From Carol MacCubbin:
Do you want to grow a stronger Republican Party? I know I do.
Do you Republicans to work harder to win in Maryland?
Here’s your chance to help and get involved.
Every First Saturday of every month, Harford County Republicans are working somewhere in Harford County to grow the party.
Join us this Saturday, June 1, 2013 in Havre de Grace at the McDonald’s on Route 40 at 10AM to go out in the community and talk to some voters. It’s fun, and we work in teams, so new activists and veterans will be comfortable.
This is a great way for kids and families to work to make Maryland and America a better place to live through the political process.
We will work to register more Republicans and find more Harford County residents that we can get involved in Harford County.
So, if you want to grow the party, please join us and commit to First Saturdays for Republican Party activism in Harford County! Remember: Saturday, June 1, 2013 in Havre de Grace at the McDonald’s on Route 40 at 10AM.
See you Saturday!
Carol MacCubbin
ProPrivacyAntiSmartMeter says
If this is a movement by conservative, true limited government, free enterprise,constitutionalist thinkers, who also agree that 1) Obamacare MUST be shut down and 2) the IRS needs to effectively be eliminated via either a flat or fair tax – then I applaud the activism immensely. On the other hand, if it is a ‘same old establishment Republican’ (no better than yesterday’s Democrats) movement, then people still don’t get it.
Soul Crusher says
I thought the Republican Party in Harford County already had all the activism they needed. I seriously doubt that a Republican rally at a local McDonalds is going to be effective.