UPDATE: Harford County Sheriff’s detectives are continuing their investigation into an officer involved shooting, which took place shortly after 10:30 p.m. on Saturday August 17, 2013. Police have identified the suspect as Seth Jacob Beckman, 19, of 1002 Peppard Drive, Bel Air.
At approximately 10:37 p.m., on August 17th, deputies were dispatched for a report of a disorderly subject reported to be tearing up the store at the Bynum 7-11 at 5 Bynum Road, Forest Hill. Deputies were also advised that as the suspect left the store he was alleged to have assaulted a customer. While enroute deputies were also advised the suspect was now at the Rock Spring BP, 1500 Rock Spring Road, Bel Air, which is across the street from the Bynum 7-11, and was alleged to be acting in the same manner and reported to be tearing it up as well. An additional call to 911 reported the subject to be breaking into Sharon’s Shaved Ice Snowball Stand located on the lot of the same BP Station.
As the deputy arrived, at 10:43 p.m., witnesses pointed in the direction of the snowball stand. The deputy observed the suspect inside. He ordered the suspect to come out and when he did an altercation ensued between the deputy and the suspect. During the altercation the suspect was shot and wounded. The shooting occurred at 10:44pm. Police rendered emergency medical care until paramedics from the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company arrived. They treated the suspect at the scene after which the suspect was transported to University of Maryland Shock Trauma by Maryland State Police Medivac.
Beckman was pronounced dead at 1:10 a.m. Sunday morning, August 18. His body has since been taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for autopsy. Detectives advised they have numerous witnesses to interview. Pending the outcome of those interviews they are not releasing any additional details, or the deputy’s name. However, the deputy is two year member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office assigned to the Northern Precinct. Per agency protocol he has been placed on administrative leave. Detectives also noted that this is a heavily travelled roadway and busy intersection. They are asking that anyone in the area of Rt. 24 and Red Pump Road who may have witnessed the above incident or has any information to call Detective Andrew Lane at 410-836-5431.
From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Harford County Sheriff’s detectives are investigating an officer involved shooting which took place shortly before 11pm on Saturday August 17, 2013.
At approximately 10:37pm, on August 17th, deputies were dispatched for a report of a disorderly subject and possible destruction of property at the Bynum 7-11 at 5 Bynum Road in Bel Air. While enroute deputies were advised the suspect was now reported to be acting disorderly at the Rock Spring BP, 1500 Rock Spring Road, Bel Air, which is across the street from the Bynum 7-11. Police also received reports the suspect was breaking into the Sharon’s Shaved Ice Snowball Stand located on the lot of the same BP Station.
As the deputy arrived he observed the subject was inside the snowball stand and ordered the suspect to come out. During the encounter shots were fired at the suspect seriously wounding him. The shooting occurred at 10:44pm. Police rendered emergency care. Then, paramedics from the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company treated the suspect at the scene after which the suspect was transported to University of Maryland Shock Trauma by Maryland State Police Medivac.
The suspect, who has not yet been positively identified, was pronounced dead at 1:10am Sunday morning August 18th. Detectives advised they have numerous witnesses to interview and pending the outcome of those interviews are not releasing any additional details, or the deputy’s name, at this time. Detectives also noted that as this is a heavily travelled roadway and busy intersection, they are asking that anyone in the area of Rt. 24 and Red Pump Road who may have witnessed the above incident or has any information to call Detective Andrew Lane at 410-836-5431.
I’m sorry this officer felt the need to discharge his weapon. But I’m glad he will be going home tonight safe to be with his family.
I’m sorry that the parents of the person killed aren’t going to be able to see their child alive again
oh well. Circle of life.
I’m glad the POLICE OFFICER will be going home to see his family! That “child” could have killed him. I’m sure he would have survived the incident if he had only listened to the orders the police were giving him.
Just yet one more example of excessive police violence. Its good to know that our “heros” are now executing 19 year olds for drunk and disorderly. Too bad Bel Air doesn’thave their new proposed SWAT team. Would have been a great exercise for them to play with their new government issued full auto weapons. Just continuing the practice of gunning down unarmed civilians. What ever happened to tazers and pepper spray? Deputy Dog gets to enjoy the last weeks of summer off with pay. His victim gets a permanant dirt nap.
But what the heck. At least we’re all safe from this 19 year old menace to society!
Well if he didnt decide to rob a place maybe he wouldn’t be dead
What sound logic. You should be the officer’s lawyer in the event that he/she faces charges.
Another up standing citizen. “May”be had the parents been there he’d be with Mom and Dad this evening.
Really? People are down-voting a comment expressing sadness for what the victim’s parents might be feeling? I mean I know that the Bel Air populace is an abysmal bunch of people that primarily consists of an entitled, self-concerned majority but I would think that you could put your personal prejudices aside and acknowledge the loss the suspects family is probably feeling.
Passed by there @ 11:20 PM, there were NO LESS than 30 police vehicles. I know a police involved shooting is a very big deal in Harford County, and I’m grateful that it is indeed a rarity, also, prayers to all involved. But…did we really need this much of our manpower and resources at this one scene on a busy Saturday night? This was the busiest crime scene I have ever passed in my 43 years. Seriously guys, it is nice to back up your brother, I GET THAT, and I hate to use the word overkill in this situation, but I just did. Where in the hell did all of these police officers come from, and where in the hell could and should most of them have been? Again – prayers to ALL involved.
There was not “30” cars at the scene. And yes you do need a large number of officers at a scene like this because the crowd grows large very quickly. And the integrity of the scene can be compromised if you do not have enough man power. Also, a few of the cars you saw were officers that were actually off duty but using their take home vehicle at the time. They also responded which helped to keep some on duty officers on their assigned post. And Bel Air and MSP also sent units. SO to answer your question, “THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXACLTY WHERE THEY WERE, AT THE SCENE TO ASSIST!!!!”
well said sir! You guys get a bad rap so much it’s pathetic. people think you are supposed to be perfect and you guys have no heart or sympathy for others,. Well i would just like to say THAT’S HOGWASH and thank all of you for doing a job few could do. You guys put your lives on the line on a daily basis and people want to ridicule everything you do. I JUST DON’T GET IT!
When you factor in supervisors, detectives, evidence collection etc. it doesn’t take long to get several cars there. Factor in other agencies offering assistance, and well you get the point. Let us do our job and you do yours.
Sounds to me that this was just a reason for the cop or cops to use this badge as a reason to kill someone happens all the time, did the suspect have a gun????? Did the officer feel threatened????? Probably not, why not just use the tazer because he wanted to be a bigshot and shot someone!!!!! WOW
Havre de Grace girl, you are an idiot. Happens all the time? When was the last time this happened in HarCo? How about you wait for the facts before passing judgement. The police are the good guys. I highly doubt this officer just decided to be willy-nilly with his weapon. Get a clue.
HdG girl, please crawl back under your rock. An officer does not respond to a burglary call with their taser out because that will get them killed. And it actually has, an officer two years ago entered a garage burglary with his taser out instead of his gun and encountered an armed subject. And last year an officer was killed when he tried using a taser on a suspect who was hiding a gun. Guess who loses a confrontation of gun vs taser? The holder of the taser, that’s who. Having a gun out for a burglary call is proper officer safety. The taser is NOT a magic wand that allows suspects to be taken into custody safely at all times.
You are an idiot.
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
DID YOU NOT READ THE STORY? THEY SCUFFLED! What if the guy grabs the officer’s gun during the scuffle? then what? I suppose then you would just say “WOW” that’s to bad. If the idiot wasn’t causing trouble or at the very least cooperated and came out when police told him to there would have been no problem! I ‘m sure this officer feels horrible about what happened but it was NOT his fault.
@ On the Job, I do not wish to debate you, but there were approximately 2 1/2 dozen police vehicles in, around, near, and on the approach to that BP station. Like I said, I’m glad it’s a rarity around here, and, prayers to all involved. Maybe a large number of those vehicles came over from the HCDC which is about 1/4 mile away, and maybe this is something to think about from a command and dispatch perspective. Props for supporting your fellow officer, but let’s not let the rest of the county go to Hell, and let’s not contaminate a crime scene, and let’s not be too gung-ho. “SHOTS FIRED” over your frequency and half of the HCSD is in one spot. Let’s think about that for a minute…think about it from a modern day standpoint…you made yourselves sitting ducks. I respect and love who you are and what you do and I have legitimate concerns . I am a taxpayer and voter (and I know you probably hate hearing that) and again, I have legitimate concerns – it’s just my point of view on an open forum. Okay, there was one way out of control guy who may/might have needed to be shot/subdued/neutralized by one of your guys, I get that…why were there 2 1/2 dozen (give or take a few) police vehicles there? Why so many vehicles for one guy? They were up 24, Red Pump, Forest Valley, Bynum, Meadow, St. Francis, Drexel, in the lot, across the street, still coming up the Bypass… all for 1 ONE SUSPECT who was ALREADY NEUTRALIZED at that point. There is no major walk up crowd in Rocks Springs, the entire gas station was well taped off. If you think that show of force was justified, by all means, more power to ya! Would you care to be the spokesperson any further at this point?
policeman responds, he orders you to stop, or to come out, you don’t. Why? all this could be avoided if folks just did what the policeman said, and then explain, talk, argue…whatever…but no one listens anymore…and folks kick the incident to another level…unfortunate as another commenter said..very true.
Mr. Holden, I’m not sure if this had been released by the time of your comment; but HCSO has said that the deputy ordered Mr. Beckman out of the snowball stand, and that he came out in a very confrontational manner, to the point that the deputy felt the need to discharge his weapon. Sometimes, even when the police get what they want, they don’t get it the way they want it.
When you are told to do something by a police officer you to it…. if you don’t then thd assumption is that you are hiding something or planning something thus in my opinion giving the officer the right to extract you by any means… I’m tired of all this “boo hook the poor criminal “.. that idiot was a criminal and if he made the choice he deserves the consequences.
In the words of Rick James…”Cocaine is a hell of a drug”. Damn Bel Air, you got more stuff to worry about than a Walmart! Can I get a traffic study on snow ball stands and impact, they seem to attract a “certain crowd”.
Cant catch bank robbers but they can catch snowball robbers, their making progress.
I am glad no officers were injured during this incident. LAG- I am with you. Tired of the poor misunderstood criminals….Was he forced to break into a snowball stand and held captive? This person was somewhere he did not need to be and not following the directions of a police officers.
Could have been your kid out with his friends on a weekend bender. Then you would be signing a very different tune.
My understanding is he was a good kid, rugby player and decent not the crazed criminal you all are making him out to be.
Yeah, a good kid. That’s why he “was on a weekend bender with his friends” when he’s only 19. If he was a good kid, then he would have obeyed the police officer when he was ordered to come out.
The degree of force was excessive for the known facts of the incident at this point. I’m not dfendig. What the kid did. But it was not reason to murder. To hear all the yahoos on this board you would think the deputy took down John Dillinger. Can’t believe the Harford deputies are unaware of approriate use of force. Next thing you know they will be shooting folks down at traffic stops, to keep is all safe of course.
Boo were you there? You seem to have inside information and have made a case. What school did you go to in order to solve this case so fast? Stick to your day job.
Something tells me you have had an unfortunate encounter with law enforcement at one point in your life. How about you give me your first and last name to I can look your loser ass up in casesearch? Go back to watching Chris Mathews, you clown.
I’m by no means a criminal sympathizer. More information must be forthcoming because it does appear, at least superficially, that shooting the guy was rather extreme. AGAIN, I believe this was an initial report. The officer(s) must have had reason to believe this idiot disrupting life in Bel Air was armed and dangerous. I hope all criminals are treated the same regardless of religion, race, and/or economic status.
These types of incidences do not happen here often, when they do there is a lot of speculation as to why. Let’s let the police, who are professionally trained, do their jobs. They do not just get itchy trigger finger and shoot like we are in the wild west as implied on previous comments. Obviously, in the dark, that officer felt threatened enough to discharge his weapon. Once a thorough investigation is done, an autopsy is performed, all the evidence and witness testimony is gathered, evaluated, assessed and reported then and only then will we truly know what happened. Cops do not want to have to draw their weapons or use them. I only pray we don’t get this, “Oh the poor criminal”, in the media, as they often over-dramatize the circumstances. Pray for a truthful outcome.
“These types of incidences do not happen here often”, says the turtle with her head in the sand. Seen any rampant bank robberies lately!
The police shooting is what I was referring to not the crime. I’ve seen quite a bit in the 42 yrs I’ve lived here, certainly don’t have my head in the sand thanks! 🙂
There are not enough details to know why the police officer fired his weapon, but there is enough to know that the suspect had clearly been causing problems in more than one spot. The suspect clearly was breaking the law and must have thought that there would not be a consequence for their behavior, not saying that he needed to die, but why is it that people expect zero consequence for their behavior?
I am sorry that it came to the officer feeling like he had to shoot at the suspect. While it is true, if the police officer says to do something you should.. there could be other details that we don’t know about. Bottom line is that someone lost their son last night and I for one am sending up prayers for that family.
Bath Salts.
Agree, drugs….
I give a compliment and get 20 thumbs down. If he did not have a gun he could still have had a weapon, maybe he was using crushed ice with a spoon and pulling the spoon back to propel the ice.
I hope you never need the police to help you!
Karma, As hard as it may be believed, I have a number of friends that are cops, that being said, you better put yourself in a place to help YOU! and not depend on the cops to save YOU in a time of need, period. They are short of manpower and get no support from the higher up political positions. If you sit back and think the cops will save you in a serious time of need your a fool.
Lots of holes in this story that need to be filled in. Just what was the reason for the shooting? What did the suspect do that caused the deputy to draw his pistol and then fire it? No mention of any weapon in this story, no mention of any act by the dead guy that would prompt such a response.
Given some of the things some deputies do in this county, and the fact that some of them act like the very thugs they’re supposed to protect us against, I hope there are independent witnesses to what happened, so that we can all be sure this killing was justified.
You’re not going to get every single detail this soon after a police involved shooting.
I agree that you are not going to get every single detail of the incident in the initial report, but shouldn’t you at least know why the officer felt threatened to point that he/she discharged their weapon? It almost sounds like the Sheriff’s Office doesn’t know why the officer discharged their weapon or, if they know, don’t want to share it with the public.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the last reported officer involved shooting by the Sheriff’s Office result in the officer being charged with reckless endangerment and then second degree attempted murder?
I’m sure Jesse will end up charging this deputy too. He sides with the criminals, not his own men. Guess this is one lost soul Jesse won’t be able to rehabilitate.
A Sheriff does not charge a person – that is the job of an attorney. Some in this county love to blame things on Sheriff Bane simply because he is successful at what he does and he is a county-wide elected Democrat. The point is that Sheriff Bane is just that – successful at what he does – he fights for the people of this county and against the corrupt of the county. This shooting is a terrible tragedy. At the end of they day a well-trained deputy did what was required in that deputy’s professional opinion. Until or unless the investigation suggests otherwise, we should all deeply respect that this person gives of himself/herself to protect the citizens of Harford County…
As I understand it, Sheriff Bane did not charge the previous officer, it was the States Attorney. It is also my understanding, that the basis for the charges lodged by the States Attorney stem from the investigation done by the HCSO. Hopefully, the outcome of this incident will not have that same result!
Does anyone know what kind of weapon the suspect had in this incident? The above article did not described any weapon that the suspect had in his possession, nor did the press release from the HCSO.
Well when we have the Sheriff’s Dept investigating itself on this one anyone care to guess what the results will be??? Wonder if CE Craig will appoint an independent investigation panel. The Sheriff’s Dept cant be the only “investigation” into this tragedy.
No ODMP alert today, I am glad my brothers are safe. Being a criminal has it’s risk to.
Seems to me that 7 minutes between dispatch and shooting was a very short period of time to determine that deadly force was required. That said, if the person was armed and shot first, the officers had cause. However, I am not sure that refusal to obey an officer within a few minutes deserves the death penalty. I hope a thorough investigation is conducted and that justice was or will be served.
7 minutes is a long time. He probably had less than 7 seconds to make that decision.
More like less than a second most likely. When something like this happens the officer almost always has less than a second to decide whether to use deadly force or not. Hoodleheads like some of the people posting on here have years to Monday morning quarterback it without having any information about what happened, what the officer saw, what the officer knew at the time, and what the suspect was doing.
This criminal got what he deserved. Serves him right for not listening to authority. Now he can think about what he did for the rest of eternity.
I’m trying to understand you can we try english next time?
Just so you know the suspect was white.mim sure you will be able to sleep better tonight knowing that.
“Mad Black Woman”: And its exactly people like you that are NEVER going to let this Nation move on. There is no race here. Someone lost their son last night.
Praying for the families and Ms. Mad Woman, I am going to pray for you, too.
Terrible, Lets wait until the facts are out. What is apparrent is only seven minutes eveloved from the call to the shooting? The shooting does sound quick? HCSO does have a couple trigger happy idiots under ole jessie boy! The rumor mill states the boy had a peice of wood? I think we should wait for the facts. Have mercy on all involved.
Unfortunately, in the dark, a piece of wood can look like a gun.
Well done brothers! Let’s not speculate just yet. They have alot of work to put in to conduct a full investigation. Glad all of our officers went home last night.
We have a drug epidemic with our youth. Tragic. I do not know if that was the case. If it was, another family lost a young life, and we have an officer that also has to live with the memory of this terrible event. Very, very sad.
This is not a “drug epidemic”. The use of illegal, scheduled substances is a personal choice. I am 21 and I have never felt pressured to use drugs, nor would I even consider to use them. “Epidemic” is a codeword stupidity.
Whoops! Looks like I forgot to proofread my comment before posting. How stupid and ignorant of me. My apologies! It looks as if I am suffering from a “Grammar Epidemic”. Below is my corrected comment:
“This is not a “drug epidemic”. The use of illegal, scheduled substances is a personal choice. I am 21 and I have never felt pressured to use drugs, nor would I even consider to use them. “Epidemic” is a codeword FOR stupidity.”
Wow it always amazes me how many “know it alls” or “Crystal Ball readers” come out of the wood work when something tragic happens like this. And the number of police procedure “experts” basing their comments on little to no actual facts is astounding.
I have been in public safety for over 30 years. I wasnt there last night and neither were you. A preliminary reports is just that. Let the Police do there job and complete the investigating before condeming anyone. No need to make a conspiracy out of lack of information. I would no more assume what happened, what the Deputy was going through, what the suspect was on or did…. and neither should anyone else who wasnt there.
Being in Law Enforcement is difficult enough profession without having to have a bunch of people, making knee jerk reaction based on the little information we have at hand. Those using misinformation to support their agenda is just as bad. Yes there are good people and bad people in EVERY profession. But lets not condem anyone until all the facts are known. To convict the Deputy in the media with out all the facts is an insult to the Law Enforcement profession. If you think you can do a better job than the hard working men and woman in Law Enforcement, then please go join your local agency. They need all the help they can get.
I pray for the Deputy that was involved in this tragic incident. I hope he has help in dealing with this shooting I sadly have seen Great Officers end their career because they could not handle the fact they had to take a life. I pray this Deputy gets the support he will need to deal with this incident and I for one will be praying for all of our Law Enforcement people.
Let us not forget that this true pillar of society BROKE INTO a snowball stand. As in illegal trespassing. That does not attest to his innocent character, does it?
Yeah. Let’s stipulate to the facts as you state them. So you’re saying that warrants the death penalty. Didn’t know we were living in North Korea.
Actually we live in the United States of America, where threatening a police officer could cause you to get shot. Go to bed, clown.
They are supoosed to be trained to have judgement and discernment the appropriate use of force. Your the clown if you approve of shooting down unarmed drunks. Better hope you never find yourself on the other end of the deputies sights. You sound like another government indoctrinated drone.
Lets not forget this kid already beat the crap out of someone as they were walking into the 7-11. He was violent.
MS, Agree, but if it is found that suspect was unarmed than the shooter should be charged with murder like any other individual, “No One is Above The Law”. Did you ever consider the deputy had a “Knee Jerk Reaction”? Better yet, a ” Hand Jerk Reaction”, of course not, how could a cop be human, their not right?
Murder? Law officers have to make split second decisions….It is truly sad that a life was lost last night. However, the PO did not set out to take someones life…seriously??
Just because someone is unarmed does not mean deadly force is not justified.
Man you are too stupid to comment on this board. Do you even rad what you write? Get back on the short bus.
Have a look in the mirror when you post stupidity such as this, Boo. I’d ask if you rad, uh, READ what you write before you post it; but the torrent of spelling errors that define your posts lead me to suspect you are totally incapable of recognizing an ad hominem argument if it slapped you in the face.
was he wearing a hoodie? I am sure he was getting is skittles and a nice tea!
Hopefully they don’t post a pic of him from when he was 12 yo like they did with Mr. Hoodie
Armchair quarterbacking, America’s favorite pastime.
Shoot more of these nuts and many the rest of us can live safer!
What if one of these nuts were your kid a**hole?
Shoot more of these nuts so the rest of us can live safer.
There seems to be a huge outpouring of support on Facebook condemning the actions of the police officer. It is a shame that these imbecilic children believe this child did nothing wrong. That he should have instead been placed in time-out. You gotta pay to play.
No one is disputing that he did nothing. However, is known actions at this point did not warrant the death penalty, especially since he was unarmed in a well lighted area. I would suggest that quite few of the people opining so righteously on this board did a lot of stupid stuff when they were 19 and full of alcohol or had friends that did stupid stuff while in an alcoholic haze. Are you saying you and your friends would have been justifiably shot down. Time to wake up and unplug yourselves from the matrix.
Go to bed, liberal.
I live very close to this scene, I am grateful that this did not turn into a search through my neighborhood and was contained. I am regretful that a life was lost, but its not me putting my nose out there, it is the officer. I will go with him on them on this one. Thank you for ensuring that this incident did not conclude on my doorstep.
Gotta love the folks that say why didn’t he use his taser. He didn’t have to shoot him. Let me see you go approach someone late at night in an area where you don’t know if the person is armed or not. Its dark, you dont know if there is another person helping him, your unfamiliar with the building you are going in. Its very easy to 2nd guess. If he tasered him and the suspect shot and killed the deputy would you have said, why didn’t the deputy shot to kill and not taser him. Lets let the proper authorities do their investigation before condemning the officer involved. I’m glad one one else was injured in the shooting.
UPDATE: Harford County Sheriff’s detectives are continuing their investigation into an officer involved shooting, which took place shortly after 10:30pm on Saturday August 17, 2013. Police have identified the suspect as Seth Jacob Beckman, 19, of 1002 Peppard Drive, Bel Air.
This deputy did what he/she was trained to do. The 21 foot rule applies in this case and the suspect didn’t comply. You have seconds to think about what I should or shouldn’t do, its not easy knowing that you shot and killed somebody but race didn’t play a factor so lets stop that bs. You can’t transition from your gun to taser, or taser to gun quick enough. If anyone from the public would like to ride and along please feel free to do so. I wasn’t there but this shooting was justified, people need to take responsibility for there actions. Please feel free to disagree but I could care less, someone needs to stand up for the men and women who protect you.
Hey, even better some of these people should go through a few force on force scenarios and see what exactly can happen in these situations.
So they are trained to shoot down unarmed people?? Sounds like Eadt Germany not Harford County.
Go to bed child.
So upsetting. 19 year-old baby. Can’t imagine what the family is going through, and I am sure the officer didn’t want to kill a 19-year kid. Please think of everyone involved before you make judgement.
The story has reached the DC news and beyond. They have published that the deputy has been on the force for 2 years.
Hit the dislike button for 2 facts. Somebody just doesn’t like facts.
Just wait until the kid’s tox analysis comes back! I already have my popcorn ready!
Wonder how many previous excessive force incidences the deputy has in bis jacket?
Are you intoxicated? You have been unable to spell in your last five posts. Trying to drink the pain away? Too bad your friend got blown away.
This is just another example of how police love to feel empowered. Every single police officer needs to get off of their high horse. I guarantee this officer couldn’t wait to use his gun. It’s ashame that police officers are abusing their rights. Did this officer really feel threatened by a 19 year old? That’s pathetic. Officers need to learn how to use their words and not revert to their guns. This incident could have been easily solved by using pepper spray or a taser. Police officers are all just a sad excuse for human beings. They were all bullied though out their life and feel the need to take it out on people now.
Apparently he felt threatened enough to blow his ass away! LOL!
Your comments are laughable and totally without merit. I would be the first one to agree that police are not perfect and make mistakes because they are human just like all of us. Your comments however are just pure poppycock!
OK…so ALL police officers are bad?? There is a reason why people like you feel that way. Perhaps you have had more than your share of dealings with law enforcement? The HCSO who risk their lives every day to keep you safe are not bad….The HCSO who stayed with my son and I on the side of the road for 1/2 hour until my husband got back with antifreeze was not bad. Yeah, their the bad guys…..Sure, you are gonna have a bad apple once in a while…but what a leap to classify all law enforcement the way you did. What a joke…
Great, Stayed with your son on side of road while banks are being robbed, very expensive baby sitters.
Hedley, you have just been named the Dumbass of the Month for August.
Alex R., You must be the baby sitting cop, sorry DB, this is not the way I want my hard earned money spent. BTW, thanks for the compliment, I know I hit home with such a reply.
It is a shame that this kid was taken out of his misery. I’m sure he would have made a nice girlfriend for someone at the Harford Hilton.
Glad to see the investigation is happening in the media. FEW want to wait for details. Lets do the trial and jury via the media (like “if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”). Hats off to the HCSD and it’s members. MOST (public) assume if it where “them” they’d done things differently. Just remember, when you dial “911”, you had options “prior-to” dialing and yet YOU dialed “911.”
PLEASE, let’s let the investigation of the facts happen before we have another emotionally overloaded reaction.
I have read all of the comments posted, I am a mom of a 19 year old and the wife of a retired policeman of 31 years. My heart breaks for the both the families involved. The mom and dad that have lost a child ( in what seems to be poor choices) and the spouse and family of the officer that discharged the gun. There is no clear answer. The young man has paid the ultimate price for his mistakes. Negative comments on his actions are not going to change anything. The officer will forever remember the actions that happen last night, I honestly do NOT believe there was any premeditated actions to intentionally kill this young man. Call me naive but if I had to make a split second decision, I don’t know what I would do. Protecting yourself is a natural instinct.
I am sick and tired of people second guessing the police. Yes If they steal or lie they should be terminated(which in the current administration has been tolerated, at least the integrity issues with people that Jesse Bane put into made up positions, just ask Fred Visnaw ). But for a deputy to do their job and be beat up about it, that’s a joke. You try going out everyday and doing this job. You have to make split second decision and deal with the political Bullcrap This deputy did his/her job and if anyone feels any different tell me why.
First thing, many lives have been turned upside down here. The young Deputy, the life lost and the families of both of them. This goes deeper then the LEO and the young man who died. So when you are making your comments remember this. In my time we never sat around and said I hope this is the night I get my first kill. No one took the job to take a life. Sad part is that by taking this job you may end up having to do just that. Many of us can do our 25 and survive without taking a life. During that time we saw many lives end in so many horrible ways and just dealing with this the rest of our lives and will haunt use every day and will until we leave this world. This job that we all love to do will rob you of your soul and turn you into a broken person. The only person who can understand how you feel is your brother and sister in blue. I have talked to LEO’s have had to take a life and they were never pumped up about it, but glad they lived and carry guilt of what they had to do. People think Cops are arrogant, cocky and the list goes on. We are trained to carry ourself in a certain way to show confidence and control when you need us or when we faced danger. Most people making the outrages posts on here only read about things like this and are never close to it and see the damage it causes to a Cop, his family and his brothers and sisters who wear the badge. We do not have knee jerk reactions to a incident, we do however react and our training takes over when confronted with this and many other calls for service. We are trained and trained well. The training continues up until we retire and get that shadow box. We learn everyday on the job and we have to in order to survive. When you put on the gear and kiss the wife and kids goodbye you leave and your mindset is to get to go home to them. That mindset is to survive and you will do what you are trained to do in order to do just that. A Cop will put his life on the line for people who he does not even know every time he starts his shift. They don’t do if for glory, the pay, or to cause harm. They do it to serve and protect you and keep you from harm. Sometimes they do this and have to take a life. Instead of making your nasty comments, maybe just hit your knees and say a prayer for the Deputy, his family and the family of this young man. Right now they need that more then some of the hateful comments being made on here. Stay safe my Brothers and Sisters.
That was very well put Sgt. Joe Friday. The only part you left out was “This is the city, Los Angeles California…”
Here is my concern, this cop was only on the force two years and not only used his weapon but killed someone. How is it that some cops have twenty plus years and have never used their gun? Timing, wrong place, wrong time, how can you explain that, you cannot tell me that cops that have never “Used” their weapon have never been in a difficult spot in their 20 plus year career. This guy was trigger happy, and if it was a female than that is even more concerning, because if she felt threatened and felt she could not handle a male and had to kill him than we are all in trouble. Wait for backup. 1 kill every two years equates to 10 kills in twenty years.
Simple answer to this…..society has become more violent, drugs more dangerous and the criminal has also become more violent. Consequently law enforcement has become more difficult as well as dangerous.
Someone said the 19 year old just got out of Sheppard Pratt
I am sure there was some sort of underlying mental issues that we do not yet know about. Did you hear this from a reliable source?
I am an asshole!
I am an ignorant little fuck!
As Lucy once said to Charlie Brown, the fact that you realize you have a problem indicates that you are not too far gone.
I hate all types of authority! I hate my parents!
All I want to do is sneak out of my parents house at night and smoke weed! Just like my idol, Snoop Dogg!
9/11 was an inside job!
The kid’s father was on Channel 2 News at 11:00 pm. The Father stated that his son was taking medication (psych meds), smoking marijuana, and smoking synthetic drugs. Fortunately this kid didn’t eat anyone.
Case Closed
Prayers to both the Deputy, the Deputies Family, and the kid’s family. This is certainly tragic.
Those of you looking to point a finger, look to BP, and 7-11. Places like that sell Synthetic drugs to your kids. Where is the Blog Rage about this?
I think it would be a great idea if the places that sold synthetic psychoactive drugs to our kids were listed in a public online forum so that we could boycott them until they stop doing so. I know people will find ways to get what they want but let’s at least make it a little more difficult than walking into the local convenience store.
After having seen and read a number of news sources on this, I think perhaps the saddest comment so far came from the young man’s father: He perfectly understands the deputy’s need to use deadly force on his son; and he is commiserating with the deputy, who he knows is not, I believe the quote was, “having a good day” after learning that he took a human life. Considering the young man’s high school career, especially in athletics, it appears, from the father’s comments, that something more or less suddenly overcame his son after graduation, leading to a total change in personality, resulting in the tragic incident from Saturday night. It will be interesting to see what comes of the investigation, why a deputy with two years of service on the force felt deadly force was necessary in this instance.
I know this family and they are indeed a good family. This kind of thing could have happened to any of us with teenage children. We try to encourage our kids to do the right thing, but, as they grow to be adults, we realize they make their own choices. Parents certainly cannot be expected to be around their teens 24-7, unless you run a jail. Truly, the events that happened are just awful. I knew this boy when he was younger and he was not an animal or thug or anything like that. He was a decent kid. When I heard about this, the first thing I thought, other than the deepest sympathy for the family, is that he must have gotten into Bath Salts, Spice (synthetic marijuana), or something else that sent him on this crazy rampage. No justification, but, kids, please, please stay away from this stuff. Even if it turns out not to be what caused this, the fact that it could have should be enough. This was not in this boy’s character. I also questioned at first whether he was armed. It appears he was not and 1 would hope that he could have been subdued without the use of deadly force. That being said, I am quite confident that this is not how that deputy wanted things to turn out that night. I pray for everyone involved. It’s such a terrible, terrible event.
I think everyone is missing a major fact in this tragedy. What was the first thing the Deputies did once the perceived threat was removed? They began life saving first aid measures in an attempt to save the victims life. Seems to me that all you folks condemning the police believe they shoot to kill for whatever reason you might think and then call all their cohorts in to see their win. The law enforcement officer is trained to stop the threat, as well as any threat to others. That means all of us. Remember, unless any of us were right there when it happened, we shouldn’t pass judgment. As comments pour in on tangents from the news, we should maybe pray for the Deputy and his family, for he will carry this event with him until he is placed in the ground. His family will be affected by this as well. In addition, we should also pray for the suspect’s family in their time of grief. From what has been broadcast on the news stations his father didn’t blame the Deputy. We should understand all the suffering that family had leading up to this event. It has been said he was a good student and athlete who made some poor choices lately and this one ended his life. If the Deputy had made a poor choice, his life may have ended in the BP parking lot. This is a dual tragedy that occurred in Forest Hill, and maybe we all should be thankful for our families and what we have. Let the system work and await all information prior to making the irresponsible and ignorant comments on both sides. BTW I am no fan of Jesse Bane, personally I think he should be removed from office, but to debate that issue and debate the role of the police officer attached to this story shows poor taste. Maybe we all need to take a deep breath and think before typing in the comment box. My prayers to all involved, and Godspeed to them as well.
Dam, one less Omalley voter. That sucks.
I’m sure the deputy involved did not come on duty with the attitude of wanting to shoot a suspect. It’s a shame that certain members of society put officers in that position. He will have to live with that terrifying event the rest of his life. Then you have your Monday morning quarterbacks saying what the deputy should have done and how he should have done it yet, they have never been in a situation where someone has put their life in jeopardy. If the suspect didn’t do what he did, he would still be with us. It’s time people start taking some personal responsibility for their actions and stop blaming the outcomes on others. Thoughts and prayers to the deputy and his family.
IM not surprised at all, the same stuffy dispassionate idiots as usual here.’ ooo..hu hu hu, the young vermin got what he deserved’ This is a human life, a soul snuffed out by another cruel idiot harf. county cop. They taze defensless ppl , harass and search whoever they want, even respect isnt enough for they. They mere nazi-ish goons to Bane and his tower of terror monstrosity bringing handsome wealth to shareholders. look people.. wake up or shut up and go back to *%^&* sleep. god bless this guy and his family.
Was the cop black?
Don’t know the kid, maybe he was drugged up, drunk or both, destroyed property, broke into a snowball stand (Wow). Now let’s say he was arrested, taken to jail then goes to trial. The trial concludes and the Judge or jury imposes sentence. The penalty for such horrible crimes is Death. God help all parents that have kids. Next it will be if your caught speeding or running a redlight you will face the firing squad.
You are dense, “Mad Black Women” is obviously a troll using an alias.
Some of the comments and accusations on here are pretty ridiculous, considering we don’t know much about what actually transpired during those critical seven minutes. Regardless, the police officer did what he had thought he had to do, and a complete investigation will determine whether it was excessive. I personally think it is tragic that a 19 year old lost his life because of this….but at the same time, we could be talking about how tragic of a loss it would be if the police officer would have been killed that night. At the end of the day, the police officer needs to protect him/herself, and people of all ages need to respect the laws set forth to avoid these situations.
Are these events unfortunate? Absolutely. But the police officer did what he had to do, and time will tell whether it was the right call or if he’ll pay for it. Until then, everyone needs to relax until the facts are released.
Looks like Cassily has another target with the Sheriff’s Office. Can’t wait to see what he decides to charge this deputy with.
Wow. All these comments and opinions and no one has an idea what happened there. I’m “guessing” the suspect was on drugs from what was reported. Some comments are referring to the suspect as a kid like he was six years old. At nineteen most are in their prime. Just look at the ages of people in the military. Also in the past when the Sheriff’s Office needed an investigation within itself they had the State Police conduct the investigation. I remember one incident in the past that it didn’t turn out well for the Sheriff’s Office in case someone wants to think they are all in it together. I’m just trying to say, I’m going to wait before I pass any judgement.
Why do people keep talking about the end result (death) not fitting the crime (assault, b&e, vandalism etc)???
This is almost as ridiculous as saying the cop should have shot him NOT to kill.
The shooting of the suspect has little to do with what crimes he committed. His death was directly related to HIS actions in regards to not listening, following orders, rushing the cop…whatever happened. He was not shot for breaking in to a snowball stand or assaulting someone.
Its like saying someone who is killed while driving drunk didn’t deserve to die…because they weren’t wearing a seatbelt
None of us were there and so none of really know what happened. You can’t shoot somebody for not following orders or not listening. The only reason a cop has authority to shoot is if this kid was threatening his/her or someone else’s life. I hate drugs and crime and how it affects all of us but I also find it alarming the growing sense of the police state; the militarization of our local police – how they’re trained and who that kind of training attracts. We ought to wait and see how this shakes out.
All news reports state there was an altercation. Witnesses state the suspect rushed the cop therefore threatening his/her life. In that split second, you don’t know what weapons (if any) the suspect has.
Okay so first, please tell me that none of you guys know GOOD people who do drugs/have done drugs. A lot of people have, including good people. Good people screw up too. Especially kids! So many other kids were friends with this young man…he was a good person. People make mistakes;they screw up. The officer didn’t HAVE to shoot him. That’s exactly why he’s on administrative leave. So what if he had drugs in his system? SO WHAT? He’s dead, he’s gone. He made a mistake by taking the drugs, and look where that got him. People mess up, everyone does. Don’t pretend like you’re not perfect, and you never made any mistakes. The officer didn’t HAVE to shoot him, he didn’t. End of story~
I just farted.
I honestly cannot believe the comments I am reading on here. That boy was 19 years old, and yes he was a boy. Anyone who has teenagers knows that a 19 year old is still a kid–. Even a 21 year old’s brain does not have a completely connected frontal lobe yet. Neural insulation isn’t complete until the mid 20s. And Even if he had broken the law, unless he was endangering the life of another human being, he should NOT have been shot, THREE time no less. Yes, there are a lot of good cops out there, but there are also plenty out there that think they can do whatever they want and get away with it. Some think they are above the law themselves and if you don’t listen to them right away, watch out, because they just might shoot you. That boy may have been intoxicated, or maybe he was on drugs. As unfortunate as it is, a large majority of 19 year olds, drink too much. For those people who are ripping this kid apart, SHAME ON YOU. I feel sorry for your souls.
Apparently he was endangering the life of the officer which is why he was shot. Why is this so difficult for people to understand?
A 19 year old is an adult. A legal adult who is responsible for their own actions. Someone who can vote and go to war is not a “boy”
This is a tough one. Charging an officer from a distance away with no visible weapon is a tough call. Sure seems to me that’s what the tazer is for. I do understand the matter of seconds to make a choice and how they train officers not to hesitate. If there were multiple officers in the area and you only had one shoot and shoot three times it does bring up a question.
Fuck out of here Kuhn
There was a time when I was the mother of a drugged up thug; jump ahead several years and I am the mother of a clean and sober but very damaged full adult male. I was so far into denial that I just refused to see what was happening. Mothers & fathers, stand tough. Get you kid arrested, kidnap them into rehab; do whatever it takes to get them out of Harford County’s drug scene and on a better path. You just might save the life of the one you love so dearly.
My son played rugby with Seth for two years and attended bible study with him a few years ago. Seth was always a nice, respectful young man. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.
Gabe, you must be the wife. Let’s see what kind of BS the HCSO comes up with. I hope that the parents of this kid has a good attorney and they stick up the sheriff’s depts. ass, in addition they should file a civil suit against the thug that shot him. They should also look into seeing if the Feds can get involved in this case do to the fact that this is the “Good Old Boy Network”. I just seen the latest BS on this, the officer was rushed by Seth, well that says there was no weapon, maybe he had a plastic spoon. How about this, wait for backup to arrive before ordering the suspect to do anything if you are unsure of the situation, Come on now, he was in a freakin snowball stand. What was the rush to get him out of the snowball stand, at least he was contained. This sounds really fishy here, screw the cops on this board that would rather save their reputation rather than see the truth and justice prevail. We are in fact heading into a police state, another china in the making.
I see a lot of discussion supporting both sides of this issue but there is a lesson to be learned here… if we have a generation of parents passing along their anti-establishment, “America is becoming a police state” rhetoric to their children how can you not expect your children to adopt the same attitude. Parents, it’s this simple… do not put yourself in a position to have interactions with police (especially if you’re doing wrong) and if you do end up in a situation where you are interacting with the police, do as you are told!
You should have to pass a background check and a grammer class to post on here….If you don’t have something intelligent to say or share please get back to your video game….
“Destroyed two commercial buildings”,right. It took two whole hours to clean up that crap. Right. Some cheap snowball syrup and some marshmallow fluff. He got what he deserved. Right.
A seasoned Police officer would have been able to take control of that situation. They ordered him out of the stand that he was contained in. A bit of time and experience would have made all of the difference.