The blotter is compiled from records of calls for service received by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. The records are reviewed and prepared for publication by Dagger staff. They do not include records from municipal or state law enforcement agencies.
A caller from the 200 block of Poclain Road reported a possible burglary to an empty residence Monday.
A caller from the 300 block of Mayberry Drive reported Monday an iPhone was stolen.
A caller from the 3500 block of Churchville Road reported a civil dispute with a cashier Monday.
A caller from the area of Burnt Hill Trail and Atlas Cedar Way reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Route 22 and Carsins Run Road reported Tuesday an accident.
A caller from the 2800 block of Emmorton Road reported Monday a person had been assaulted.
A caller from the 2800 block of Bynum Overlook Drive reported a hit and run accident Monday.
A caller from the area of Woodsdale Road and Box Hill Corporate Center Drive reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 400 block of Deerhill Circle reported burglary to a residence Monday.
A caller from the 3100 block of Cardinal Way reported an abandoned vehicle Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 7 and Abingdon Road reported Monday a tree was down.
A caller from the 700 block of Hookers Mill Road reported high water flooding the road Monday.
A caller from the 4000 block of Philadelphia Road reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 800 block of Hookers Mill Road complained Tuesday of a dog barking.
A caller from the area of Singer Road and South Tollgate Road reported Tuesday a vehicle struck a deer.
A caller from the 100 block of Glen View Terrace reported Tuesday someone bumped into a vehicle.
A caller from the area of Singer Road and South Tollgate Road reported an accident Tuesday.
A caller from the 300 block of Tall Pines Court reported vandalism to a vehicle Tuesday.
A caller from the 3300 block of Abingdon Road reported an overdose Tuesday.
A caller from the 3400 block of Henry Harford Drive reported a landlord tenant issue Tuesday.
A caller from the 200 block of Kensington Parkway reported Tuesday juveniles were riding minibikes in the roadway.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard reported a suspicious vehicle was in a parking lot Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard Tuesday reported a man trespassing.
A caller from the 3200 block of Fieldcrest Way reported credit card fraud Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard reported a disorderly woman Tuesday.
A caller from the 3400 block of Henry Harford Drive reported Tuesday a dog bite.
Bel Air
A caller from the 900 block of Redfield Road reported loud music in another apartment Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Sparta Court reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the area of Econ Drive and Amyclae Place reported Monday a man was being assaulted by a woman.
A caller from the 500 block of South Fountain Green Road reported Monday the caller found drug paraphernalia outside.
A caller from the 2400 block of Creswell Road reported Monday a person previously identified as missing had returned.
A caller from the 1400 block of Handlir Drive reported Monday a suspicious bag had been left at the caller’s location.
A caller from the area of Route 22 and Schucks Road reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the area of West Ring Factory Road and Dahlia Court reported an accident blocking traffic Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 22 and Schucks Road reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from Prospect Mill Road reported large amounts of high water standing on the road Monday.
A caller from the 2000 block of Waverly Drive reported a rabid raccoon Monday.
A caller from the area of Barrymore Drive and Oliver Lane reported a suspicious unoccupied vehicle Monday.
A caller from the area of Cedar Lane and Cedar Hill Court reported an accident blocking traffic Monday.
A caller from South Main Street reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Charolais Court reported vandalism to a residence Monday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Volos Court reported Monday a boat trailer had been stolen.
A caller from the 200 block of Clarkes Ridge Court reported Monday smelling drugs coming from another apartment.
A caller from the 2300 block of Edwards Lane reported Monday a tree was down blocking the right lane.
A caller from the 200 block of Clarkes Ridge Court reported a noise complaint Monday.
A caller from Leeswood Road reported Monday a road was flooding.
A caller from the 1600 block of South Tollgate Road reported a car in high water Monday.
A caller from the area of Schucks Road and Wheel Road reported very high water Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Barrington Village Court reported Monday the caller heard approximately nine gunshots.
A caller from the 1900 block of Laurel Oak Drive reported hearing shots fired Monday.
A caller from the area of Todd Road and Brierhill Drive reported an abandoned vehicle Monday.
A caller from the area of Patterson Mill Road and Wheel Road reported stones and rocks in the roadway Tuesday.
A caller from the 600 block of Helmsdale Court reported Tuesday a suspicious vehicle.
A caller from the 800 block of Conowingo Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Gates Head Drive reported a rabid raccoon Tuesday.
A caller from the 100 block of Plumtree Road reported an accident in a parking lot Tuesday.
A caller from the 500 block of Hoagie Drive reported theft Tuesday.
A caller from the 600 block of Ryder Place reported an attempted break-in Tuesday.
A caller from the area of North Hays Street and West Pennsylvania Avenue reported an accident blocking traffic Tuesday.
A caller from the 3000 block of Goat Hill Road reported Tuesday a mailbox had been knocked down.
A caller from the 800 block of Bel Air Road reported Tuesday a vehicle was broken into.
A caller from the 1600 block of Schucks Road reported Tuesday a car ran off the roadway.
A caller from the area of Route 924 and Glenwood Road reported an accident Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Bel Air South Parkway and Emmorton Road reported an accident blocking traffic Tuesday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Rock Spring Road reported Tuesday a suspicious man got off of a commuter bus and placed something in a plant in front of a store. The caller thought it could be drug related.
A caller from Bel Air South Parkway reported a fender bender in a parking lot Tuesday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Churchville Road reported a disorderly person in the parking lot of a church Tuesday.
A caller from the 800 block of Foot Hill Court reported Tuesday the caller’s husband’s bulldog tried to attack the caller’s grandson.
A caller from the 300 block of Cinnabar Lane reported Tuesday possible theft of a wallet.
A caller from the 2200 block of Churchville Road reported Tuesday needing a person removed from the caller’s property.
A caller from the 500 block of Plumtree Road reported Tuesday an alarm was going off.
A caller from the 4200 block of Church Creek Road reported needing a crossing guard Monday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Pearson Place reported Monday the caller’s son took a knife to a neighbor’s house.
A caller from the 1400 block of Golden Rod Court reported Tuesday a vehicle was parked illegally.
A caller from the 4200 block of Church Creek Road reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Liriope Court reported Tuesday the caller wanted people banned.
A caller from the 500 block of Priestford Road reported theft Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Wheaton Lane and Wesleyan Drive reported Tuesday people were fishing on a lake and it was prohibited.
A caller from the 3500 block of Day Road reported an overdose Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Pulaski Highway reported Monday a suspicious person or situation.
A caller from the 1800 block of Edgewater Drive reported Monday a vehicle with no tags was parked on the street.
A caller from the 2100 block of Emmorton Park Road reported a parking complaint Monday.
A caller from the 800 block of Fishermans Lane reported Monday an assault that occurred the previous day.
A caller from the 1700 block of Pulaski Highway reported a parking complaint Monday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Harford Square Drive reported telephone harassment Monday.
A caller from the 2300 block of Willoughby Beach Road reported Monday the caller’s daughter was inappropriately touched.
A caller from the 1100 block of Business Center Way reported Monday a person was trying to trade a car with false information.
A caller from the area of Route 40 and Gateway Road reported an accident with injuries Monday.
A caller from the 300 block of Ahern Drive reported Monday commercial vehicles were parked in a residential area.
A caller from Grempler Way reported Monday the caller’s son was grazed by a bullet.
A caller from the 1700 block of Fountain Rock Way reported a disorderly woman Monday.
A caller from the 600 block of Longwood Court reported Monday an aggressive dog chased the caller.
A caller from the 800 block of Olive Branch Court reported Tuesday people broke into a car.
A caller from the 1300 block of Clover Valley Way reported Tuesday a pitbull attacked the caller.
A caller from the 1300 block of Woodbridge Station Way reported a suspicious man near a school Tuesday.
A caller from the 800 block of Fishermans Lane reported a laptop and cell phone were stolen Tuesday.
A caller from the 800 block of West Spring Meadow Court reported Tuesday someone was in the caller’s basement.
A caller from the 700 block of Bayberry Road reported Tuesday a boat and trailer were illegally parked.
A caller from the 500 block of Meadowood Drive reported a juvenile complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Goldmeadow Way reported Tuesday a fight was next door to the caller.
A caller from Route 755 and Cedar Drive reported an accident Tuesday.
A caller from the 900 block of Swallow Crest Court reported Tuesday the caller’s building smelled like marijuana.
A caller from the 2200 block of Snow Road reported theft, possibly while at the Edgewood Post Office Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Crimson Tree Way reported Tuesday a television had been stolen.
A caller from the area of Burlington Court and Harford Square Drive reported 20 juveniles throwing basketballs at street lights Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Route 24 and Trimble Road reported a reckless driver Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Crimson Tree Way reported theft of a television Tuesday.
A caller from the 2600 block of Hess Road reported an accident requiring rescue Monday.
A caller from the area of Peachtree Road and Watervale Road reported Monday the caller was concerned with the amount of water on the road.
A caller from the 2300 block of Bel Air Road reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the area of Bel Air Rod and Wilgis Road reported high water on the road Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 152 and Connolly Road reported high water in the roadway Monday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Woodbridge Manor Road reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Pleasantville Road reported a tree in the road Tuesday.
A caller from the 2900 block of Guyton Road reported theft Tuesday.
A caller from the 3100 block of Preakness Drive reported Tuesday pills were missing from a prescription.
A caller from the area of Carrs Mill Road and Winters Run Bridge reported an accident blocking traffic Tuesday. A tree fell on a vehicle.
A caller from the 1500 block of Ryan Road reported loud fireworks in the area Tuesday.
Forest Hill
A caller from the 1600 block of Robin Circle reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 2700 block of Sandy Hook Road reported an accident with injuries Monday.
A caller from Forest Valley Drive reported Monday the road was not passable due to high water.
A caller from the 2300 block of Ady Road reported a suspicious person or situation Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 23 and Commerce Road reported an animal complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 100 block of Paden Court reported a gunshot fired Tuesday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Trudeau Drive reported Tuesday two gunshots came from a back yard.
A caller from the 1900 block of Pimlico Court reported Tuesday items were stolen by the caller’s ex-husband.
A caller from the 1600 block of Michelle Court reported Tuesday the caller received a frightening telephone call.
A caller from the 2900 block of Kathleen Drive reported Tuesday a parking complaint.
A caller from the 2000 block of Churchill Downs Court reported Tuesday a dispute over a parking space and destruction of property.
A caller from East Jarrettsville Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 200 block of Cherry Tree Square reported a traffic hazard Tuesday.
Havre de Grace
A caller from the 500 block of South Union Avenue reported a dog bite Monday.
A caller from Walnut Street reported Tuesday a car had been struck.
A caller from the 1000 block of Lapidum Road reported Tuesday seeing juveniles enter an empty residence through the back Tuesday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Youngston Rod reported a tree down Tuesday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported fraudulent use of a credit card Tuesday.
A caller from the 4200 block of Madonna Road reported a possibly intoxicated driver in the caller’s driveway Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the 400 block of Larkspur Drive reported Monday the caller’s ex vandalized a vehicle.
A caller from the 700 block of Pulaski Highway reported Monday an ex-employee was refusing to leave.
A caller from the 900 block of Trimble Road reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported threats Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 40 and Joppa Farm Road reported Monday a man was begging for money.
A caller from the 500 block of Philadelphia Road reported Monday a former tenant was trespassing.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported vandalism to a vehicle Monday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Plaza Circle reported vandalism to a vehicle Monday.
A caller from the 300 block of Monaco Terrace reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported identity theft Monday.
A caller from the 600 block of Harborside Drive reported Monday someone was trespassing in an apartment.
A caller from the 500 block of Old Joppa Road reported Monday a stream had flooded the road.
A caller from the 600 block of Shore Drive reported a noise complaint Tuesday.
A caller from Franklin Square Medical Center reported Tuesday a person had been stabbed on Joppa Farm Road.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Tuesday a person wanted to turn in a firearm.
A caller from the 900 block of Old Mountain Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 600 block of Harborside Drive reported Tuesday someone was trespassing in an apartment.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Tuesday theft of a cell phone.
A caller from the 1200 block of Jomat Drive reported an injured fox Tuesday.
A caller from the 500 block of Joppa Farm Road reported Tuesday a car struck a pedestrian.
A caller from the 700 block of Old Joppa Road reported Tuesday someone tried to open the caller’s screen door.
A caller from the 1800 block of Valleybrook Drive reported a tree across the roadway Monday.
A caller from the area of Jerusalem Road and Jericho Road reported a pile of dirt in the road Monday.
A caller from the area of Hess Road and Jarrettsville Pike reported a tree down in the road Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Railroad Avenue and Daugherty Lane reported Monday a stop sign and a street sign were missing.
A caller from the 2200 block of Telegraph Road reported trees in the road Monday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Ridge Road reported a man trespassing on the caller’s property Monday.
A caller from the area of Fawn Grove Road and Eden Mill Road reported high water and debris blocking the road Monday.
A caller from the 400 block of Pylesville Road reported a burglary Monday.
A caller from the 800 block of Sherrill Drive reported Monday the caller’s brother was threatening the caller and trespassing.
A caller from the 1200 block of Ridge Road reported a tree across the road Tuesday.
A caller from the 200 block of Pylesville Road reported either losing or finding property Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Prospect Road reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the area of Arena Road and Poole Road reported a parking complaint involving several untagged vehicles Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Marcher Court reported a burglary Monday.
A caller from the 600 block of Cherry Hill Road reported Monday a tree was partially blocking the road.
A caller from the 3000 block of Conowingo Road reported a suspicious situation Tuesday. The caller heard someone walking through a wooded area.
A caller from the area of Route 136 and Route 1 reported an accident Tuesday.
A caller from the 3300 block of Dublin School Road reported fraud Tuesday.
A caller from the 4500 block of Oak Ridge Drive reported Tuesday hearing shots fired.
A caller from the 900 block of Lagrange Road reported a person trespassing on the caller’s property Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Deep Run Road and Cooper Road reported two large trees down on the road Monday.
DUMB says
A caller from the 1400 block of Rock Spring Road reported Tuesday a suspicious man got off of a commuter bus and placed something in a plant in front of a store. The caller thought it could be drug related