I don’t know any dems teaching 5 year olds about gay sex. I also did not make the lewd comments and have not swung the door back, my mother taught me better than that. I don’t want a handout.
Because says
Government Contractors? Is that the business you are in? Private industry sucking off the government tit is even more expensive than hiring a federal employee to do the same job. You are temp workers, and as such, you should not be kept around when times are tough.
Megan says
No, I do not take government contracts. Sorry to disappoint you again.
Common Sense says
Because you work very hard to demonize private enterprise.
Because you are statist who values government intervention above all else.
Unchecked government spending and subsidies to industries are a plague on the US economy. And Because you praise it.
B says
Aren’t you sucking on the same tit, hypocrite?
Because says
I demonize anyone that inflicts pain upon themselves and blames others for their difficulties. The “Restaurant Impossible” comparison sounds valid. Often times people who do not know how to run a business, whether it’s a restaurant or a hardware store sacrifice their paycheck first to keep others employed and kid themselves they are doing the best they can. Then when you have someone objective come in and look at your business suddenly everything you thought your were doing right because you were so high on yourself suddenly gets fixed because it was wrong. And you are just as guilty of criticizing the views of others you disagree with, just because it does not fit in well with your perception of the world. She said she had problems paying herself. Clue one something else is wrong. Probably her costs are out of control or she hasn’t chosen to make needed changes because she is used to doing things the same way she has always done them. It’s the way of many people in this county. Since coming here I have introduced a variety of new technologies and improved communication of basic technical issues that were lagging in the place that hired me. And it took them forever to adopt them because “That’s the way we have always done it”. And there is nothing worse than listening to a boss say things can’t change – it will be like this until you retire. Time for new ideas and new blood – if the old and stale has to go, it has to go.
Because says
Then why the comparison to government contractors Megan or were you just talking about something irrelevant to your problem?
Because says
Again Common Sense. Government subsidies to the most profitable industries in the world and you can justify giving money to oil companies for exploration. Or farm subsidies to some farm owning congressmen while cutting food aid to the poor. Milk would not be as expensive as it is if the US Government didn’t create price supports to keep dairy farmers from going out of business and the US also is fighting other countries over Cotton Subsidies that make our cotton cheaper than foreign made sources.
Because says
B, I work for a living and I am just as big a critic of people that are useless as you claim I am. You are an anonymous little man posting in the Dagger and usually finding something to complain about in anything I say. It really doesn’t matter, I apparently exist now to cause you to respond to me directly instead of contributing to any discussion going on in this thread or anywhere else. Small minded, petty and just plain vindictive. Everything I admire in people who are only critics and have nothing to claim as a creation or an act of decency for someone other than themselves.
Common Sense says
Because legitimate tax deductions are not subsidies.
Because of course oil companies expense exploration as a cost of doing business.
Because government get a lot of its tax receipts from oil company taxes.
Megan says
I have not taken a pay check because I actually care about my employes. Rather then lay them off, I took a pay cut so that I did not have to terminate anyone.My costs are not out of control. Again I invite you to stop by and look how a real business operates. I deal in an industry that is very competitive and has a lower profit margin. So many of you are calling for seizure of profits, redistribution of wealth and nationalization of private sector industries. So I followed your lead and redistributed the money I was making in order to give it to those who need it more than I. The fact that you still have a problem with this, and still talk shit, really really shows just how ignorant and stupid you really are. Thank you for showing us your stupidity.
Cdev says
Megan you keep inviting us to stop by and learn but wont tell us where this buisness is or even the name.
At this point given your fowl mouth I also have to wonder about your customer relation skills and if that might not be contributing to your economic issues as well.
Either way I would be interested in learning about your buisness so for the third time in 36 hours. Where might I stop by to learn?
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
So now Megan is some kind of “fowl’ mouthed bird.
Oh you meant foul-mouth not “fowl”.
At this point why should Megan have Because aka David A. Porter or Cdev visit her business. There’s nothing in it but grief for Megan since Cdev and Because will just start an online attack on her business and will never visit it without anonymity.
Megan I recommend you withdraw your offer.
Cdev says
I don’t think the offer was ever sincere!
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Fact of the matter you don’t know at this point if Megan’s invitation was sincere or not.
However given your behaviour of judging her business practices and performance absent any reasonable basis or financial data Megan should ignore you.
Cdev says
Hence the word think. You see I don’t know for sure but based on her offer being extended repeatedly and more than one person over a 36 hour period inquired about taking her up on the offer, and she did post during that 36 hour period, including a very vulgar reply, and none of those replies included the needed information or even an acknowledgement of the offer except to re-extend it, it is reasonable to infere she was not serious about the offer in the first place.
Common Sense says
It’s likely after reading your baseless unkind comments and those of others she decided to withdraw the offer? I don’t blame her.
Megan doesn’t answer to you or Because.
You and Because think ACA/Obamacare is a great idea.
You know little to nothing about this new ACA regulatory regime that the burdens businesses, individuals and health care providers with increased costs and compliance.
Cdev says
Unkind? I am not the one talking about sexual gratification. Second she reiterated the offer several times!
Mad Republican says
You go girl!!!! Dems just a bunch of “Blood Suckers” with their hands in OUR pockets.
Because says
She says stop by as if she would be willing to allow someone to see how her business is run – and yet we still have no idea what she does.
Common Sense says
Megan –
You have some tough choices on ACA/Obamacare.
1. Reduce your full time staff
2. Hire a 30 hour a week or less workforce
3. Find a health care plan that complies with ACA that you can afford
4. Insure only the employee
5. Offer no insurance and pay the fine
You are not alone since businesses big and small are facing this dilemma.
LilJimmy says
You own a biz that employs over 50 people and the added expense of a health care increase is 12% more than your current profit? To combat this you are laying off 14 and reducing those left to part time which would mean you are still over 50 employees. And to top things off you haven’t made enough profit to pay your own salary for the last 12 weeks?
Your problems are not with the government or new laws.
Cdev says
Shhhhh we can’t point out that the business was already failing! They are only for free market when it puts money in their pockets. Otherwise they want a handout
Brianc says
Uh…. Small businesses don’t get handouts.
Cdev says
Small business tax credit?
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Did Megan email you her P&Ls and Balance Sheet and you’ve done thorough analysis of her business?
Cdev says
No she just described them. Secondly there are several small business credits
Brianc says
What credits to you keep talking about? As an owner of a LLC, there is nothing.
Common Sense says
So Cdev that means you don’t know squat about Megan’s business.
Cdev says
I know she is continually loosing money and not paying herself. Doesn’t sound financially healthy. Free market says if she fails…..than she fails!
Common Sense says
@Cdev –
Is it possible that Megan has been carrying more staff than she requires during this prolonged economic downturn out of compassion and loyalty and its come to a financial point where she can no longer do it?
LilJimmy says
Carrying an unproductive staff is a bad business decision as is the business owning property and paying a mortgage. Taking depreciation on an asset that increases in value is a nightmare. ACA hasn’t kicked in yet and this ship is already sinking. Megan your accounting company did you wrong. Better luck in your next adventure.
Common Sense says
You know nothing about Megan’s business circumstances yet you criticize her.
Because says
No. The issue is the owner appears to not be able to run a profitable business and is blaming the government for her increasing difficulties when she already is unable to do so.
Common Sense says
Because you just don’t have the evidence to make your conclusion about Megan’s business.
Brianc says
No small business credit if you are white owned and not located in a hub zone.
Gerald says
The real Problems that CDEV has is that the business is owned by a female.
Cdev says
I have no problem with that.
Cdev says
One Maryland Tax Credit
ACA Tax Credit for Small Buisnesses
Brianc says
I fall under the below small category, but I am fortunate enough to have my employees earning way more than the average of 25K per year. So no “ACA Tax Credit for Small Buisnesses” for my company.
for info purposes only: LOL
“Starting in 2011, employers with 10 or fewer full-time employees that have average wages of up to $25,000 became eligible for the maximum credit of 35 percent of the amount the company contributes toward its employees health insurance premiums, with the credit applied to the employer’s tax liability for the year. Companies eligible for the credit employ 16.6 million workers, with experts estimating that businesses employing 3.4 million of them (about 20 percent) will take the credit between 2010 and 2013. The federal government has notified 4 million companies that they may be eligible for the credit.”
I’ll say this again, once you start signing the front of business checks-you’ll understand more..
Cdev says
Not saying every small buisness tax credit will apply to every buisness, that said there are small buisness tax credits which apply to people without regard to their owners minority status and without regards to it being located in a hub!
Jaguar Judy says
Interesting. Here’s the bottom line. Millions of workers in this country had health insurance for themselves and their family provided by their employer. The Lib/Dems led by Mr. Obama had a better idea and sold it to the Congress who rammed it thru. Now many of the people who formerly were satisfied with their health insurance as provided by their employer aren’t satisfied or soon won’t be as a result of the law. So my message to those of you who feel you are worse off is tell your Representative or Senator and see what they say. Then you will know how to vote the next time they are up for re-election. Meanwhile you may also want to tell every elected Congress person you know that you are firmly in favor of the Republican position and urge the Republicans to shut down the government if that is what it takes. Sequestration was supposed to be a huge catastrophe. It wasn’t. Shutting down the government won’t be either. Bring it on.
Because says
And millions (the ones you don’t care about) had none.
Silly says
Well perhaps you lefties should indeed practice the Eugenics programs you have been so fond of for the last century. Dont have kids if you cant afford them
Mad Republican says
Great idea @Silly,,, OR……..Let them move to GREECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Common Sense says
Because we do care is precisely why we object to unsustainable profligate ACA government spending under the guise of spreading the wealth & health care for all when in fact liberal progressives are subjugating the needy and middle class to permanent government dependency.