From Ryan Burbey, President, Harford County Education Association:
All citizens of Harford County should be dismayed by County Executive Craig’s proposed FY2014 Budget. It again has flat funding for HCPS. Despite his claims of being a life-long educator, despite Harford County taking in more revenue than ever before, despite having a fund balance which exceeds two hundred million dollars; County Executive Craig has once again shown his misplaced priorities and lack of dedication to our schools. I am disappointed that the County Executive has so little regard for the hardworking HCPS staff, our schools and our students.
In February, over 500 school employees stood up for our schools. Nearly fifty speakers implored County Executive Craig to increase funding for our schools. He has chosen to ignore those voices and abandon our students. What is his response? “I could have lowered school funding but I kept it the same.” Clearly, he is out of touch with the needs of our students, teachers and HCPS as a whole. We must fight for our schools. A flat budget for HCPS in 2014 will result in dramatic cuts. To fund last year’s shortfall of 7 million dollars, HCPS was forced to cut over 60 positions. This year’s shortfall is over $20,000,000. That could mean over 150 position cuts!
Some may say, “It has always been this way.” I say we must support our schools to build a future for the children of Harford County. I say we cannot be deterred. We must raise our voices for our schools, our students and our teachers. We must fight. Make arrangements now. Bring your family. Bring your friends. Bring your neighbors.
Frederick Douglass said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle.”
This is our struggle! We need to act.
On Thursday May 16th at 7pm, the Harford County Council will hold a budget hearing at Patterson Mill High School. We need every Harford County Citizen who values the education provided by Harford County Public Schools to speak with their feet. We all must attend. We all must fight to protect public education for our children and to preserve the quality of our schools.
You sir are a socialist, all you want is other people’s money. Your tired old saying “it’s for the children” got old along time ago.
Don’t capitalists want other people’s money, too?
Yes, but they’re willing to exchange valuable goods or services for that money.
An HCPS diploma is not worth the cost today, increasing the cost will not (necessarily) increase the value.
In that case I guess teachers will exchange less valuable services for the money they are compensated and students will receive less valuable services for the funding that HCPS receives.
Your opinion regarding the value of an HCPS diploma today is obviously debateable.
Want to explain how HCC’s remedial classes are a booming business?
Teacher, They do want to get money from others but they don’t confiscate it they create and sell goods and services that people can choose to but. Or not buy. The socialists confiscate money form others to fund their own special projects and try to tell us it is for the good of the children, and the teachers, and the police, and the firefighters.
And when they do it they lie to us. Need proof? Tell me if the education budget for the State of Maryland has increased by the amount of money the State receives from gambling. It hasn’t. But they told us it would.
Burbey, you want more money? Call your buddy MOM and ask him to send you the gambling money. That’s your increase.
O’Malley never said it would increase from gambling, just that the gambling funds would go towards schools. The supporters were very careful in their wording. Now they just provide less money from the general fund, equal to the amount from the gambling fund.
They were very careful in their wording because they knew full well it wasn’t to better fund education rather a smoke screen to get more general fund money to do with what they wanted. The ‘message’ of their ads was ‘it’s for the kids and to better fund education’ and it was a damnable lie told by damnable liars.
I’ve asked on several previous occasions for the definition responders employ when
condemning someone as a socialist. Not once has anyone replied. What does that
suggest, other than everyone in Scandanavia, for example, must somehow be deluded, benighted, or possibly evil?
Burbey- Its the way you come off no one got a raise do i think teachers desreve it yes i do, but the economy is bad, Teachers, police, and firefighters are are front lines for the future but the county had to pick up teachers pensions. Am i happy about that NO! But your statement should be towards the terrible Governer Martin OWE’Maley not the county. To the teachers thank you for what you do everyday.
Hold the line Mr. Craig – somebody should, sure not MOM.
Can we hold the line on Feds as well?
Can we downsize a few?
Hold the line, cut the waste, trim the pork…
oh, now I’m out of a job too
3 years ago the company I had been an employee of for 13 years went out of buisness, and I lost my job. After 4 month’s was able to find a new job with a roughly 15% pay cut, but hey I was working again. 6 month’s ago the new company decided to reduce cost and since I was the last one in the boat, off I went. Thankfully within weeks found a new job, with only a minor pay reduction.
Having a hard time feling sad for teachers who have not gotten that raise they ‘deserve’.
Imagine being told that because you are a teacher you have to pay more for your pension but we are going to put the money in the general fund…effectively meaning you pay more taxes than the average citizen. Also imagine back about 10 years ago when times where good and you got huge raises you got told you would only get a little now but don’t worry when times are bad you would get a little too only to find out now they want you to be just like them!!!!
Awesome Brian! you mean there are jobs out there???? I’m glad there are still some workers(and not takers) out there…
Gee wiz Cdev you know everything. How about Harford County workers? They have had their pensions go up to 7% of their pay and had 1 raise in 4 years without any step increase. Schools already get the majority of the county budget without any say in where the money goes. There is more to this county than school and teachers that needs funding.
I agree with your statement. What are the government workers doing to improve the situation? Are you organizing as a group and speaking to the Harford County representatives about priorities and where the money should be spent. I think Harford County has more than enough money in the coffers to pay workers a reasonable wage without having to raise taxes if they only chose to focus on the true needs of the county.
being with sheriffs office…. been with the office for nearly 7 yrs now and have yet to see even what a “step” increase is?? there are a large number of deputies that have 6-7 yrs with the dept and are still making the same base pay as the rookies with just a year on the street?? and the older fellas in the union who have peaked with their salary don’t wanna ruffle any feathers with the county or the sheriff for that matter to fight for the younger guys! hell ther are even some guys who came over from the city with 3-4yrs of experience 6-7 yrs ago….now with probably 8-9yrs police experience and making same base pay as the same rookies with a year on the street!! deputies wish they had a stronger union like the schools do!! and we’re also looking at increase in healthcare bene’s this next fiscal year!
There is no reason why all of the public servants in Harford County should continue to be treated in the abominable fashion which has become the pattern during the Craig Administration. How can anyone in Harford County Government continue to cry poor while collecting record levels of revenue?
Let me be clear, I advocate for students, teachers and schools because it is my primary duty but I don’t think any of public servants in Harford County should be subjected the peril and austerity which currently has become the norm.
So you will surely not want to reduce 40% of teachers salaries even futher by taking union fees against there wishes. Correct?
Mr. Burbey,
What are your ideas for improvement?
And exactly how would you fund all of your ideas?
Please be specific.
John P. Mallamo
Mr. Burbey,
No one is persecuting public servants as a group. They are more specific and just single out those who deserve it. If the shoe fits . . . . . . . . .
You’re already in charge of HCEA. Stop with the campaign promises and start producing results.
It takes more than one person to make a difference. A collective group can make a difference if they stand together. If you wait for one person to do it all for you then you will wait a very long time for any change. This is one idea that HCEA members are beginning to realize. This is the reason they have a reasonably strong union. And for anyone who sits back and complains about what a union doesn’t do for them, you are the person who waits for someone to do everything for you. If you do not like the way things are then become active and make a difference. In the process you might learn about all of the things that people are doing to make a difference.
I know that I have many years served in HCPS, still making what entry level people start at. With this years soc sec going up, I making less than ever. Ryan has been the first to make enough waves to move us forward. We need less complaining from people, and more action. Others are correct, there are plenty of people without jobs, I am thankful to have one, but does that mean I don’t deserve a raise ever? The money is there, it’s just being spent incorrectly. I appreciate all of Ryan’s efforts
Thank you. Please come on May 16th.