The blotter is compiled from records of calls for service received by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. The records are reviewed and prepared for publication by Dagger staff. They do not include records from municipal or state law enforcement agencies.
A caller from the 600 block of Hazy Dawn Drive reported suspicious teenagers wearing ski masks Friday.
A caller from the 4800 block of Atlas Cedar Way reported a suspicious person Friday.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard reported theft of items from a store Friday.
A caller from the 200 block of Mayberry Drive reported a burglary Friday.
A caller from the 4500 block of Philadelphia Road reported an assault Friday.
A caller from the 200 block of Mayberry Drive reported Friday a person who had been banned was trespassing.
A caller from the 1500 block of Carsins Run Road reported Friday a suspicious person or situation.
A caller from the 1300 block of South Philadelphia Boulevard reported Friday the caller’s wife stole his money.
A caller from the 200 block of Forest Green Road reported a burning complaint Friday.
A caller from the 3800 block of West Chapel Road reported a disorderly person Saturday.
A caller from the area of Heathland Trail and Millar Road reported a suspicious person or situation Saturday.
A caller from the 1600 block of Perryman Road reported Saturday a tablet had been stolen the previous week.
A caller from the 1400 block of Garcia Court reported a suspicious man running through the woods Sunday.
A caller from the 1400 block of South Philadelphia Boulevard reported Sunday a person was moving out and a landlord was being disorderly.
A caller from the 1300 block of Tralee Circle reported Sunday someone had attempted to break into the caller’s location.
A caller from the 1900 block of Perryman Road reported Sunday a person was in the caller’s residence the previous night with a gun.
A caller from the 1000 block of Cross Lane reported Friday a vehicle was taken without the caller’s permission.
A caller from the 400 block of Callander Way reported a suspicious situation Friday.
A caller from the 2800 block of Longfellow Court reported Friday a hit and run accident occurred overnight.
A caller form the 400 block of Callander Way reported Friday the caller may have taken a dog heartworm pill.
A caller from the area of Route 24 and Singer Road reported an accident Friday.
A caller from the area of Abingdon Road and Henry Harford Drive reported Friday a worker struck a gas main.
A caller from the area of Route 924 and Old Emmorton Road reported an injured deer Friday.
A caller from the 3000 block of Emmorton Road reported theft Friday.
A caller from the 2900 block of Haddington Court reported a burglary to a residence Friday.
A caller from the area of Valley Forge Way and Federal Lane reported Friday vehicles were not stopping at a stop sign.
A caller from the 400 block of Crisfield Drive reported theft of three handguns Friday.
A caller from the 2500 block of Kenna Court reported a suspicious person Friday.
A caller from the 3400 block of Emmorton Road reported theft Friday.
A caller from the 700 block of Scottish Isle Drive reported two men soliciting in an area it wasn’t permitted.
A caller from the area of South Tollgate Road and Singer Road reported suspicious men in the traffic circle Friday.
A caller from the 2500 block of Laurel Bush Road reported disorderly solicitors in the caller’s area Friday.
A caller from the area of Longley Road and Long Bar Harbor Road reported a suspicious older Saturn with multiple people and possible drug activity Friday.
A caller from Wegmans Boulevard reported an accident Friday.
A caller from the 3000 block of Saint Clair Drive reported Friday the caller could hear someone in a parking lot yelling for help.
A caller from the 3100 block of Cardinal Way reported a suspicious vehicle in a drive Saturday.
A caller from the 4000 block of Timothy Drive reported Saturday finding drugs outside.
A caller from the 2900 block of Strathaven Lane reported dirtbikes on the roadway Saturday.
A caller from the 3100 block of Freestone Court reported Saturday a woman was making harassing telephone calls.
A caller from the 3800 block of Baker Avenue reported vandalism to plants Saturday.
A caller from the 3800 block of Longley Road reported a juvenile complaint Saturday.
A caller from the 3800 block of Longley Road reported dogs fighting Saturday.
A caller from the 800 block of Tiffany Trail reported Saturday a vehicle was blocking a driveway.
A caller from the 300 block of Windy Laurel Drive reported Sunday people were trying to break into an equipment box.
A caller from the 4000 block of Philadelphia Road reported Sunday the caller could hear people behind a bar.
A caller from the 500 block of Doefield Court reported harassment Sunday.
A caller from the area of Raking Leaf Drive and Four Seasons Drive reported a parking complaint Sunday.
A caller from the 2900 block of Auden Court reported Sunday tires were slashed on a vehicle.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard reported Sunday a dog was locked in a vehicle.
A caller from the 3800 block of Baker Avenue reported vandalism Sunday.
A caller from the 4000 block of East Baker Avenue reported theft of a license place Sunday.
A caller from the area of Route 24 and Singer Road reported a hit and run accident Sunday.
A caller from the area of Route 7 and Abingdon Road reported a traffic offense Sunday.
A caller from Kensington Parkway reported hearing shots fired Sunday.
A caller from Kensington Parkway reported Sunday an unknown man pepper sprayed the caller.
A caller from the 3800 block of Longley Road reported theft of medications Sunday.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard reported a suspicious person or situation Sunday.
A caller from the area of Crisfield Drive and South Tollgate Road East reported two suspicious vehicles Sunday.
Bel Air
A caller from the 1700 block of Chesterfield Square reported a suspicious person being loud Friday.
A caller from the 200 block of Bel Air Road reported Friday the caller was being chased by a yellow Nissan.
A caller from Country Ridge Circle reported a suspicious vehicle Friday.
A caller from the 100 block of Royal Oak Drive reported a possible burglary Friday.
A caller from the 200 block of Thomas Run Road reported theft Friday.
A caller from the 2500 block of Conowingo Road reported theft of prescription medications Friday.
A caller from the 2500 block of Conowingo Road reported theft Friday.
A caller from South Main Street reported a fall injury Friday.
A caller from the area of Sunningdale Way and Glenangus Drive reported a man trespassing Friday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Scottsdale Drive reported fraud Friday.
A caller from the 200 block of Fairwood Road reported Saturday the caller received harassing telephone calls.
A caller from the 900 block of Richwood Road reported Friday two kids were using an airsoft gun.
A caller from the 1100 block of Royston Place reported Friday someone was throwing trash in a common area.
A caller from Twelve Stones Road reported a suspicious person or situation Friday.
A caller from the 500 block of Upper Chesapeake Drive reported an animal bite Friday.
A caller from the 900 block of Gainsborough Court reported Friday the caller’s bicycle had been stolen.
A caller from the area of Vale Road and Brentwood Park Drive reported Friday either losing or finding property.
A caller from the 700 block of Farnham Place reported Friday a woman had been assaulted.
A caller from the area of Gainsborough Court and Brentwood Park reported a suspicious man talking to a young boy Friday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Rock Spring Road reported Friday two people were attempting to get protective orders against one another.
A caller from the 1500 block of Murray Place reported Friday juveniles were making a lot of noise.
A caller from the 900 block of Sablewood Road reported alcohol poisoning Saturday.
A caller from the 400 block of Harrison Court reported Saturday someone was yelling about taking a purse.
A caller from the 300 block of Point to Point Road reported a man refusing to leave Saturday.
A caller from the 2600 block of Conowingo Road reported a suspicious person or situation Saturday.
A caller from the 900 block of East MacPhail Road reported vandalism to a mailbox Saturday.
A caller from the area of East Ring Factory Road and Emmorton Road reported an accident blocking traffic Saturday.
A caller from the 500 block of Plumtree Road reported Saturday a person refused to leave.
A caller from the 2300 block of Thomas Run Road reported theft of a rifle Saturday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Corinthian Court reported people soliciting without permission Saturday.
A caller from the 600 block of Fox Bow Drive reported telephone harassment Saturday.
A caller from the 900 block of Pentwood Road reported theft of a wallet Saturday.
A caller from the 1000 block of South Main Street reported “something” laying in the road Saturday.
A caller from Bel Air South Parkway reported Saturday an accident.
A caller from the 1800 block of Oxford Square reported a person violating a peace order Saturday.
A caller from the area of Plumtree Road and Gumtree Terrace reported a large television had been left on an unpaved portion of the road Saturday.
A caller from the area of Saint Andrews Way and Starmount Court reported skateboarders in the roadway Saturday.
A caller from Meadow Springs Drive reported a disturbance with a neighbor Saturday.
A caller from the area of Vale Road and Ipswitch Drive reported an animal complaint Saturday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Runnymede Lane reported Saturday hearing shots fired.
A caller from the 700 block of North Tollgate Road reported a suspicious person or situation Saturday.
A caller from the area of Country Home Road and North Tollgate Road reported a suspicious person or situation Saturday.
A caller from the 2500 block of South Tollgate Road reported a suspicious person or situation Saturday.
A caller from the 2500 block of Conowingo Road reported a possible burglary Saturday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Eugenia Way reported Saturday someone had gone through the caller’s property.
A caller from the 1300 block of Saint Francis Road reported a large burn at a townhouse behind the caller’s residence Saturday.
A caller from the 1300 block of North Fountain Green Road reported an armed person Sunday.
A caller from the 900 block of Garland Court reported a suspicious vehicle in front of the caller’s location Sunday.
A caller from South Main Street reported finding property including credit cards Sunday.
A caller from the 900 block of Pentwood Road reported theft Sunday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Handlir Drive reported an accident with injuries Sunday.
A caller from the 200 block of East Ring Factory Road reported a hit and run accident Sunday.
A caller from the 400 block of Campus Hills Drive reported Sunday trespassing.
A caller from the 600 block of Hoagie Drive reported a traffic offense Sunday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Blue Bird Court reported Sunday the caller’s wife fell and broke her foot.
A caller from the 2200 block of Gelding Way reported either losing or finding property Sunday.
A caller from Bel Air South Parkway reported Sunday an iPhone had been stolen.
A caller from the 2300 block of Churchville Road reported an animal locked in a vehicle parked in a handicap space Sunday.
A caller from the 100 block of Royal Oak Drive reported drugs in use Sunday.
A caller from the 700 block of Churchville Road reported a suspicious person or situation Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Gates Head Drive reported Sunday the caller’s daughter was being threatened.
A caller from the 400 block of Thomas Run Road reported a person trespassing and drinking Sunday.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Church Creek Road reported Friday a man was sleeping on a playground.
A caller from the 1300 block of Policy Drive reported an accident Friday.
A caller from the area of Declaration Circle and Jamison Court reported finding a three year old child Saturday.
A caller from the 4300 block of Winners Circle reported a parking complaint Saturday.
A caller from the 4300 block of Declaration Circle reported telephone harassment Saturday.
A caller from the area of Policy Drive and Procedure Way reported an accident Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Belcamp Road reported a suspicious person or situation Sunday.
A caller from the 4200 block of Lytle Way reported Sunday a fence had been spray painted.
A caller from the 4300 block of Cowan Place reported Sunday documents had been taken from a vehicle.
A caller from the 1200 block of Collier Lane reported Sunday a child in a house with three or more pitbulls might have been too young to be there alone.
A caller from Church Creek Road reported Sunday a woman was allowing juveniles to smoke.
A caller from the 3300 block of Cool Branch Road reported Friday the caller found two small children’s bicycles on the side of the road.
A caller from the 100 block of Country View Court reported Friday unauthorized use of a vehicle.
A caller from the 2800 block of Churchville Road reported an accident Saturday.
A caller from the area of Route 22 and Asbury Road reported Sunday the caller struck a deer.
A caller from the 1800 block of Poole Road reported Friday a four-wheeler had been stolen.
A caller from the 4000 block of Conowingo Road reported Saturday a man in the woods behind a trailer was involved in drug activity.
A caller from Shures Landing Road reported theft Sunday.
A caller from the area of Route 136 and Route 440 reported a suspicious man in front of a business Sunday.
A caller from the area of Brookside Drive and Top View Drive reported hearing someone screaming in a wooded area Friday.
A caller from the 800 block of Edgewood Road reported a suspicious person or situation Friday.
A caller from the 600 block of Harbour Oak Drive reported Friday a person was lying in the caller’s driveway.
A caller from the 1900 block of Brookside Drive reported Friday a suspicious white truck had been in a parking lot all night.
A caller from the area of Waltman Road and Hanson Road reported a parking complaint Friday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Van Bibber Road reported Friday a vehicle had been vandalized overnight.
A caller from the 500 block of Jamestown Court reported a parking complaint Friday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Cedar Drive reported theft of an air conditioning unit Friday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Pulaski Highway reported harassment Friday.
A caller from the 900 block of Swallow Crest Court reported Friday a drug deal was going on.
A caller from the area of Route 40 and Gateway Road reported Friday two juveniles were riding a dirtbike in and out of the road.
A teenage girl from the 1000 block of Agate Drive reported Friday she wanted to be arrested so her mother couldn’t punish her.
A caller from the 1800 block of Pulaski Highway reported vandalism Friday.
A caller from Crimson Tree Court reported a suspicious person or situation Friday.
A caller from the 2000 block of Hanson Road reported juveniles jumping fences Friday.
A caller from the 500 block of Meadowood Drove reported Friday a person who had been banned was refusing to leave the caller’s area.
A caller from Carroll Avenue reported Friday adults were giving children alcohol.
A caller from the 1400 block of Harford Square Drive reported Friday five to seven people were being disorderly.
A caller from the 1900 block of Sidnee Drive reported Friday juveniles were breaking outdoor lights.
A caller from Edgewood Road reported Friday a vehicle had gone off the road.
A caller from the area of Willoughby Beach Road and Laburnum Road reported two loose pitbulls Saturday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Harford Square Drive reported theft of a newspaper Saturday.
A caller from the 400 block of Trimble Fields Drive reported a fall injury Saturday.
A caller from the 600 block of Holly Avenue reported a possible drugs transaction Saturday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Pulaski Highway reported a traffic offense Saturday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Waltman Road reported trespassers in a yard Saturday.
A caller from the 3100 block of Ebbtide Drive reported Saturday three rings had been stolen.
A caller from the 1700 block of Fountain Rock Way reported Saturday the caller had just been assaulted.
A caller from the 1900 block of Steven Drive reported Saturday eight people were outside and being disorderly.
A caller from the area of Hanson Road and Meadowood Drive reported Saturday juveniles were causing a disturbance.
A caller from the 500 block of Edgewood Road reported theft of a case of beer Saturday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Pulaski Highway reported a suspicious person or situation Sunday.
A caller from the area of Eloise Lane and Brookside Drive complained Sunday of people playing basketball.
A caller from the 1700 block of Edgewood Road reported Sunday a large fight outside of a bar.
A caller from the 1700 block of Trimble Road reported a suspicious person or situation Sunday.
A caller from the 3100 block of Sounding Drive complained Sunday of people talking and laughing loudly on a porch.
A caller from the 2000 block of Magnolia Woods Court reported Sunday someone was fighting with the caller’s boyfriend.
A caller from the 1300 block of Harford Square Drive reported an accident Sunday.
A caller from the area of Route 24 and the railroad overpass reported someone trespassing on train tracks Sunday.
A caller from the 800 block of Windstream Way reported an argument involving a landlord Sunday.
A caller from the 200 block of Kennard Avenue reported Sunday the caller’s son broke into a house.
A caller from the 600 block of Edgewood Road reported Sunday a woman was arguing with the caller.
A caller from the 1700 block of Meadowood Court reported a fight in progress Sunday.
A caller from the 2000 block of Rockwell Street reported Sunday a man was masturbating in front of the caller’s window.
A caller from the 500 block of Edgewood Road reported a disorderly person Sunday.
A caller from the 200 block of Heritage Throne Way reported a suspicious vehicle at the end of a cul-de-sac Sunday.
A caller from the 400 block of Barnsby Court reported Sunday a man was fighting the caller.
A caller from the 100 block of Milton Avenue reported a parking complaint Friday.
A caller from the area of Route 1 and Fallston Boulevard reported an accident Friday.
A caller from the area of Guyton Road and Bottom Road reported an accident Friday.
A caller from the 2800 block of Cross Country Court reported Saturday an intoxicated man was attempting to drive.
A caller from the 2800 block of Cross Country Court reported an accident with injuries Sunday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Laurel Brook Road reported a vehicle in a ditch Sunday.
A caller from the 2000 block of Connolly Road reported a civil dispute Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Marquis Court reported an animal bite Sunday.
A caller from the area of Route 1 and Route 152 reported a suspicious person or situation Sunday.
A caller from the 500 block of Millwood Drive reported aggressive dogs loose Sunday.
Forest Hill
A caller from Forest Valley Drive reported a suspicious person or situation Friday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Rock Spring Road reported a suspicious person or situation Friday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Balsam Court reported Friday the window to a convertible was missing.
A caller from the 2200 block of Tory Way reported a possible party at the caller’s location Friday.
A caller from the area of West Jarrettsville Road and Grafton Shop Road reported Saturday a black cow was on the side of the road.
A caller from the 100 block of Marshall Drive reported burglary Saturday.
A caller from Putnam Road reported a tree down in the road Saturday.
A caller from the area of Mardic Drive and Spenceola Parkway reported Sunday two men were chasing another man.
A caller from the 1900 block of Munsey Drive reported Sunday a two year old child swallowed scar cream.
A caller from the 300 block of Bynum Road reported Sunday a vehicle was missing from the caller’s location.
A caller from the area of Creston Drive and Montford Drive reported Sunday a person riding an ATV was harassing the caller.
Havre de Grace
A caller from the 1800 block of Pulaski Highway reported a suspicious person Friday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Deths Ford Rad reported an accident Friday that occurred the previous week.
A caller from the area of Sherwood Lane and Robin Hood Road reported telephone lines were down Friday.
A caller from the area of Route 40 and Martha Lewis Boulevard reported a drugs complaint Friday.
A caller from Locust Street reported Saturday people outside were arguing.
A caller from Locust Street reported a disorderly person Sunday.
A caller from Stafford Road reported a tree across the roadway Sunday.
A caller from Stafford Road reported a vehicle in a ditch Sunday.
A caller from the area of Chapel Road and Earlton Road reported Sunday a deer had been struck but was still alive.
A caller from the 1500 block of North Bend Road reported an accident Friday.
A caller from the 1500 block of North Bend Road reported an accident with injuries Friday.
A walk-in to the Northern Precinct reported theft Friday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported internet fraud Friday.
A caller from the 2300 block of Northcliff Drive reported hearing shots fired Saturday.
A caller from the 2300 block of Northcliff Drive reported three suspicious vehicles Sunday.
A caller from the 4100 block of Federal Hill Road reported a suspicious person or situation Sunday.
A caller from the 3800 block of Norrisville Road reported Sunday an altercation between parents.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported theft Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Friday lotto tickets had been stolen from a gas station and a winning ticket had been cashed in.
A caller from the 1100 block of Mountain Road reported a parking complaint Friday.
A caller from the 500 block of Joppa Farm Road reported theft Friday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Friday the caller found a wallet in Aberdeen.
A caller from the 500 block of Renee Drive reported a fall injury Friday.
A caller from the 900 block of Pulaski Highway reported a suspicious person or situation Friday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Pulaski Highway reported a suspicious person or situation Saturday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Mountain Road reported a disorderly person Saturday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported theft of jewelry Saturday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Saturday a car business was selling too many cars without a dealer license.
A caller from the 700 block of Magnolia Road reported a burglary Saturday.
A caller from the 700 block of Old Joppa Road reported Saturday a person was trespassing.
A caller from the 500 block of Newberry Court reported finding drug-related items Saturday.
A caller from the area of Route 40 and Joppa Farm Road reported Saturday a beggar threw a sign at a car.
A caller from the 300 block of Trimble Road reported receiving threats Saturday.
A caller from the 500 block of Newberry Court reported a landlord tenant dispute Saturday.
A caller from the 300 block of Sheffield Court reported Saturday a dog from a property that backed to the caller’s was coming into the caller’s yard.
A caller from the 100 block of Breakwater Court reported Saturday a man was drunk and out of control.
A caller from the 1100 block of Janice Court reported Saturday the caller’s doorbell rang and then something hit the door.
A caller from the 400 block of Macintosh Circle reported a loud party and possibly a fight Sunday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Joppa Farm Road reported Sunday an accident.
A caller from the 1000 block of Erwin Drive reported gang-related graffiti written on a sidewalk Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported harassment Sunday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Ensor Drive reported a nail in a tire Sunday.
A caller from the 2600 block of Mountain Road reported possible theft of a wallet Sunday.
A caller from the 600 block of Trimble Road reported vandalism to property Sunday.
A caller from the 500 block of Trimble Road reported an accident with injuries Sunday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Joppa Farm Road reported a person harassing people for money Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported harassment via text messages Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported a burglary Sunday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported a hit and run accident Sunday.
A caller from the 500 block of Joppa Farm Road reported telephone harassment Sunday.
A caller from the area of Stockton Road and Hollingsworth Road reported a person driving under the influence Sunday.
A caller from the 400 block of Pulaski Highway reported Sunday a vehicle had been abandoned in a parking lot.
A caller from the 2400 block of Houcks Mill Road reported a suspicious vehicle Saturday.
A caller from the 2700 block of Hess Road reported a hit and run accident Saturday.
A caller from the 400 block of Busby Drive reported people outside making a lot of noise Friday.
A caller from the area of Falling Branch Road and Clermont Mill Road reported cars parked illegally Saturday.
A caller from the 4200 block of Rocks Road reported Friday two unwanted people were on a property.
A caller from the 1500 block of Poole Road reported a suspicious van in the caller’s area that had been seen several times.
A caller from the 3200 block of Lucky Drive reported Saturday a vehicle had been abandoned in a shared driveway.
A caller from the 1200 block of Macton Road reported a man fainting Sunday.
White Hall
A caller from the 3100 block of Timber Ridge Circle reported a loud party in the caller’s area Saturday.
A caller from the 4100 block of Norrisville Road reported hearing shots fired Saturday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Ridge Road reported an open burning complaint Friday.
A caller from the 4600 block of Graceton Road reported an accident with injuries Saturday. A woman’s head struck her steering wheel.
retard says
A caller from the 900 block of Richwood Road reported Friday two kids were using an airsoft gun.
Yeah, and, uh… What crime is that? Dumb
Your Governor says
They did not undergo a background check before purchasing said assault weapons
STeve says
They did not undergo a background check before purchasing said assault weapons
the gentleman says
Churchville sounds nice, if you discount the unprecedented levels of vandalism.