From Friends of Dawson:
Today, I wanted to let you know that I am running for State Senate in District 35 to represent Harford County and Cecil County in Annapolis.
It’s time that we had a champion for individual liberty in Annapolis and I’m prepared to be that champion for our community.
We can’t beat the radical O’Malley agenda in Annapolis by voting more like Democrats.
By doing so, we play right into the hands of the liberals.
For too long, Democrats in Annapolis have had their way with the Republican minority.
We need conservative leadership poised to go on the offensive.
Winning doesn’t come from constantly being on your heals.
It comes from taking the initiative to expose leftist ideology for what it is: harmful to America.
Here’s some of the personal, professional, and political experience I bring to the job:
–Committed Christian
–Vice-Chairman of the Cecil County Republican Central Committee
–Board Member for the Republicans of Cecil PAC.
–Perryville Town Commissioner from 2011-2013.
–Served as a Prince George’s County police officer for 13 years.
-Worked on the Criminal Investigation Division’s Sex Offender Unit.
–Currently a Background Investigator for Anne Arundel County Detention Center in Annapolis.
–Honored with 16 Letters of Commendation, 4 Unit Citations, 3 Good Conduct Awards, and 2 Chief Awards.
–Happily married with two children living in Perryville, Md.
In less than a year the Republican primary will take place in District 35.
I hope that I can count on your vote on June 24th, 2014 for my candidacy for State Senate in the Republican Primary.
Running for public office isn’t about fame or fortune, it’s about improving our community by standing up for our common sense, conservative values.
As your citizen representative in Annapolis, I pledge to you to do the following:
–Propose cuts to corporate, income, and sales taxes
–Propose spending reductions and initiatives to pay down our growing public debt
–Defund Planned Parenthood and pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
–Repeal O’Malley’s Gun Grab law (SB281) and propose Constitutional Carry in Maryland
–Introduce a Right to Work law protecting workers’ rights NOT to be forced to join a union as a condition of employment
–Fight for school choice, local control, and total repeal of “Common Core Standards” in Maryland schools
We have a big task before us. We’ll need to activate volunteers across the district.
District 35 encompasses northern Harford County and Cecil County.
This Senate District is one of the many seats that were changed by O’Malley and his minions in Annapolis.
It is very important that we keep this a conservative Republican seat!
Mike Dawson
Vote Mike Dawson for Maryland State Senate!
Primary Election Day: June 24th, 2014
General Election Day: November 4th, 2014
Sorry Mike but this will stay a Harford County seat.
Sorry Mike, but your absolute lack of tact, charisma, and knowing when to shut up would, if elected, only serve to strengthen the Loony Left.
FIRST qualification…..”Committed Christian”. Hot Damn! (I think we should ALL vote for this Mo Fo!)
And how about his “pledge list”? Like IF he was elected, he’d NEVER be able to accomplish ANY of the items!
Hey Mikey….stop lying to advance your Draconian agenda, it’s not “Christian Like”.
Oh well, just another “Christian Hypocrite” AMEN BROTHER!
Anyone who says they’ll fight against Common Core and SB281 is good people in my book. Sure, he may not win every battle, but we better be sending committed soldiers down to Annapolis in 2014 or we’ll never even have a chance.
That’s the attitude “Liberty Lover”…..send “committed soldiers down to Annapolis” to fight with the super majority. Apparently you think that being shunned and neglected, which leads to not being able to “bring home the bacon” is a good thing. Hey, keep on doing what you’re endorsing and you’ll keep on getting the same……nothing. 🙁
I agree that we need to work to repeal SB 281 and “Common Core.” That’s why we need to elect people with credibility who can articulate a pro-liberty message effectively. Since I live in Cecil and have witnessed Dawson in action, I can assure you that he is not the guy to do this.
I give credit to all legislators from Harford County who have faught their hearts
out in every effort to defeat the agenda of O’Malley and all his puppets.
They rammed us with their 40 taxes and fees, gun grabb, rain tax, and the gas tax that
that they habe ALREADY RAISED next year AND in 2015.
Dump the dems is now the ONLY solution
Hey “knows a lot”….get your facts straight (or is that strate?) and learn how to spell.
“Dump the Dumbs” would be a good description of you.
Oh….and have a nice weekend! 🙂