Brewtal Battle is a king-of-the-hill style podcast that pits two mystery beers against local beer enthusiasts to determine which beers rule and which downright suck. May contain coarse language and impaired judgement. Listen and imbibe at your own risk.
Episode 8: They guys discuss their harsh beer grading, differing opinions on Sandra Bullock’s face, beers in a can, and wonderful hoppiness in beer. And in the tasting, Kyle experiences earth-shattering embarrassment.
How many of these stupid things do we have to endure?
I don’t know your age, but if you are young, you will have many more stupid things to endure in your life. It is the new America. Stay calm!
As many as you click on.
I’m not young and I am calm. But I will continue to point at stupid things and say use the space more wisely and stop putting up dumb stuff that interests no one.
It’s the internet, there is unlimited space as long as you have money. Obviously there was enough money compensated for the bandwidth to upload the article.
If you don’t like it, dont read it.
Because no one makes it a 100 post political ordeal out of the comment section that means to you its stupid, dumb, and no one else is interested in it?
Keesha, I agree that it is stupid and isn’t worth the space it takes up even on the internet. Yawn! Boring. How much did they have to pay to get these articles posted?
The New America, Bear? New or old it’s still stupid and boring.