From the House Republican Caucus:
Today, Governor Martin O’Malley held the first of several planned “Better Choices, Better Results” Forums. The event was held at Goucher College and focused on jobs. House Minority Whip Kathy Szeliga released the following statement regarding the Governor’s comments today:
“It is amazing that the Governor took this opportunity to brag about job creation when just last week we learned that Maryland lost nearly 10,000 jobs in July – the third worst job loss in the nation. Not only that, but Maryland has reported job losses in each of the last three months.
We need to call these forums what they really are, an O’Malley/Brown Kool-Aid tour to whitewash the true story of their record. If they really wanted an open and transparent dialogue, there would have been adequate notice and the Governor would take unfiltered questions directly from the public. Instead, the audience appears to be handpicked with no one there to ask the Governor tough questions.
A true dialog would allow the public to question the O’Malley/Brown spin about how they’ve “restrained spending to just 2% per year on average – the lowest in more than 30 years?” The truth is that they have increased state spending by 24.7%, more than $7.3 billion in additional state spending over his seven years in Annapolis.
If the O’Malley/Brown Administration wanted an open and honest forum to “foster an ongoing, collaborative dialogue” they would have allowed an opportunity for real citizens to weigh in on how they are affected by the 70+ taxes and fees they have raised. Instead, they missed an opportunity to hear from constituents like mine who are struggling to make ends meet under the burden of the O’Malley/Brown gas tax increase.
It looks like Governor O’Malley has orchestrated what is little more than a campaign stunt to spin the O’Malley/Brown record. Presidential candidate Martin O’Malley might be able to hide his record in this setting, but he won’t be able to hide his record from the citizens of Iowa and New Hampshire.”
Phil in Bel Air says
It amazes me how many people actually support MOM and TB. I guess people like being robbed to “Move Maryland Forward.” My question – who the heck is Maryland? cause from where my wallet stands – it’s been all downhill and backwards with these two clowns. How I wish Baltimore City, Montgomery, and PG Counties would become their own little absurdistan state.
another former student says
Del. Szeliga ,,
just a question.. or two….what have you done lately???
have you done anything to help the unemployed/underemployed? Have you worked with the other side of the aisle to get more hiring done or keep jobs? Including federal jobs? Have you done anything to help the environment? How about the Farmers?
yep.. didn’t think so…
bash the other side, be a good little Republican…
ALEX R says
Former Student, You don’t ‘work with the other side of the aisle’ any more than you work with a rapist who is trying to rape you.
another former student says
and that attitude is why many of the government bodies and especially Washington DC are in gridlock and cant get anything done. The art of the deal, compromise and working together is lost , too may people get elected and then all they do is sit back and say” other side came up with it or wants it, , answer and vote is no”. the politicians really need to come down off the soapbox, and work together.
Don't Be A Victim says
Maryland republicans only have themselves to blame for “getting raped” while they are in office. They chose to campaign and get elected in an exceptionally democratic state. If they will not work together with the majority, then they deserve everything that gets shoved down their throats and up their azzes. That is how the democratic process works. If they are not willing to work with the majority party to accomplish their own goals, then they should have never run for office in Maryland. They will never have the power to work without the democrats. Get over it or find somewhere else to live.
B says
You are already a victim. Your “majority” has us over 80 billion in debt and counting. If we work hard with the majority, we can be 100 billion in the hole in no time…..
ALEX R says
I’ve been ‘over it’ for a long time. Just don’t expect people to cooperate because they are not in the majority. That might be something you will have to ‘get over’. Conservatives aren’t going to compromise on some things with Dem/Libs just to ‘get along’. You sleep with dogs you get fleas.