From the Bel Air South Community Foundation:
1) We will continue to march forward with the NO BEL AIR WALMART campaign!
The passing of Bill 13-16 would have been a boost but not a necessity for our campaign to be successful.
Wal-Mart has yet to meet all County and State requirements and until they do the new store is not approved.
2) In moving forward there is one thing that is absolutely vital: That the citizens of the community are willing to stand up and fight. Only numbers will win this game.
Please reply to this e-mail if you are supportive of the NO BEL AIR WALMART campaign!
Respond with either:
A) Yes I feel strongly against the building of a Bel Air Walmart.
B) I am willing to volunteer my time to oppose the building of a Bel Air Walmart.
3) First order of business. Need your participation at Tuesday’s County Council Meeting, May 7th at 212 S. Bond Street, Bel Air at 7:30 PM. We will Rally on site starting at 6:30 PM to show Wal-Mart, the county council and the community that we will not be deterred. We will then attend the council meeting and hold the council accountable for their unacceptable and cowardly handling of Bill 13-16.
Many spoke in support of Bill 13-16 at the last council meeting. We need folks to stand up and speak again to show our disappointment in the councils lack of support for its citizens. Five of the seven abandoned the community’s concern for traffic safety and sided with big business. We cannot let their behavior go unchallenged.
4) Events being planned:
a) Letter writing campaign to the Maryland Department of Transportation and State Highway Administration
b) Collection of No Bel Air Walmart petition signatures. Our goal is to be able to reach out to thousands of more citizens to support future rally, boycott and letter writing initiatives.
c) If you have contact information for your HOAs, please send it to us or have your HOAs contact us at this address so that we can better coordinate our efforts.
A thanks goes out to Senator Art Helton for submitting a letter to the Maryland Department of Transportation in support of our concerns. Letter [below].
Also, If you have any ideas of how the county should use the Spencer’s Rubble Landfill behind the water treatment plant on Abingdon Road, deadline is May 6th (short fuse). What would you like to see? A park, recreational area, a dog park, etc? See following link for info on where to send you suggestion.
When the going gets tough; the tough get going!
Bel Air South Community Foundation
tom says
Nobody wants a Walmart in there Neighborhood ,with accompanying traffic. At least it won’t be on a dead end road like the County did in Abingdon ! Great Planning there? Now build a bigger Walmart there, Right! Thanks Bel Air Citizens.
Stupid people says
You people are stupid. You think anyone cares how the county council voted? No because it would not stop the Walmart. That guy Jeff D and his mentor Art Helton are just trying to work everyone up so they can get votes when they run for office in 2014. They don’t care about that Walmart it is just a issue they are exploiting and wasting our time on when we should be fighting the State and the County Exectives office of planning. Both are the same type of BSing, lieing all the time trying to stir up issues to get votes DEMOCRATS. Art Helton is mad at Walmart because they passed on the property he was trying to sell them for the new store and now he see votes for yet another election he will lose. Even the Annapolis Dems do not want Helton around. As for Jeff D, move out of your mothers basement; give up on running for office; find a better roll model… Art Helton is a hasbeen and never will be again; and stop trying to stir up crap just to get votes. You were a tool in High School and you still are. Look, Art Helton must use his own money to lose his elections each election year because no wants him in office. No one will give any money for the same reason. Remember you can’t have DEMOCRATS without RATS and that is what both Jeff and Art are. So to both of you, just go away and leave this fight to the adults. Oh and Art stop parking your truck with all your signs on it in places you should not. Next time you put it on my property I’m having it towed.
big donkey says
Funny how you are getting thumbs dowm, the wal mart issue is definitely good timing for a political let me get your votes because I didn’t support it, by the way once I get in office ill have more important things to worry about than 1 neighborhoods wal mart. LOL
Martin says
A) Yes I feel strongly against the building of a Bel Air Walmart.
B) I am willing to volunteer my time to oppose the building of a Bel Air Walmart.
Andrew says
Walmart gets what Walmart wants. They have endless supplies of cash to ensure this. Accept it.
The Money Tree says
“Never give in–never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
Winston Churchill, 1941
I love this issue. It makes me laugh so hard at all you red-voting Bel Air people who want your world to be just like you want it with your cake, and you want to eat it, and you want to eat it, and you want someone to deliver it to you, and you want it exactly in your flavor. This county repeatedly vote red every single season, promotes capitalism, and gives tax breaks to six-figure + earners. You get mad when “the guvment” wants to regulate business or makes any kind of decision that remotely affects you but overall might actually help the greater good. All of a sudden, the one thing you’ve promoted the whole time, not restricting business, not taxing the top the same as the bottom, and free market capitalism, has finally come back and done something that will lower your quality of life by less than 1%. Seriously, I mean, I don’t feel like driving by this Wal-Mart either, but I know that this is the bed we made, and since when do we get to pick and choose what land someone can buy and who is allowed to do it? Go hop in your DeLorean and just make sure you hit a number far enough back where everyone is getting oppressed but you and live the rest of your life there so we can move on. It’s not your say, and it never should have been.
The Money Tree says
Really seriously? Most of what you write hears seem much like envy and revenge. Given that Walmart has aligned itself so closely to the current administration and practices far from what I consider to be free market capitalism not sure where you get most of that…including the part about hoping into a DeLorean. I’d be shocked if anybody in Harford County owned one.
Kharn says
I know of one.
Common Cents says
Umm… I think the folks that wrote the article are Democrats….
Just sayin’….
Because says
I think you can’t possibly paint everyone with the wide brush you seem to use to categorize everyone that disagrees with you. But keep trying, it is amusing when you do it.
GOBelAirWalmart says
Does all this really matter? In the end what do you have? “Oh I stopped a walmart while people are dying in other countries.” Do something that really would make a difference.
big donkey says
What… The…. Shit?
Bel Air Fed says
Race, an unspoken issue. Lily white Bel Air not ready for ethnically diverse Abingdon Walmart customer base.
The Money Tree says
There you go; exactly. White Belair doesn’t want Black Walmart. If Walmart is black what is Kohls? What is Macy’s? How about Target or is Target mixed race? Had no idea stores had DNA.
Luther Lingus says
You forgot save-a-lot and dollar tree
The Money Tree says
I bet those stores are hispanic.
Because says
Make it class warfare and you have it nailed
noble says
Unfortunately, everyone gets all puffed up about “Walmart”, “crime”, “race”, political affiliation, or class, when none of those things has JACK to do with the development in question and whether or not it can be approved by the county, OR if the community has a right to collectively express it’s opinion to Walmart so as to shape the outcome of the development process.
Those are the only two things that matter. 1) Walmart’s plan was deficient, as it was already rejected by the county once. Their second attempt is still under review. 2) The community has every right to collectively express their opinion and give input to Walmart on their plan, and I think they have a right to expect Walmart would accept respectful, constructive input in good faith. At this point, it is debatable that Walmart accepted community input “in good faith.” Do they have to listen to everything the community says? No. Should they actively accept input and make a good faith effort to incorporate that input in their plans? Yes. There is little to no evidence they have done so. Does that mean they should be stopped? No. Does it mean people in the community should be angry with Walmart for not being a good neighbor? Yes.
Please just forget all the other hyperbole, it’s wasteful and useless.
Kharn says
Most large projects are not approved on their first submittal, its how you determine what is or is not acceptable. The residents’ input is coming very late in the game, and would require both time and funds to change the design now, so while accepted in good faith, their contributions aren’t showing enough value to be implemented.
noble says
Actually, there was a “community input meeting” in July 2012, where input was provided both verbally (mostly not helpful) and written, and even the constructive respectful input was seemingly ignored in the original site plan submitted. There was also a meeting with community organizations in September or October 2012 where a lot of input was given to Walmart, and every single piece of it was ignored in the second site plan revision. So, effectively, Walmart has ignored every bit of input it has received so far, from sidewalks and bushes to roads. That’s not a neighbor I want to have. Don’t come asking for input and then ignore all of it.
None of which means they should be stopped from building their store, as I already stated. It just means people have a right to be angry about it.
The Money Tree says
Input from the neighborhood is nothing more to them than a box to check. It’s something to point to that they communicated with the neighbors in advance. I doubt Walmart is the only offender but I also doubt they really care about what we think at all unless it concerns whether or not we’ll shop there. History tells them we’ll get over it and we’ll shop there. In this case let’s hope they’re wrong.
noble says
LIke lambs to the slaughter…
Cdev says
Did the community give it in good faith? I think not their goal was to just stop the Wal-mart by asking for unreasonable things. This is further evidenced by the people who simply are telling them not to build!
noble says
You can’t speak for everyone, and neither can I.
Cdev says
True but you must admit that many people will only be happy with no wal-mart on that site and that advice was not offered in good faith.
noble says
Well yes and no. Some people will just oppose Walmart no matter what, yes. But some are Walmart customers who think they should just do business at their current location, and some of the suggestions to do that have been reasonable. Obviously Walmart has every right to ignore that input, but I don’t think it was all cynical.
Stupid People says
Attention: People of the non existing “Bel Air South Community Foundation” I am planning to run for office in 2014 so I am forming a new take action committee to get me elected. Oh, no… No, I mean to free you from this Walmart. I am calling it the “Campaign for the Bel Air South Community Foundation”. We will defeat the Walmart and anyone that stands in our way by using my proven methods.
First, move out of the area you call Bel Air South. This solves a number of problems that most of you created by moving into an area designed the “Develoment Envelop”. Mandated under federal and state law by liberial democrats to create area designated for growth in once rural areas to control groups of the population and there votes by creating BS issues. You moving out will cut down on the traffic problems, school issues, and public safety concerns. Also, with no population no Walmart, problem solved.
Second, stop shopping at Walmart! But non of you can or will. A lot of you say you don’t use Walmart anymore but you are lying. You may not be shopping at the Abingdon one but I have seen a lot of you at the Fallston one. Right Jeff?
Third, keep going to the County Council meetings. I really do like seeing the council members rolling their eyes at your useless attempts to shine in front of your “Bel Air South Community”. The best part about this one is that you know the council can not help you but you keep lying to the “Bel Air South Community” and telling them the council can stop the Walmart, ” all we need to do is keep showing up at the meetings and they will stop Walmart”. But people like Jeff D and Art Helton do not want to stop an issue like the Walmart. They know how to stop that Walmart but its not best for them to do so. They know that county planing and zoning can deny the Walmart because of community concerns and the county executive has full control over that department not the council. But you never hear of anyone protesting at the executives office or public meeting hosted by the Bel Air South Community Foundation with planing, the county executive, or state highways. Also, good old Art Helton is one of the richest people in Harford County. He owns a lot of land if he really would like to stop Walmart he could buy the land. It’s not sold yet.
Forth, people of Bel Air South Community, don’t follow these dirt bags that are exploiting our communitys very emotional problem for political gain. It really is disgraceful.
Because says
Try editing next time
Stupid People says
Sorry, I decided to use my 2 Master Degrees in chemical engineering to run a bio tech lab not to work editing at the local paper. Maybe when I receive a Doctorate at the end of next year I will consider a profession change.
I devised this simple KEY so you may easily decipher my poorly edited statement.
non existing = non-existing
non = none
their = there
Walmart = Wal-Mart
Develoment = Development
Liberial = liberal
Mandated under federal and state law by liberial democrats to create area designated for growth in once rural areas to control groups of the population and their votes by creating BS issues. = Development zoning is mandated under federal and state law by liberal democrats. Doing so was to create an area designated for growth in once rural areas. This is a way to control groups of the population and the groups votes by creating localized emotional issues.
can not = can’t or cannot
its = it’s or it is
executives = executive’s
communitys = communities (used as a group of; not the owner ship of)
Hope this helps!
Because says
You would be more credible if you were a mechanical engineer with a bachelors. You just sound pretentious.
What's Best for HarCo says
FoURTH….not “forth”.
The Money Tree says
Way to go “what’s best” you D bag, we need to all join together and correct everyones spelting….
The Money Tree says
Please don’t use my “name” to post. It’s particularly appalling because you’ve chosen to be publically crude. That isn’t me.
Mike Welsh says
Stupid people has spoken.
Luther Lingus says
Build Shitmart in Edgewood so it will be closer to their demographic
Your comment is embarassing. This is why Harford County will always be Harfordtucky as long as Rednecks like you live here. I beg your pardon I wish I could afford to buy a house in Willoughby Beach in Edgewood. It is much better than those double-wides off of English Manor. I love how one or two developments changesthe demographics in Edgewood, but you convince yourself that some of those nasty homes full of crazy Rednecks is so much better because there in Bel Air.
Luther Lingus says
You could afford it if you worked harder – maybe you should tell your messiah Obama that you deserve to live in Willoughby Beach so he can give you a home there.
Take a good look at Edgewood shopping center on RT40. I bet you a million dollars that you don’t shop there whatsoever. You liberals love the poor folks but don’t want them to live anywhere near you, at least I am honest. If you can afford to live in my neighborhood, I have no problem with you being there whatsoever, no matter your race, religion or sexual orientation. If you worked as hard as I did to get there, you deserve the right to live in my neighborhood.
The great exodus has been in the works for over 40 years. Many of the working people in areas like Dundalk, Essex, Highlandtown, Overlea and Parkville were abandoned years ago for Joppatown, Aberdeen, Fallston, Baldwin and Jarrettsville. When these working people built nice homes and schools in these neighborhoods the bleeding-hearts decided to add mass transit and give out vouchers for low income families to move out to these areas just like Columbia and Frederick.
The reason “according to the liberals” was because these poor people deserved the nice schools, nice neighborhoods, low crime and benefits that the working people built, even though the poor didn’t contribute a damn thing to help create them.
Now areas like Edgewood and Joppatowne are riddled with gangs and crime. Again, the people who could flee these areas already have left for rural Pennsylvania, the Eastern Shore or Delaware.
With the 13 million “New Americans” that Obama and Owe Malley want to dump onto us this problem will get much worse. Most of the border jumpers will need public assistance, education and healthcare all that you will pay for. If these people were successful at anything they would have stayed in their own country and made their homeland a better place to live. These people offer no benefit other than cheap, tax-free labor that idiots like you exploit by getting cheap landscaping because you are too lazy to get off your ass and do the work yourself.
Companies like shitmart cater to these poor people by selling pre-paid cards and cheap goods peddled by low-wage-part-time-employees with State subsidized health-care for their workers.
In retrospect, the $.15 you saved on a can of corn actually costs you much more in taxes you pay to the State to cover benefits for shitmart employees. Not to mention the tax breaks counties give to shitmart for road construction and drainage that we the residents pay for in additional taxes that NO small start-up would EVER get from county government.
Keep shopping at shitmart and keep voting Democrat, they need your intellect and for you to keep funding your own demise. Clearly, you haven’t learned anything from Plato, the Romans, the migration period or Lyndon Johnson.
Kharn says
I loved when the bums would demand a fiver from me outside of that Giant when I first moved to HarCo and did not know any better.
Not a buck. A fiver.
Harfordtucky says
If you gave me a ten I promise I would have given you change.
Harfordtucky says
I’m sure that people from Willoughby Beach do not shop there. I know at least one who hightails through there with the pedal to the floor to and from work.
I don’t know why you’d want to live in an area where the access is through an area that scares you.
Redneck says
I can tell you one thing, you won’t find this redneck getting a mani pedi, wearing flip flops in public, double popped collars, driving a wannabe expensive car with the top down in winter.
BelairBob says
The Haron Dahan Foundation can stop the wal mart deal today, yet no one bothers them.
Strange…. very very strange….
Stupid People says
Good point. It goes to what I have been saying. This is more of a political issue and the Bel Air South Community Foundation dirt bags are making it more so. Even Glen Glass is jumping in with both feet. But non of them are doing anything to help, Glass included. At least the county council did a resolution to get the state to rethink the Walmart based on traffic. But the Bel Air South Community Foundation dirt bags are not thankful and are demanding more from a council that has no ability to do anything else.
Anyone that goes to the council meeting at the direction of the Bel Air South Community Foundation dirt bags are just wasting your time and proving how stupid you all are. I will tune in from the comfort of my home to see your stupid statements. Then I will send my remarks to the county executives office in the morning. I really hope the Indian lady talks again she get me laughing when she starts repeating herself over and over with the same stupid remarks. I do feel sorry for her because she thinks she is helping but she is too stupid to realize she is not talking to the right people.
FYi – Anyone know what Art Helton, Jeff D, and Glen Glass have in common? ALL THREE HAVE ELECTION COMMITTEES ON FILE WITH THE STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS. It really makes you think, right? I know I will never vote for any of them.
The Money Tree says
Whether or not they’re running for office matters little to me if any of them can be helpful to the community.
Stupid People says
You are right. But self help should not be the motivator. Which it is in this case. I often vote for both D’s and R’s because of the person and what they can do or have done.
Stupid People says
Well I will only get the opportunity to vote against 2 of them. At least I will get to vote against the worst of the 3, Art and Jeff.
I do look forward to posting all the dirt about Jeff in the up coming election. That’s why I call him a dirt bag because he is full of dirt. Anyone running against Jeff will not need any help to win the election just open the bag.
The Money Tree says
BelairBob says
Your never ending comments for every post I make is rather creepy….
landfill says
Let’s mound up a land fill there, problem solved with our trash and no wally world.
Roman says
maybe they can build a trash incinerator, a trash hauling station or a section 8 housing complex instead? No you say, how about a Walmart instead? People from Bel Air make me almost as sick of people from Fallston complaining about a mobile park complex because of “traffic issues” and it doesn’t conform to community standards and any other excuse that these NIMBY’s would like to see happen with an undeveloped lot in the development envelope.
Stupid People says
Good point!
Fallston stopped the RV park. You ask how? Not by going to the council every night wasting your time. But the community went to planing, the county executive, SHA, and the property owner to come up with something.
Dirt bags of the Bel Air South Community Foundation should take a lesson from the Fallston play book on this one.
The Money Tree says
It’s a lot harder to influence developement inside the envelope than outside not to mention the avg. income and influence of the Fallston residents. Money does talk no matter how offensive that might seem to some. Not sure why everybody insists on calling Bel Air South Community organizers dirt bags. That’s pretty harsh towards a bunch of people who truly seemed concerned about the density of developement and the traffic issues involved.
Stupid People says
“Dirt Bags” maybe harsh I will admit. So lets give “politically motivated do gooders” a try or 1 issue blowhards. You pick it all the same to me.
noble says
Partially correct.
In the case of the RV park in Fallston, they went to the owner, who also was planning to be the developer of the project, and who also wanted to listen.
The Walmart/Plumtree site shares none of those factors in common. You have a Foundation as the owner (legally complicated), and a different developer/purchaser (Walmart) who has shown no real intention of listening to the community on any facet of the project no matter how minor.
ALEX R says
RV park developer has an alternate plan yet to be revealed that I stumbled on by accident. Health club in nature.
noble says
Interesting tidbit, thanks.
Not in the zone of any of my life business, so I really don’t care what happens to it. I just knew an RV park would not be high on the wish list for that area, and I knew people would take action to keep it from happening. Check, and check.
ALEX R says
Yes, and the key is people would get stirred up so when the real plan comes out people believe that they had an impact and the new plan – which was the real plan all along – doesn’t seem that bad after all. Machiavellian.
Jack Rabbit says
Health club in Nature, AKA a nudist colony.
Much better than an RV park, stay classy Falston!
noble says
Yes an all too common ploy. Creating problems you already have solutions to is an age-old method of career building.
“The Phantom Menace”
Andrew says
I am sure that the RV Park developers didn’t have bags of cash, waiting to fund future political races. Accept that you will no longer have to drive to Fallston for new socks. Walmart has won this one. Money talks…..
Stupid People says
You are almost right. If you look up that developer, load of his cash go into the political campaigns of most of the local campaigns. Much more then Wal-Mart contributes to them. Oddly enough I am unable to locate any contributions from Wal-Mart or the developer/owner of the RV Park in the campaign contribution records of the council member of that area (district B). I do see contributions from both or just by one in all of the others records. I am very shocked, I may have missed it but I do not think I did.
Roman says
All the same to me, Bel Air and Fallston have been crapping all over Abingdon, Joppa and Rte 40 communities. They don’t mind shopping someplace else, sending their trash someplace else or have water treatment plants someplace else but in their back yard. I hope Walmart wins so I can shop there instead of going to Abingdon to avoid the traffic nightmare there. Bel Air can support the traffic as everything else is already built out and there are roads to enter/leave. If they don’t like it there, they can move out to Fallston and feel as entitled as those rednecks do.
Luther Lingus says
There is already a shitmart in Fallston genius.