From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[June 25, 2013 Bel Air, MD] — After weeks of investigation into the rise in violence coupled with an increased patrol, Sheriff L. Jesse Bane is launching the next step, a strategic summer initiative. This specific and concentrated effort will bring every resource the HCSO has to offer to the Edgewood communities.
Referencing the recent violence and homicide in Edgewood, Sheriff Bane remarked,
“The streets of Edgewood do not belong to the criminal element. Every member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is highly resolved to ensure that does not happen and the good people of Edgewood can continue to live in their communities without fear.
For the last several weeks, my deputies have worked tirelessly, around the clock, to respond to the violence that has recently erupted. It has been a challenging and time consuming effort. Now we have reached the point, where we must ask for the assistance and support of the citizens. This is a job that we cannot do alone.
To this end, I am launching a strategic, summer initiative where each bureau, each unit, and each member of the agency, will work to stop this needless violence. The first step is a community meeting, I want to share my plan with you and give you a chance to ask questions and voice your concerns to me and my commanders. Together, I am confident we will find a solution and restore peace in the community.”
Thus far, deputies and detectives have used intelligence to analyze evidence, identify possible suspects, investigate links between incidents, and gather information. At the same time, our patrol efforts have also increased significantly.
Deputies are out all hours, in cars, on bikes, and by foot, looking for suspicious activity, and responding to the needs of the community. The missing piece is community input.
Recognizing and respecting the fear that many people face in deciding to share tips and information is understood by members of the HCSO. As such, there are many ways to provide information anonymously via web (, text (text “CRIMES”, begin the message “MCS,” then add the information), and phone (1-888-540-8477).
Major Doug Verzi, Commander of the Investigative Services Bureau, reminds the community, “Don’t assume that we know the information, yours could be the tip that breaks the case.”
Later this week, the location and time of the community meeting will be announced. Members of the community and media are encouraged to come and hear Sheriff Bane’s plan, ask questions, and provide input.
Yeah, sure, that’s gonna do it.
Requesting Sheriff Bane hold this meeting in a school auditorium please versus the usual small rooms of the Rec Center or Sheriffs Office. As a taxpayer and resident who is tired of this nonsense, I think its only fair to have a room that can hold a larger crowd.
So many of these town halls are catered to those living in the crime havens and are made to be so politically correct as not to address and call out the root problem. There are numerous other areas of Edgewood which have to deal with these headlines thus giving us a bad name. Provide the space so that local officials (Councilman Guthrie and Sheriff Bane) can speak to all those affected. The time has come to stop handing out hugs and fight for the remainder of residents in Edgewood who pay your salaries via property taxes from homes that we own ourselves.
Councilman Guthrie show up with answers instead of campaign slogans on how to shut this place down…limit the amount of affordable housing or restrict to seniors. Stop playing PC and get real! You can fight for an Amish Market via Redners, put the same campaign effort into doing something now. Residents are tired of being given a bad name by this same area. Theres no crime statistics you can skew either to show any different…we know where the area is in Edgewood so stop playing political games.
I tend to agree with Sheriff Bane. We need more public input. I guarantee that there are witnesses out there. There are too many things happening in public view and NO ONE wants to come forward. Let’s get together on this. The Public’s help IS a vital role in curbing crime in any area, not just Edgewood.
Congratulations to Sheriff Jesse Bane! Keep up the good work. Unfortunately, Harford County is going to have to commit more and more resources to fighting crime in the Edgewood area, as the criminal element relocates from Baltimore City under the Move to Opportunity Program.
How about declaring the entire area of Edgewood a crime ridden area and reclaim it through eminent domain?
Baltimore County took the Village of Tall Trees and York Park apartments and built new homes on them and those areas have prospered and the crime has moved out of those areas.
Harford County needs to recognize that it will be cheaper to buy, reclaim and rebuild these areas than it will be to police and incarcerate the criminals in these areas.
Imagine a new Edgewood with single family homes that has safe streets, access to marc trains, shopping and access to waterfront parks and recreation for all residents of Harford County to enjoy.
Higher tax base, less crime, increase in private investment in this area, improved schools, etc.
Spoken from someone who doesn’t live or ever visited the Edgewood area. All of Edgewood doesn’t need to be reclaimed. I agree that there are areas within the Town that have a high crime rate. The solution is for the neighborhood to get involved and “snitch” on the criminals. Enough with the negatives.
snitch on criminals – yeah right jackass.
These people who live in these neighborhoods are terrified of the criminals. If citizens are even thought to be snitches, they are beaten or possibly killed. When these criminals get out of jail, who do you think they are going to target? Not to mention the fact that jails are being controlled by gangs and criminals with cell phones from within the prison walls.
we need to expiate this problem once and for all
and where did the Tall Trees people move to?
not in the $300K single family homes they built there – and that’s the point
The point is to take care of the problem, not shift it around. That’s how it became a problem where it is.
Fix the source or would you rather the next MTO be in your backyard?
To Edgewood 🙂
Keep it in Edgewood
Mr. Brenton, since you are a former police officer, I value what you have to say. I also agree with you.
snitches get stitches
Spoken like a true coward. If you people gave a damn about the environment you lived in you could make the community better. You do not have my sympathy. And you can see the rest of the county wonders why you insist in living in a cesspool of your own creation. If you see something – say something.
So you actually believe who you are replying to isn’t a troll? LOL
Whether he is a troll or not, would you endorse the sentiment of what he wrote?
Keep Talkin
I’d hardly consider the opinion’s viewed on this forum as the rest of the county. There are over 240,000 residents in Harford County and most of them haven’t even heard of this website.
What is new here about this “summer initiative” (ie. campaign appearance) from Jesse Bane. He has been doing “town hall” Meetings (ie. more campaign appearances) for three years now and crime is going up. There is nothing in this article that should not be done every single day. Why is he now pointing it out as an extra effort.
Be sure that Jesse Bane is tired and useless. I hope Mr. Gahler attends this meeting so we can see what the future holds for Harford County law enforcement!
I would like to set up a booth outside and give out free hugs. Everyone loves a hug.
Just look at the article, “my deputies”, “I am launching”, “my plan”. This guy is an egotistical sack who thinks he is a one man show. If it is a good thing, it is all his idea even if he steals it from elsewhere. If it falls flat, Bane will be no where near it and Bane will claim he never heard of the idea before.
I agree, he is feces, but so are his deputies.
Gahler is just as bad if not worse than Bane. The Maryland State Police in Harford County have been involved in their fair share of law suits. Remember, the suit for racial profiling on I95. Remember, the law suit for strip searching demonstrators. Gahler will embrace the Nazism just like Bane did. Following the Law and the Constitution instead of MEIN KAMPF would be a refreshing idea for Harford County Law Enforcement!
Hey Soul Crusher, do you personally know or have you worked with Jeff? I thought as much…
No, but I recognize a Nazi peter puffer when I see one. Gahler’s experience with the MSP will not, I repeat, will not curb the fact that the deputies of Harford County can’t tell the truth. Its impossible. The shit they make up and get to stick is totally ridiculous. The Judge’s are as absent minded as Herman Georing in a TUTU because they actually believe the shit you guys make up! HARFORD COUNTY needs a serious change that will bring law and order to the public without the plan of locking up everyone’s sons and daughters without a trial! Quite frankly, you need to let some of the Deputies go and hire more teachers. The deputies don’t prevent crimes, they aren’t supposed to, they are to enforce the laws of the state and the US constitution. Prevention comes from education and not from a group of piss ants parading around the county acting like agents for the GESTAPO! You don’t like what I’m saying, so what, its the truth! ED KABERNAGEL GFY!
Maybe you should leave the damn county if you think it’s that bad!
Soul Crusher = Coward
It may be true that a small fraction of cases have witnesses that are too afraid to come forward but more often than not they don’t want to come forward. Not out of fear but out of simple lack of interest or motivation. The cases we build have scum bags for defendants, scum bags for victims, and generally scum bags for witnesses. Then we round up a group of upper middle class and elderly jurors who don’t believe any of them so its hard to determine who is the shiniest turd in the bowl. The only way to get these bottom feeding freeloaders to come forward and assist in criminal cases is to pay them or offer them something in their own criminal cases. Jesse, explain to us down here at the street level how these anonymous cell phone tips, smoke signals, and a giant bat man lamp on the roof of southern are going to testify at court to get a conviction or have you forgotten how the system works. This “wave” of violence is more like a tsunami that hit several years ago and has been a stagnant flooding ever since; the only reason he would like you to believe that it’s a wave is because there is an election coming around the bend.
You mean the anonymous Cell Phone tips that are actually the result of illegally obtained cell phone conversations from warrantless taps, right.
“HIS” deputies are sitting behind desks in air conditioned offices. Patrol is working at minimum staffing now due to so many specialized units. Perhaps if the deputies with cushy “created” positions worked the streets in the first place, things wouldn’t be at a crisis point now. But it’s Jesse’s way or no way,.
First, why would you hold a meeting to explain your plan and give the criminals a heads up? Second, these gang bangers will watch to see who is attending the meeting. You already have one chuckle head who posted on hear about snitches get stitches. Gang bangers have no regard for human life and I understand the fear people have to come forward. Sheriff Meadows addressed the gang problem in the early 1990’s and it was not given to the public. It was a simple plan, he told his people to go into these areas be smart and disrupt the operations of these criminals. If it moves stop it, if they are hanging out move them on. One other thing, all complaints on the guys involved were screened and he had our backs. We did it the smart way and it worked. So maybe this should not be a Campaign meeting, I mean a community meeting. I know of several people who are good cops on the command staff who could organize this without the politics and get the job done. No micro management from the top and no catering to the public when the complaints come in. Let the men and women do their jobs and destroy the gang network. The bad guys need to fear the cops, and the cops should not fear you and your head hunters. Don’t make this about your election, make it about stopping the crime and murders buy giving the community back to the voters. They pay the taxes and they deserve to live without fear. Time for some good old fashion police work and to do this some feathers need to be ruffled. In order for this to happen the men and women working the streets need to know they will have their backs covered. In other words get out of the way and release the kraken on these cowards. Can you do this and not worry about votes and the election? Can you put the citizens in these areas first ahead of your re election? I wonder.
I would like to preface this by saying that I am not a Sheriff Bane fan, but I do not blame him for all that ails Harford County.
I agree that this will give the targets of the initiative a warning. I do have one issue: Sheriff Bane schedules a community meeting to announce his plan to address an increase in violence in certain areas, and he is criticized for announcing his plans to the criminal element. Sheriff Bane does not hold a meeting (or holds it in too small a space) and he is lambasted for withholding information. Is there any way for this man to please people??
Do you not feel telling the bad guys how you are going to deal with them ahead of time is a bad idea? This is not how a cop thinks, this is how a politician thinks.
Just because he is having a public meeting does not mean that he plans to disclose every part of his plan. Handing over the blueprint of the plan to the criminal element would obviously be counter-productive, but that was not my point. My point was this: the headlines of the violence in Edgewood (or anywhere else in Harford County) will always create a reaction on these boards, as they should. If Sheriff Bane had quietly gone about planning this initiative without any disclosure, the response would have been, “WHERE IS BANE?? WHY HAVE WE NOT HEARD FROM BANE????” He plans this initiative and plans to discuss it (or parts of it) with the community, and the response is, “WHY WARN THE TARGETS??” As I said, I am not a Sheriff Bane fan. I am not a fan of a politicized law enforcement, in general. My point here is that either way, there would have been posts criticizing the Sheriff.
@ NeverCease2BeAmazed- Is he not the Chief law enforcement officer in this county. The answer is yes. So yes he is responsible I could care less about the election or who wins but he has a responsibility to the citizens of this county to uphold what he swore to do which is to protect and serve them to the best of his abilities. With Courage, Honor and Integrity. Again he needs to step up. People are dying, deputies are getting no support from there commanders. I dont care who the Sheriff is its time to come up with a good plan to fix this. Look the fact is Sheriff Bane is going to be here for 2 more years at least. What he does from this point forward will define what he and his command staff are know as. So far it’s really sad I can’t name one major accomplishment. Facts are facts and I have yet to find anyone to dispute. I feel sorry for the citizens of this county but yet they have a police force that is majorly understaffed but continues to go out and do what they took an oath to do to the best of there abilities. Go ahead try to bash me but Its the truth and the public deserves to know it.
Of course he is the leader of the main law enforcement agency in Harford County, and he does have a responsibility to her citizens to uphold his oath. My point is that there was violence in Harford County before Sheriff Bane took office, and there will be violence after he leaves office. There is blame to go around, and I believe that I stated that I do not blame him for *all* that ails Harford County. Of course he has some culpability.
Sheriff Bane Sir here is a suggestion. Maybe if you allow your deputies to go into communities and police without filing an IA-28 for for every little tit complaint, maybe then things will get accomplished. Who wants to go bust there @ss when they will end up with an IA and a sustained internal because someone that voted for you calls in a complaint. Give the Men and Women of this department a green light to be fair but be cops, That will change things. County Stat was a failure, your setting up the command trailer in high crime areas was a failure. Support your troops and you will see what that brings. Just wake up and give them the support and assets they need. BUT do not rob peter to pay paul the citizens of this county no matter where they live dont need officers taken from example nothern to support southern. ALL areas of the agency are short staffed and need more deputies.
If the citizens only knew how bad morale really was. If the citzens only knew how ashamed the deputies are about there department. Keep blowing smoke up the voters butts Sheriff Bane it only lasts so long. You have a good group of deputies that want to do good for there community but they are hindered by you and your 1974 era policies. This short lived crime initiative will not change long term issues in you and your administration. Its just a temporary political patch. Not all citizens of Edgewood are bad people in fact its a few thugs that are creating all this drama, it is a sad situation that the reat of the citizens should have to live like this. This community has been allowed to get out of control and thats sad because it once was a prosperous military and working class area. I have no words for you other then its time to really prove yourself and please dont run for Sheriff again. Your time is done no matter who the next Sheriff is please go out with the little dignity you have left.
I disagree totally, if you want a better future for Harford County and Edgewood, then stop laying off teachers while calling for more Law Enforcement! If you educate and provide hope for a clear path to escape the ghetto known as Edgewood, then maybe the Harford County youth would care more about their criminal records!
Don’t care how many teachers you hire – if you have a corrupt culture seemingly void of parental guidance all you’ll succeed in doing is providing more union money for Burbey and zero improvement in the future of Edgewood kids.
So hiring more cops is the solution?!? The only form of prevention a cop can provide is police presence. You know, sitting in a high crime area so people don’t commit crimes around them. That presence was thrown out the window with the precinct relocating outside of town instead of in the thick of it. Education is the only way. A clear path out of the ghetto will work wonders, but instead lets hire more cops and just throw them in jail. What a great idea, Fools….
My deputy friend calls law enfocrement “Catch and release”. I have seen it first hand, as well as the epidemic of prescription drug abuse and trafficiking that some local medical practioners willingly participate in. When you have Pharmacies simply banning people from their store when passing forged prescriptions, instead of reporting the passing of forged prescriptions by suspects, and a judiciary and legal system unwilling to give real jail time to repeat offenders – there is no amount of additional deputies on the street that will make this place any safer than it is right now.
There’s no amount of deputies that will make this place safer.
How about if we have concealed weapon permits available to lawful citizens?
Are going to patrol Edgewood on foot tough guy!
The problem lies with the courts who give repeat offenders reduced sentences and early release on probation. Most of the criminals you hear about from Edgewood have a long rap sheet and are frequently out on parole for an earlier crime when they commit a new one. The legal system was set up to ensure an orderly, functioning society but it’s become an institution for the benefit of criminals and the social work industry.
What is Sheriff Bane waiting for. Schedule a meeting in the future. What is he waiting for – A letter to direct his response or a sign from on high. The violence is not new in Edgewood and should not be a surprise. You have analysts, you have good cops with good ideas. Listen to them. The sheriff’s leadership is simply not getting it done. The good people in Edgewood and Harford County deserve a fully committed sheriff with laser focus on what matters, not the next election.
I work 40hrs/week at a legal job, I pay taxes, I’m not on parole or probation, I’m not a thug, I’m just an average Joanne and I live here. I’m tired of this shit and I’m tempted a little more everyday to start “fixing problems” myself. If this element only understands one type of language then maybe more people need to learn it. Snitches get stitches but thugs are going to get slugs……
Get yourself a Smith & Wesson M&P .357 auto with some 180 grain ammo.
I’d go with a ‘street sweeper’
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no Law Enforcement in Harford County that is capable of divulging the truth, the State’s Attorney Office knowingly and willingly prosecute the fabrications of the incompetent deputies of the Sheriff’s Department and the Judge’s knowingly and willingly hand out convictions based on the lies. STOP LYING TO THE CITIZENS OF HARFORD COUNTY! Start acting like you have the integrity that goes with the jobs you hold so dear. Stop acting like you’re doing everything you can, when in reality you are doing nothing. If Harford County Law Enforcement would start acting like the American system of Justice its supposed to represent and not the group of Nazi thugs they actually are, you would get more support. If the Harford County State’s Attorney Office would start revealing the truth and not the “FACTS” of fabrication during the legal process, you would probably get more support. If the Judge’s would start honoring the Bill Of Rights instead of wiping their asses with it, then maybe they get more respect. The bottom line is each and every person involved in the legal process here in Harford County has absolutely no integrity and their willingness to see their lies prosecuted to the max is just as disgusting as the crimes they claimed have occurred.
How about cut off the welfare. Thats a good start. We are only subsidizing this violence.
Welfare only with forced birth control and drug testing.
If ya cut welfare then how I gonna feed my kidz. All my baby daddys in jail. I aint getting no job. Heck wit dat
You will have to fend for yoself, you will learn not to have children when you cant get free money for them. You will be forced to be creative and find a job, or better yet create one. You will learn you should not have pets, when you foodstamp cards no longer pay for puppy chow or cat food.
…I think he is being a troll…
Why should I work when I get a check for not workin. I pay some rent. what more u want fro me
aint never work a day in my lif why start now
After weeks of investigation and planning by Sheriff Bane and his Commanders a plan has been devised for a summer initiative to combat crime in Harford County. Really? Weeks of investigation and planning by Sheriff Bane! They want us to believe that the senior staff of HCSO has an extensive plan after weeks of planning, and as of the time they make a press release, they don’t even know when or where they will announce the plan!!
The date, time and place to hear my great plan will be announced later. Now that’s planning for ya! How shallow a person is this man? Election season is upon us already!
We should bulldoze the projects and section 8 housing just like Baltimore County did. That is about the time when the trash washed up on our shore. Also, the rest of the county should watch out because the, shall we say, darkness is spreading fast and will only cause more trouble than they will ever be worth.
Darkness spreading!. Ha, ha, ha! People OF HARFORD COUNTY, making me laugh everyday with these undercover racists comments.
String’em up!
Again? could find racism in a box of Good&Plenty is you axe me.
@ Otto, did you mean to ask me something or did you want to chop down a tree with your axe? Hmm. When you point your finger at someone, three are pointing back at you.
Have a blessed day!
Bob; I don’t know you or anything about you but your comment about darkness spreading is total filth. There is absolutely no place for a comment like that, in this society, at this time! Aberdeen has a far more diverse population but nowhere near the crime. Why? Because of a quality police force.
How does the Aberdeen police force differ from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office? What does Aberdeen police do differently?
They are visible! Just driving, biking or walking the streets is huge deterrent. The chief, mayor and council all believe that if you don’t have public safety, you don’t have much of anything. The officers on APD know that they will be backed when it comes down to he said she said. Obvious criminal activity is checked into, even if it comes down to the guy or gal on the street screaming brutality or racism or whatever. Enough differences?
Thanks for your response. What you are really saying is it’s a leadership issue. Resources are available in the Sheriff’s Office, but not being utilized effectively.
I will also add that response from the APD is amazing. We had someone try to break in one night, and they were pulling up as I hung up from dispatch. I would vote for Chief Trabert for Sheriff in a heartbeat.
I’d bet the people committing these crimes have extensive criminal records. The courts should be handing out stiffer sentences instead of the watered-down plea deals that they usually end up with.
Remember the motto of the State’s Attorneys office – “They’ll reoffend”
Fascinating point. If the fine listed in the book is $500 for a given offense, why reduce it to $100 with no jail time or probation and a guilty verdict? Why did Judge Cooper choose to fine the parents that allowed an underage party under their roof only get fined half of their $500 fine? They were in the house, other peopel knew what was happening, the deputies were calaled from an outside party. Why not give them the full fine since they were clearly endorsing behavior that can lead to a cavalier attitude about law enforcement and use of illicit materials?
Why do they keep enacting laws that aren’t being enforced and mandating sentences that aren’t being followed? I can see maybe giving a first-time offendor a break, but the revolving-door judicial system continues to give repeat offendors slaps on the wrist, knowing that they will reoffend. And a watered-down 6-month sentence with 3 meals a day, clean clothes, and cable TV is just an extended vacation for these thugs. There is no chance of rehabilitation when there is no real punishment. But the attorneys are assured repeat business.
You answered all your questions with your last statement. Its a business and they make sure their industry is booming. However, you have to realize that many sentences are negotiated by the Harford County State’s Attorney Office before hand, not the Judges. The Judges seem to do whatever the SAO wants for whatever reason, probably for ease of disposal. Bottom line is Harford County has many informants that have received lighter sentences so the HCSO can bust someone else. Its business and business is booming in Harford County, literally.
lunch break is over, get back to work
To all the fine folks that want to blame the police and say that they are corrupt. There were a few idiots that decided to go out and committ crimes but they are not an example of what deputies go out and do every night. The union doesn’t give enough support to its members and the Sheriffs office brass would rather find a way to mess with people then support them. Sure right now the Sheriff is putting a bandaid on a major issue. But just like a bandaid it will fall off and need to be replaced. Yes assests are there at the discretion of the Sheriff but some off them are units that are pointless. He has at his request 20 or so deputies from School policing, Violent Street Crimes Unit, Gang Unit, and Community Action Response team that he could use. But yet he pulls patrol units from northern and pays others overtime. When is this meeting or did he already forget about it? Be Safe watch your 6 brothers and sisters, this is beyond morale its Officer safety. To anyone that continues to want to bash the police they frequently have job openings feel free to apply.
First of all, I don’t think its wise of you to reveal on this or any other forum how many officers are on duty during your shift. You don’t want bad elements to know how many officers to expect. Just a suggestion.
Secondly, I speak about Law Enforcement in Harford County from my own experience. Yes, I committed a crime, it affected no one but me, I didn’t harm anyone nor did my crime present a danger to anyone else. The detectives involved gave misleading facts in the application for the search warrant and omitted details that would have my whole case thrown out via the exclusionary rule, as an illegal search took place on a Fourth Amendment protected area where no “GOOD FAITH” could possibly be present. Omission of details destroys “GOOD FAITH”. I wanted a suppression hearing, the corrupt State’s Attorney Office and Judges would not allow the hearing to take place and had my shit sucking attorney deliver threats to me from both the State’s Attorney Office and the Judges. I was forced to take a plea deal knowingly and willingly, its called extortion any other time but when the SAO and the Judges do it its called a plea negotiation. All this wouldn’t have mattered if the Detectives were to tell the truth from the beginning, but they can’t, because they are deputies from The HARFORD COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT. Anyway, I don’t need to explain this shit to you because you are apparently one of those liars in Harford County that claims to be a Law Enforcement Officer but is really a lying Nazi just like the rest of your “BROTHERS AND SISTERS”. Law Enforcement in Harford County are plainly out of control and I want you to know that I hate your guts too pig.
Spoken like a true criminal, who blames everyone else for their problems except themselves
I don’t think the police committing crimes during their investigation to get the probable cause needed for the warrant, blame. You guys broke the law, to get your probable cause and then suppressed my rights under color of law to get your conviction. If you call that justice, then you are just as backwards as the SAO and the Judges. Do yourself and Harford County a favor, go and resign, Law Enforcement such as yourself is nothing more than a NAZI.
Lol, come on now….ask anyone serving time. They’ll tell you they’re clearly innocent.
That is right, they do. But, if I’m not speaking the truth, how come so many police officers are getting on here thumbs downing my comments. Its because, they know who I am and they know they were wrong. Its because everyone involved is shaking in their boots right now. Three Judges, Two State’s Attorneys, Two Assistant SA’s and my former lawyer all know that their careers are getting ready to come to an abrupt end. Everything I say is true, you can doubt it now, but when its all said and done you better believe I will have it all over the internet with all the supporting documentation. Until then, have a nice day NAZI’s.
Almost Forgot, GFY…..
here’s what you do. Line both ends of one street with guns and ammo…in the middle of the street a sack of crack, whatever, Then, let all the “ganstas’ loose,…whoever’s left standing…gets the sack, and then, blown away by the rest of the “real” hard working community.! problem solved! Better use a parking lot instead.
Here is a clue for the Sheriff…stop your hug a thug program and open a can of whoop #@! in these areas, let the police do their job. Yes, you’re gonna get complaints and those complaints will be from the non-law abiding citizens that don’t want your deputies shutting their activity down. Power to the Police!
Hug a thug, lol……have we met? I’ll be average citizen with my 9mm thinking about my own kind of justice. No more hugs!
The deputies can’t open a can of whoop ass, because they can’t fight! The only way they ever win is by numbers and guns. You guys are a gang, with gang mentality. Someone should seriously investigate your department for all the corruption that goes on in this pathetic little county. You can’t have law when the law enforcement is lawless, period. You can’t have jurisprudence when the SAO and the Harford County Judiciary is corrupt. You can’t have order when the HCSO bases their investigations on race. You can’t have liberty when you live in Harford County Maryland, its just not possible…….
And the only way criminals fight is go after the weak, less fortune, and at night. And when they go one on one with the law they yell to their peeps ” go gets moms” and momma comes yelling and screaming like a bitch. Your answer like a typical libertard. Throw money at the problem like you stated several comments ago. Edgewood has a new High School and its still not good enough for your friends in sludgewood. I’m sure you are an angel and everyone is out to get you and of course none of what your saying isn’t fabricated. I love the fact that no one has a problem going after the POPO and act tough and not going to take it but have no balls to stand up to the thugs. You and your elk are cowards and no one cares. Edgewood will never change just like Baltimore City. Keep having your candlelights and snitches get stitches attitude while personally I will stay up north in the county with my guns and wait. I’ve done my time in hell in Edgewood and could care less what happens done there. oh by the way GFY!!!
When is this special community meeting? Or did Sheriff Bane forget that he announced the special community meeting. Sheriff Bane do you remember announcing your “Edgewood Summer Crime Initiative” or have you already forgotten? Very sad times in the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Another example of the problems that exixt. Memo’s dont make it to the top, suggestions that could really support ther community are lost on the Sheriff’s desk and the Sheriff claims to have no knowledge. Tax dollars spent well Sheriff Bane salary is $104,042 of useless money, and no accountability for him or his administration.
Yes, a community meeting is going to help citizens defend themselves from the ‘criminal element’…. NOT! The only way these criminals will learn is to fight fire with fire. They only continue to commit crimes because they know they will get away with it. Citizens need to begin responding in kind to these threats to their personal property. One of them breaks into your home? Put them down like a dog. If thugs start experiencing resistance to their crimes they will get the idea and move on somewhere else, whether it be the cold ground or to another area without citizens willing to stand up for their rights,family and property.
How many meetings, initiatives, grants, special “details”, etc has Bane had since he took office? Great PR–a Sheriff who really cares. 7 years later and things have not gotten better, but in fact, are worse. Bane still thinks he can rehab thugs and he continues to stand by idly while Harco becomes Little Balto. When are the citizens going to realize that he is all smoke and no substance? Trust me, his deputies know. Meanwhile, as the crime escalates, Bane continues to pose for photos and shake hands. Watch for him in the 4th of July parade too. Nothing more than a figurehead with no intention of bettering the county.
Haha! This thread is funny. My paycheck keeps clearing. What a dump!
When and Where is the community meeting or have you forgot that you announced a meeting TBD. Dementia at its best, this is crazy. When is the last time you made an arrest 1973, per maryland judiciary casesearch I cant find 1 that you have locked up. Please Sheriff Bane do something good for your community. Things are going to %hit. You can change this but you have not.
Hello Daggar Press,
I read in the Aegis that Sheriff Bane has had a public meeting where he announced his summer initiative. I suppose the HCSO failed to supply you any information about the plan even though they supplied you a news release announcing they were going to have a plan. Let us know the details of the plan if they ever provide them to you.
Bane has the Aegis in his back pocket. They would never say anything negative about him. That’s why he hates The Dagger–the truth is told here. Typical Jesse–turning his head makes the problems go away in his mind. If you can’t read the negative comments, there must not be any. I’m sure the details of the summer initiative are just like all the previous plans he has implemented, all of which have failed, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
You have a serious crime problem that you say your dealing with which includes murders. You star in a short movie making a spoof of a murder, I wonder how the victims families will see your little movie? Really bad judgement Jesse.
Okay, what was the plan?
Plan? What? Who are you? Why are you asking me questions?
Marc, first you complain Bane is telling the criminals everything now you want the plan spelled out for all to see. Which is is it? Not defending Bane, but you can’t complain on both sides of an issue.
No I have heard nothing about his big meeting and I was wondering what was said. If you are going to announce your big meeting I was hoping there would be something about the meeting on here from many of you Bane worshipers. From the sound of the crickets on here it must have been a flop or he forgot to show up for the meeting.
I think Bane and his number one head hunting Major should get in his patrol car and go to Edgewood and start jumping out on the street corners. They can have the Captain from the jail drive them around if they want. Do a few FIR reports, recover some guns and drugs. Serve some warrants. Maybe go with the SRT team and stack up on a door and be the first one in on a drug raid. Solve some cases, you know like he does in the movies.