The blotter is compiled from records of calls for service received by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. The records are reviewed and prepared for publication by Dagger staff. They do not include records from municipal or state law enforcement agencies.
A caller from the 1900 block of Tower Road reported Monday a dog had been stolen.
A caller from the area of Perryman Road and Spesutia Road reported people climbing on graves Monday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Old Philadelphia Road reported Monday people were fighting in front of a residence.
A caller from the 1800 block of Park Beach Drive reported unauthorized use of a vehicle Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Park Beach Drive reported vandalism Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Mayberry Drive reported vandalism of furniture Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Mayberry Drive reported Tuesday someone tried to break into the caller’s location.
A caller from the 200 block of Mayberry Drive reported Tuesday someone was in an apartment that should have been empty.
A caller from Laurentum Parkway reported vandalism to windows Monday.
A caller from the 3800 block of Swift Run Drive reported vandalism to a vehicle Monday.
A caller from the 100 block of Waldon Road reported a lost wallet Monday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Kyle Green Road reported Monday a vehicle was blocking a handicap ramp and a hydrant.
A caller from the area of Peverly Run Road and Birch Brook Lane reported an accident with injuries Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Kensington Parkway and Haddington Court reported Tuesday a trailer was parked with expired tags.
A caller from the 400 block of Constant Friendship Boulevard reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 3300 block of Midland Court reported an overdose Tuesday.
A caller from the 100 block of Waldon Road reported Tuesday a suspicious vehicle was parked in front of a building.
A caller from the 2900 block of Burnt Oak Court reported identity theft Tuesday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Longley Road reported a suspicious person in the caller’s area Tuesday.
A caller from the 2900 block of Haddington Court reported a break-in Tuesday.
Bel Air
A caller from the 2400 block of Creswell Road reported Monday a person previously identified as missing had returned.
A caller from the 300 block of Sunflower Drive reported Monday a person was staggering in front of the caller’s door.
A caller from the area of Route 22 and Campus Hills Drive reported a dog running in the roadway Monday.
A caller from the 500 block of West MacPhail Road reported a cat bite Monday.
A caller from the 3000 block of Nova Scotia Road reported a suspicious vehicle in the caller’s driveway Monday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Royal Meadow Court complained Monday of a vehicle parked half on a curb.
A caller from the 1300 block of North Fountain Green Road reported a drugs complaint Monday.
A caller from the 100 block of Briarcliff Lane reported Monday a credit card was missing.
A caller from the area of Route 24 and the Bel Air Bypass reported an accident with injuries Monday.
A caller from the area of Point to Point Road and Grey Fox Court reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1500 block of South Fountain Green Road reported identity theft Monday.
A caller from the 2400 block of Creswell Road reported Monday a juvenile brought a knife to school.
A caller from North Main Street reported an assault Monday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Rock Spring Road reported Monday two lockers had been broken into.
A caller from the 500 block of Greenridge Road reported a rabid raccoon in a yard Monday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Rock Spring Road reported theft Monday.
A caller from the 800 block of Fairwind Drive reported theft of a cell phone Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Thomas Run Road reported an accident with injuries Monday.
A caller from the 2400 block of Creswell Road reported Monday a resident was being disruptive.
A caller from the 800 block of Schucks Road reported Monday a possibly rabid fox had been struck by a vehicle and was in the roadway.
A caller from the 1300 block of Sheridan Place reported Monday a white Toyota with expired tags was occupied by people either doing drugs or participating in “extra-curricular activities.”
A caller from the area of Todd Court and Pentwood Court reported a suspicious person or situation Monday.
A caller from the 1100 block of Vanguard Way reported Tuesday a person hit a woman with a car.
A caller from the area of Redfield Road and East Banavie Terrace reported Tuesday a white rental van was parked on a curve and partially on the grass.
A caller from the 1800 block of Charolais Court reported theft from a vehicle Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Pine Forest Court reported identity theft Tuesday.
A caller from the 2400 block of Creswell Road reported Tuesday a student assaulted an employee.
A separate caller from the 2400 block of Creswell Road reported a disorderly student Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of North Fountain Green Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 200 block of Thomas Run Road reported theft Tuesday.
A caller from Bel Air South Parkway complained Tuesday of a vehicle parked on a curb.
A caller from the area of Foxhall Drive and South Tollgate Road reported a dog complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 500 block of Upper Chesapeake Drive reported Tuesday a child had been assaulted.
A caller from the 1200 block of Churchville Road reported Tuesday another driver threw pennies and candy at the caller’s vehicle.
A caller from South Main Street reported Tuesday harassment from a neighbor.
A caller from the 1200 block of Churchville Road reported Tuesday a person driving under the influence.
A caller from the area of Centerville Way and Kidwell Lane reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from Bel Air South Parkway reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 1300 block of Policy Drive reported Monday a suspicious car.
A caller from the area of Policy Drive and Procedure Way reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Brice Square reported Tuesday theft of a motorcycle tarp.
A caller from the area of Route 22 and Route 136 reported Tuesday a woman was driving under the influence.
A caller from Castleton Road reported Tuesday an injured dog was on the side of the road.
A caller from the 3900 block of Conowingo Road reported telephone harassment from the caller’s ex-boyfriend’s father Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Route 1 and Main Street reported a drugs complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 1400 block of Pulaski Highway reported a suspicious person or situation Monday.
A caller from the 1900 block of Pulaski Highway reported Monday the caller received a telephone call about kidnapping.
A caller from the 2600 block of Philadelphia Road reported Monday a man put a white card in a gas pump.
A caller from the 2100 block of Cedar Drive reported a suspicious vehicle parked in the caller’s area Monday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Eloise Lane reported an accident blocking traffic Monday.
A caller from the area of Willoughby Beach Road and Freys Road reported Monday a person was lying in the road.
A caller from the 2100 block of Cedar Drive reported Monday it appeared two children ages six and seven had been abandoned at school.
A caller from the 500 block of Burlington Court reported Monday a child struck a truck with a bicycle and had caused damage.
A caller from the 1700 block of Judy Way reported a suspicious vehicle Monday that had been at the caller’s location for four days.
A caller from the 2000 block of David Drive reported Monday someone was banging on a neighbor’s door.
A caller from the 2400 block of Willoughby Beach Road reported theft Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Rosewood Drive and Hornbeam Road reported men smoking marijuana at a creek Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Harbinger Trail reported Tuesday a person previously reported as missing had returned.
A caller from the area of Watergate Court and Brookside Drive reported suspicious circumstances Tuesday.
A caller from the 1000 block of Woodbridge Center Way reported Tuesday the caller’s son was out of control.
A caller from the 2200 block of Lakeside Boulevard reported a suspicious person running past the caller Tuesday.
A caller from the 500 block of Edgewood Road reported Tuesday a dirtbike was being driven in the roadway.
A caller from the 2500 block of Hanson Road reported a trespasser Tuesday.
A caller from the 800 block of Ermine Court reported harassing calls from a taxi driver Tuesday.
A caller from the 1800 block of Pulaski Highway reported Tuesday a person wouldn’t pay for nails.
A caller from the 1700 block of Van Bibber Road reported suspicious vehicles Tuesday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Bayberry Road reported a threat over the telephone Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Route 24 and Hanson Road reported Tuesday the caller had been rear ended.
A caller from the 2200 block of Hanson Road reported a beggar Tuesday.
A caller from the 3100 block of Sweetbay Drive reported Tuesday a neighbor’s door was open but they weren’t home.
A caller from the 6200 block of Edgewood Road reported Tuesday a wallet was lost at the Dollar General.
A caller from the area of Route 24 and the Route 24 Edgewood gate reported several baby foxes in the roadway causing a hazard Tuesday.
A caller from the 1700 block of Deerwood Court reported a suspicious person around the side of a residence Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Meadowood Drive reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 2200 block of Connolly Road reported Monday someone called asking for money. The caller was concerned it was a scam.
A caller from Milton Avenue reported Tuesday a trailer was parked on the road.
A caller from the 2800 block of Pleasantville Road reported income tax fraud Tuesday.
A caller from the area of Route 152 and Pleasantville Road reported Tuesday a horse was walking on the roadway.
A caller from the 1800 block of Fallston Road reported a parking complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 2100 block of Brookhaven Court reported theft from a residence Tuesday.
Forest Hill
A caller from the 900 block of Saddle View Way reported Monday electrical wire had been stolen.
A caller from the 900 block of Bernadette Drive reported Tuesday a house appeared to have burglarized.
A caller from the 1600 block of Denise Drive reported Tuesday a vehicle had been improperly parked in a handicap space for three days.
Havre de Grace
A caller from the 100 block of Revolution Street reported Monday a vehicle backed into a county bus.
A caller from the 700 block of Pennington Avenue reported an accident Monday.
A caller from Walnut Street reported Tuesday the caller’s boyfriend was outside and banging on a window.
A caller from the 3700 block of Rock Run Road reported Tuesday a cell phone account was opened in the caller’s name without his permission.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported a traffic offense Monday.
A caller from the 2200 block of Schuster Road reported Tuesday a person doing blacktop work had his vehicle parked partially in the roadway and the caller was concerned it was dangerous.
A caller from the 3700 block of Norrisville Road reported a stolen dealer tag Tuesday.
A caller from the 3800 block of Belmont Drive reported a suspicious truck driving around a development Tuesday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Stockton Road reported Monday there were loud cars.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported theft Monday.
A caller from the 900 block of Trimble Road reported an accident blocking traffic Monday.
A walk-in to the Southern Precinct Monday reported identity theft.
A caller from the 3000 block of Old Mountain Road reported Monday an ex-tenant was trespassing on the caller’s property.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported Monday theft of mail.
A caller from the 900 block of Trimble Road reported kids throwing stuff at cars Monday.
A caller from the 700 block of Towne Center Drive reported Monday the caller was being harassed by a man in the neighborhood.
A caller from the 400 block of Haverhill Road reported an abandoned vehicle Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Spry Island Road reported Tuesday a manhole cover was missing.
A caller from the area of Route 7 and Gunpowder Ridge Road reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the area of West Ring Factory Road and Winters Run reported a traffic offense Tuesday.
A caller from the 900 block of Philadelphia Road reported a parking complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 600 block of Towne Center Drive reported two dogs locked in a vehicle Tuesday.
A walk-in to the Southern Precinct Tuesday reported finding a wallet.
A caller from the 1300 block of Pulaski Highway reported trespassing Tuesday.
A caller from the 200 block of Fort Hoyle Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Hollingsworth Road reported theft from a residence Tuesday.
A caller from the 400 block of Trimble Road reported a parking complaint Tuesday.
A walk-in to the Southern Precinct reported theft of main Tuesday.
A caller from the 300 block of Sweetbriar Court reported disorderly juveniles Tuesday.
A walk-in to the Southern Precinct reported finding property Tuesday.
A caller from the 900 block of Philadelphia Road reported a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot Tuesday.
A caller from the 1500 block of Maple Avenue reported drug activity Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Pylesville Road reported an assault Monday.
A caller from the 200 block of Pylesville Road reported a parking complaint Tuesday.
A caller from the 1200 block of Heaps Road reported an accident Monday.
A caller from the area of Route 543 and Prospect Road reported a suspicious person or situation Tuesday.
White Hall
A caller from the 4800 block of Norrisville Road reported Monday a protective order had been violated.
A caller from the 2700 block of Whiteford Road reported theft Monday.
A caller from the 2900 block of Whiteford Road reported a shoplifter Monday.
Charles Roberts says
Whoa…when is this crap going to stop? Hey Harford County….you are flipping the bill for this so called school where “students” who have been expelled from public schools for various type of serious allegations. Just read the “Dagger” every week and the blotter tells it all. Thank you Nix Applin for publishing this dung. It is called the “Arrow School”, and it is located on Rt. 543 across from the Highland School at the previously Eastern Christain College. WOW..this weeks publication lists a person who was previously missing has been returned…AND..a junveile brought a knife to school….AND…they called in on a disruptive student…AND…there was an assault on an employee……every week there are escapees…..guess what??? This is not a school, it is a reform school and David Craig and Harford Co. sneaked this B.S. right into this location. With this kind of crap going on weekly, shouldn’t it be permently located in an in industrial site, rather than residential neighborhoods? Come-on get these no accounts out of this residenial neighborhood. In the Dagger the postings are the 2400 block of Creswell Rd. Thanks Dagger Press and Nix.
Mr Woof Woof says
Thank you for the blotter! I need my daily fix! Today’s trend is parking complaints. Woo hoo!
I wonder if someone was on the horse in the roadway. Fallson, E-mailer on conolly Rd reports missing Blotter has been returned.