From Del. Glen Glass:
Dear Friend,
I am sad to inform you that after 7 hours of debate and hundreds of amendments, SB 281, the gun control bill, passed the House of Delegates 78 to 61.
This bill takes away fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This bill punishes law abiding citizens and will not do anything to punish criminals who are committing crimes.
Thank you so much for your support.
Your Delegate and Servant
Glen Glass
Thank you so much for your efforts Barry. I’m afraid Md. has arrived at the point of no return.
Who’s Barry?
Lol… Glen Glass and Barry Glassman are two different people.
Who didn’t see this coming. Watch sales explode before October.
Watch sales? What do watch sales have to do with this?
OH… sales of GUNS explode…I get it. Sorry. For a second there I thought you were referring to the “Clocks, not Glocks” weapons exchange program.
Way behind if you have not already bought before the new year started.
Sales are already busting at the seams.
The number of guns being brought into the state by way of online ordering is simply staggering.
Thank all your politicians for stirring the pot unnecessarily.
Delegate Glass,
Thank you for all of your efforts to protect our rights this session.
I guess I am going to be a lawbreaker. Just watch, there will be fines that aren’t worth fighting for having more than capacity mags and such. Just like red light and speed cameras. Another money grab…
OweMalley is Obama lite. He could care less what his gas tax increase will do to middle income and the poor. He could care less if law abiding citizens can protect themselves. He is a tool who thinks he can become President. He has the back ground as a liberal, a wife kids and a mistress and twins. Go Marty.
Marc, I wouldn’t accuse him of having a mistress without some evidence. I know the Dem/Libs make accusations without evidence but lets not sink that low.
Anyway, if he does have a mistress it is probably my wallet because they seem to spend so much time together.
Baltimore City Police Officers are a wealth of information.
Let’s hope the Supreme Court will fix this infringement on the Bill of Rights. It would seem to me that the GA over-stepped its bounds.
If this bill (and similar ones being enacted in other states) are indeed violations of constitutional rights, the conservative dominated Supreme Court will surely strike it down (in whole or part). If the court, especially one whose majority was appointed by Republicans, upholds such bills, the limitations in the new law are not essential in nature.
Here is exhibit #1 of the trial. Clear evidence that 78 socialists sitting in the House of Delegates have total disregard for the Constitution of the US. The Bill of Rights means nothing to them, nor does tackling the real problem faced in MD regarding violent criminals. Thank you all for showing your true colors – you are all treasonous, treacherous snakes.
What is the definition of a “socialist,” as utilized by an ardent supporter of the 2nd amendment? Is a socialist essentially negative in nature ?
It’s obvious that rational, freedom-loving individuals are the minority of the population in this state and maybe even in the nation. So, what I’m to understand here is that by banning “assault weapons”, limiting magazine clips (which one Congresswoman, who is backing gun control legislation at the Federal level, didn’t even know could be RELOADED), and fingerprinting law-abiding citizens, we will be safer from gun violence? Tell you what…..I’ll submit my fingerprints to this god-awful state as soon as they prove to me that they have obtained the fingerprints of the CRIMINALS before they commit their crimes. This state can kiss my ass.
Simple question: if you haven’t comitted a crime, why worry about them having your fingerprints? I’ve had a security clearance since when I first started working 30+ years ago. Getting and sustaining one required my fingerprints many times in the intervening years. Nothing bad has ever happened to me as a result. I’m not being argumentative, but really trying to understand the opposition to this.
I also have given my prints in order to obtain a clearance. I did so because I understood that in order to have access to sensitive information, it was a requirement of the Federal Government. My issue with giving prints to an agency for simply exercising my constitutional rights is offending. If you can’t see that the all-powerful state is trying to make it too much of a hassle for “regular folks” to obtain a firearm then I don’t know what to say, other than those are some nice looking rose-colored glasses you’re wearing.
But my point is – they already have our fingerprints. If anyone thinks that they don’t already know everything about each of us, long before we register a gun, they are kidding themselves.
Very good news, but not great news. Great news would be Congress admitting that the one major error of our constitution s the 2nd amendment, and ending it.
Guns should be only for law enforcement and the military, and tightly controlled and tracked.
You clearly have no understanding of our Constitution, why it is worded the way it is, what the Bill of Rights means (even for you) and how important ALL of the Bill of Rights is for every American.
Perhaps we should put a muzzle on you and take away your freedom to speak? How about we force you into some sort of servitude? And that faith you had…well, it’s illegal to even think about a “higher power”. You must now submit to others and you can be searched at their whim. You think this all sounds absurd and outdated? Ask the Syrians, Libyans, Egyptions, Iranians, Venezuelans, North Koreans…. Do you get it yet? Probably not – but I’m not giving up my rights to you or the government!
Thank you for your opinion. Do you know why you have one and can express it?
Your opinion reflects to me an image of someone who has no clue about the history of this great nation – none.
Law enforcement is the responsibility of every law-abiding citizen. I am not responsible to enforce the laws in your home – only my own. And if some mutt comes through the door or window uninvited with the intent to cause harm to me or my family, they will be met by a shotgun and be stopped in their tracks. Someone here said that when the police are needed in an instant, they are minutes away. Disarm yourself if it makes you feel safer. That is a choice for you. That IS NOT a choice for you to make for me.
Second, you have no clue about national defense. A standing military is an abomination to this great land. I allow it to the point I understand the complexities of the modern battlefield require full time service members, but the defense of our way of life will always be in the hands of the people who are supposed to hold power – that is us. If you are happy with others keeping your rights protected, don’t be shocked when they decide one day to take them away.
Lastly, Guns are in the hands of criminals illegally. I ask you: What in this latest legislation that is merely infringement of the rights of law-abiding citizens, going to do about that? Answer the question, please.
Who do you think you are, lecturing people like you are? Most of your writing makes little or no sense, just another pot bellied lunatic who thinks that a 200 year old piece of paper written by men who lived in a completely different world gives them the right to be some sort of public policeman. You’re just another republican loudmouth who can’t bear the thought of someone with a different opinion. Stop your damn whining, you can still buy your precious guns.
Clearly an Obama voter
Perhaps I’ll really disappoint you by telling you my voter card says ‘unaffiliated.’ And you seem to really lump on a description without actually seeing me. Impressive.
You can have your opinion all you want. What you can’t have are my rights.
You see, Doug, I could call you some names, too, but that is rather juvenile isn’t it?
Lastly, I’m not whining. Actually I asked a question that has still not, after many hours, been answered.
But what’s the deal with the NRA wanting to make it mandatory for teachers to carry guns? That’s nuts – forcing teachers under duress to carry a gun? The folks in charge of that organization are losing touch with reality. Or also the pro-gun robocalls they made to the families of the Newtown victims: can you say “cruel and heartless?”
Can you please post a link to where the NRA say “mandatory” They are offering training classes. Nobody is pushing for “mandatory” Stop listening to MSLSD
Sweet local guy! Sweet! Absolutely love your comment! I am a female, love my guns & I reserve the right to protect myself, my home & family! Like you, someone comes unwanted, they will be facing my little friend as well! This is criminal, taking away my rights! Unfair!
I would feel very safe breaking and entering into Lin’s house..
One lone voice of reason in a sea of gun nuts. How many times has the constitution been amended? More than 20. So, it is not a perfect, immutable document, nor was it meant to be (or there would not have been a procedure for changing it). Fingerprints? You have to give your fingerprints to work for any school district in Maryland (and they charge you for giving them). I would hazard a guess that you have to give them to work in law enforcement as well. And – Marc Eaton, the expression is “COULDN’T care less,” not could care less. If one could care less, what are you saying?
Your choice of employment is not a civil right, neither is having a drivers LISCENSE.
What is Maryland going to do with the currently employed police officers who have PBJs on their record? You know, the pbj amendment from the house is retroactive.
Welcome to the discussion. Nice ad hominen slur on people who choose to possess firearms legally. Something in rhetoric about going after the individual when the point is empty or illogically formed, no?
Actually the Constitution has been amended 27 times.
Not perfect is correct. However, that does not mean we have to undo parts of it we don’t like.
Answer me this: Will the thugs who steal legal firearms and sell them on the street fulfill the legal obligation to have their gang-banger thugs fingerprinted? Please answer that question… I asked one earlier and it has been ignored so far.
Local, I haven’t received an answer to this: How are specifically the guns that I personally own, a threat to anyone?
Mine are a threat to anyone breaking into my home… just sayin’! 😉
Vinnygret, The authors of the Constitution were well aware that it was a document that would require adjustments with changing times. They provided a process for doing so. The process is tedious and demanding to prevent ill conceived changes arising form short lived trends in cultural thinking. Remember prohibition? They forced us to look long and hard before we tinkered with basic rights that they guaranteed for good reason. If this is one of those times then gun control advocates can launch such a process and see how much luck they have. I detest it when these conversations degenerate into name calling. It usually comes from the frustrated and angry whose arguments are so easily dissected. Try to lay out your point of view in a manner that inspires a thoughtful response.
I can’t believe you have said this, wait till they go after a constitutional amendment that you support and then I want to see you gain the support you need. Just remember, it’s not important until effects you, is not the way to live!
If this bill takes away our constitutional rights, how can it be legal. I think this should be presented in court along with the part of a concealed carry permit that says you need a valid reason.
You may of course appeal to the Supreme Court of Maryland. Other states have passed similar legislation and it now is their law too.
Just an FYI…..Maryland does not have a “Supreme Court.” It is known as the Court of Appeals.
If this bill takes away our constitutional rights, how can it be legal?
They can pass it, but the only way to get it overturned is if the GA repeals it (not remotely likely in MD) or it gets challenged in court by someone with deep enough pocket to fund appeals through the court system until it hits SCOTUS and hope that they rule it unconstitutional.
“Mr Alan Gura, you have a call on the white courtesy phone, Mr Alan Gura…”
Perhaps, comrade, you forget that you are privileged to be permitted to live in the People’s Republic of Maryland.
Delegate Glass, I want to thank you very much for your efforts on our behalf! I envision that there will be many lawsuits filed as a result of gun-control laws passed in Maryland and other states.
@Gibby You are 100% correct that there will be numerous lawsuits. The truly tragic part of that is that the legal beagles will all be paid with our tax dollars to defend this indefensible crap.
“Right to bear arms’ is the top mistake by our early government. If they were able to Monday morning quarterback the Columbine, Newtown, and too numerous other massacres, then I can assure that we be arguing as we would have had a gunless citizenry.
What a mess – and reading the above posts is really depressing. Gun nuts everywhere
Yeah, because massacres never took place during the revolutionary war(sarcasm).
Those gun nuts are the reason you are free.
Thank you Del. Glass. Everytime I think Maryland can’t get anymore socialist they come out with something like the gun control law. I wouldn’t care as much if even one member of the GA had the guts to change the Constitution that they apparently feel is a worthless document. But no, instead they take the cowardly way out and change state law because they can. Remember how this works. Regulation, registration, confiscation. Bye America. It was fun while it lasted.
As a volunteer Korea veteran I must say that I am ashamed of my country for the first time and very ashamed of the so called Free State of Maryland. Why? Because this bill and others like this makes it seem that all veterans that have given their lives, arms ,legs, eyes and minds for freedom and to uphold the constitution in vain, all for nought. If only they could speak here.
Nice logic Lin, actually, the colonies at the time just got done defeating the biggest massacre to date by people wearing red uniforms who were hell bent in telling them how to live from across the ocean.
And tried to get us to keep our damn hands off the Native American’s land. Darn it. Giving them guns did a lot of good. So instead we wiped out their Buffalo herds, moved them to new lands that they were unfamiliar with and gave them blankets infected with Small Pox. God we are awesome.
I don’t see you giving your land back to the Susquehannock/ Lenape, or is your outrage all talk.
Quit your Fed job, give up your US benefits, and prostrate yourself before the Cherokee nation and ask forgiveness.
What drivel. Look around the world. Every part of the world where “gun control” is alive and well is a hotspot of evil, all-powerful and oppressive government. Every single right you enjoy is underpinned by the citizenry being armed sufficiently to keep its government just that little bit on edge. Every example the libs throw out there has more than a gun in common – they are absolutely insane individuals that had red flags flying high on the mast but nobody could do a thing to keep them in check, stop them from hurting society in any way at all. Why? Because there is absolutely ZERO way to deal with the mentally ill in this country. Like Lanza, these guys have NO CRIMINAL record and the bogus power-grab laws we’re now seeing do not address this in any way!! We won’t have to wait long – the evidence will be on the news every night. Criminals will continue to thrive in Baltimore…but hey, the libs will feel real good that they’ve turned the screws to the law-abiding citizens of this one-party state!
Right, Britain, Switzerland, Germany and places like that come to mind to support your point.
You may want to do some more research there Because. Britain’s violent crime rate is pretty horrific in spite of their draconian gun laws. One can not even legally defend their homes with a legally owned shotgun things have gotten so bad. In Switzerland, every male of military age keeps a REAL assault rifle (i.e., an automatic military weapon, not a gun that simply looks intimidating) in their homes, and their crime rates are minimal. And Germany is not immune to gun crimes, just do some research. They have had school shootings and other horrific events too.
Educate yourself and read Dr John Lott’s book “More Guns, Less Crime”.
In regards to your other post about our history, no other country on the planet is free of shameful things in their past. Did we do bad things to people in our history? Sure. Get over it. It is HISTORY. Move on. This is STILL the greatest country on the planet. Though, for how much longer I do not know.
Hey Because – go do your homework. Violent crime is thriving in the UK and Germany – and you want to talk about oppressive governments and ridiculous taxes – 2 of your 3 shining examples go down in flames. As for the Swiss – they are an exception to many rules – they are very well armed, unlike much of Europe, and their homogenous, highly controlled affluent society produces those perfect people with blue eyes, blonde hair and lots of dough – outsiders are not welcome! Maybe that’s why they don’t have as much violent crime? But it comes at a cost.
I’m sure it’s all about violent crime to you, because clearly an argument about guns would only lead you to pull out some fact that supports your desire for a personal firearm with a thirty round magazine. Let’s meet again for hyperbole.
For a man whose existence is based on working for the military you certainly are a smug.
I think you are confusing one of the Nordic nations with Switzerland; the Swiss, bordered by Austria, Italy, southern Germany and France are not generally “perfect people with blue eyes, blonde hair and lots of dough”.
Britain’s violent crime is generally knife crime, or other weapons; it is reasonably rare that a gun is used in the commission of a crime.
U.S. 2009 murder rate: 5 per 100,000.
U.K. 2009 murder rate: 1.49 per 100,000.
So the individuals out there killing law enforcment officers in the lat couple of weeks are mentally ill? Doubt it. Rather, they are what happens due to the 2nd amendment being misinterpreted by gun nuts
Misinterpreted? How so
people kill people.
Guns let people kill many people
so do cars and box cutters.
Cars kill people…
Hot dogs kill people…and sometimes people who act like hot dogs get themselves killed…
Deer kill people! we still shoot them??????
And the people who use guns to hurt or kill people are called criminals. Criminals can’t legally possess guns. These laws will not stop one criminal from getting a gun if they want one. And the new laws in Connecticut wouldn’t have stopped the tragedy that occurred there.
And, Lin, the top mistake by our government is to allow idiots like you the right to publicly express their idiotic notions. But my relatives sacrificed themselves to give you that right so I am determined to honor that sacrifice while I simultaneously am offended by the thought of your stupidity.
Universal Background checks are a start. And some guy posted on Facebook that he would be damned if he was going to do a background check on a relative or friend before selling them a weapon. Which is fine, as long as he wants to be held responsible for any criminal activity his friends or relatives may choose to dish out.
We already have universal background checks for pistols and most semiauto rifles in MD.
What good is a state law if it allows you to share a border with a state that has no such requirement?
You cannot cross state lines to buy a regulated firearm. That is a federal law.
Home turf rules when it comes to handguns/aw and registration/waiting periods.
read the Fn law before you post
Mr.Fix-It is correct, federal law requires any sale in a state other than the purchaser’s home state abide by the laws of both states, plus involve a Federal Firearms Licensee (aka, a licensed gun dealer). Maryland does not allow the background check for a “regulated firearm” (aka, handgun or scary-looking rifle) to be done by anyone but themselves, so it cannot be completed for an MD resident in VA/PA/DE/WV. If you find a gun in one of those states that you want to buy, you have to pay them to ship it to a dealer in MD, who can work with the State Police to process that transaction.
Alex R – gun nuts are accomplices to the murders that their love toys cause
says the supporter of murdering children.
Lin-you make absolutely no sense! Get on the GUN BANDWAGON! You seriously need a reality check! I own a gun & I am surely no damn accomplice to murder! Owning a weapon to protect yourself & your rights does not mean you are criminal. What is criminal is taking my right to own a gun & protect myself, family & home. Do not condemn us gun owners as bad people. The ones who are bad are the ones robbing, stealing & shooting innocent people with the illegal guns they purchase. Why should I be punished for their actions? I would rather be able to protect myself from those types of human beings.
People with guns rule those who don’t….I witnessed first hand how the people under East German/Russian rule were terrorized by the govt. If the Governor had ever witnessed that he would be thinking twice about taking guns away from citizens. In fact it is a no-brainer. Every new law that removes one of our freedoms condems us to future oppression by those in power. We are already being taxed to death. Seems people have forgotten the conditions that shaped this country. Boston Tea Party anyone?
I just realized Food is an accomplice to the health problems of this Country. Perhaps we should stop eating food.
You may not realize it but the Swiss citizens are very well armed. As for the UK, it is the poster child for violent crime! You best do some homework.
You are idiots! If the bill was unconstitutional, it wouldn’t pass (or at least survive a constitutional challenge). Nobody is taking away anybody’s rights, so stop whining or move to a “red state” and Maryland will become just that much more of a “blue state”…YEAH!!!!
Ever heard of a “WELL REGULATED” militia? How about all of the weapons that are currently (and have been) unavailable for purchase or ownership by the general public?
Even the most right wing Supreme Justice Scalia agrees that it IS constitutional to ban certain types of weapons and ammunition, so blow it out your ass gun nuts!
Interesting concept of our legal system you have. Our legislators make laws, and Judges are there to rule later if laws are constitutional. It’s ideal to pass constitutional laws based on popular vote but as everyone knows, it doesn’t always work out that way, hence why our legal system is setup the way it is.
Whatever Montgomery County wants, Montgomery gets.
What’s with the name calling and foul language, man?
What weapons are unavailable for purchase (and have been) to the general public? Fighter jets? Nuclear submarines? Maybe you could come up with some more irrational arguments for this “debate.”
Fighter jets are available, Michael Dorn (Worf from Star Trek) owned an F-86 Sabre before trading it in for something more “practical,” other individuals own various Warsaw Pact fighters, usually for air shows or to work as private contractors for the military as aggressor pilots. Just without beau coup money, you won’t keep one flying very long.
Short barreled Shotguns, Short barreled rifles, automatic shotguns, machine guns, any projectile weapon with a bore greater than 1/2″( except shotguns), pistols with a second vertical grip
Go lay down! Justin ASS Glimmer!
The bill’s constitutionality cannot be challenged until after its effective date. Before that, it is theoretical (note some of the Obamacare cases being dismissed because the challenged portions of the law do not take effect until 2014 or later).
This whole gun control debate is nothing more then a liberal diversion from the shambles the economy is currently in. Today, while predctions of 200,00 jobs are thrown around, less then half that is announced, yet the unemployment rate goes down! Even you ultra lefties have to be questioning the numbers released by this administration.
I question the number released by every administration, not just the ones you don’t like.
Every republican and democratic adminsitration for the last 30 years has been cooking the books.
That creative accounting will be coming due much too soon for my liking.
So you agree that the recent immigration and unemployment numbers released by THIS administration are outrageous and intentionally deceptive.
I agree that American Politicians both REPUBLICAN and DEMOCRAT have been lying to the public for a very long time.
modern monetary theory, quantitative easing, ‘debt doesn’t matter’, ‘we didn’t pay for things then’, so on and so forth ad nauseum
BS on top of BS by both parties.
Spin it however you want, both sides suck.
Your candidate,respresentative sucks.
Put aside your blind party faith and make them accountable.
Again you dodge my direct question about THIS administration. You claim I am the partisan, but you can’t answer a simple question.
Glen, if this bill or law is unconstitutional shouldn’t it be headed to the court for constitutionality?