From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
On June 22, 2013 at approximately 10:16pm, Harford County Sheriff’s deputies responded to multiple calls of shots fired in the 1800 block of Grempler Way, Edgewood. Callers were also reporting a subject was injured. Upon arriving, deputies located Quinton Arvel Stokes, 24, suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.
Emergency medical personnel from the Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company treated the victim at the scene. The victim was then transported to University of Maryland Shock Trauma by Maryland State Police Medivac. Stokes, who had a last known address of the 1300 block of Gold Meadow Way, Edgewood, died shortly before midnight from his injuries. Witnesses reported seeing a black male with tan shorts running from the area. There is no additional information at this time and the investigation is continuing.
Anyone with information regarding this crime is asked to call Detective Andrew Lane at 410-836-5431. Callers may also report tips to Metro Crime Stoppers or Harford Crime Solvers. Callers can remain anonymous. Qualifying tips submitted to the tip lines below that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $ 2,000.00 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Gary says
For the love of God….HARFORD COUNTY Shut this place down. How many times do we have to see Grempler Way in the blotter. I will pay higher taxes if you please SHUT IT DOWN some how, some way. As a taxpayer in Edgwood and a higher bracket at that, Harford County is using the Robin Hood program to turn the other cheek. Dion quit smiling for the cameras and ignoring this crime haven, do your job for once. You know what the problem is…plain and simple.
Glad that multi million dollar police facility now more than 1 mile away is REALLY diverting crime. It doesn’t matter how many cameras you have Sheriff Bane or how many officers you assign…this is a crime haven and you can’t change the mindsets of criminals by allowing them to squat in low income housing. Get rid of it! Both Jesse and Dion are bystanders and don’t want to tell the truth because it will offend residents. TIME TO TELL THE TRUTH folks and stop the hug a thug …. vote or lose freebies bs!
Willoughby Williams says
Wall it off and let them sort themselves out.
APG could have a new testing grounds for antipersonnel rounds.
lets get brutal
Disgusted in Harford says
Why does a comment advocating killing human beings warrant so many upvotes?
You people are as sick as the ones you call low lifes.
APG should just wipe out you as well.
Bree says
How the hell you gonna shut down a place where people live why don’t you drive over ther put your feet in somebody else shoes shit not everything comes on a sliver platter I hope in your after life you get what you want because you talking like that will be going stright to hell
SMDH says
Bree-go get another free phone from the GOV. you probably are able to work & just don’t!
Lenny Lane says
Gary, Bane will attend the candlelight vigil held by the mom who is wondering how anyone could do this to her angel. He needs the sound bite and photo op for the upcoming election. Then he’ll spin some more numbers saying how crime is down. The usual platitudes from Bane.
Luther Lingus says
Time to send the Baltimore City transplants back to the Ghetto. The great experiment has failed.
152 Guy says
@Luther All of them, I hope you’re saying? You don’t mean just the ones who don’t look like you?
Luther Lingus says
By your statement, do you assume that everyone from the city doesn’t look like you? One could also conclude that “transplants” would include people of all races, wouldn’t you agree?
BelAirBound says
I’m leaven my apartment in Edgewood cause the landlord wont fix the holes in the walls. Section 8 is moven me and my 8 kids to Bel Air. Can’t wait to show people in Bel Air how to milk the system. We gonna live high on that hog and party with ma sister kids all night long
Thy Humble Servant says
Edgewood in the news again? The defenders of this area were saying?
Bree says
Hear we go agian with y’all rude comments and stuff why don’t y’all say something nice for a change like aww I am sorry to hear that y’all don’t know what that family could be going through and y’all need to stop being rude all y’all is getting is a ride stright to hell agian crime happened everywhere so for once can y’all GET OFF OF EDGEWOOD: ass and worry about y’all slef damn everyday y’all saying shut this down grow up and worry about y’all slef
Marion says
Bree please stop. Between your spelling and run-on sentences…I can’t take it! Please take this time to pick up a book, revisit proper grammer, or learn how to use spell check.
MacG says
I think Bree is a ‘prankster poster’ deliberately misspelling and and misusing syntax in the posts to elicit bigoted and judgmental responses.
SMDH says
How can anyone say anything nice when you all acrt like a bunch of zoo animals on crack with guns??? I have to drive by this dump everyday & I think someone needs to accidentally torch the place & run all you cockroaches bact to the Ghetto! I have no remorse for anyone who feels its necessary to rob, do drugs, act likie a thug & shoot people! Y’all cant act right!
Lyricluv says
RIP Sparks regardless of the situation this was someone’s child and also someone’s parent. I knew him this is sad no one deserves to die this way. The life they were living might not be the best but this is not what he wanted for his self or his child. He was just talking about getting out of Edgewood just seen him yesterday around 4pm at the gas station this is TRAGIC. Think before you speak. They need better education more jobs and also more programs to keep the youth situated and not have to lean towards drugs for use or sell. And not gangs for guidance. Lord help us GOD BLESS him and his family!!!!
Mitch says
@lyricluv….what programs do you need..there is nothing in the constitution that says you have to have programs to be a law abiding citizen. many of our generations greatest heroes, especially true of African Americans, did not need to have programs to teach them right from wrong…it was called parents (whether married or single) teaching them personal responsibility and accountability no matter the situation. So please save me, an African American, the speech on how the crime on gremplar exist because there is a need for another rec center…which the county has there, or some guaranteed job offer. There are people all over maryland job hunting and maybe working 2 jobs that pay pennies until something comes along….its called pride. Martin Luther king preached adamantly on communities falling into dependence traps habitually which only sought to keep one beholden and limited. Somehow we forget those speeches. I think sometimes civil rights leaders from back in the day would have something to say looking at the state of communities and lack of self initiative in some instances to do for ourselves. And that just my opinion take it or leave it….respectfully.
Anonymous in Bel Air says
Bravo Mitch! If only there were more people like you within your community.
ThugLife says
He chose the ThugLife. He got what was coming
SMDH says
you have to want to change before any of the things you described Lyricluv! If you don’t have the intent, knowledge or want to succeed & change, you never will! do you know the old saying “can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”? this child i am sure had every opportunity to change & chose the alternative known as “ThugLife”
Becky says
Quick search: Robbery, armed robbery, burglary, assault, theft, violation of probation, dist:Narc (to other young youth?), resisting, interfere w/ arrest, false statements made to police officers….last addresses: Jessip, MD and Harford County Detention Center. (when he was not in trouble) Now I can only hope they get the bad guy who did this.
Oh well says
He wanted to be a drug slinging gangster, He got his wish. This is what happens. Glad I wont be paying for his “rehabilitation” in jail anymore.
Crack Head Bob says
I used to buy my crack from the Amish market but Redner’s is closing them down. Guess I’ll be going back to daHood.
SMDH says
@Crack Head Bob
LMAO!!!! Too Freakin Funny!
grow up says
Steve Jacobs says
Natural selection, there is no way of getting away from it……….
Standing Up says
A man has lost his life! A child has lost their father! And all you guys can come up with is he deserved it? Does a blind man killed walking into the street deserve to die? Does a man driving his kids home from a sports game deserve to die from the hands of a drunk driver? .. Nobody knows what happened that night, and likely may not ever know.. but to damn the death of “Sparks” a friend of mine for his life choices? Not everyone makes the best life decisions, but that does not warrant death. If your tired of having to pay for so called thugs jail visits, move to an island because it is the same every state you live in.. I don’t want to make this a black and white thing, which much of you have. White people make up majority of the prison systems population. Food for thought..
Steve Jacobs says
Nice diatribe, but he made a choice to be in Edgewood after dark.
cracker in Edgewood after dark says
I’m always in Edgewood after dark, I live here. By your logic do I deserve to die too? Before you assume otherwise, I have a Master’s Degree, I pay taxes, and I’m a law-abiding citizen. We all aren’t crack slinging, gang bangers down here and yes I work my butt off to pay taxes (probably at a higher income bracket than half of the posters on here). I’m sorry that this kid is dead or hell maybe if I knew him personally I wouldn’t be sad, who knows? My point is don’t judge and generalize, it makes you sound like a bunch of ignorant biggots.
Crack Head Bob says
Before you assume otherwise, your masters degree doesn’t mean squat when you’re the victim of an armed robbery/assault. It doesn’t matter what you pay in taxes you are dead meat in the end despite your sense of earned entitlement.
cracker in Edgewood after dark says
You kind of missed the point of my comment there crack head. I’m just wondering if being in Edgewood after dark automatically makes you deserving of death? I know book smarts aren’t going to do jack if I’m staring down a 9mm so I’m not sure what you’re point is. Earned entitlement? Now that’s funny!
Standing Up says
I am in no way attacking anyone, just defending a friend that is not able to do-so on his own. I just find it sad that you correlate “being in Edgewood after dark” to “deserving to die.” Sad really. Did Kami Ring deserve to die because she was “in Port Deposit after dark?”
Disgusted in Harford says
You’re wasting your time spouting morality to this bunch. Just read the comments for almost every story and you’ll see a pattern of blatant disregard for human suffering.
String’em up
Kill’em all
Throw them back in the ghettos where those people belong
on and on and on ……………………….
B says
I would be more disgusted be the non stop killing then the comments of an ignorant few.
SMDH says
Ok-that kami ring comment is soooo off topic! That has nothing to do with a person white or black, choosing to most likely get into some bad things that may have attributed to his death. Lets face the facts-he had a Rap sheet a mile long, poor Kami Ring was a 10yr old innocent child who did nothing to deserve what happened to her by another piece of crap that was let out on the streets when he had the rap sheet he had as well! This hits really close to home with me & it could have been my daughter this animal could have chose to rape & kill or anyone of my friends children, my point is they don’t deserve it. I am sorry your friend died, it’s tragic no matter how you look at it, however the company you keep & the choices you make can dictate your future at times! That was not the case for Kami, she trusted the person who caused her grave harm she was defenseless, you don’t know what happened the night your friend died anymore than we do it sounds like, unless maybe you do & ur keeping silent???? Hmmmmm???
So don’t bring that poor baby into this issue-she has nothing to do with this.
Soul Crusher says
This homicide was a direct result of the Harford County Sheriff’s Department revealing the identity of a confidential informant. That is all I can say about this…….
The Money Tree says
One can be an informant and still be a drug dealing thug. It just may be the drug dealing thug part of this guys life resulted in the inevitable. This homicide was a direct result of the behavior and life style of this person nothing more and nothing less.
Soul Crusher says
This homicide was an assassination of a paid confidential informant. He was compromised by members of the Narcotics Task Force.
Kharn says
If you can back that up, you need to contact either the Maryland State Police or the FBI so that the responsible party will be held accountable.
Arturro Nasney says
That’s twice that you have made that allegation. Can you back it up?
The Money Tree says
What a load of bull. I assume given your previous posts that from here on and moving forward every murder, rape and robbery in Edgewood will find you posting something inane and ridiculous to cover and excuse the worst of human behavior that seems so prevalent in certain cultures. If your culture stinks, if your culture is resulting in crime and low expectations it’s time to reexamine your culture and maybe try something new. Personal accountability and self respect is not exclusive to any group. Try it sometime because it works.
Soul Crusher says
Money Tree, are you talking to me? I don’t know why you got so offended or why you feel the need to question everything I type? None of this was directed toward you, its just the truth. Does what I say really matter that much to you? Why? Could it be that everything I state is true and you know it? Do you have a problem with the truth? Do you have a problem with me? You should get over it, I have.
Kharn and Arturro, its not my job to report jack squat. I’m a criminal remember! My vote doesn’t count and neither do my rights. I don’t assist law enforcement. If someone wants to know something, then they can go and investigate the situation themselves.
Standing Up says
Unless I see paper work, I refuse to believe he was an informant. He was a stand-up guy. My honest opinion is that he was mistaken for somebody else.
Soul Crusher says
You can believe what you want, its your opinion, but nobody in Harford County gets away with his record without snitching, period. This case will be closed rather quickly once homicide detectives investigate his CI file. I’m sorry about your friend, but he was assassinated.
KingPin says
String Em Up!
Edgewood Raised says
As a teenager in the late 80’s I grew up in Edgewood and lived on JudyWay which was directly behind the Giant shopping center. There has always been some level of crime in the area, especially in the Village by the lake. Back then the neighborhoods were far more diverse racially and aside from the mior teenage squabbles, gun violence was not commonplace. Everyone hung out, especially in the front of my house regardless of ethnic background.
When projects started coming down and the state’s gangsta relocation program started up is when I personally remember Edgewood started taking a major turn for the worse. The community started becoming far more racially divided with the influx of inner city transplants who immediately went to work on the local youth and coercing them to follow their thug style of life.
It was a shame because friends that I once had no longer referred to me as such primarily due to the influence of transplanted street trash. From that point it just progressively worse, fortunately I worked my tail off and got myself out of Edgewood. Now I am an outsider watching a once loved community get handed over to thugs and wanna be gangstas.
There is no defense for the actions of the ill mannered youth in this neighborhood, like I said it was once a decent place. There are always cops in the area and violence is a daily occurence. The transplants did not take advantage of being in the county instead they destroyed Edgewood turning it into the same drug and crime infested slum they originally came from.
– Sincerely
An Edgewood Original
Disgusted in Edgewood says
Maybe we need to bring back the race track, to give everyone something to do.
Edgewood Raised says
I would support this decision if it would truly have a positive impact. The shopping center was a nice place once, a movie theater, record store, an awesome pizza place with the bowling alley next door. There was plenty to do, unfortunately these things did not disuade new comers from wreaking havoc which impacted business forcing these places to close down. What average teenager would want to go to a bowling alley when the potential threat of getting “ganked” was a likely possibility.
There is a volunteer group that set’s up near the basketball courts to provide activities, games and shows for the younger children in the area. I think it is a wonderful initiative, the sad part is, police officers have to park close by to ensure things stay safe for those children.
I miss that race track and the skate park. Good times.
Roller Derby says
Roman Hippodrome in Harford County with Ben Hur recreations!!!
Kharn says
Exactly how many chariots do you think there are in Edgewood? It would take more than two horses to pull an Escalade…
Vladimir Symernav says
Comrades… The internet is the only place you have to let complete strangers know you have Masters Degree to get your 2 cents in.
cracker in Edgewood after dark says
Please stop, you’re hurting my feelings!
Befuddled says
Amazing, every article like this has comments that go just like this… Innocent people hit by cars compared to lifelong criminals being killed, these circumstances aren’t remotely comparable… really? Whenever I hear of a life taken, be it from being hit by a car, a shooting, or drug overdose, I think of the family’s grief and a life never to be lived, be it to turn around and reform or not. It’s always tragic… but to call for more programs? That’s where my hair stands up on the back of my neck and I become livid. The taxpayers of the County and State have certainly paid for enough programs, programs that obviously, with the violent crime and death rate rising, are not making any difference. It’s about personal responsibility, accountability. If someone doesn’t want to be a part of the criminal community…. then DON’T… it IS that simple… law abiding citizens who get up and go to work make that choice every day… to NOT be a part of that lifestyle. We don’t need more programs, we need to learn how to make better life choices. No program is going to teach anyone that… all they do is rape the taxpayers of funds better left in their pockets so that they might educate their own children to go and live a decent life…. at some point we really must stop assuming responsibility for others choices and actions through hand outs that we hope will be utilized for a greater good… that obviously isn’t what is happening in the long run. These County and State funded programs are bleeding law abiding, hard working citizens to death…. and making them angry beyond repair. All you have to do is read the comments above to see that! Quit crying for more, we’re about bled dry!!!!! Then where will you get your programs??? Get an education, that’s free, get a job, work hard every day, and stay away from criminal activity and in all likelihood you’ll live and contribute (bleed) like the rest of us until you’re angry too…
Vladimir Symernav says
You forgot to mention about your multiple PH.D’s and your income tax bracket.
I's is mo edumacated soes i's right says
I have 3 degrees from the University of Phoenix along with some cool socks and I also stayed at a Holiday Inn.
Soul Crusher says
Don’t you mean Holiday Inn Express?!? LMOL
Ed says
When will they post the help wanted add for this position? We need to get another Yo a job to get them off welfare.
kristal Jones says
This guy was a gang banger, and drug dealer, call it like you see it gangs+drugs= not a good day.
Mike Welsh says
“…= not a good day.”
All depends on how you look at it.
hank says
It’s not all areas of Edgewood that are bad. I spent Sat. afternoon at Flying Point Park. Just beautiful. I wish these articles would identify the sections of Edgewood where it’s happening. There are bad areas, I know that, but it’s not everywhere.
Will says
Willoughby wankers unite to take back Edgewood!