From Andrew Patrick:
Like many of you, I remember hearing earlier this year that teachers in Harford County were finally going to get a raise next year. So I was rather surprised to read yesterday that not only was that not going to happen, but instead 80 teacher positions would be lost, and fees created for extracurricular activities and sports. A bit of a whiplash, one might say.
I was curious to see the reason for cuts of this kind, so I spent a little time reading the budgets from the Harford Board of Ed, the County Government, and the Maryland State Board of Ed. Based on this reading, I can offer the following to Dagger Readers as the reason for cuts.
Harford County Public Schools was facing a nearly $22 million loss going into this new school year. $15 million of that was an increase in expenditure:
$6,277,736 Proposed Wage Package
$1,479,361 Increase in Teacher Pension Split
$15,026,253 Total Expenditure Increase
(Source: Harford County Public Schools Budget Office “Board of Education’s Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2014 – Revenue”)
Notice that one-third of the increase came from cost increases of health insurance for school system employees. I don’t know whether such an amount is “normal” or how much arises from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
Most of the rest was the proposed wage package, by which we assume that the School Board hoped to pay for pay increases for school system employees.
In their proposed FY 2014 Budget, the Harford County government, the Harford County government covered the $1.479 million for the Teacher Pension split, and nothing else. (Source: Harford County 2014 Proposed Operating Budget)
Additionally, the Maryland State Department of Education was decreasing its State Aid to Harford County by $4 million versus FY 2013. [Or, so the Harford Board of Education claims. According to The Maryland Department of Legislative Services, state aid to Harford Count was supposed to increase by $2,553,941. (Source: Maryland Department of Legislative Services, “Overview of State Aid to Local Governments, Fiscal 2014 Allowance”). I don’t know if this amount was only proposed or actually budgeted, so I can’t tell who is right. The County sources its numbers from a “MSDE Final Revenue Report for FY2013 and MSDE Draft Report for FY2014.” I can’t find this document on the Maryland State Department of Education Web Site, which doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I am inclined to believe the County’s numbers.]
Maryland State Aid is distributed according to a number of factors, including county wealth, enrollment, guaranteed tax base, and the like. Other counties that got decreases in state aid were Carroll, Garrett, Cecil, Calvert, Kent, St. Mary’s, and Allegany Counties. Every other Local Education Area got an increase in state aid. Prince George’s County received the largest increase: nearly $35 million, a 4% increase. Harford got the largest decrease in dollar terms. (Source: Harford County Public Schools Budget Office – Change in State of Maryland Funding by County.)
Combine the expenditure increase with the revenue loss, and one can easily see why the Board of Education felt that belt-tightening was in order. Whether the Board really needed to eliminate teacher positions, as opposed to administration positions or other costs, is a separate question.
Cut more, everywhere says
Glad to see some government belt tightening. Stop paying your union dues if you all need more money. After all look what it got you. Cut more, Cut more Cut more
Jesse says
Yeah, those evil teachers breaking the bank with their salaries and their union dues!
Are you that ignorant?
LazyDog says
Good point, though. What if the teachers refused to pay their Union Dues?
What would happen? Would it possibly save them some money? From what I have been reading, their Union is failing them miserably.
Who is it, Burbey? What qualifies him to be in that position? Teachers should hold a vote of no confidence.
Also, if they have a contract for annual step increases – then why on Earth are they not suing for breach of contract?
Am I missing something?
spy says
The part that you are missing in the area of teacher union dues is the coverage of insurance for teachers in case of lawsuits (malpractice insurance). That is a big part of why I pay my union dues. Teachers need to be protected in case of wrongful lawsuits.
Kharn says
The contract has a clause stating that steps are not required to be paid if funding is not available.
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
I am *not* a Burbey fan, but these issues pre-date his tenure at the head of the union. He gets a lot of the blame, but he inherited a lot of this….
Bel Air Fed says
Not one teacher speaking before council or boe that I viewed mentioned the state government cutting funding to Harford. They also did not mention the state dumping teacher pensions on the county. Speak truth- MOM and the Dem controlled State House screwed Harford and other Republican counties. Why do a good many teachers just refuse to put the blame where it really starts – the State of Maryland and MOM.
Accountability says
The blame goes much further up the food chain than just MOM. We have a nation of mispent funds from the top level to the bottom with pork funding from both sides of the aisle.
federal – state – local
annyone says
Let me tell you. My position was cut, I had good evals. My family will receive healthcare until the end of August. After that I am on my own. Was I expecting it, no. Right now many other counties have completed their hiring process. I live in HC and have kids in public school. Regardless of fees charged by the county for activities, I won’t be able to afford being a single parent. Even if magic happens and I am called back, would you work in the same building as someone who told you “it was a tough decision, we have to let you go”. I may have had some disagreements with admin at my building but I always supported them at school and in front of kids and parent, even my own kids. So for everyone who has tenure, wasn’t the last one hired, and kept opinions to themselves we are left scratching our heads. The bad thing is
annyone says
I won’t be able to say goodbye to students that I wanted to. This will leave a bad taste in my mouth about this county. I will be known, if called back, as the teacher who was let go and not for my accomplishments.
Brian says
If called back you will be known as the teacher with a job!
While it is sad you had to go through this you need to understand that were treated much more humanely then most in the private sector. The first time I lost my job I was called into the office told I was part of a group being let go in a cost saving move, was asked for my id badge and company phone right then in the meeting. I was then escorted by security to my desk where I picked up my belongings and was out of the building. BTW I was not a threat, that is often the way it happens in the real world.
What you went through it miserable, but as is often the case with public employees you faced a more bearable situation then a private sector employee.
Because says
So because her pain was somehow more endurable than yours, it’s somehow better or Ok?
Kharn says
I’m conflicted on it.
As the face of HCPS to students, parents, etc, HCPS wants to ensure there are as few disgruntled teachers as possible so their work efforts will continue, so, they want to give as little warning as possible when school is in session. On the other side, employees deserve as much notice as possible so they can get their finances in order and also begin searching for a new position (especially in a structured hiring environment like schools). Really the only happy medium is severance packages, but given the current state of HCPS finances, I really doubt those are being offered.
I’ve had subs pink slip the crews working on my site before the work was done, making the final two week push to completion an absolute nightmare as the workers spent all day complaining and moaning about the job being over instead of actually working. Informing teachers while students are still in the building would have been an even bigger disaster.
Reality Checker says
Some teachers were informed during the middle of the day and then had to face their kids while wearing a happy face.
Kharn says
That is total BS on leadership’s part. The teachers have 3 days of in-service this week after the students left that could have been used for the task.
Sam says
State law mandates that people be told of reductions by a certain date, hence this timeline. Also how could you expect teachers to be informed earlier if the school system didn’t have an approved budget until this past Monday. Blame the citizens on this one since the november election referendum to give the council more time to pass the budget passed.
The Hard Life says
If the extent of a nightmare in your life is a few guys about to lose their job griping about it then good luck when something real happens.
The Hard Life
Kharn says
The Hard Life:
Repeat business is much easier than drumming up new business. Penalties for late delivery or poor performance hurt the bottom line, plus they can be an important factor when future bids are under consideration, endangering the entire company.
background says
whats your background in teaching I maybe able to help?
Samuel says
Glad your position got cut. Probably because you are on here bitching all the time. Id Fire you too.
annyone says
Maybe because I have everything always graded and planned ahead of time, I have time to be on here like you Sam.
spy says
Sam, what a horrible thing to say! Karma will come back to haunt you. Annyone, so sorry to hear that you lost a position. It is heartbreaking that anyone should have to go through this. We lost 3 teachers at our school; really good people and excellent teachers. I wonder if the public really understands what this means for our children and the education system. Unfortunately, this may be what it takes to make the citizens and voters of Harford County to wake up and begin to value education.
A Liberal says
You are a cold-hearted, narcissist, moron.
Pamela says
What a horrible shame! I have lived in Harford County all my life and it has just continued to go downhill. Harford County and the state of Maryland is so screwed up. Teachers and giving our children a quality education with reasonable class sizes is not on the priority list. Gay marriage, no death penalty, gas tax, rain tax, what next? Thank you OweMalley and NoBama!
annyone says
Add to it that I specifically moved to HC because I grew up here and enjoyed school so much, I wanted my children to also.
BJ says
I hope you didn’t teach English!
Accountability says
I don’t doubt that you voted for the Craig but now are lamenting his choices.
You get what you elect.
Craig used the county for his own purposes and now you blame Obama?
Drink some more coffee and wake up to smell what you’re posting.
TR says
Why do you blame Craig. The County gave more money despite the fact that enrollment fell from last year. The state cut funding to HCPS by $3 million, but nobody seems to care about that.
The real issue here is that the school system has done a terrible job of preparing to cope with declining enrollment. They have known this was coming for years. It is incredible that HCPS had 650 more employees than they did eight years ago despite the fact that enrollment declined by 2,300.
Accountability says
Bring in a county exec who has no aspiration further than being a good county exec and you’ll see the difference.
He can influence and work with the school board but antagonistic and strong headed behaviours are becoming the expected norm in America for politicians in higher offices. Craig is just readying his public image for the next step.
spy says
This is a county that has not valued education for years, before O’Bama, O’Malley, or Craig. I think that this is something that most people do not realize. Before I became a teacher, my children attended HCPS and I worked to help my children’s teachers in and out of the classroom. I advocated for pay increases then; I am happy to have a job now. I know that there is no more money for raises, but it is more important to do our best for our children.
I voted for Craig because I thought he was a friend to education. I know these are hard times, but Craig let us down by not looking for other ways to support HCPS. Instead, he passes the buck to O’Malley. What makes him think that he will ever be governor of this state when he cannot even support his own county? Shame on him.
MOM says
When it comes to gubernatorial races when is the last time Harford County made a difference?
Craig can screw everyone at home while touting fiscal credentials on the statewide stage and proclaiming Borwn to be another tax and spend O’Malley clone.
It was all very calculated and Harford County residents suffered for Craig’s hubris.
Bel Air Fed says
state of Maryland cut funding to Harford schools from 220 million to 192 million – knock off the Craig bashing – your Celtic clown of a governor and his minions have to share the load of this travesty being dumped on teachers.
Bel Air Fed in bed with Craig says
The Celtic clown and the Backwoods bastard would make good running mates.
Bikeman says
Teachers should bike to work. They’d be healthier and would save some gas money.
RC says
My small private sector company had a 21% increase in healthcare costs just this year and that is above the increase that hit us because of our average age rate that also increased. Belt tightening is in order many places. The best alternative to deficit spending.
Luther Lingus says
35% increase on my company and a ton of new intrusive paperwork
it will cost me more to give healthcare to the lazy bastards who won’t get off their ass and work
Because says
The best alternative to deficit spending is also increasing revenue. Sorry you forgot that.
brianc says
Because, RC has a small private company as do I; we just can’t reach into your pocket and grab some cash like you suggest, like the gov can do. We have to increase sales and many times in order to increase sales, expenses are increased: advertising, overtime, etc. Therefore sometimes we “tighten the belt” during lean times. Sorry you don’t know that, when you start signing the front of checks–you can offer advice……….
Because says
I write checks all the time, I also work to increase my revenue stream. Sure it costs money, but if you want increased revenue you have to work harder or smarter. There is no question cutting unneeded expenses is also a good choice, but for all your accusations of fat in the system that can be trimmed, many times those programs you seek to eliminate are someone else pet project and have an equal political or personal backing to counter your own opposition
brianc says
Okay I agree with what you are saying. You say “if you want increased revenue you have to work harder or smarter” However, let’s change the word “revenue” to “results” it will be most appropriate for teachers next year, since there will be less of them to do the same amount of work… But the union and even administrators are suggesting going the work to rule route. Which is a nice way to say “do the bare minimum you have to.”
Because says
Please don’t try to appeal to anyone’s sense of responsibility to do their best job possible while facing criticism from people who have no appreciation for the hours they put in that are not compensated. Satisfying your unrealistic demands is simply a form of enabling behavior. You are not entitled to anything more than what they are obligated to provide by contract.
No Money For You says
Why is it that when the board and council follow the contract to the letter of the law (not funding step increases) it is perfectly acceptable. But when the teachers do it (refuse to work non-contracted hours for free) they are mocked and called all sorts of names?
Better still, why is it that when teachers no longer agree to work for free they are called greedy, while the people who demand they work for free aren’t? Who is more greedy, the person who demands something for free and throws a fit when they don’t get it or the person they are demanding it from?
Accountability says
or maybe cutting a few governement employees from all levels instead of just picking the low hanging fruit
Reggie says
And yet every county that was listed who received reduced funding from the state level found the funds to give teachers salary increases. Every one, do the research. Every one but Harford. Which goes to show – people at the top don’t know how to manage funds.
mk77 says
Exactly… Harford wasn’t the only county to have to deal with rising healthcare costs (which always happen… I’ve never worked at a job where they decreased year to year) or other expenditures. Perhaps the entire budget needs to be looked at and we can see what is important and not important to the county. Maybe the question should be asked are there other areas in the county budget that can be cut. It seems year after year the county seems to balance the budget on the back of education. Keep in mind the only raise teachers received was when the county was forced after being found to be negotiating in bad faith. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the county government there.
Accountability says
HarCo’s glorious leader believes that by showing iron handed control over his county he will be able to advance to the governership. He has used the county as a stepping stone without regard for its’ residents. Harford County is not an anomaly it is an example created by Craig of what he wil do to the state if elected governor. This will of course not happen as he has overplayed his hand and outside of HarCo it will look like mismanagement pure and simple.
He sold out the residents for his own perceived political gain.
He is if course a politician just like MOM.
You get what you elect.
EPIC FAIL!!! says
Did the Price is Right losing horn sound over the announcement system at all schools the last day or what?
Brian says
Quick lesson on how the gov’t works. The gov’t does not make money the gov’t takes money. So when somebody short sighted person above said raise revenue, that only happens by raising taxes. For now I am tired of living in a state that only knows how to raise taxes, err excuse me ‘fees’.
Sadly the teachers are facing a tough time, I do feel for them cause it has to have a negative affect. Many have yelled about David Craig not providing more money in the education budget, so you understand that means rasinging taxes. I have heard nothing about Gov. MO’M passing the pension money down to the counties. I have heard nothing about the disaster that is ObamaCare and what it is doing to our health care cost. BTW mine went up 24% this year, but I pay it happily because it is my job to take care of my family.
We have a lot of work to do in this county, state and country.
Accountability says
The government prints money to the tune of 80 billion dollars a month right out of thin air.
This is not a democrat or republican problem, it is a problem with the whole damn political system of no accountability that has only gotten worse over the last few decades.
Harford County had the funds without the need to raise taxes but Craig is just trying to set the stage for his next leap to glory.
I have no doubt the sheeple will continue to elect and support candidates soley on the basis of the letter behind their name so expect more of the same from all levels of governement for the forseeable future.
Ehrlich was the “king of fees”
MOM is the “prince of thieves”
Craig is the “prince John of HarCo forest”
Otto Schmidlap says
State-level Dems keep buying votes by playing Santa Claus with our money and there is nothing left for the non-parasites among us.
Soul Crusher says
Republican or Democrat, the kids need an education and judging by the current situation, Santa Claus isn’t coming to town. As for you being a non-parasite, I’ll let your constituents answer that because I think you’re a jack ass.
B says
Again, the jackass represents the Democratic Party.
Soul Crusher says
I didn’t mean it in a political way, I really think he’s a Jack Ass.
Sam Adams says
Not buying it. The proposed teacher raise was 1.4% of the operating budget. Someone want to claim that there is not at least 1.4% of complete waste in the $420 million budget? Our school system is running so lean and mean that every dollar being spent translates into teaching students? Students are taught by teachers, not by smartboards, instructional facilitators, another curriculum change, hvac systems, a communications staff, policy wonks, mentors, evaluation development, trainers, another coat of wax on the floors, etc., etc., etc. Teachers are at the front of the line in the intellectual, and often social, development of students and should be first in line when resources get allocated. Plan and simple. As a fiscal conservative, I want my tax dollars spent wisely. Spending it on actual teaching is wise; the other stuff is of lesser priority. Craig is no fiscal conservative, he is just a poor manager and a second rate polictician.
Accountability says
“Craig is no fiscal conservative, he is just a poor manager and a second rate polictician.”
someone gets it
Craig does not directly control allocation of end funding but as exec he has great influence that he does not exercise as it serves no purpose to his long term agenda.
FED UP! says
Bravo Sam Adams!!!!!
No Money For You says
I’ve long said: there’s not much money in teaching, but there’s plenty of money in education!
annyone says
No one is in it for the money. Do what you love. It is said those that can’t do X, teach. What about teachers? Those that can’t teach, teach?
K says
Thank you Andrew Patrick for your time spent analyzing the data and then reporting on your findings. I am appreciative!
The Captain says
So the County eliminates teachers, but creates a job for the Director of Administration’s son-in-law????
HazCo says
Did you expect differently???
annyone says
You would be surprised who is related to whom throughout the school system. There are several teachers and administrators related some way through blood or marriage.
How Can They Afford That??? says
At our meeting today we were told we had to save all our files from our computer hard drives because all the machines were going to be upgraded to Windows 7 this summer. HUH???
And we were also told they are going to start putting wireless internet into the schools. WHAT???
How in the h*%$ can they afford to put Windows 7 on thousands of computers, and how the h*&% can they afford wireless internet? Better still, why do they even need this???
Now you’ll excuse me…I’m going out to blow the money I have to pay the mortgage for the next year on a new sportscar.
Kharn says
Windows XP will be unsupported within 12 months (no more patches, driver support, etc), so upgrading the computers before that date will mean no interuptions for the schools mid-year.
Wireless networking isn’t very expensive, it would take less than $5k in hardware to cover an average high school, while opening the school up to laptops, tablets, etc for students and staff.
Kharnage says
Kharn is actually agreeing with something the school system spent money on?
annyone says
When these upgrades are done, often, students can’t update at home. So if they work on something at school and save it to work on it at home, they can’t because it was saved at a higher level of program.
Kharn says
Then set all school computers to default to open document formats, and give students instructions on how to download OpenOffice.
Luther Lingus says
Who is the director of information systems for Harford county public schools?
Only an idiot would waste millions on updating single machines from xp to windows 7. These machines are on 32-bit platforms that will be completely obsolete in a few years. These machines all need virus clients and client licenses to operate and I would bet there are thousands of machines in their network.
For a real cost saving solution they should goto a Dell WYSE solutions for all their workstations. They can be managed from a central location and update from a cloud server solution. The machines are basically dumb-terminals with internet, email and spreadsheet processing capability. They look and act like standard pcs but with much less cost to operate as they have no hard drives, etc.
That change alone (and its cost savings) would keep most of the teachers on the payroll.
Kharn says
Deploying a new Wyse system would require significant investments in hardware, and converting to one at this time (with the current hardware) would be very time intensive. A gradual roll out would be easier (and would be used in a commercial enterprise), as older computers are replaced, but schools do not have the speed of turnover in hardware to make that a good plan either.
HCPS teacher says
Actually, the cost to set up the wireless network is about $100,000 in infrastructure costs. I spoke to person involved with setting it up. Government isn’t all that great at doing things cheaply. In addition, the computers at many schools don’t have the memory necessary to run Windows 7. This has been discovered the hard way as computers kept crashing after it was installed. They will be looking at more money to upgrade the hardware to meet the needs of the software.
Soul Crusher says
Wireless networks are convenient and if you have the internet connection already ran to the classroom, which I assume they do as they are using the internet in classrooms already, it costs about $320 for a decent modem/wireless router with an additional access point and anyone with a basic understanding of computers can hook it up in about 10 minutes. Keep in mind the cost of the modem/router with an additional access point that I’m stating is one that will allow about 32 connections at once. That should be enough for your average class. If the Computer Teacher can’t handle hooking that up, they probably shouldn’t be teaching your kids about computers. Windows 7 should be operated with at least 2 gb of memory, preferably 4 gb, this is probably going to be the biggest expense. Once again, the technical know how to do this upgrade is very moderate. Money could definitely be saved in this department as $100,000 is an awful lot of money, but Harford County has a lot of schools. Does anyone know how many schools in Harford County have computer classes? Also, I don’t know if I would even use a wireless router system, you’ll have kids using the system with their smart phones or devices all over the school once they figure out how to hack in, which most intermediate computer users can do with about 2 hour of research on the internet. Its rather easy when someone is using a Linux system……
Cdev says
They already paid for windows 7
Jesse says
most educational orgs get microsoft licensing for next to nothing. If you’re seeing a project come to fruition, it was in last years budget.
Maintaining Windows XP in 2013 is not viable. This is not where the money is going to waste.
brianc says
Windows 7????? why would they put windows 7 on machines when windows 8 has been out??
Soul Crusher says
Windows 7 will be supported for quite a while, probably another 5 years or so…..
Bill Gates says
Yes, but why was buying Windows 7 even a consideration? Whether they paid for it this year, last year, or whenever, the budget has been tight and this is not a necessity for teaching or learning.
Sam says
Duh you have to be reasonable in keeping the technology infrastructure somewhat up to date otherwise other software programs and such wont operate
Because says
Microsoft is stopping support for XP in 2014. And Vista is a sham of an operating system.
Soul Crusher says
Correct, Vista is nothing but garbage. They probably never should’ve released that one to begin with. I liken it to Windows 2000 or Windows ME, both very expensive, yet outdated in less than 3 years……
Penmanship says
Sam…was it really necessary for you to preface your viewpoint with a condescending “Duh”? First off, it seems to me that Bill Gates was calling into question the timing of the upgrades; he didn’t say they should NEVER upgrade. Second, before you make a snide comment that calls into question a person’s intelligence just because you feel you have greater insight regarding the topic in discussion, you should probably learn to use punctuation.
Jesse says
But computers are, and windows xp is not easy to maintain in 2013.
cdev says
There is also a state law that requires all software on a school computer be currently supported versions.
Bill Gates says
Ah, yes…there’s the answer. Thanks for the info, cdev.
And Penmanship….thanks for calling off the dogs for me!
No longer amazed by stupidity-just going numb says
My friend teaches at Harford Tech and they spent 2 sessions (like everyone else) viewing a board of ed prepared presentation on the new Danielson’s Framework of teaching for the new evaluations and Student Learning Objectives. They were told by their administration that if they don’t get writing over the summer “you’re going to be in trouble in the fall, you’re going to be behind the eightball”. It’s full steam ahead – but do it on your own time and without compensation. They were told about 50% of a teacher’s evaluation is based on observations of their teaching and 50% on student growth. Then when the question was asked “What is the percentage breakdown of the 3 categories….what do you have to get to get a highly efficient rating?” The assistant principal told them that the board hasn’t told them what it is yet. I must admit I might actually still be amazed at this level of stupidity… So not only is there no raise, increased health care costs and a new curriculum/evaluation/teaching process, they’re supposed to do it on their own time over the summer….that is if they’ve got time from the extra jobs most of them are looking for.
annyone says
That is what we were told as well.
No longer amazed by stupidity-just going numb says
And where is your union president on this? He tells teachers to ‘work to rule’ but what about the schools that are told to get this done over the summer on their own time? Clear indication that the dues teachers pay are wasted if you ask me.
Ryan Burbey says
No teacher is required to work at all for HCPS over the summer.
Kharn says
Mr Burbey,
So what will my kids be learning the first week of school, given the new curriculum, reassigned teachers, etc, if the teachers do not prepare over the summer before the in-service days begin? Planning only one week in advance for a 9-month project always leads to disaster in the private sector, how will it be any different in the schools?
I will be quite unhappy if they arrive for the first day of school and are greeted with a movie, regardless of how educational it may be.
Kharn says
Mr Burbey,
So what will my kids be learning the first week of school, given the new curriculum, reassigned teachers, etc, if the teachers do not prepare over the summer before the in-service days begin? Planning only a week in advance always leads to disaster in the private sector, how will it be any different in the schools?
Kharn says
Whoops, server glitch
Alexander. says
Why ask Burbey what your kids will learn? He doesn’t give a crap. His group purports to be representing the teachers… pulling in around 1.2 million a year in dues to achieve nothing. They probably pushed for the “fair share” rule because they knew a boatload of teachers were getting axed. What exactly is “fair share” of nothing?
Cdev says
Kharn since tax payers are not able to afford to pay teachers to write curriculum this summer….I suppose the same things as normal.
No longer amazed by stupidity-just going numb says
I checked with my friend and they were not told specifically that they were ‘required’ to work over the summer, they were told that “if they didn’t they would be in big trouble in August”. Twist of the words but it comes out to the same thing….work over the summer for no pay.
spy says
No Longer. . .You are incorrect. HCPS is holding summer training ( paid) for the new Common Core but you are not required to attend. However you are responsible to know what is expected.
Ryan Burbey says
Are you saying that teachers are forced to work outside of the duty hours during the summer for free and that they don’t just have the summer off?
I am certain that every student in Harford County will enter the classroom in the fall with a teacher who is prepared to teach the first day and every day after that.
We are teachers. We are professionals. This is what we do. Respect your teachers. Value your teachers. Appreciate your teachers.
No longer amazed by stupidity-just going numb says
According to several teachers I talked to, the summer training sessions were limited in size and all of those that tried to sign up for additional training after their 2 hour inservice session found all sessions filled and closed. I find that to be poor planning on HCPS’s part-in the private sector, if every employee is responsible for switching to a new format, then every employee is trained equally. HCPS should be cycling all teachers through the training so that they can do their job correctly in the fall. One of the ‘specials’ (non-tested area) teachers told me that it was evident their supervisor didn’t understand the new formats coming and has only a 2 hour session scheduled in the August inservice session to get them up to speed. So how are they supposed to be ready to hit the ground running when the kids show up the next week? One friend was told that at her high school the special areas are going to be responsible for 20 minutes of SAT prep questions every day…making it clear that their subject matter’s curriculum doesn’t count. All everyone cares about is test scores and AP scores and the fact that the kids have been taught to the test but really don’t have a sound base of knowledge doesn’t seem to matter anymore. Oh wait. I guess it doesn’t matter any more…all they need in their life is Wikipedia, right? Sigh…..
Brian Makarios says
So what is the HCPS expectation of teachers during the summer? Are they supposed to seek summer training on their own regarding this new system? Are the supposed to learn the new system in a fast-paced atmosphere during the training days when school resumes?
Simple Logic says
At my school we had this same meeting yesterday and apparently my principal knew exactly what the percentage breakdown was and actually had a powerpoint presentation to explain it as well as a handout. Her principal must be lazy or hasn’t listened to any meeting he has gone to for this information. It is also impossible for any of those teachers to do summer work because they are due in October and you have to have the kids in class in session to be able to write them. Sounds like a principal problem to me.
FED UP! says
No one at my school can actually, truly explain what it’s going to be because they haven’t received those answers from HCPS or MSDE. Many unanswered, critical questions, in fact.
Sounds to me like a county/state problem.
So Concerned says
No Longer Amazed, no matter what the criteria for the new evaluations, it will still be based on whether the admin likes you or not. That’s the sad reality at some schools. It has been “amazing” for me to watch this year.
No Money For You says
I’ve long said: there’s not much money in teaching, but there’s plenty of money in education!
No Money For You says
Why is it that when the board and council follow the contract to the letter of the law (not funding step increases) it is perfectly acceptable. But when the teachers do it (refuse to work non-contracted hours for free) they are mocked and called all sorts of names?
Better still, why is it that when teachers no longer agree to work for free they are called greedy, while the people who demand they work for free aren’t? Who is more greedy, the person who demands something for free and throws a fit when they don’t get it or the person they are demanding it from?
Jesse says
People sling a lot of hate at teachers, and act like they’re lazy, or greedy. It cracks me up.
Soul Crusher says
I like the way people feel as if the teacher’s summers are nothing but free time. People, wake up, they are over worked and most are underpaid for the grief they endure during the year. I even heard someone on one of these articles claim that they are nothing more than Baby Sitters. If someone really believes that, then they are not worth conversing with.
No Money For You says
The above post was somehow posted twice from my phone, once above and once several comments prior where it was intended. My apologies for any confusion.
Whopper says
I don’t have any dogs in this fight but I work in Harco for an agency that is just as bad. My observation is that everyone is bitching about the CE, Gov, etc, saying wait until the next election. But isn’t that what just happened in the last presidential election? Everyone was down on Obama but they elected him back into office, and by a comfortable margin. It’s a good thing Craig and O’Malley aren’t running because I think the same thing would happen again. I just don’t get why the same idiots keep getting elected. I guess because we are the idiots. I also question, as others have, why the need for multiple vice principles in schools and why is there a need for instructional facilitators? If you need them in the first place, why are there so many of them assigned to 2 or 3 schools? There is so much bloat in the budget. I’m glad my child has already been through the sytem and graduated. Good luck to all the students, parents and teachers who still have to deal with it.
Bev says
DEAR RICK GRAMBO and company-
Teachers’ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! It’s time we put thing in perspective and pay them for what they do – babysit! We can get that for minimum wage. That’s right. Let’s give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That …would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to……… 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan– that equals 6 1/2 hours). Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day…maybe 30? So that’s $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day. However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations. LET’S SEE…. That’s $585 X 180= $105,300 per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master’s degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year. Wait a minute — there’s something wrong here! There sure is!
The average teacher’s salary (nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30 students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student–a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!) WHAT A DEAL!!!!
I am sure you get paid minimum wage at your job sir……..laughing…….
The Quiet Man says
Why aren’t parents upset about this? Is it ignorance or apathy? Why aren’t they involved in the allocation of their tax dollars? The classroom teacher is the most important role in the education system, particularly at the elementary level. Why have so many of these positions been cut? How many administrative positions were cut? How many Central Office positions were cut? How many Central Office salaries were cut?
Why not cut some “fluff” positions and put the teachers back in the classrooms to fulfill the ever-increasing demands of the education system? Didn’t principals used to perform duties that are now assigned to I.F.s? Didn’t some Assistant Principals also teach part time? Classroom teachers have been supporting new grade level teammates for years. Can the value of the Teacher Mentor be re-evaluated? How do you justify a GT teacher salary in a school where classroom sizes are near 30?
The decision-makers are lacking common sense. The tax payers are lacking interest. The high-quality classroom teachers are getting tired.
Brian Makarios says
My neighbor came over around 2 o’clock this afternoon to have a jalepeno martini and a can of imported unsalted cashews on my new deck. She said something about elementary teachers were let out early today because of the rain.
Can this be verified? Sounds suspect.
Simple Logic says
Please let me verify this for you. It was all teachers who were let out not just elementary. When students are not in the building all levels of teachers work 8am to 3:30pm. Trust me when I say that the Tomback didn’t do it out of the kindness of his heart looking out for the safety of teachers. He received a call from emergency operations and county government saying that there should not be 3000 extra cars on the road during this so called horrible storm we never got. He was told to send EVERYONE home including administration and custodians.
Cost of doing business says
Obviously you must “work” hard as well if you were hosting fancy cocktails and imported cashews to your neighbors at 2 in the afternoon on your deck but hey thanks for taking care of your neighbor then throwing he/she under the bus on the Dagger. Summer should be fun now what with your neighbor home knowing how you really feel…
annyone says
We were told that due to the impending storm HCPS will close at 1:30. Now, do we have to “make” this time up? We have a choice of a softball game with another school for the second half of the day or planning. Who is minding the store to ensure that those who plan stay? Is that fair to those who are uncoordinated or disabled and can’t play a sport because of it.
Come on CE says
Where is the C. Executive? He needs to speak up on this issue that has impacted so many people!
Sarah says
Craig gave HCPS $1.5 million more than last year despite the fact that enrollment fell. O’Malley gave $3 million less. If I was Craig, I would be saying two things: 1. It is the state that is the reason HCPS lost funds, and 2. HCPS has known for years that enrollment is falling and should have prepared for the fact that staffing levels need to decrease, instead of increasing the number of employees by over 650 since 2005. Those are the facts.
not so says
Your facts are wrong. The 1.5 million in “extra” money Craig gave to the school system only covered the added pension costs incurred. So this really can’t be looked at as an increase that ended up in the classroom. Creative wordsmithing by Craig.
cdev says
In fact he is expressly prohibited from not giving that increase above MOE.
annyone says
If enrollment falls, then that kid’s money should go towards the other kids. Let’s say it takes $1,000 per kid through the budget. If that kid leaves, then that $1,000 should be distributed for other children. Education is not something you should skimp on. We are not at the grocery store where you have to use a coupon and buy X amount of something to get a “deal”.
benrichland says
When a contract is violated, why does the Teacher’s Association sue HCPS? I believe another county was successful in court when the contract obligations were not fulfilled. I think we have reached the point of taking legal action.
Kharn says
Because with the current clause stating steps are not required when there are insufficient funds the court case becomes he-said-she-said between the Board of Ed and HCEA over how much funding could be available, and the court will usually defer to the government on how it elects to allocate its funds.
Escape Clause says
Here is what it says on the first page of the Negotiated Agreement between the Board of Ed and HCEA:
“NOTE: All items in this Negotiated Agreement requiring fiscal support will be subject
to the decisions of the Fiscal Authorities and the Board of Education’s final actions on
the operating budget for the school system.”
Consequently, this is how HCPS can “get away with” not funding step increases. They are not violating the contract nor breaking any laws by not doing so.
On the other hand, I’m not sure this statement was meant to be a license to not fund the school system year after year…
Level Headed says
The fact of the matter is this: This Board of Education, while nominally the Harford County Board of Education, is a state institution. Until the recent election, its members were all appointed by the governor, and its administration is the responsibility of the State of Maryland. That is a fact. Support from the County is essential, yes, but when Governor O’Malley and the legislature choose to pass the buck, leaving Harford County to cover 60% of this BOE’s funding while the state covers 90% of BALTIMORE CITY’S, the county is left to cover the rest of these costs. While I’m not always his biggest fan, County Executive Craig has opened new schools during his time as CE, and he has made education a priority. To now quickly chastise the County Council and this County administration for not jumping quick enough to make up funds that the State refuses to allocate reflects a level of inability to understand the way that allocations to Maryland BOEs works. It’s easy enough for the governor to use Craig as a human shield while the citizens of this county call for his blood, not understanding that the real culprit responsible for these cuts lives in Annapolis.
Cdev says
If you open new schools than you should adequately fund them!
We paid for it says
Five years ago or so, when the county fired county employees and the county council decreased the county executives budget by 10% the school board was not effected. This year 53% of the county budget makes up about 43% of the school boards budget the remainder comes from the state and the Feds. Which is made up from 100% tax payers money. I will never have and never had any children that go to Harford county schools. (My child making days are over! It’s all just for fun now!)
So why do I need to pay for little Johnny and Susie to play games? I’m ok with paying for the education but not the extras.
Why is the county able to cut spending but the school board cannot without firing teachers? I work across from where the school board keeps the 100 plus public school owned buses. They are mostly new and all have new air conditioning in them. One of the drivers I talk to often told me that the add-on of the AC was over $5,000 each. He said they needed to spend all of the operational budget money before the budget year ended or the transportation department would lose the money next year. Not capital money but operational money that could have been used to save jobs, his words. He also said that privately owned and operated school buses are not allowed to have AC in them. That was the school board that wasted that money not Harford County.
Also, why does everyone think the School system is part of Harford County Government?
Someone posted the school board gets audited each year. I can’t find that to be true. Can someone please post a current audit of the system. I can find the yearly Harford County Government audits online but only one from 2008 for the schools. I found it at and it does not look good. I called the office of the county auditor and asked why the the schools are not part of the yearly county audit? I was told that the schools only need one every 6 years by State law and the county does not have the athority to audit the school system.
Someone also stated that the county was forced to give teachers a pay increase because of some contract. That is just not true. The county does not pay school system employees. Please post some information to support that statement.
Finally, I am sorry that the School Board took the easy way out and fired teachers. I will be praying for each of you. The board should have started at the top and worked down after cutting operational expenses like vehicles, uniforms, credit cards for over 1,000 employees, and ACs.
Cdev says
You are incorrect in your lead off statement. When that 10% reduction occured there is no legal authority the county government had to compell HCPS and HCC to return 10% of their funds. However HCPS did return 5% voluntarily and would have returned more but MOE would have been violated and cost the county more money in fines.
Second most of the buses this county uses are privately owned and operated however state law does require that the special ed buses be county owned and operated. I believe due to the nature of the kids who use those buses the state may have recently mandated AC be added.
You are correct the BOE has a seperate audit and it is on a timeline by the state. It has to be independent I believe.
We paid for it says
Thank you for 5% correction on the facts, I did forget about that. I can not recall if that lead to a reduction in school staff?
Since you spoke of maintenance of effort, didn’t the state reduce the county obligation this year? I understand the county has provided over the MOE amount required.
All three of you replies involve the state to some level and it seems to me that the state and the BOE are at the center of the problem. Harford County did not help any and does not get a free pass but people posting here make it sound like it is all controlled by the county.
I will ask about the buses today and post after work. I was told by the bus driver that the transportation department just spent over $80,000.00 of non budgeted money so they did not need to return it. You and I both know other departments in the schools are doing the same thing just to inflate the budget.
The whole system (Feds, State, County, BOE) is broaken so the students and teachers suffer.
Cdev says
No it simply lead to no step increase
No the state did not and can not. The modest money above MOE is for the pension split. The bill for it specifically states that is not part of the MOE formula so when craig says he gave 1.5 million over MOE the 1.5 million was the 1.5 million he was required to give for the pension split and not for MOE!!
It is the county and state. I blame them all. I blame Craig and the County COncil and the BOE and the governor and the general assembly and our weak delegation that chases windmills!
tell us says
What was the BOE to do under the budget restrictions?
Cdev says
As I said the problem is more than this year. This has been a big issue for 5 plus years. First they should not have had all these me too clauses with the other unions. Second they should have looked at serious cost savers like depot stops and a student activity fee of like $50 a year long ago. In the immediate this year time they did what they had to.
Soul Crusher says
If you go to the Harford Board of Education web site and click on budget on the left hand side, you will be brought to a page that will give you the insight of this bad move. Look at the PDF’s, especially the ones on Total Wealth by County and Change in Funding. Notice how Howard County is considered wealthier than Harford County, yet they got an increase in funding! Something is totally amiss…….
We paid for it says
The increase was from the state not the counties. Also, Harford County is comparable to Carroll County and Cecil County no others.
Maryland State Aid is distributed according to a number of factors, including county wealth, enrollment, guaranteed tax base, and the like. Other counties that got decreases in state aid were Carroll, Garrett, Cecil, Calvert, Kent, St. Mary’s, and Allegany Counties. Every other Local Education Area got an increase in state aid. Prince George’s County received the largest increase: nearly $35 million, a 4% increase. Harford got the largest decrease in dollar terms. (Source: Harford County Public Schools Budget Office – Change in State of Maryland Funding by County.)
annyone says
That would explain why PG has so many openings.
Wasted Money?? says
Kudo’s Harford County. Way to attract the cream of the crop. I am sure highly qualified teachers are going to be banging at the door to work for HCPS. Not to mention you will surely motivated teachers to stay and not seek jobs in other counties. So if HCPS teachers apply to openings in surrounding counties, who gets the job? The most qualified! There ya go, not only are you not attracting the best teachers, you will lose your best teachers!
Reggie says
They don’t care, really. In this county, as long as there is a warm body with a pulse in front of the classroom, they are fine.
We paid for it says
What is sad is that the teachers posting here are making all teachers look bad. You all need to understand it does not start with Harford County it end with them.
Not every teacher or school system employee is this misinformed. If it is so bad why are none of the other unions or school employees or BOE members fighting like the 50 or so misinformed Burbey followers?
Wasted Money?? says
I don’t follow. What is the point of your post? How are the teachers making teachers look bad. So reducing teachers (i.e., the people who teach children and put the rubber to the road…i.e. the foundation of the BOE and education system) is a good thing? Increasing central office staff and having ancillary, pointless postions in the actual schools is more beneficial to the children? Their outcry of being the constant “bad guys” and scapegoats is unfounded?
spy says
I really don’t understand what you are saying here; teachers have a right to post just as much as you do. Who better to tell you what the lack of money will do to our children’s education. Also, don’t fault Burbey for doing his job. It is what he was elected for. If you had attended any of the meetings held the past few months, you would know that Nancy Reynolds of the HCPS board pleaded with the county to help fund the budget. It is a done deal for now, but it needs to be talked about so that people can make better decisions when voting. Education is changing greatly and the stakes are high. A lot is being required of our teachers and we need financial support. I think we are seeing people beginning to realize what the lack of funding means for their children. Teachers are in shock; most of us did not expect any kind of raise, we weren’t prepared for such a severe change in staffing. Letting go of so many teachers is only the beginning of the “trickle down” effect we will see in the classroom. HCPS knew what was coming; they are preparing us for Common Core and the new evaluations for teachers. This stuff is mandated; we cannot get around it.
Hey Now says
Teachers’ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! It’s time we put thing in perspective and pay them for what they do – babysit! We can get that for minimum wage. That’s right. Let’s give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That …would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to……… 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan– that equals 6 1/2 hours). Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day…maybe 30? So that’s $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day. However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations. LET’S SEE…. That’s $585 X 180= $105,300 per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master’s degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year. Wait a minute — there’s something wrong here! There sure is!
The average teacher’s salary (nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30 students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student–a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!) WHAT A DEAL!!!!
Nick Taylor says
This problem will continue to occur until we do something. Please help stop this. Sign this petition to stand up to the county. Let them cut there salary’s instead of the teachers that educate our kids.
B says
B says
Obama is spending enough in a single day in Africa to make this issue go away…
Soul Crusher says
George Bush probably spent enough in a single day in Iraq to make this issue go away, and that comment goes for both the Father and his son. What is your point?
B says
You mean on the war that both parties voted for?
Because says
The one promoted by an idiot and not opposed by people too afraid to go against the popular moron in chief because: darn it those bad guys hurt us… and they’re all little brown people anyway.
Soul Crusher says
Correct, the war both parties voted for due to misleading intelligence that was manipulated to do the bidding of the Bush’s. We could argue this all day, but it will not prevent teachers from getting terminated. Whats the point?
B says
The point is that there is enough “revenue” collected already to fully fund local schools, but it is wasted by state and federal. And where is your liberal outrage over troops on the ground and arming the syrian rebels? Where are all the whistle blowers proving the claimed lies from the Bush admin intelligence? You want to talk fabricated, lets talk gulf of Tonkin.
Because says
No there isn’t. The paltry amount of money you pay for your personal automobile is nothing compared to the cost to build the roads you drive on, and which require maintenance. Want lower taxes? Expect fewer services or a general decline in the services you are getting now. And if that is what you want, maybe you should move to Somalia. Everything is private enterprise there. I’d also rather be considered a liberal or a progressive than a backwards thinking criticism lobbing whatever label you apply to yourself. Chances are it’s delusional anyway.
B says
Record revenue last year, and the Fed was still a trillion in the hole. The state of Maryland is 82 billion in the hole. There has to be less spending and a decrease in services to ever repair the damage done. I said nothing about less taxes. I said spend what we already pay wisely. The collapse is already starting in Detroit/Chicago/Philly. Try looking into the states and see which one are better off then the others.
There is only so much money you can print before economic disaster.
And it is ironic that the example you use to try and show your superior intelligence is the roads, when the state of Maryland has raided the highway fund to try and “balance” its budget. Seems like the other functions of government are doing the damage to our roads.
Hypocrite says
They both massively overspend as well as every politician for the last 30 years.
Enjoy the high life now, cause the free ride is almost over.
Soul Crusher says
Agreed, right on the same page with you!
Jeff says
just curious…does anyone know if the former principal of John Archer School was finally “let go” from her over paid Central “job”?
J says
She is still there.
hef. says
So what did the former principal do that she was moved?
Jeff says
hef…just flip back to last year in the Dagger and read all about it! Just look up John Archer School….the incompetent woman nearly destroyed the school!
LYnn says
Hey Jeff-that happens so much in this county you have no idea! Ask where HR head is now-and where she teaches. Ask where former VP of Fountain Green is now-who was “reassigned” to Roberty and then now is acting PRINCIPAL at Norrisville. Yep when they stink put them back in the classroom-then the county fires a new teacher….makes sense right?
pointless says
Harford County basically puts the principal or assist. principal in the Roberty building until things cool down and then they move them back out into the schools. Just wait, the North Harford adminstrator that was removed for DUI(probably at the Roberty building) will be back in the schools soon…if not already. That is their policy. They can’t fire them!!
Simple Logic says
The North Harford administrator that was removed for DUI was placed at Havre De Grace Elementary teaching 3rd grade. She has been there for 3 years now since she was caught so she works directly with children everyday.
Ethel says
It’s called Pass the Trash.
annyone says
A teacher at Aberdeen was found with pot in his car. He disappeared for awhile, then returned to service.
Jeff says
What a crock this school system is! Who is overseeing all of this? Are there no checks and balances? Is it only the teachers who pay the price…not to mention the students!?
lynn says
Find it funny that the BOE President is an electrician,I could make decisions about his job,being that I have no experience with electricity righT? When is the last time any of the BOE have spent a month at the same school-finding out what is going on first hand? Why is the lady who ran HR for years now back in a classroom? What is her pay-did she get a paycut from 100,000 to teacher pay? I am betting the answer is no. Why was she moved from HR? Find those things out Jeff! People get introuble with the law-and are quetly sent to Roberty building to work. For every story that makes the news-about 10 do not.This county is crazy-lets cut teachers(support staff)-instead of an Instructional Facilitator that makes $120,000.What does an Instructional Fac do-that a PRINCIPAL can not do? They will hire another Superintendant from outside this county-who makes a grand paycheck and who changes NOTHING. BOE-are bunch of citizens who are making decisons based on paperwork and nothing on experience. BOE should be at a TITLE 1 school every month-volunteering their time-so they can base their decsions on the needs of the students.TIME has come for people to step up-but they continue to step out and away.
A Sad Teacher says
Everything that has happened with the budget cuts has been extremely saddening and put a very poor morale in place at the school I work. We lost great teachers due to the cuts. We are told to work to rule, but it only will hurt the kids. My husband says that that’s what needs to happen – hurt the kids’ educations so that people will wake up and see the terrible things happening to our school system. I don’t know that I can do that to the kids in my class, but I do know that parents need to get enraged. Class sizes are going to be out of control and teacher morale is going to be terribly low. I truly believe if patents fight with us teachers we can make a difference in this situation. Keep spreading the word!
No Making Sense says
You mean to tell me that the AP at Fountain Green was removed from the school and sent to HR for doing something stupid and then was made acting principal somewhere! Please say this isn’t true.
Lynn says
No Making sense -yes yes yes!These are the people we keep and fire others’.You know the court system has a public website-all you gotta do is look up people.Good luck.
Bev says
Alysson L. Krchnavy-when is the last time you substitute taught in a TITLE 1 school?????? You seem to be making decisions for us-we expect to see you the first month of school ok?
Alysson L. Krchnavy, recipient of a Lifetime Membership to the Maryland State PTA, is a Cum Laude graduate of Grove City College (PA) with a concentration in Business Administration/Marketing and Computer Science. A longtime member and former president of the Hickory Elementary PTA, Mrs. Krchnavy was also a leader in the Harford County Council of PTAs prior to her appointment to the Board of Education. She has been a substitute teacher at Hickory Elementary and a former marketing/sales representative at a local athletic club as well as a network systems account manager. Currently, Mrs. Krchnavy works for Edward Jones Investment Office in Havre de Grace. A youth leader at her church, she has led adult seminars and served as a finance committee member there. She is married to Ronald M. Krchnavy and the couple has a daughter, Madison, who attends Bel Air High School. Mrs.Krchnavy is a Dale Carnegie graduate and scholarship winner and was also awarded the National Junior Achievement Scholarship.
The Money Tree says
Bev – if you’re point is to “out” all these people you’re not being very effective. All of them seem to me to be entirely professional and accomplished with some history in the classroom.
Bev says
Money Tree-was not trying to “out” them-but not anywhere does it say they currently have worked in our school system-have current experience as a teacher etc. Jees-our President of BOE is an electrician for goodness sakes-have him make decisions for your job. I think not! When I see that each of these people have worked or volunteered in a TITLE 1 elementary school for more than a week.Having children that attend HCPS is not the same thing. They sound like very accomplished individuals-just inviting them to experience the job they are making decisions about. If I was on a board cutting jobs,not giving steps-I certainly would like to have experience in that job. Is that a problem Money Tree?
B says
Doesn’t take a genius to say when there is no money in the budget for raises, don’t give them.
The Money Tree says
I’m sure you developed your facts from public information so you’re welcome but the fact that you include family member information for these people makes you a creep.
The Money Tree is a true turd says
The information was copied and pasted from thier own bios on! The clowns on the board of education have little to no understanding of what goes on in Harford County public schools and are oblivious to the effects that their decisions have on education. Their eyes, as well as the eyes of the County executive and members of the County Council, will open up in about 2 years when their own children experience first-hand what they have done.
The Money Tree says
What are your kids names? I’m sure you would have no problem identifying them by name and where they go to school. It’s one thing to list biographical information on a website and quite another to list family information on a thread with a series of hostile comments by teachers. I hope you don’t teach – the maturity level of calling someone a turd is preschooler. Some fine example.
The Money Tree is a true turd says
To you, teachers in Harford County are as useless as posting anonmously on a pathetic Harford County blog. That is what makes you a true turd.
The Money Tree says
Who said teachers are useless – unions are useless and counterproductive to excellence. All I’ve ever suggested was that teachers ought to be paid based upon performance. The fact that a few, immature and most likely inadequate teachers continue to frame that as a threat is highly suspect. We could take the same existing pie and slice it up so that the deserving indeed got the raises that (dare I say it again) they deserve.
The Money Tree is a true turd says
You’ve provided a lofty excuse to not provide any teachers any more money. Pay for performance is not going to happen because of the number of uncontrolled variables that teachers encounter and the inability to objectively measure a teacher’s performance. You know it. Everyone knows it. You just keep harping on it to prevent increases in the HCPS budget so you don’t have to pay more taxes. Teachers are evaluated by thier administrators who know what is best for their schools. Those that are not terminated are deemed successful and should be rewarded for their success. Since very few teachers are not terminated each year due to their performance, that indicates that almost all teachers are successful. They should be rewarded the minimal increases the 15 year salary scale of HCPS provides. You have concocted this fairy tale that there are so many inadequate teachers that the whole system needs to be changed, and until it is nobody gets anything. Again, your horrible opinion of Harford County teachers is what makes you a true turd…more significantly a liar.
The Money Tree says
“Since very few teacher are not terminated each year due to their performance that indicates almost all teachers are successful”. Really? Call me a liar if you like…turd you pick but I certainly would never imagine saying something so convoluted and ridiculous.
The Money Tree is a true turd says
Are you suggesting that most school administrators are not effectively doing their jobs? If teachers aren’t terminated, then they are being sucessful as determined by their administrators. The fact is, the evidence, as provided by the successful evaluations by administrators, shows that most teachers are successful. You have no evidence to suggest otherwise. Again, you are a ridiculously true turd who lies in hopes that people will help you keep more of your money.
The Money Tree says
If not being fired is your high bar then it explains how little is expected of public employees.
The Money Tree is a true turd says
If a teacher is not successful, they are fired. Do you expect teachers to be REALLY successful in order to keep their jobs? SUPER DUPER successful? You’re an idiot, a true turd, a liar, and delusional.
Bev says
Dear Mr Grambo
An electrician makes you an expert on cutting school system employees-yes? We also expect to see you at a TITLE 1 school sir…September good for you? You will have lunch duty,hall duty,bathroom duty and teach too- see you soon!
Mr. Rick Grambo is the Vice President, Sales and Engineering for Pritchard Brown in Baltimore. He has served as a Baltimore City Schools Industry Advisory Board Member and has been an Associated Builders and Contractors Electrical Apprenticeship instructor and Community College of Baltimore County adjunct faculty member. Mr. Grambo completed the Electrical Apprentice Training Program at Harford Community College in 1991, and went on to become a Maryland State Master Electrician in 1996. In 1998, he earned his certification as an Electrical Inspector by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors. From 2003 to 2007, Mr. Grambo served as a National Center for Construction Education and Research certified instructor. Mr. Grambo has been a Harford County resident for 37 years. He and his wife, Jennifer, are the proud parents of two young boys who both attend HCPS. Mr. and Mrs. Grambo both attended Harford County Public Schools from kindergarten through high school and feel a strong connection to the school system and county alike.
Mr Pilkington says
Are you an economist, budget, education or public policy expert?
Maybe yes or maybe no, but you’re clearly an idiot.
So now go **** yourself *****.
L says
Thank you for being an adult-wow-very sad.
Bev says
Wow ok-so you have a Teaching degree and some experience! We need you to work at a Title 1 school the month of September-since you agreed to all the cuts this year. We expect to see you in September. GO BIG or Go Home right sir? Let’s see if you show up-I doubt it-much easier to just cut cut cut. You mentored”student teacher” interns-hope they still have their job.
Mr. Robert L. Frisch is retired from the Baltimore City Police Department where he was a national and court recognized expert in the field of highway safety. He served as a member of the Governor’s Executive Committee on Enforcement for Drug and Alcohol Abuse, the Baltimore City Highway Safety Committee, the Maryland Drug Evaluation and Classification Committee, and has received special recognition from Mothers Against Drunk Drivers for his efforts to combat impaired driving. He has held instructor and train the trainer certifications from the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commission, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. After leaving the police department Mr. Frisch worked as a regional manager and safety director for large transportation companies. Most recently he spent nine years as a social studies teacher in Baltimore County where his duties included mentoring student teacher interns. Mr. Frisch earned his Bachelor’s degree from Towson University, a Master’s equivalency from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland, and currently holds an Advanced Professional Teacher License with certifications in special education and social studies. Mr. Frisch and his wife, Carla, have two sons who both attended Harford County Public Schools. A fifty year resident of Harford County, he has been actively involved in the PTA, Parks and Recreations programs and Scouting organizations. He and his family are longtime members of the Salem United Methodist Church where they are active in numerous volunteer efforts in support of their surrounding communities.
Bob Frisch says
Hello Bev,
Please accept this additional information to my brief biographical sketch found on the HCPS webpage.
After retiring from the Baltimore Police Department I served in upper management positions in the transportation industry.
The field of education had always called to me so I decided to leave the lucrative field of private industry to pursue teaching as a profession. So I returned to college to earn my degree and teaching credentials.
I taught at Kenwood High School in Baltimore County for nine years. While not designated as a Title 1 school (for a variety of reasons few high schools receive this designation) Kenwood certainly has a challenging student population. There is a significant special education population and many students come from broken homes or families suffering serious financial stress.
My first two years at Kenwood were spent in the Spacial Education Department teaching non-diploma certificate track students. These included students with significant physical, emotional, and cognitive disabilities. I found working with young people afflicted with Downs Syndrome, autism, MS, and emotionally disturbed students very rewarding. Later I moved to the Social Studies Department, where because of my dual certifications, significant numbers of students in my classes had IEP’s, 504 Plans, or behavior intervention programs in place.
I did not teach this past year as it was necessary for me to attend to the increasing medical needs of my father who died this February.
I am not able to discern the reason you singled out Mr. Grambo, Mrs. Krchnavy, and me for your postings other than that we voted not to accept the recommended budget as submitted by the Superintendent. There is insufficient time and space here to restate the rationale for my no vote, and while I cannot speak for my colleagues, mine was a vote against the teacher cuts. To get a better perspective on the discussion surrounding the budget you can review the events of the relevant Board of Education meeting via the video archive found on the Harford County Council webpage.
I hope this added information gives you some comfort that I am sufficiently versed in those every day issues faced by classroom teachers and HCPS in general.
If you wish to further discuss this matter please feel free to contact me through my HCPS email.
Thank you,
Bob Frisch
Cost of doing business says
I may be mistaken Mr. Frisch but I think you were the BOE member that personally visited my school the day after cuts were announced last year. At the time we were all in shock with several of us packing and hoping we still had jobs elsewhere. I haven’t forgotten the effort and I appreciate the fact that you reached out to us personally at a difficult time, thank you for that.
FED UP! says
Mr. Frisch,
Many teachers realize that you are our best friend on the BOE.
Thank you for your integrity.
Mr. B. says
A Little off topic; but whatever happened to the second half of that 1200 bucks my wife was supposed to get?
Brian Makarios says
Ha, ha, and ha. You can forget the rest of that $1200. I’m almost sure of that.
Ryan Burbey says
The county council retracted the second half of the “bonus”.
The Money Tree says
Care to explain the details of that again Burbey? I recall the union demanding steps and threatening that bonus money would be considered a salary increase and therefore demanding wage plus whatever bonus money given become a set salary for each teacher. In otherwords the union made a demand that resulted in Craig having no choice but to rescind the offer of a one time bonus. Nice move union because you screwed over your own membership.
Ryan Burbey says
No. Teachers got half the bonus like the other county employees. No one got the other half.
The Money Tree says
Any why again did Craig rescind the bonus offer?
Ryan Burbey says
Craig did not. The County Council did. No one got the second half. Teachers got half just like everyone else.
The Money Tree says
Nobody got the second half bonus because of the teacher’s demands. The old adage “cutting of your nose to spite your face” comes to mind.
Ryan Burbey says
No. It had nothing to do with us. The council decided that the money should not be spent.
John P. Mallamo says
Some truth to all of the postings
Here is what I recall of the situation.
County Executive Craig announced a bonus for all Harford County employees and others within his budget authority. Bonus was split, first half in December, as I recall, second in June the following year. County Executive requested all money from the Council. Council approved first half, told the County Executive to come back for the second half. Teachers union objected, did not want to take the bonus directly from the County Executive, said that it had to be negotiated. BOE and HCPS negotiated with the teachers union. At the last minute, the union president stated, in a letter, that the bonus money would be used as a bargaining item to get even more money for teachers. County Executive withdrew the bonus offer to the teachers union. As I recall other HCPS unions got the first half. Ultimately, the teachers union agreed to take the bonus as just that, not as leverage for more money. Teachers got the first half later than others. In the interim, the State passed the teacher’s pension obligation back to the County. County executive withdrew the second half of the bonus to fund the teacher’s pension cost. County Council never voted on the second half.
That is my recollection. Any other versions?
John P. Mallamo
spy says
The “bonus” money not taken by HCEA because it would have set a precedent of taking bonus versus getting the step increase. The bonus was not a permanent change in salary while step increases are.
Brianc says
I guess a bird in hand(in this case $600.00) is worth more than two in the bush(nada).
Brian Makarios says
If this were a sensible state and the union/association (whatever it is) were able to use a little leverage and strike like a real union, our teachers in this county would have their raises.
Kharn says
You do not think its a little bit wrong to advocate a part of the government being able to unilaterally shut down operations unless demands are met? What if the cops went on strike until the 5th Amendment was revoked? Or fire fighters until every block had a hydrant? Or the MVA until their public hours were changed to 9am-11am every third Tuesday?
Government employees should not be able to strike under any circumstance, and sick-outs should be severely punished with loss of seniority and pay.
Christina says
Don’t let HCPS kid anyone they have the money they would rather spend it on turf fields and making new couchy positions for their buddies then taking care of their employees.