From the Bel Air Police Department:
Bel Air Police Department has identified and charged a juvenile for flying an aircraft over the John Carroll School Class of 2013 graduation ceremonies on Saturday June 1st.
The pilot of the aircraft, a former student of the school, has been charged with disorderly conduct, disrupting a school event, and reckless endangerment. The pilot rented the plane from Harford Air Services in Churchville, Maryland. The licensed pilot, who is under the age of 18, has been released to his parents.
Bel Air Police Detectives are seeking any video of the plane as it relates to the incident at the school. If you have, such video please contact D/Sgt Jim Lockard to provide police with a copy of the video. This incident has also been referred to the FAA for investigation.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact D/Sgt Jim Lockard at 4106384500 or email .
The FAA needs to pull his pilots license for such a stunt. Jeopardizing hundreds of lives shows he is not responsible or mature enough have a license.
How did he jeopardize hundreds of lives?
By overflying the event low enough that a mechanical failure of the airplane would have resulted in zero time for him to direct the plane towards an alternate crash site. Galloping Ghost crashed into the stands at the Reno Air Races in 2011, 10 spectators (plus the pilot) died and over sixty were injured with multiple lives saved due to the crash response teams staged and prepared for such a disaster, while John Carroll had no intention of hosting an impromptu airshow and did not have such support on-site.
Comparing this stunt to the Reno air races is a joke. They are pushing the absolute limits of their machines. This was a stupid kid doing gentle circles at a 1000ft. I’m sure he could have glided far enough to avoid any injuries to people on the ground or the plane had the plane experienced any mechanical difficulty
It is an example of a pilot performing close to a crowd when a mechanical failure occurred and tragedy followed.
Not necessarily true. If he/she was 1000 ft above any obstacles there is nothing to be done about it. He/she would have been within the legal standards to do so and if it is the case that this person was abiding by the law and still gets punished for it I will be even more unhappy about what these officers think the priorities should be. It would have been more useful doing a walk threw the parking lot of all the cars with a drug dog to help stop a few kids from turning into an addict in a few years then to spend the man hours searching for someone who for what we know may or may not have been abiding by the law. But if he was dangerously low then shame on him. But no specific person can tell you if he was below 1000 ft agl (above ground level) or was there a magic tape measure stretched into the sky. If the person was to be 100-400 ft understandable to throw the book at him that is idiotic. But I hate when media portrays my industry (aviation) as unsafe and then has citizens like yourself saying he was endangering people’s lives. Well people endanger my life everyday on the roads, in our community’s, and in our govt so please before you point a finger lets find out the facts.
This is ludicrous ….. Maybe he was trying to give a farewell congratulatory send off to his fellow graduates !!!!!
People are way to serious…… If you asked the attendees I would bet that the majority liked it and will find it memorable. They should have paused in appreciation. This student spent his hard earned money to rent an aircraft and display his skills of becoming a pilot at such a young age. He contributed to the celebration of a milestone in their lives and should be thanked. No lives were I danger and no purposeful harm was done. Relax and enjoy life for goodness sake !!!
I can’t comment on the situation, because I wasn’t there. But I’m wondering how you know the student “spent his hard earned money to rent an aircraft”? Do you know him? What if he just comes from a wealthy family and has access to nearly unlimited funds? To speculate as to how he financed his stunt (legal or not), and to assert that no lives were in danger seems odd to me, unless you witnessed the event and maybe even know the kid.
It was a rental plane as stated in article. Did you pass the comprehension part of your English class ?
As an attendee at the graduation I can say that the person made several low passes above the Ceremony. If Only one or two passes, I don’t think there would be a problem. But the pilot did make several passes and on the last pass he flew directly over the student section. Finished off by pulling his nose straight up in the air almost causing a stall. It was concerning to the students faculty and parents. And quite frankly I’m not able to gauge exactly 1000 feet from the ground, But I know for sure he was very low.
I attended the graduation and your description of the event is correct. This could not be classified as a ‘stunt’ It was clearly intentional and irresponsible. After the fact, learning an underage punk is buzzing a crowd in a rental plane is unsettling.
Ruth You should never go out side again., there are evil bees, stray dogs, and Democrats out there that want to hurt you.
hmm….not a Democrat – where do politics enter here? Flawed logic.
“F” you “Boo Hoo”!
It’s not “flawed logic” Ruth, it’s “logic free”!
You are an idiot. He was not there to wish anyone well, but disrupt the ceremony and intimidate the crowd which he did a great job there. So if you want to praise this spoiled brat, praise him for frightening a football field full of graduates, and all their friends and family as well. That is what he did. I know the name, and why he was expelled which is why i know what he did was not in recognition of the graduating class, but a classless attempt at selfish attention to himself.
I agree, if the pilot was at 1000 feet then how do they define reckless endangerment? This seems to be something that has blown up way out of proportion. I agree, this kid spent his time not on the streets but out making something of himself, solely to be arrested and charged for something like this! Ridiculous.
Know the facts before passing judgment. There were expert witnesses (professional pilots) in the crowd who easily concluded that the plane passed well below 1000 feet. Instrumentation on the plane will likely show the same once it’s checked out. There’s no way to determine if the “majority liked it” or not, -but there were plenty of very frightened people–as well as hundreds who were understandably bothered by the noise and distraction during a major event in their kids’ lives.
I think if anyone liked it or not is not germaine. Just like if it was a distraction or in good taste is not grmaine. If he brook FAA regulations on flying is really the only thing that matters.
People being threatened is completely relevant here. It is not about just disrupting and people liking or not liking it, but actual fear of a plane crashing into the crowd. I am usually a pretty calm person, but that scared me and the amount of time he spent overhead seemed like an eternity waiting to see if something was actually going to happen with that plane. It is very relevant that the majority of the crowd did not like it, and from what i saw and heard from people they were highly concerned not happy about this incident.
There is no requirement for flight data recorders on general aviation, and most planes are so old they do not have any sort of digital instrumentation.
I was working outdoors in the vicinity on Thursday and Friday, on one of those days a plane flying extremely low, maybe 200ft AGL, I bet it was the suspect doing practice runs. He definitely was not at 1000ft AGL.
wallbanger, there could not have been professional pilots their, they dont make enough money db, have you ever watched Michael Moores flick on capitalism.
A CPL (Commercial Pilot license) is not the same thing as a ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) certificate, Micheal Moore’s film was talking about ATPs and how the airlines can pay them a pittance due to the large number of retired military pilots looking for jobs. CPL is easily achieved by a private pilot with some studying and a more invasive physical, and it makes getting insurance easier plus then you can charge people for flights (for photography, tours, unique plane rides, etc) and write off some of your plane’s expenses.
If you take the time to put 2 and 2 together, this pilot is still currently a juvenile and was not flying in to grab his diploma. The article describes him as a former student, not a member of alumni and not a former graduate. Continuing on this path of deductive reasoning, the most likely scenario is that he is a drop out and was going out of his way to disrupt the people that did complete their education. Nobody is trying to paint the aviation field as being dangerous in this instance, but an obnoxious teen that would choose to use an airplane for a prank rather than a simple loud horn, car stereo, etc to disrupt the graduation is frightening and someone so immature should not be allowed to fly an airplane.
I think you jump to a conclusion not supported by the article. He could be a former student who either a) could no longer afford the tuition or b) who decided the enviornment at John Carroll was not fit for him and went to another school. This does not mean he was a drop out. Both are likely scenarios.
He was a student that was expelled this year. He left not by his choice or his parents. Circumstances of his departure are not disclosed but just rumors.
Sorry I am at a disadvantage since I do not know the identity of the kid however my point is valid in that based on the information provided there are more than one reason, thinking “deductively” that this kid left JC.
Look This guy was flying so low he could have tipped the house off a few places . My family was wondering what was going on. He was doing dive bombs for an hour, its crazy. To all the a naysayers what if he crashed into your house. I told my family something looks wrong with this plane, We all agreed and stayed inside. It almost looked like the plane was going to come down dive bombing over populated neighborhoods so before you bash the police, he was wrong and if he had a trainer they were wrong. Anyone have an opinion why this was cool or ok. He was acting so reckless all are lucky he didnt take the whole school out. But if he did the whole community would complain.
Dive bombing? Did you perceive under wing stores on this aircraft? Did he drop said “bombs” on you? Is there any amount of hyperbole you will not stoop to in order to show us how absolutely scared you are of anything at all? And drive the equally frightened into a frenzy to support your own personal fears?
Exactly… the fact that people are actually on this kids side for any reason is ridiculous. “OH It was just a stunt”, “he was paying tribute”… etc… etc… He was creating a huge concern for hundreds of people and should not be slapped on the hand or back for it.
What you said was if he would have crashed into the crowd, you better bet it would be a totally different conversation by those supporters of this kid. Hypocrites one and all who support anyone doing this.
Let me get this straight, your logical step to protect your family from the danger of a plane hitting houses is to tell your family to stay inside the house? That just doesn’t make sense, please explain.
If we didn’t have air planes this wouldn’t have happened. Time to ban airplanes.
Agreed airplanes should be only for the govt, you dont need an airplane to kill a dear !!!!
Go Dagger!
Original article said tail number couldn’t be read. So that blows the 200′ estimate to hell.
What’s the issue, it was free entertainment so shut the hell up and take a pill. In Harford County if someone J-Walks it is a front page story, bunch of idiots.
How does a juvenile RENT a plane and fly it SOLO??? He’s a juvenile!
Umm, as far as I know, a 16 year old can obtain a private pilots license to fly a plane like a privately owned Cessna.
What’s the matter? You perceive that only 50 year old men fly fixed wing aircraft?
With a private pilot’s license and a credit card. The same as anyone else.
You can begin flight training at any age, with solo flights starting at 16 (for training purposes), but you must be 17 to recieve your license and fly without an instructor’s supervision.
Next they will be letting 17 year old juviniles own cars and drive them…..
Why was the crowd on the ground understandably nervous and frightened? This young man could have been a radical Jihadist ready for suicide and trying to take out as many as possible. Since 9-11, planes are viewed as weapons of a war against our Homeland.
Since 9/11, you don’t say? You don’t appear to be a scholar of history, maybe take a glance back to World War 2, specifically the Pacific campaign.
Not being there I cannot comment on the actual event but as to people’s responses I can advance a theory. That would be if he had intentionally crashed the plane and killed people on the ground some would say it was anybody and anything but the pilot’s fault, some would even say it was Bush’s fault.
Time to ban Bush!
Suq Madiq and Liq Madiq – how can you really expect to be taken seriously with your juvenile pranks. SOOOOOOO FUNNY!
Ban pranks!!!
It’s amazing to read comments on here from people trying to excuse or defend what this kid did. Come on people, use your heads: He wasn’t doing this to entertain or congratulate the graduates, he was doing it to annoy them and disrupt the ceremony. He used that airplane not for transportation or for his pleasure, but to harass others, and that alone — regardless of the altitude he was flying — makes him too immature to have a pilot’s license in my book.
Well thankfully you dont get to make that decision.
It’s really hilarious that this kid can get a private pilot’s license, rent an airplane, fly it solo over a crowd but he is not old enough to have his name in his paper and is released to the custrody of his parents. Think about it.
Judy, Maybe the authorities should start releasing the names of the parent(s) in cases like this. It may well be that the parents would soil their underwear to read their names in the Sun, Aegis and online. The current way they all get to hide behind the mask of anonymity. If mom and dad are front and center publicly they may be watching over their little darlings more closely.
Obviously Mummy and Daddy are very well off… they had spoiled little Richy-Rich in John Carroll – probably in the hope that it’d straighten him out – what’s tuition this year… 13, 14 thousand? What’s it cost to take flying lessons and obtain a license? Rent a plane? The FAA should strip his license permanently for his serious lack of judgment. I’d charge him as an adult so he has a permanent conviction on his record. Fining him won’t work because Mummy and Daddy will pay it. No doubt Mummy and Daddy will spare no expense to get him off lightly and continue to coddle and groom their little monster.
Jumping the shark again Amazed
My physical therapist, who was in attendance for his son’s graduation, told me about it yesterday. The “prank” was an ill conceived idea that was dangerous and could have ended tragically. I’m curious where the kid came up with the money to rent an airplane?
But it didnt end tragically. You are should never go to public events again. Pussies you all are/
Schools want kids to be creative, I would give him an A+ on that. Did he do any loops? It could have been worst, he could have spelled out F-you John Carroll in smoke. How many people were running for their lives, they should have called the airforce and got some F-16’s, maybe they should arm schools with stinger missles.
These comments are hilarious. “Dive bombing”
I’m waiting for a comment to report a “wailing siren” like the Nazis had on their fixed wing aircraft, you know, like the old war movies. LOL
The news crew helicopters covering the story for WBAL were flying way lower. Hypocrites.
Planes are not supposed to fly below 1000′ in Bel Air (14 CFR 91.119 “(b) Over congested areas. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.”), helicopters may fly below that, as long as the flight is “without hazard to persons or property on the surface.” (ibid, (d))
Now I understand why everyone was upset, the speaker had to pause a few times, the pilot did everyone a favor, no one wanted to hear this db’s worthless mouth run anyway, you people should be sending the pilot money, he made this event unforgetable and on the news. These wannabe money people who send their brats to JC are so far in dept they need something to bitch about instead of fighting at home about how their going to pay the next over priced bill from jc.
ED: As one of those parents attending my child’s graduation Saturday, this miscreants stunt proved that the John Carroll administration was correct in expelling him from the school.
Every person at that event chose to NOT send their children to a Maryland public high school. They all understand that a values based, fundamentally sound education would put their children at a significant advantage in getting into the college of their choice, or going directly into the workforce.
You are 100% wrong on that mynameis, you have the same belief as some parents that if your kid is good in sports that they will receive a “Full Ride” to any college of their choice. I think you were scammed by the BS that John Carroll presents. I know you are brain washed by JC and other parents that have the same belief as you. Yes, it is your choice to send your kid to JC, you should have saved that money to put towards a good college education without going further in the red. PS, no need to disrespect Harford County Public School system. So your saying that a kid that graduates from JC with average or below average grades has a better chance of getting into a good college vs a kid that graduates with honors from a public school?
OMG, I need to take back everything I said mynameis, you must be the person that sat next to the defense dept employee, please dont tell the defense dept employee about any of my post, what am I to do, I beg you, please dont tell the defense dept employee.
hey ed ,i couldnt have said it any better myself,i usually just read and chuckle or shake my head,but this particular comment knocked me out of my chair to actually think that private schools offer so much more than public make a comment like that not only knocks the students,it says horrible things about the teachers that work very hard with the students that will achieve just as much or more in life .MYNAMEIS…needs a reality check. keep on top of it ed always do.
Its amazing what a teacher can achieve when they’re able to actually punish the bad apples and not have them show up again for class the next day like nothing happened. Plus requiring every student already show some aptitude before admission means the student body is missing a good chunk of the bell curve. Both of those greatly contribute to success in education.
Typical Bel Air “holier than thou” attitude. For a school so great, why do we not hear about all the good things that come out of it?
Why does the football stadium look worse than an inner-city basketball court, why us it not ranked above all if the dreaded public schools in this county?
Values? Yep, the pilot of this aircraft sure displayed them well, huh?
1. Open your eyes and ears and read a bit. You’ll see the good things.
2. So football stadiums are your criteria for quality. Good place to put your values. And nobody said anything about the “dreaded public schools”, you did. JC parents are willing to go the extra for the better values though.
3. The fact that the pilot was expelled says something about the values doesn’t it? It was decided that he could not abide by them so he was expelled.
Your reply made no sense and was a generalization.
I think he only mentioned the stadium as a at of saying that “JC” parents posting here are hinting that private is better than public. The stadium, which is a loose term at best, was an example.
I guess I need to open my eyes too, because anytime we read about a student achievement, it is a public school. Where is all this great press about “JC”? Some super special private school magazine?
For the tuition, they could put some money into improvements for the sports fields, and stop playing at Tucker because it is a better “stadium”.
So quick to fly off the handle there, jj. Relax, it is an opinion – you don’t need to start preaching about values when you are casting stones as well.
Kharn, please speak english for all the non John Carroll people, oh, maybe you did a cut and paste from FAA’s web sight you simp.
Would you have preferred I paraphrase it from memory, or post the actual law so everyone can read it for themselves? You’re required to know the laws and regulations if you hold a pilot’s license.
I was there and filmed the majority of him flying over us. I will not get into to details due to the video i made, but the kid was DEFINITELY under 1000ft. Those of you who were not there and want to live in a post 911 world where you think that what this kid did was just a stunt and did not endanger e1 on the ground below him are living in a fantasy world. I perceived a threat and felt threatened by this kid’s antics. Although the ceremony went on with the fly-bys people were definitely concerned and thought about heading for the gym. Me included!!!
You were so threatened that you stayed and continued filming for your 15 minutes of fame, versus protecting yourself from said perceived threat?
Tell me again about your vast experience in a post 9/11 world.
Thats some funny shit right there.
Hey FILMED IT DAMMIT. Why dont you Youtube it Dammit so we can shut everyone up?
I will not put it up on YT simply because it is evidence that the police want. I just made a DVD for them, and will not jeapordize the investigation by making it public. Maybe after all is said and done, and with the police’s permission, but not until then. I do not know police procedure on this, but know it is important to preserve evidence. Be assured though he was very low to the ground if my camera could get the footage it did. I did not get the first few passes, but i got enough of them.
You dont need the police’s “permission” We do not live in Communist China, Yet.
Preserving evidence? Too many episodes of CSI bro.
Since I am the only person here who actually knows the pilot well, I can inform everyone that contrary to everyone’s opinions, the pilot isn’t a spoiled brat nor a dropout. He is simply someone who actually works for his money, unlike the entire student body of John Carroll, and makes his own decisions for himself whether or not he is a minor. Everyone on this article who commented is clearly ill informed as well as a cynical piece of trash. Check your facts, which there is barely any truth to this article, and then put your condescending comment here.
Then what was his purpose?
Well, Anonymous, if you know him so well maybe you could influence him to not be such as moron. I don’t care who he is or what you think of him, only morons do what he did. And if you defend what he did then maybe you need a reality check as well.
Im so sorry jaguar judy, if it was “Cougar Judy” then we could do some talking.
You wouldn’t know what to do with it, sonny.
Not sonny but you can call me Eddie, and you might be right about that granny, I would need to watch the discovery channel to learn all about relics
Whether he works or not and the fact that he can afford to rent a plane still does not mean he is not a spoiled brat. Channel 11 went to the house, so the parents of this kid are well to do by the looks of the house. Fighting in school is not tolerated by the way. Yea i know who he is… But no this kid is not spoiled or entitled in anyway. He is a pillar of society that should not be punished for endangering real people’s lives… RIGHT? If this kid is so good, notice i did not say perfect, then this should have never happened. There are definitely some issues of controlling the kid and giving him too much freedom to just do what he wants. All 17 yr olds want to be independent, but that does not mean that the parents should be more hands off because off it. What this kid did is a perfect example of parents not being involved enough at a critical stage in this kids life. He made this decision out of spite and resentment to draw attention to himself and disrupt the event. He should be punished, i hope he’s worked up enough money for a decent lawyer. Btw what 17 year makes enough money for flying lessons, and to rent planes? I don’t know of any. He must have a great job to get bank like that.
He did not get kicked out of school for fighting. He recorded a fight in the school and put it on YouTube. I have tiny model rockets that fly 2500 Feet, that can be bought at any craft store. FAA will have the radar data and he will be cleared. 1000 feet is not that high.
Video will show he went below it.
The video of him flying wont show a thing. The record of his transponder will tell all clown
Not if he wasn’t on radar.
Why? Can you rent stealth planes now? Of course it will be on radar. Moron.
You have to have a radar in the area to see someone. The curve of the Earth prevents one radar (such as BWI’s) from seeing everything, as the minimum detection height increases with the distance from the antenna.
You also need a large enough aircraft to get a radar reflection, a single engine plane, 25+ miles from the radar site, operating below 1000′ and under 150kt would be likely to avoid detection, especially if he pulled the circuit breaker for his transponder (which would be breaking another regulation, as Bel Air is just within BWI’s controlled airspace).
Sorry man, you are talking out of your ass. This area is covered by radar, if he was above 1000 feet he will show up on it. Birds can sometimes show up. BTW Im looking at a radar screen now.
While you and I often don’t agree on things we have been able to keep our postings relatively civil. Allow me to apologize to you on behalf of Samuel who needs an attitude adjustment.
Looking at a radar screen, and posting…and we wonder why accidents happen.
Your also required to know the law if you have a drivers license as well but I would give you 10 to 1 odds that a majority of licensed drivers would not get all the answers to the mva test correct.
And if you violate the law, you are subject to fines and penalties up to and including loss of license and jail time. Throw him in jail.
Are we certain it wasn’t a predator drone?
So, let me ask this then? The aircraft towing banners along the beach in Ocean City are flying at 500ft AGL… Does that make them all a danger as well. Shouldn’t those pilots also be charged with reckless endangerment if you’re saying that’s what this kid did? As a pilot and a flight instructor myself, I know damn well that an aircraft at 1,000 feet has plenty of room to find somewhere to land the aircraft, it will not simply fall onto the crowd. What about the planes flying over M&T bank stadium and Camden Yards, if they loose an engine, where are they going? Into a building? It’s quite a ridiculous argument to be honest, if you think that what this kid did was wrong, then there’s a lot of other aviation activities that need to change too. He was within FAA Requirements, therefore Bel Air Townies had no reason to pursue this ridiculous charge. I hope that AOPA, (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations) for you non-aviation whistle blowers, get’s there foot in the door and sets the record.
He was overflying an open air gathering, which requires 1000′ clearance.
Towing banners at OC is done over the ocean, where 500′ clearance is acceptable. The pilot I saw during the week was definitely outside the FAA requirements, and I suspect it was repeated on Saturday.
So what you are saying is it should not be illegal to endanger people lives who have no idea about the 1000′ rule which he was below BTW. Right??? The majority were highly concerned as well as myself and family. Remember that we live in a post 9-11 society and crazy people fly airplanes into buildings. Doing this did break the law because whether he intended it or not the people on the ground felt threatened and were in fear. That is reckless endangerment whether he knew that or not. Not knowing the law does not excuse the fact that he broke it.
I feel threatened when I walk outside everyday. The FAA is investigating the case, where radar data will show what altitude the aircraft was at. As for your post 9-11 argument, how many aircraft have been crashed into a building since then? You’re living in a paranoid nation. For what I said about the Ocean City aircraft, my argument is that if that airplane lost its engine where is it going to end up? On the beach, where it can threaten the lives of hundreds or thousands of people. The aircraft maintained positive control the whole flight, as it landed safely back at the airport. There was no ENDANGERING peoples lives at any point.
How were their lives endangered? I want I95 cleared when Im driving cause I fear for my life. What a DB
Ed, I like you, you’re a funny MOFO!
These kinds of complaints have been happening since we glided down the dunes! Here is some video of the event –
After reading all the comments and the article, I do believe that the police are unjustly charging the boy with reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct. The allegations don’t merit the charges by definition of the Disturbing the public peace and disorderly conduct statute as he never physically was on the property and no one owns airspace. It would be stretching it saying he was disturbing the public peace as the ceremony continued and was completed. Nor was anyone overly inconvenienced. There simply isn’t enough evidence to establish reckless endangerment at the time these charges were filed, as the police are asking the public for video footage. Other than the disrupting a school event, the charges are a complete fabrication and is a perfect example of the Harford County Law Enforcement policy of “persecution”. How did you cops convince the commissioner to go along with these charges? Someone’s not doing their job correctly and is completely abusing power…..
You can charge someone based upon probable cause (a plane disturbed the ceremony, he rented a similar plane for a time period consistent with the disturbence and had a motive of being expelled, etc), then gather more evidence to support those charges in court.
That’s not probable cause Kharn, that’s reasonable suspicion. I currently know of no statutes that allow charges based upon reasonable suspicion. I would also like to point out that Harford County does not have jurisdiction to prosecute this matter as it happened in the air, making it a FAA or Federal Concern. Harford County does not own the air, the feds do. The filing of charges without evidence of guilt is basically a fabrication. Fabrication is illegal. The charge of reckless endangerment is a fabrication as no one has pointed out any danger the public was in. If you say there was a danger of the youth crashing into the bystanders, I will say bullshit as the youth possessed a license and no one can explain the danger the boy posed to the graduation. Other than people looking up in the air, I can see no disturbance either. The charge of disorderly conduct is a far stretch as the boy may or may not have caused a disturbance because the ceremony continued and everyone received their diplomas. Forget what I typed, the disorderly conduct is a fabrication also. The only law broken might be disrupting a school event and even that is a long shot. My big question is why is this boy being charged for a crime when there is no evidence to support this? Witnesses have stated on here that the boy made several passes, that’s not really disorderly conduct in my opinion, read the statute. I cannot see a crime when a person is legally licensed to fly, the airspace above the school was never declared off limits by the FAA and no evidence of a disruption occurred other than a speaker was difficult to hear at the ceremony. Seriously, Detective Lockard is showing his ass by pressing such charges, the district court commissioner that allowed these charges is out of their mind and everyone involved in the “outrage” is just a complete idiot. Lockard, go find some real crimes to investigate and stop bullying this kid. In my opinion, Lockard is just sucking up to the wealthy element of the school, its administrators and the parents who could not hear their kid’s name called, but had no problem seeing the diploma handed out. Whomever is outraged, Oh well, no crime was committed here other than the police being total jerk offs, once again………
how about they rent an auditorium for their graduation like every other school?
Sitting outside in the ballfield for a graduation? LOL
Holding the graduation outdoors (weather permitting) is a tradition at John Carroll. They have an auditorium and a gymnasium where they could hold the event, but late May/early June days are often quite lovely. I have attended ceremonies there that were lovely, sunny days. I have also attended outdoor ceremonies at other schools, including one at Patterson Mill High School a few years back.
You have to excuse Kharn, this person was most likely the speaker that had to pause a few times to speak. Kharn was not able to babble a bunch of worthless garbage that no one wanted to hear anyway so this is the outlet for the babble.
Soul Crusher, thats why you were and always will be a member of the dregs of society, a former and likely future inhabitant of R-Dorm. By the sounds of it, you were another jailhouse lawyer that we love to watch fill the heads of your cell buddies so that they can get slammed or schooled by a judge when they repeat your incorrect information. To claim that the county has no jurisdiction on ANYTHING that happens in the air would mean all I have to do is jump before I shoot. The people that were there obviously had a problem with it otherwise the police would have never even been informed. You don’t get to make the decision for others whether they felt in danger, they get to make that decision. This kid is a punk like yourself that is pissed that other people made good choices that kept them in school on a path of success and he didn’t, and just like all of the other idiots out there rather than saying ” Today is the day I turn it around” he said ” Let me go do something that puts me further away from making something of myself”. You can take yourself, this punk, and juvenile Ed to go climb on the back of the trash truck for the next 20 years looking for a good time to fall off and file disability like so many losers that have paved that path for you.
Clyde, the county has no jurisdiction of the actions of a moving aerial vehicle. All the rest of the crap you said, you can believe whatever you want, there was no imminent threat of danger to the public, nor intent of endangering the public. Just a bunch of rich ,white assholes that need to get their way. I’m glad I got you worked up, tho, people like you need your blood pressure raised every now and then, it shortens your life span and that is truly what is best for Harford County.
Well, Soul Crusher, let’s see if your buddy gets off. And, no, I’m not real rich or real white or any of the other things you spew forth. I’m just a heck of a lot smarter than you are or ever will be. Get the chip off your shoulder dude or you will end up bent over the bunk being used for a girl. Well, maybe, that’s what turns you on.
First, I wasn’t talking to you or about you, unless you are also posting under Clyde Shelton. But, since the gauntlet has been cast, the accused is no one I know, I am over 40 years old, I am whiter than a piece of chalk, I owned a successful business for 10 years, I was illegally convicted by the group of Nazi Thugs you call the Harford County Sheriff’s Department and the Harford County State’s Attorney Office, I went to DOC on a year and a day and I haven’t had work since release, nor am I able to return to my previous profession. I think the chip on my shoulder is actually welded on there for life. No man will use me as a girl, as he would be sucking his nuts through a straw for the remainder of his pathetic existence. Judy, Clyde or whatever handle you wish to be, please make up your mind about which gender you are unless you still haven’t decided. I personally think you are either a cop or one of the editors. Regardless, you can kiss my white a$$.
What were your charges?
Judy, for you being such a genius can you explain the meaning of not real rich? it also sounds like you into some perverted sex, oh John Carroll is a Catholic Shool, are you a priest.
I stand corrected, claudia must have been the key note speaker, such a hater, im sure you would have said that exact same thing while giving your babbling speach and how going to JC is the best thing that could have happened to all the graduates. BTW, thank you for the compliment, juvenile, thanks again. Now, get back on the bottom and keep quite.
Claudia has proven the point that I was trying to extract from JC parents, I’m surprised that it took this long. Read this persons post JC, why would you disrespect and make fun of someone earning a honest living, what makes this bozo thinks he is better than anyone else, guess what he’ or she is not, he is a miserable person that hates his life and has no friends. This person is a dictator at home and is full of rage. Is this what JC teaches?
Daddy is a state trooper. He’ll get him off.
Which is he, a cracker or Nigga? it has to one or the other.
Look ghettoroach go back to Edgewood
I hope he gets an appointment to the Naval Academy and becomes a Top Gun pilot. That boy has moxy. Bravo!
By the way they should start charging MSP for their antics for landing the medevac in neighborhoods. OMG what if it crashes in this post 9/11 world we live in.
Your are all sheep!
So…somone got mad that their phones camera has engine noise in it.
Go Dagger !
This was a badass stunt pulled off by a young man with a skill WELL beyond those of his fellow classmates. I tip my hat to you, sir. One day we’re all going to look back at this and laugh.