From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[September 18, 2013, Bel Air, MD] — Harford County Sheriff, L. Jesse Bane, was recently recognized by the Maryland Highway Safety Office for his work as Chairman of the Harford County Traffic Safety Task Force, an initiative established by the Harford County Council for the purpose of identifying resources to target efforts to enforce traffic laws, reduce traffic crashes and eliminate traffic fatalities.
The award, recently presented to the Sheriff at the Maryland Sheriff’s Association Conference, recognized his leadership in leading this initiative and integrating the recommendations of the task force as part of the overall objectives set forth by the Maryland Highway Safety Office’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The goal of Maryland’s Plan is to reduce motor vehicle-related fatalities and injuries. Additionally, it focuses on issues that cause the greatest number of traffic safety problems, as well as the geographic areas where traffic crashes are most prevalent. Like Maryland, areas on which Harford County will concentrate are distracted driving, impaired driving, aggressive driving, highway infrastructure, the wearing of seat belts and pedestrian safety.
At the request of Councilman Chad Shrodes the Harford County Council, by resolution, created the Task Force. Representatives of the Traffic Safety Task Force include the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police – Bel Air and JFK Barracks, and the Police Departments of Aberdeen, Bel Air, and Havre de Grace, along with representatives from Harford County government, community organizations, and community members. Task Force members studied Harford County’s Traffic Safety Issues and just recently released its final report to the Council.
The Sheriff said he was honored to receive the award noting what everyone already recognizes – one traffic fatality is one too many. “We need to work together as a community to raise driver awareness and change bad driving habits”, Bane said. “Traffic enforcement is a countywide issue – not the sole responsibility of any one agency. I appreciate that everyone – police, government and community members – are involved and have joined forces in this initiative. I am confident by working together we can reduce traffic injuries and eliminate traffic fatalities in Harford County,” he concluded.
The Maryland Sheriff’s Conference was held in Ocean City, the week of September 9-12th.
“Like Maryland, areas on which Harford County will concentrate are distracted driving, impaired driving, aggressive driving, highway infrastructure, the wearing of seat belts and pedestrian safety.”
Will concentrate… when?
I have complained to HCSO on an individual aggressive speeder that take the same route every morning at the same time. I have supplied the vehicle description, tag number and where the driver lives. I have given them a detailed route she drives every morning, 9 miles through harford county before reaching the baltimore county line with no regard for speed limits or stop signs. She has run me and my neighbors off the road countless times over the last 3 years. Jesse you can’t stop her what makes you think suddenly “concentrating” on the problem will make a difference?
The time for being confident that doing something will make a difference has passed…. Lets actually do something.
I think it is time for someone to follow up on this Harford neighbor’s complaint?
Grow some balls and flatten her tires. I’m guessing she drives a disgusting minivan with them simple ass stick figures on her rear window and bumper stickers stating her kid is a honor student, like who cares if her brat is a honor student and she’s married with three kids and a pet
Suffering from superior vagina envy?
I guess so BO, I really do envy db’s with a minivan, stick figures and bumper stickers. Once you achieve that status of owner of a minivan you have arrived. It sounds like your a man hater BO, you most likely have a minivan dildo.
Bane hasn’t done anything. He is just a PR hunting old bastard. Uncle Jesse has know clue what’s going on in his own agency. Bane needs to retire and go fishing and take the rest of his usless command staff with him.
You need to learn to spell, onethatknows. I doubt you do know, just another plant for Gahler.
Tired of Crap…
Is this Dale Creeper, David Porter, Fred Visnaw, Jesse Bane or Mildred?
Why hasn’t he been recognized for letting his employees shoot and kill unarmed kids?
What a joke. Bane did nothing to address the traffic safety during his first term and only acted after Jeff Gahler stressed the need for a more active role during his campaign, followed by the local state police commander making the task force suggestion and then finally Councilman Shrodes calling for action. Bane should cut his award in three pieces and give it to the people who really made a difference!
So, onpoint, who gave him the award?
According to the article above it was the Maryland Highway Safety Office. Also, according to the article, this initiative was established by the Harford County Council, who appointed Sheriff Bane as the Chairman of the Task Force.
Since there is no reported data to indicate that this initiative has been successful (at least in the press release above) it would appear that the Sheriff has received an “award” for simply chairing the task force. We have not been told if anything really productive was achieved as a result of his chairmanship. All we have really been told is that the task force was establish, it had goals, and the Sheriff was the Chairman. In my opinion, it would not be unfair to conclude that this is all about politics.
are you answering for onpoint now? Or, are you onpoint? I think we caught you.
Poor Jesse. He needed another award to hang in his office. How about actually producing results? The speeders are everywhere. Never before has our Harford Highways been more dangerous.
Good Job, now if you can only keep Major IA 28 from causing more problems between her and the rest of the Command Staff. Did the meeting help with them? Do you think that they were really concerned when you told them this is going to cost you the election? When one Major is causing so much problems in the ranks it is one thing. When she starts fighting among the second floor I would say the Bane Ship (The Black Pearl) is starting to lean. There is a reason other Administrations kept a tight leash on you Jesse, you are toxic and this is evident with the way the Sheriff’s Office is coming off the tracks. Funny how these internal conflicts come out of the second floor of the Kingdom. You get awards for things you had no hand in, so will you take responsibility for what you have done to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office?
Marc go home….. you’re drunk.
It is in her very nature to keep things stirred up. In many ways she is just like Sheriff Bane. Each of them thinks that all others have ulterior motives for every action they take, thus there is no trust. Imagine living your life not having any trust in the others around you. It must be miserable living that way, and that misery affects how you interact with others. It is not a recipe for success.
How do you know so much about her, Mike?
Eaton, Are you still cleaning the jail’s shitters?
Meanwhile Edgewood, Bel Air, and Fallston run rampant with drugs, prostitution, drugs, drugs, junkies and drugs.
And parents in those communities continue to look the other way and expect society to manage their little entitled brats instead of taking responsibility for their “Children’s” behavior
Ever notice how even when Bane is given credit, the Gahler supporters try to hijack the site? Pure BS and political crap.
No, it is Bane who is hijacking the credit when others have done the work. Keep the pressure on Marc.
Bane taking credit for things others do not do is not political BS right? Sorry support, this is all political. This award should have gone to Major IA 28, she seems to be running the Department. I guess now that the members of the Sheriff’s Office are speaking out this is really bothering you guys, good. Keep the information coming guys and I will keep posting for you.
Marc, what you got against Southern Canadian Cheese?
Marc, you are always on here bitching about Bane. You and your fellow Gahler campaigners always say the same things over and over. According to you, Bane never does anything and takes all of the credit. I happen to know that is not true. A lot of your posters are not deputies and pretend to know things they don’t. Bane serves the public, and when a deputy is wrong, he will let them know. He also will give them attitude adjustments when they need it and I suspect that is why you seem so intent on getting him out of office. He serves the public first, not the deputies first. You need to move on or get some different lines.
Well, I seem to know more then you do because you are so far off base. Major IA 28 is running things right now and this is why the wheels came off a long time ago. I have good information and great sources, but you are one of Bane’s FOJ so you already know this. Pointing out the many faults and short falls of Bane is not bitching. I am a ABB supporter. Anybody but Bane for Sheriff. Jesse has made a career of taking credit for others work, he is that type. No ideas or creative thoughts. His belief that a pen has solved more problems then force shows you he is soft on crime. When gang bangers have his cell phone number in their phones you have problems. Major IA 28 seems to forget where she came from, but she and Bane share the cross me once and shame on you way of thinking. None of you Bane supporters can cast doubt on accusations made by many on here. You can tell when you are loosing because you just send out insults because you have no credible information to refute our facts. Do you want to go there on the attitude adjustments on his people? Liars who get caught in a Staff Investigation are still there because of a large donation from his wife. Forwood decision was kept on the back burner until the election was over. People charged because a Major can read lips while watching a video and believes they are talking about her. Major IA 28 is charged and investigated by an outside agency and found to be guilty but Bane chalks it up to a policy failure. The Rapmaster is getting a Clinton in a county car by another county employee still working! Stay tuned my friend, I have some good things coming up for you that are different lines. Phone and email are always busy. Jesse is not qualified to set up flares for traffic direction at a crash scene let alone be the Sheriff. The Black Pearl is sinking a little faster each day. You all hide on here but none have the nerve to call me about any of this. Big Balls on the computer syndrome guys.
Who are you kidding? Mark Forwood’s “attitude adjustment” for his criminal acts? Continued pay and employment as his buddy and recipient of campaign donations, Jesse Bane, slowed the investigation. Rumor is after Forwood’s harsh home detention, that he received a medical retirement and is now enjoying tax free living. On the other side of the coin we see what happens when a non-Jesse supporter is the recipient of an “attitude adjustment” from Bane – the termination of a female deputy who even an outside board thought deserved a slap on the wrist.
Marc, you always consider yourself as the expert on Bane and the high priest of knowledge about how the deputies feel about him. You talk to a few disgruntled cops and think that you know all. You don’t, but keep writing maybe you haven’t convinced everyone that you are an idiot. But, you have convinced me and anyone else who follows this site over the past 4 years. If you want to reveal something about Bane, why don’t you tell us all what he did to you? It is obvious he has done something for you as a retiree to continue to rant about him.
Tired of the Crap – Are you Fred Visnaw or Full of Shit?
SpeakEasy, I am not Fred Visnaw or full of shit. If I were, I would contact you and Mark, and his other name, Onpoint, because you all are shit suckers.
Tired of Crap
Ah ha…. are you Dale Creeper, David Porter, The Capt Jim McRino or that clown that dresses up like Uncle Sam on election day? I bet you are some govt tit sucker that will lose his job the day after Bane is dethroned….
SpeakEasy is another name for Marc. If that is all you got, you don’t have much but name calling.
Nope. Guess again… and don’t let the conspiracy theory bite you when you least expect it
He is a liar and a sneak. Mostly a liar. A few disgruntled cops? Really? You know I have the the inside scoop or you would not attack me? My goal is to see him and his head hunters gone. Call me names, don’t care. Don’t care what you and others think of me, never did and never will. Then if you knew me like you want people to think you would know that. My first dealings with Bane and his lying was in 1988 with two other k-9 handlers. When a man or Bane can look three people in the eye and lie to them they way he did I have no respect for him. Police do not lie! Then again in Bane’s defense he really never was a cop was he? Hey Jesse remember that now? Or is the trail of lies so long you have a hard time keeping them in order? I have been promised no job already have one and a retirement. I am looking to move back to Harford County is a few years and enjoy full retirement. No motive in this for me, the good people at the Sheriff’s Office need to be able to have the good working environment and enjoy the job without having people like Bane and Major IA 28 to deal with. The job is stressful enough without having bottom feeders like these two to deal with., feel free to contact me anyone, but none of you FOJ will.
Marc why on earth would you post your email address on a site like this? Are you prepared for every idiot on the internet to sign you up for any and every lowlife site out there? Dude not a smart move.
Jack, I have been doing it for a while. I only get positive emails and some very good information. The Baners are too afraid to email me. I stand by what I post, if someone wants to challenge me they can email me and do it. I am easy to find.
I would have thought you would be swamped by porn sites that would put a person in jail judging from the crowd here.
Jack, they can not send those kind of sites from the Sheriff’s Office computers!
Marc, you seem to have paranoia. At first, I thought that it was a superiority feeling being displayed, but I now realize you are paranoic and insecure. I won’t make fun of that since you are obviously ill.
TOTCrap: You are the one with the mental illness if you seriously believe what you are writing. You obviously have one of Bane’s specially-created jobs or are somehow benefitting, judging from your completely incorrect view of Bane. Marc, I cannot tell you how much we appreciate that you are going to bat for those who cannot. Let them call you names, that’s their only defense. WE KNOW THE TRUTH
Just checked no emails.
One thing is missing from this article, if Jesse has done such a good job where are the numbers he loves so much in the story? How are the numbers different now then before? How many citations, warning, repair orders were issued? How many drunk or drugged drivers were arrested?
Are crashes down from last year? Are fatal crashes down? You love numbers so lets see then Bane.
Marc, do you think that you are so knowledgeable that I should email you? Why? What can you possibly say on email that you are afraid to say on this site. All of the negative things you have said against Bane, I can’t imagine what else you could say. I promised I wouldn’t pick on you because of your mental illness.
Lenny Lane, another name of yours, Mark.
Now we are back to this, accusing me of using multiple and mental illness. Come on no one got time for that!
Grab him through Facebook. I blocked him because he stalks people… like some sort of rabid psychotic.
David A Porter, you are not that important to anyone. For someone who wants to be stalked by men why would you change your screen name and then tell me who you are? I think you thrive on attention, any kind of attention.
@ Cheese, If I didn’t have any inside information why do you all seem to be after me so much. If I am blowing smoke ignore me please. If you think I am mental then let me enjoy the conversations I have with myself.
Again Marc. You were the one that reached out through Linked In and other means to try and figure out who he was. And then you trolled his Facebook page. You are seriously ill Marc. Seek counseling for whatever esteem issues you have that manifest themselves in a hatred of Bane and all the other things you oppose and fear. No surprise you like Glen Beck. You’re probably as mental as he is and grasping for attention in this little back water of media with all your aliases and sycophants.
David A Porter, you little devil. You love the attention. Your face book was sent to me and it was just a little creepy bud and I thought I had seen it all. Your feminine side is very strong in you. What is it with you libs all you think about is counseling for people? And you forgot to ad Halliburton to your list.
Marc, Now ya know what you don’t know…
Let’s not forget Uncle Benny, Marc’s Eighth Cousin In Law and whatever other bilge you excrete
So, Marc, tell us all what deep secrets you have about Bane. Tell us on this site where you post nearly every day. We don’t need to email you. If you have so much information, why can’t you tell us all on this site? It doesn’t make sense, look who I am writing this to.
When dealing with Bane and his Major you have to attack it like eating an elephant……small bites. Don’t want people to forget about all this before election time. And tired, you changed your name again.
Seek counseling Marc. You’re a sick man.
David A Porter I feel you could help me. Would you?
David and others, I appreciate you concern for my mental well being. So I am over 50 and need some advice. Can you give me advice on prostate health? Hair loss and low t? Looking forward to your help, thanks again for keeping my health in your thoughts
Sorry, Marc,
You will have to get professional help from a highly trained psychiatrist and your health information from a doctor. You see, Marc, that is your problem. You don’t know who to turn to for answers. However, I can help you raise your I.Q., stop the one sided information. On the other hand, every time you respond you attract more voters to Bane… so keep up the dumb posts.
Marc, you know you have them scrambling when they post their childish nonsense! Good job!
Come on, Marc. You can come up with better than this as a response.
Just learned that the newest strategy by the Bane staff and his campaign is to flood the Dagger and give thumbs down to everything posted negative about Jesse. Really this is what you are spending time on in your meetings. And tired of or should I say Monster welcome back. Monster/Tired of please get a new line the mental thing is old. Attack something else, I know you can do it. By the way, can you check on a rumor for me? I understand that Major IA 28 may be going back to the rank of Lt., can you let me know. Check with Skippy.
Marc,, Unlike you, I don’t deal in rumors. So, I cannot answer a rumor; check with one of your rumor monger friends. You really are a joke when you say you just learned the newest strategy by the Bane staff. Are you serious? Do you really believe that you are that important? The voters will decide. I expect Mr. Gahler will call you soon and ask you to stop posting as you are hurting his campaign efforts.
I didn’t say it was about me, it is for anyone who speaks ill of your Jesse. I am not important and I back no Sheriff candidate. Get the facts correct. Dispute what I say about Bane with facts, not attacks on me or anyone else who speaks out against him. None of you dispute what we post because you can’t. As I remember Bane only won by 2000 votes last time, not a lot. I really don’t think what people say about Bane will hurt any other candidates chances. I think the public sees Bane for what he is…..useless.
agree with you Monster. all I ever seen marc post is innuendo, name calling and his version of facts.
Tired of Crap aka Full of Shxt & Monster,
Who are ya really? A Sleepy Deputy Union Boss, An Agree Welfare Mother from the Hood, a Liberal Bel Air Attorney, Mark Forwood, Jesse Bane, who, please tell us who…
Hey Mark. Glad you missed me. Why don’t you let us know how to vote, since you speak for all of the Sheriff’s staff, Edgewood residents, and everyone else.
Monster, they should attend meetings ask questions and get involved in this election. They should be informed voters and make a good choice. They should ask themselves if they are getting the service and protection they deserve. They should ask the people who work there what they think, some will speak their mind. This is who they should vote for. I get nothing out of this, and I will speak up for the guys who can’t. You guys attack call names and represent Bane. You like to make fun of mental disabilities against me. I am sure there are a lot of people who read your remarks who have family, or friends who suffer from mental disorders… do you think that when they read the remarks and know that you and others back Bane this helps your cause? A lot of returning Military Vets coming back with PTSD, do you think they are laughing with you? How many people are reading these posts you all make and have lost a loved one to suicide because of a mental disorder? Think they are laughing? I have had the unfortunate chance to read some letters from people who have taken their life because of a mental disorder and I assure you I did not laugh and the families didn’t either. Attack me on my comments and give me a debate on facts.
Marc, I am not laughing at mental illness or your sickness. I wish you could be helped. One way that couild help is if you would stop posting your daily nonsense. Another way would be to get professional help. However, make sure you go to someone who knows the psychology field rather than one of your rumor monger friends. Best wishes for your recovery.
Monster/Tired keep the screen names in check. You don’t want to get caught again like the last time.
You couldn’t catch a cold.
Monster or should we just call you Fred,
Has Uncle Jesse instructed you to block Marc Eaton? We’ll keep an eye out for ya at the Sheriff’s Office. I’m sure we will see more of your nonsense as we get closer to the election. Jesse looks like he has a real case of gas lately… He hates it people really start to see what a vindictive little man he is.
Cheese, You are binding. My guess is if Jessee has gas, he has been around you too much.
You always were the wise guy Fred. Unfortunately you don’t bring much more. Bet its almost time for your nap. Keep your radio on.
Cheese, I don’t know who Fred is, but if you don’t like him, he must be all right.
Monster / Fred. Wake up from your nap, did ya?
Marcoroni and Cheese, you are a perfect combination of hot air and gas. Is this what you do on the job?
Fred/Monster, when you were sleeping on the job, did you use a pillow?
Cheese, or is it cheese whiz, or is it Marcoroni and cheese? No matter which it is, you smell. Want to keep hurling insults like kids?
Fred/Monster, Were you dreaming of Uncle Jesse Bane as you slept the night away… By the way, pillow or not?
Marcoroni and cheese, you need some rest. Your replies are getting more childish by the minute. Do you ever work, or do you just whine and complain? Your job is to serve the citizens of this county, not to serve yourself.
Fred/Monster – your job was to serve the citizens and be there for other officers but you were sleeping on the job….
Marcoroni and cheese, I am not Fred. You need to take a nap. Just do it on your time.
Monster, is that the best you can do? Definitely Fred, the mindless idiot.
I could certainly come up with a better name than Lenny Lane.
Taxpayers don’t you love how Harford Deputy Union Thugs and Deputy Retirees collecting pensions in their 40’s have time to sit home and whine about the state of policing….. Pathetic… Probably better that they are sleeping at home rather than sleeping on the job….
Cheese Patrol, tell us what you know.
Have a donut Monster then go back to sleep.
I am trying to figure out what in the hell you stand for.
I am sorry but I am new to this site. I bust my @ss every night and get crap in return, which I am ok with because that’s what I signed up for. Literally I signed up for this because I wanted to make a difference. Marc Eaton attempts to stand up for me and my brothers/sisters and you treat him like a piece of crap. Marc worked for HCSO for over 20 years from what I gather. How dare you go after him, how about instead of going after any mental issues he may have, how about thanking him for his service. The true coward is the person or persons who never thank him for his service to this county. The true issue is not Bane, Gahler, Ryan…etc . How about you coward(s) respect that you can sleep at night, work during the day, have your kids go to school safely. What makes me sick is knowing that cheez@ass and monster still go after an officer like Marc Eaton who was there for over 20 years. Whoever you are you better not be a cop because if you are you are a POS. Whether you are a military veteran of a member of the thin blue line PSTD is real and we all need to respect it. I am sickened to know that you would treat him like this and I apologize for the rest of everyone who doesn’t feel this way. This whole thing has gotten out of hand who cares who wins or loses families within HCSO are struggling. Be careful and take care of each other. Lastly how dare you attack that he gets a pension, he earned it. I will leave it at that and will leave politics out of it. A few of you make me sick.
Take it easy chief. Just kidding w Eaton regarding his “vast” knowledge of local policing. Have no knowledge of any of Marc’s personal issues. Grow a pair buddy.
cheez@ass- I grew a pair, I’m not going to argue with you that’s what you want but I have a problem with people like you saying that anyone with PTSD or other issues at home or in or military doesn’t deserve our support. They do they also deserve a pension and I quote you coward here is what you said cheez@ass “Harford Deputy Union Thugs and Deputy Retirees collecting pensions in their 40?s have time to sit home and whine about the state of policing”. Go look at your self in the mirror I’m not knocking you but if you can knock a veteran at home or abroad that’s sad. That’s my last comment I served at home and abroad and you make me want to vomit.
Yeah that’s right. Comment was on a retirement system that is bleeding tax payers dry. Don’t see anything about disabilities. Read it again you dumbass
pond scum/Marc,
You should play violin music with this bs you wrote. I am not against police and am appreciative of what they do. That does not mean that I accept what Marc tries to sell on this site. Quit the crap, Marc. I know you are writing to yourself again.
Pond Scum: Thanks for attempting to put these braindead Baners in their place. I don’t think they get it. You eloquently stated your case. Dislike Marc, disagree with him, but don’t disrespect him and his years of service to the citizens of Harford County. Thank you Marc and all the other deputies.
Just Sayin is a term people use when they have a notion, but not an in-depth thought. Congratulations, you lived up to your name.
Monster=Jesse bane=Fred visnaw=mark forwood=David porter=Mildred Sammy=hug a thug=bad news for Harford county
Wow. Who can argue with brilliance like that?
Monster – Thank you. I made it simple so you could understand it.
Cheese, If anyone know “simple” it is you.
Marc, pond scum and crap smell bad. Is that where you got the idea of the name?
As I read these posts I am certain that some people use more than one name. The funny part about this is that no one other than them reads their comments.
Marcoroni and cheese, do you ever work?