Part II of The Dagger’s interview with David Craig focuses on a topic raised by the county executive himself, the controversy over county funding for Harford County Public Schools for the fiscal year 2014 – a year that began on July 1.
As a reminder, the school board had requested an increase of $22.6 million from the county, primarily to make up for cuts in state funding, to pay for cost increases in ongoing expenses, and to fund a salary increase it negotiated for school employees. Craig recommended an increase of only $1.5 million, although he did provide more money than what was required by the state to maintain per pupil spending from year to year, a.k.a. Maintenance of Effort.
When Craig’s recommended budget was approved by the county council, the school board then scaled back its budget by cutting 120 positions, laying off 46 teachers (at least 41 of whom have since been called back to fill other vacancies), instituting pay to play and extra-curricular activity fees for students, and cancelling the raises. That last move drew fire from the teachers’ union, which has also called for teachers to work to rule in the next school year.*
The following is a transcript of the discussion initiated by Craig, minimally edited to provide readers with Craig’s thoughts on the operating budget process, the school board, the teachers’ union, in his own words:
Craig: “For the [school board] to create their own budget and then come to me and say here’s our budget – it doesn’t work. That’s not the way the sheriff does it, it’s not the way the library does it, it’s not the way the community college does it. They prepare what they hope for, and they come to me and say: ‘How much can we have, how much will we have…?’ And I’m able to tell them… revenues just declined by this amount, so… you’re actually going to get less money.”
Dagger: So when the school board is preparing the budget they don’t consult with you at all about what the revenue streams look like?
Craig: “No. And I’ll say this about the [school] board…they don’t consult with each other. The board members don’t consult with each other about what’s going on. They like to play it in front of the TV camera, and get all this nice clapping out in the audience from people about what they’re doing. If these issues are important they should be playing them out all the time.”
Note: Craig acknowledged that he meets regularly with the superintendent of schools, and then he continued:
“The board shouldn’t even present their budget until after I’ve presented the budget, to tell you the truth. I mean, they should present me with what they want …But nobody should look at their budget and say [to me], ‘you didn’t approve their budget.’ It’s their budget request, not their budget.”
Dagger: In addition to having the school board sit down with county government in advance and get a sense of the revenue outlook, how else would you fix the budget process?
“It goes back to the even bigger issue that [the school board is] going to say: ‘But we have to negotiate with the union, and if you tell us that we only have a certain amount of money, [the union is] going to say they don’t care about that. This is how much you [the school board] should ask for, or this is what we want.’
I can tell you this, the union went back and actually asked the board to cut 250 more jobs to give them the pay increase. Yeah, they asked the board to cut as many jobs as needed to keep that money in there for the pay increase. Now, will they reveal that to the teachers that would have lost their jobs? Probably not. But that’s what they did.”
Dagger: You say that the school board should get a sense of the funding levels first, and work their budget request around that; what do you say to the argument that the board should advocate for what’s needed?
Craig: “They act like they’re the only ones that do that. The sheriff advocates for what’s needed; the library advocates for what’s needed, the health department advocates for what’s needed. Every department, every outside agency that comes to me advocates for what they believe is needed. But they have a better understanding that there are limitations and that they have to live within those limitations, and that there’s only so much money. Let’s say I did have $20 million dollars this year that I could have had in the budget. Should it all have gone to the school system? I had a sheriff advocating for public safety, the community college advocating for higher education, the library system advocating for programs… to help people who have lost jobs or are looking for jobs. All these outside agencies have the same problem but they approach it in a much better way.”
Dagger: Any other changes you would make to the budget process?
Craig: “This whole political idea that they were going to have maintenance of effort, you know what that’s done statewide? County governments are [saying they are] never going to go above maintenance of effort…
Maintenance of effort is ridiculous. I’d get rid of it because the county government should be allowed to say…I have an extra $10 million this year, I’m going to put it in [the schools’ budget]. But guess what? If [the money] goes away [next year] I might have to make [the schools’ budget] decline. And why should [maintenance of effort] be just for [schools]? Why shouldn’t it be for fire service or police service…? That’s why there should be no maintenance of effort for any [government] service in particular…”
*Ben Lloyd, Craig’s deputy chief of staff, later provided the following pages from the county budget that detail the county’s fund balance, which has been cited by the teachers’ union as an additional source of school funding. Lloyd offered the following explanation regarding the fund balance, which is the accumulated excess of revenues over expenses, measured at year end:
“Let me just reinforce what Mr. Craig said, which is that just because we show an unencumbered fund balance, doesn’t mean it would be prudent to spend it. For example, if there was $20 million in fund balance, and we spent it, we’d have a $20 million deficit the following year, since that expense would recur without an offsetting revenue source. There would also be built-in structural deficits for the following years of $40 million, then $60 million, and so on.”
Keep up the good work Mr. Craig. The taxpaying citizens of this county are behind you.
Gareth and David (Craig),
Not all Taxpayers are behind you.
Remember Kids, Marxism is for the People, not the Marxists.
Burbey, you can cut your hair, remove your red arm band and pretend to be for the children. But we all know what you really are.
I would love to hear Mr Burbey’s reaction to Mr Craig’s claim.
So the union would prefer displacing 250 administrative positions; some of which are low paying office jobs, and some of which are school maintenance and the like so that they can get thier steps. How kind of them to want to throw other folks under the bus for a raise. Remember it’s for the children.
Not just administrative or janitorial, Mr Craig specifically mentioned that teachers would have lost their jobs.
I bet Mr Burbey thought he could pull a fast one, lose 250 teachers/staff this year, get all the remaining ~4000 teachers (IIRC) the missing steps, plus one for this year and maybe even a COLA, and then after the parental outrage, they’d refill those 250 positions next year.
And all the while gripe about staff reductions and how much pressure it’s putting on the teachers…demands for more steps and more money and then further demands to hire them back – all of them or we “work to rule”. It’s hilarious – I think Burbey actually believes he’s clever.
Kharn you were going to marry a teacher a few years ago. What happened, did you get dumped? It would explain your constant vitriol against them.
Nice attempt at deflection. It’s not about the teachers…it’s about the unions and how unions always end up undermining excellence. If the union demanded mass firings to open up funds for teachers isn’t that more about the union and not so much about the teachers? I’d bet a lot of the teachers were unaware and would have strongly objected to such an unconscionable suggestion.
got it
Unions bad.
That justifies attacking teachers over the course of years.
Both of you keep up the good work, your posts are always full of facts and lack personal bias.
Yes, you got it – unions bad.
I couldn’t stand Utah’s ridiculous alcohol laws so I had to abandon that idea.
I despise incompetence regardless of occupation, and I especially do not tolerate it when my kids’ education or my tax dollars are involved.
Sure Burbey get rid of all the janitors maybe you could mop the floors?
What a mess!
Fortunately, my wife was able to leave HCPS and find a job in Baltimore County. She’s put a lot of time and effort into getting her masters so now she is getting paid for it. HCPS is a great place to find an entry level teaching job or for those who just want to ride out retirement.
Harford County doesn’t have quality teachers because of new hires and teachers riding out years to retirement!
WAKE UP!!! BEST COUNTY IN THE STATE! ONE OF THE TOP STATES IN THE COUNTRY! Who is pulling a fast one not putting MONEY where their MOUTH is.
Perhaps a new definition for PAY TO PLAY is appropriate—FOR DAVID CRAIG’s CAMPAIGN!
Why would a teacher who is worth their weight continue to teach in Harford Co and be 6 years behind the pay scale of Baltimore County?
And BTW, Harford County is ranked 9th out of 25 school districts in Maryland.
Harford is “only” 4 years behind in steps not 6. If you look at the steps Harford’s steps are substantially larger than Baltimore Counties.
Chris M: What make you think it is a good place to ride out til retirement? Not if the teacher is not getting step increases and raises, their retirement will be significantly less. Why do you think people are fighting for their step increases. At least that will be a part of what is figured into your state pension.
I would think most teachers are going to start leaving the county as my wife did should the situation not change. Those that are close to retirement probably would just stay the course.
Just so I’m clear, I’m not taking sides here. The bottom line is that the educational affairs of Harford County are a disaster. Whether its the union, school board or David Craig, MD voters aren’t going to see through that come election time. It’s going to cost David Craig what little chance he has at governor.
Agreed. The system is a disaster and we are going to lose the good teachers we have.
How is the health insurance in Balto. County?
Craig sounds like he is whining. Craig is saying that departments should just take what he gives them, shut up, and go away. That is not what they should do if they believe in the service their department provides to the citizens of our county. I understand he can’t just hand out money because it was asked for, but I take exception to characterizing people as selfish because they advocate for their department, and ultimately the citizens of the county. If Craig can’t take the heat, he shouldn’t want to be governor.
I didn’t hear whining – I heard that the union continued to demand colas and steps and when Craig’s reply was it unfortunately wasn’t budgeted the union then suggested they fire enough “other” people to create the pool of funds necessary. I find that immoral and selfish beyond imagination…
A sad attempt to defend a very weak position.
You lose what you don’t pay for…look around…perhaps we have less quality under Mr. Craig’s leadership than we realize. Perhaps many of his “choices” were good in the moment for HIS benefit, but will hurt the citizens of Harford County while he goes on to other things. A little research would show Mr. Craig spends much funds easily on unnecessary land, which would easily provide jobs, security for teachers and our children but alas won’t finance a run for a State office.
HAHAHA….you find that immoral and selfish. That’s classic. Out of all the shady things that have been said, done, promised and lied about, you find that immoral and selfish. Oh….do you. How about teachers not getting what they were promised when they signed their contract. Get off your high horse you prick.
Now go ahead and reply to this in the next 5 minutes since you live on this d@mn site….maybe I’ll see it next month.
Wonder if the other people that the union wants fired also signed a contract?
A sad attempt to defend a very weak position.
You lose what you don’t pay for…look around…perhaps we have less quality under Mr. Craig’s leadership than we realize. Perhaps many of his “choices” were good in the moment for HIS benefit, but will hurt the citizens of Harford County while he goes on to other things. A little research would show Mr. Craig spends much funds easily on unnecessary land, which would easily provide jobs, security for teachers and our children but alas won’t finance a run for a State office.
David Craig is a former educator and knows what he is talking about in this regard. He isn’t whining, he is leading, and I hope the people of this state realize the difference.
A former idiot educator. He knows that HCEA did not ask the Board of Education to cut 250 positions. I don’t know where Mr. Craig pulled that number from but this allegation has no merit. This is what Ryan Burbey said to union members in an email and it reflects what he and teachers have been saying all along: “What we have been saying is that the Board of Education must make the cuts necessary to return to sustainability and to return to abiding by contractual salary steps. Last year, to fund a step and 1% the Board of Education cut 60 positions. It would cost the same this year were the Board to fund our salaries solely through position cuts.
I have not nor will I advocate for massive staffing cuts. I believe that HCPS must increase teaching staff and programing if it is to meet the needs of its students. However, if Mr. Craig does not increase funding, further cuts will be necessary. This year, over 100 positions were cut. Teachers were laid off with only a few days remaining in the school year, leaving them little time to find new employment. These cuts were made without funding our salary steps. Due to vacancies via retirements and resignations which have arisen since the cuts, most of the teachers who were laid off have been called back. Unfortunately, if the funding is not increased these cuts will happen again next year. Since, HCPS is hiring only very few new teachers, those teachers who were subject to cuts this year could be subject to cuts next year also.
he is talking about. David Craig lied in this interview by saying that the union requested hcps cut 250 more positions to fund the budget. ”
As a current HCPS teacher, I would rather get my steps than a cola. You people just don’t get it. There are a lot of changes this year in education, mandated changes. It takes money to make this happen. I will give up my step and a cola to keep our teaching staff. This is what matters to our children.
“What we have been saying is that the Board of Education must make the cuts necessary to return to sustainability and to return to abiding by contractual salary steps.” There’s some really fancy footwork and double speak there. Hmmm…just wondering it you did the math and it took 250 position cuts to free up funds for the steps you request how is that different? Bottom line is the union requested – demanded cutting positions to accomodate salary increases for teachers.
So David Craig randomly assigns a number, 250 positions, and that makes him right. You only quoted the first paragraph of Burbey statement. If you don’t value education in Harford County or the State of Maryland, then Craig’s your man! I love how he blames the state for all of our funding problems; problems that have exited in Harford County long before O’Malley was governor. The facts speak for themselves; Harford County does not value education for it’s children. People will begin to leave this county when they realized the effect this funding will have on our children. Not only teachers leaving for other jobs, but people will move. Sad, sad state of affairs.
Nah man, people will move from Harford but more will be moving in as well.
Take a look at recent dagger press article about the 108 hooker farm property about to be developed and houses built back to back. Believe me brah, them ndred or so homes won’t be vacant for long.
Its not a random number, HCPS teachers have missed four steps, at ~60 eliminated/not-filled positions per step (from last year’s changes), 250 fired teachers would equal four steps for the survivors.
Craig’s comments do not come across as those of a former educator. I am a former educator having worked in two school systems with more years experience than Craig’s. I am not impressed that he “knows what he is taking about.” His comments are what I would expect from a politician who wants to be elected to the next level of office. Leading implies moving forward, not staying in place. The only forward motion here is a step toward running for governor.
Craig is just another politician. How can you tell he’s lying…his lips are moving. I’ve been blocked from his Facebook page for asking simple questions about the budget and why the county choose to renege on a signed contract with the teachers in this county. Look it up, nothing but flowery praise and atta-boys. At least Owe’Malleys page doesn’t censor opinion for appearance sake.
Douglas, the county does not negotiate or sign contracts with teachers so how could it renege on them? You have confused county government (and David Craig) with the Board of Education. David Craig does not determine teachers salaries and teachers are not his employees.
Oh sorry Sarah, the Harford COUNTY Board of Education reneged on the contracts. And they get their budget appropriation from the COUNTY government which is headed by who? Oh right…David Craig who has chosen not to fully fund the HCPS budget and has taken a very anti-teacher tone in several recent interviews you’re right no connection there sorry.
They get their budget appropriation from both the state and the county — roughly 50-50. The county increased their contribution this year, while the state cut theirs. Craig has never once cut his school budget in all the years he’s been county executive.
Ok…is your last name Craig “Sarah”. The guy does not value quality teachers plain and simple. Explain why neighboring counties pay much better. Because they need to fill positions? I doubt it. He doesn’t have a shot in hell of getting elected anyway so the point is mute.
Yea…believe everything Craig says cause politicians never lie….never.
The fact that Craig would be willing to publically make that statement sort of suggests it’s credibility. If it’s not true the union rep has an opportunity to correct the record in terms of his opinion of what was said. Having watched Burbey’s shenanigans over the years I’m bettin’ there’s some truth to it.
Yea….never in the history of the U.S. has a politician publically lied. Yea….you’re right. Thanks for clearing that up.
You really think this man tells the truth; I think he is trying to lie his way in the governor’s mansion. This man should never have been county executive, much less governor!
Name one of his lies please. And the voters of the county had the opportunity to kick him out of office at the polls twice. They declined both opportunities.
He lied in this interview by saying the HCEA requested that 250 positions be cut. That is not what was said.
Publicly making a statement does not lend it credibility anymore than you posting on here makes you right
Burbey’s only been the union head for a year or two soooo…you’ve followed his “shenanigans” for how long? You don’t know what you’re talking about Moneytree.
Mr Burbey has been throwing mud at HCPS administration on Dagger for as long as I’ve been posting here, which was well before his ascension to HCEA president. He’s also infamous among the parents whose children went to Aberdeen Middle School.
Infamous in what way? Please be specific and cite examples.
Thankfully my kids aren’t students at AMS, but posting the rumors might identify students currently at that school.
Kharn, you’ve said this elsewhere… believe me just because I said so. I know it’s a paraphrase of your words, but is none the less your perspective
Good lord are you serious? He’s been showing up at numerous council meetings and demanding tax increases for years – with this dirty ponytail and attitude…years. How long have you lived here?
44 years douche…how bout’ you?
Douglas Cox, you don’t know what you are talking about. If you are as big a liberal as Ryan, then I understand your misguided comments. How come you guys don’t criticize the Gov. for making counties pay for a portion of retirement that really is the state’s responsibility. That money could have been used to pay raises for teachers. Yet, liberals don’t make mention of that.
Since you seem to be somewhat slow “monster” I’ll spell it out for you. I’m about as far from a liberal as one could be. I criticize Owe’malley all the time. And if you actually believe David Craig is a hairs worth of different from our teflon leprechaun you probably should have paid more attention in class. What I am is tired of is empty promises and broken contracts on the part of HCPS and our county government. I don’t know what the split is as far funding the school budget is but it doesn’t really matter…state/ county whatever. What matters is they (read politicians) will say whatever it takes to get to the next level. “We want the best education for your children”…Bullshit! If that the case you would honor the contract that you signed with the teachers and try to remain on par with other local school systems. Instead what teachers get is a lot of requirements to retain their jobs and not a lot in the way of support or affirmation from administration. How about you “monster”…what kind of inside information do you have to enlighten us?
Douglas, take a deep breath. You are going break into tears at any moment. What I know is that you are carrying on and it is very counter productive to your cause. You have a lot less to complain about than many of the taxpayers who are opposing your raise. You seem to be the slow one.
I’m not a teacher, I’m just married to excellent one. Over the years of seeing how they are treated with respect to their pay it becomes infuriating. Btw if you’re going to try to sound knowledgeable about the situation at least use the correct terminology. It’s not a “raise” it’s previous agreed too pay scale steps and COLA increases which in the end affect ones retirement. Which by the way in Harford County sits at around a whopping 30%. I’m sure if you’re contract stated you were due an increase in pay and you were told no (on several occasions) you would grin and bear it right? Yeah OK! So once again “monster” enlighten us with your wealth of inside information. Oh,and cry about it? Not about anything you could do or say quit being impressed with yourself, you’re not that impressive.
Douglas, I was not only married to a teacher, I was one. You are a windbag who is doing what you accuse me of doing. First of all, who promised the salary increases to teachers. The Board of Education that is who. We can be critical of the negotiations process and I am. The Board has no funding authority so they cannot guarantee salary increases. My point remains the same even though you and others of your ilk choose to ignore it. If the liberals in Annapolis didn’t dump their responsibility for pensions on the county, there would be enough money for salary increases. Now make out of that statement what you want. Your answers have been less than acceptable, let alone impressive.
You actually got something correct in your last post…congratulations. It is indeed the school Board which promised the pay increases to teachers when they approved the last contract with them in I believe around 2009 (I’m not speaking of the contract they approved because they haven’t technically reneged on that one yet). If you sign a contract…honor it. I’ve talked to fourth year teachers that took jobs expecting their salaries to increase that are still on year one. Now if you can’t fund it in the future then readdress it come time for the next contract (this year). My “ilk” is one that believes if you commit to something then you stick by it. You are also correct that the jag-off we have in Annapolis is the major contributor to this fiasco. Although honestly I put very minimal hope in most of our elected officials.
Douglas, you either don’t understand or don’t know that the BOE cannot honor anything it does not control. The Board does not fund education. So, the negotiations process is ass backwards. Now don’t say that the elected leaders in this county have not supported education. That is totally incorrect. If you want to be educated on this, just respond and I will give you the data. Of course, you could do this for yourself. Craig did not cut his funding over last year or any other year. He reduced what the BOE was requesting. The BOE does not fund education, so their promises mean nothing.
The most important question that should have been asked in this article regarding Craig’s lack of fully funding the requested HCPS budget is why isn’t there enough money to fully fund it.
There isn’t enough money because much of the county budget is derived from property taxes and being most people’s property values tanked in the past few years, plus higher than average numbers of people unemployed, plus the state dumping benefit costs back on the counties mean the money just wasn’t there. I guess Craig could have raised taxes but he chose not to – perhaps because in a bad economy that’s about the last thing you want to do.
I didn’t ask you for you opinion of why there isn’t money to fund the requested HCPS budget. This question should be asked of Craig. If I wanted your opinion, I would have told you what it is. You’re a douche.
Go ask him then – you left it as if you had no idea why the money isn’t there.
Typical response from a teacher, arrogant and filthy.
I find it truly sad that this self proclaimed teacher would even ask such a question. Since when does a County Exec just simply give the board everything it wants? Their budget request is a request not a demand. No wonder we have so many functionally illiterates graduating from our schools.
Hey di%$tooth, I didn’t ask the question why Craig didn’t fully fund the budget request. I asked why the money isn’t there to fully fund it. I know why he didn’t fund it. He has said time and again there isn’t enough money to fund it. Apparently you are the one who is illiterate because you clearly did not comprehend my post. You are also a douche.
Clearly Money Tree (aka douche) doesn’t know how to read. My post simply pointed that out. Your opinion of teachers is silly. I am arrogant and filthy, teachers are not. Apparently all engineers are narrow-minded and retarded.
Just this week 4 excellent teachers reigned at my school to take jobs in surrounding counties that pay more. It’s time that Harford County fund pay increases for teachers. There is only one school district in Maryland that pays it’s first year teachers less than Harford, Garrett.(based on public information listied on school system web sites)
Carroll , Frederick, Caroline, and Somerset all have lower starting salaries than Harford.
Good Point. However, a teacher with 5 years of experience is on step 2 in Harford County. They would be on step 5 in Carroll, Frederick, Caroline, and Somerset counties. Why didn’t you point that out? Because it doesn’t fit your logic. Let’s compare apples to apples.
Because Carroll has not receive a step increase in 5 years, Frederick received it’s first in four years last year (mid-year), and Caroline and Somerset have only received steps two of the last four years. Please feel free to contact MSEA and confirm that information 410-263-6600.
For Correction:
There are thousands of teachers getting laid off all over the country that would be glad to fill the empty positions. Almost 4000 alone in Philly. I think there will be no problem filling positions with qualified candidates who will be happy to have a job. As for those who plan to do the bare minimum, they should be replaced as well.
As a parent, I’m concerned that this type of rhetoric would be taken seriously by the constituents of this county, when in all reality, there are outright misrepresentations made by Craig about HCEA and the Board. I have a first-hand account that HCEA did not and would NEVER ask Craig or The Board to sacrifice the jobs of teachers. HCEA is on the teacher’s side and will always put the interest of the teachers first.
I’m deeply concerned about the state of education and what impact lost of wages and near poverty will do to our teachers and the quality of education they are able to provide. As a teacher, I will work my contracted time, but nothing more. I am the type of teacher who will go above and beyond for my students, providing the resources they need, even if it’s out of my pocket. I will spend the time to ensure that every day is motivating, rigorous, and meets the needs of my students. However, I feel that I’ve been reduced to doing my job with the resources I have been given. Schools are provided or will only order a limited number mathematics resources and manipulatives, limited number of copies, limited poster paper for anchor charts, and restricts teacher’s ability to simply laminate a poster in order to preserve it for later use.
Our county is sacrificing the quality education of their students, and are creating an atmosphere of distrust and animosity. This type of atmosphere trickles down to the student. I have seen it. When teachers do not feel valued, appreciated, and are forced to question their self-worth in such a valued profession, it sets a tone that is visible as soon as you walk into the school!
Our priorities need to be on the future-these children are the future engineers, entrepreneurs, police, firefighters, teachers, and consumers. Their ability to succeed depends on a preparation for the future. Teachers do so much more than teach lessons! We are the character educators, caregivers, disciplinarians, and role models for your children. Our children are more aware than we give them credit for. A true politician, a true advocate for his/her people would place the future economic and political status of their constituency first. Education is forefront!
The students should be the first priority for both HCEA and HCPS, not the teachers…
Well said! Kharn: Don’t you understand that the teacher is the key component to making students the priority? I wish that people would understand what it takes to be a teacher today. I have respect for other professionals and how they do their jobs. I also understand that we must share the money available to our county. What bothers me is that Mr. Craig is not willing to be honest about the decisions that he has made as County Executive. He was elected to this position and he needs to answer to to tk
Sorry but the browser closed unexpectedly. To continue Mr. Craig needs to answer to all voters and not pass the blame to others.
Burbey: “[Harford County Education Association] Did Not Ask the Board of Education to Cut 250 Positions;” Craig Allegation “Has No Merit”
You are all a bunch of morons.
Funny, no authentication is required on this site.
Do you mean like using the screen name “Kharn”…you’re right no authentication.
You sound like a little kid.
With such a bombshell of saying the union leadership wanted and asked for job cuts, where is the follow-up, what is his source for the information? Or is this King David lobbing bombs at the teachers (that he has repeatedly told to get another job) instead of a bombshell…
Thank you KramerLives! Where is his source? I have been to meetings and watched Mr. Craig stammer and shift blame to others. It is because of his behavior toward HCPS and the education profession and his inability to be even somewhat honest about the legacy his tenure as county executive that I feel he is incapable of being an effective governor.
By the way, my husband and I are both working all summer, as we have every summer for years and years!
Spy, most people do work all summer. The difference is that you are also getting a salary as a teacher. Not a good argument.
Monster: There is no salary for teachers during the summer. We are 10 month employees and we receive 10 months of paychecks. Some teachers are able to stash some of their pay during those 10 months into a savings account and use that to get by over the summer when there are no paychecks. Most go and get another job to keep the money coming in. So once again, for those who think we have the summer ‘off’….we do, but without a paycheck.
I was one of the many teachers that attended training sessions this week on the new changes in teaching, planning and evaluation. The workload has increased but my salary has decreased. Once again Harford County gets more “bang for it’s buck” on the backs of it’s teachers. Many of the others at my table are just as disheartened and would gladly leave for another county but…since each county has a salary cap on teachers from other counties (designed to keep counties from stealing the best from each other) all of us with over 13 years experience would have to take a pay cut to leave and be hired at no more than step 7-10…whatever the cap is for that county.
You want me to prepare your students for their future but won’t even pay me as much as you pay a babysitter per hour for each student.
You work 10 months a year and have an annual salary, so just cut the crap would you!
You have a better schedule than 99.9% of the rest of the workers in the country and enviable total compensation package.
No we do not have an annual salary; we have a ten month salary. I am so tired of people like you saying we have a cushy job and summers off. My point to you and others like you is that teaching is a profession. We work 10 -12 hours a day during the school year, we do extra curricular activities so your kids can benefit, we are life-long learners, and what we are asking for is that our contract be honored. I work 12 months a year; I am not lazy which is what you imply. I respect other professions; you should respect mine. This is something I worked hard for and am counting on those step increases to help me fund my retirement.
You have an annual salary that requires you to work 190 days of the year.
When you complete a mortgage application or any other form that has annual salary on it do you cross it out and write in 10 months?
If someone asks you how much do you a year as a teacher do you correct and say we don’t work annually but my 10 month salary is X?
You’re an idiot.
I really think HCPS should recalculate the paychecks so everyone receives 26 a year. That way there is no debate of if they’re expected to work or not over the summer. Salaried, exempt from overtime, partially work-from-home positions, gotta love’em.
HCPS Teacher, I know this. Teachers are paid for 190 days. However, there are many who hold another summer job. Are you being paid for your week’s work. If so, that is in addition to your contract. You aren’t helping yourself with your reasoning.
Monster: As HCPS moves to the Common Core, these trainings are necessary to all teachers to be able to meet the requirements of the job. We were told that the trainings were not mandatory, but that we are accountable for the material. Of course it is paid; how do you expect a county to implement a mandated changes without training? When and how would you propose that teachers get this training during the school year? There is not time. This is part of my argument for more school funding this year. There is a lot to be done to be in compliance with all the new requirements in the areas of curriculum and teacher evaluations. If you were a teacher, as you previously stated, you should know this.
Spy, I do know this. You chose to ignore my comment about the contract calling for 190 days. You are paid for the week and that is okay. But when you are talking about how much you earn, you need to include any inservice and your summer job. Or, do you take off for the summer? My point, Spy, is that there are a lot of people out there who hurting far more than you. Use your education and understanding to realize that this is not the time to be making noise about your salary. By the way, how do you feel about the State dropping some pension costs on the counties? You are smart enough, I hope, to realize that amounts to about 6 million dollars. That was money that could have provided steps, etc. Why don’t you tell us how you feel about that.
All of you who aren’t going to vote for Craig because you blame him for the bad economy, you obviously aren’t government teachers. Some of you are also very poor examples of how you should express your dislike of no raises. But you need to remember that the acting Supt. of Schools has already eliminated several central office jobs. Are there others that should be eliminated? Does David Craig know that there is waste up there? Of course he does, and so do many citizens. Posters who brag that they know education better than Craig, and that they have taught in two systems, are reacting in anger. I would first ask why they left the first system to come to Harford. For years I have heard about how teachers were going to leave the county. It has never happened, and despite some anecdotal citings to the contrary, still isn’t happening. Those that can retire probably will. I would like to see some data about salary and benefits from a credible source from around the state and neighboring states.
I know of 7 teachers who are going to BCPS, so it is happening.
I know 4 teachers who came to Harford from Baltimoe County in the last two years. Working in the Bel Air area schools beats working in
Essex area schools. Teachers come and go all the time.
So, Baltimore County is hiring huh? Give me a break. We will all find out who left in September. My guess it will be retirees and some young teachers who have learned how difficult teaching is. Your 4 teachers leaving for Balto. Co. is empirical information, not definitive in any way.
A Craig sycophant?
No. I am a realist. Teachers do deserve the raise, but not now. I still want to know why none of the teacher protesters are upset with O’Malley. Had he not supported shifting pension costs to the counties, raises could be afforded. Also, some of these educators are not setting a good example by the language they use to express their displeasure.
By the way, O, what a brilliant retort on your part.
How many HCPS teachers retired this year.
How many teachers left BCPS?
How many teachers left Baltimore City?
Oh, how many teachers were fired for any reason?
What will we do if they all leave? Hire replacement teachers.
For every teacher that leaves, there will be TEN with a 3.8 GPA waiting to take their place. Let’s be realistic. We can pretend as much as we want, but getting a teaching degree truly isn’t brain surgery, and getting a teaching job isn’t that difficult, as exhibited by the number of tenured teachers in the system that should be fired, but because of the Union, it’s a virtual impossibility. With the holiday schedule, benefits, and add into that summer it’s about as cushy as you can get for the education you have! And, if you have more education than you think you’re being paid for , then compete in the real world, where you’ll soon find out that sixty hour weeks aren’t out of the ordinary. The only thing that might be better would be to get a Federal Government Job. You can probably even do less than you do now, have every holiday off, sick time, great benefits, and you don’t have to go to work if you don’t like how the sun looks in the sky. Wait. I guess that and teaching are about the same.
You’re a idiot if you actually believe the BS you just wrote “Mike”. So the simple fact of having of having a 3.8 GPA makes one qualified to be a teacher? “getting a teaching degree truly isn’t brain surgery”…True. But being an effective teacher is a lot harder than you would like to make it out to be. Have you been to any Board meetings or County Council meetings to get any first hand knowledge on the situation or do you just spout off and repeat bullshit you heard from someone else that is similarly uninformed? This whole controversy stems from the fact that teachers in this county have been screwed over with respect to the unfulfilled contract they have with HCPS. Do you have a mortgage? If you do and you told your mortgage company “I know I signed for this loan with your institution but I’m not going to pay the agreed too term. I’ve got the money in another account, I’m just not going to pay it”. How do think that would go over? Do you know any teachers “Mike”? If you know any good ones then you’d know that they don’t work from 9 to 5. I’m betting you don’t have much in the way of first hand knowledge on the subject though. Also, how many “cushy” jobs do you know of that REQUIRE you to get a Master’s degree to keep? I know…Master’s SchMaster’s right! What kind of dumbass can’t get one of those? “you don’t have to go to work if you don’t like how the sun looks in the sky”…WTF does that even mean? Teachers get 3 personal days to use during the school year. 3 days (which have to be approved) to do things that might come up in everyday life, move your parents into assisted living, deal with a unexpected crisis at home, whatever. You’re obviously uninformed and ignorant about the whole situation so you should probably comment on things you might know something about.
Doug, I understand and agree with much you have said. There are a lot of citizens who do not understand the challenges of teaching. However, you can talk until you are blue and it won’t change their mind. But, there are a lot of people who are suffering in this economy and it doesn’t have anything to do with how hard they work, how much they serve others, and the horrors of what they have to do. There are unemployed people, but there are also many underemployed people out there. The County Government got dumped on again by the State with having to pick up pension costs. The County didn’t get asked if they could afford that, the State just did it. If you are old enough, you may remember when the teachers’ pension plan was changed unilaterally by the State. Don’t blame your local government unless you are going to blame the State Government also. The County has a lot less money than does the State, and a lot less ways of raising funds also. Blame some of the spenders in Annapolis for putting counties in the financial situation that they find themselves. I don’t see many posters who are upset blaming Annapolis for anything, and they should.
It has been interesting to get your points of view, but I am done with the debate.
The debate dosen’t require your participation.
The debate doesn’t require your participation.
Take Douglas Cox with you.
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