From Del. Glen Glass:
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass, (R-Harford, Cecil), announced his full opposition today for HB 1515, which increases taxes on gas to fund public transit. “I am sad to report that one of the largest tax increases in the history of Maryland has just passed the Maryland House of Delegates. This gas tax, introduced by Governor O’Malley and the Democratic Leadership is a regressive tax which will hurt the poor, the elderly, small businesses and everyone else – this inflationary tax is legalized cruelty” said Glass.
Marylanders will soon pay 4 cents more per gallon of gasoline this summer under a transportation funding proposal to be voted on this week.
· A 23.5 cents- per-gallon excise tax will now become an eternal autopilot tax that keeps on taking and since it will be indexed to inflation and will continue to rise, forever.
· 1 percent wholesale tax by July 1, 2013
· 2 percent wholesale tax by Jan. 1, 2015
· 3 percent wholesale tax by July 1, 2015
· Totaling 6% in total wholesale tax increase over 2 years.
Additionally, most of this revenue will go to public transit – not to highways. Highway spending in 2008 was $239 million while transit was $750 million. In this year’s budget, highway spending is $228 million and transit is up to $965 million.
“This is ridiculous and polls show 72% of Marylander’s do not want to pay higher taxes for gas to fund public transportation. This tax wouldn’t even be necessary if we would not have raided 1 billion from the transportation trust fund” Glass lamented.
“How can the State tell our sportsman and boaters that we’ll take away their money, and give it to public transit and not call it stealing? I say keep your money, and spend it the way you see fit.
The Governor’s proposal is a continuation of the problem, not a solution to the problem. This is utterly unacceptable – we should not be raising the tax on gasoline to fund public transit whose 8% ridership levels have not changed despite a 30% increase public transit funding” Glass concluded.
The bill passed the House of Delegates under contentious circumstances.
Ship Jumper says
When O’Miserable won the dictatorship, we promptly moved out of state… no surprise here… I saw this and worse coming… have fun with it Marylanders! He’s outta control & not listening to a thing you say!
Fed up says
I wish I could leave now (or years ago) but I’m trapped for a few more years. When it is possible, there is one primary reason that I will be leaving MD – the way it is governed. It should sicken every hardworking person in the State – but there are far too many who want to live off the State and that is what dictates our public policy. My move date cannot come soon enough.
Ship Jumper says
When all the hard working citizens have had enough and move away and they are left with a state full of undeserving leaches who don’t work for a living, maybe they’ll wise up, most likely they’ll point fingers and place blame elsewhere. O’Bullshitter is just using this appointment as a stepping stone anyway, his eyes are on the prize in D.C. This state doesn’t deserve the residency of the good people it is screwing. I’m saddened and sorry for everyone this will affect. We still work in Maryland but refuse to reside there because of the mis-management of the government.
Fed up says
This is what you get when a State is run by one party. Now we need Federally-subsidized hip-boots so we can listen to the reasons why this was needed! Does any Democrat anywhere understand the word “cut?”
F.L. says
And to my understanding, there is more increases in other areas included in this bill. What you see and hear is just the “front pg.” and NOT the entire pkg.
Dan Copenhgen says
Thanks Del. Glass for standing up for us, but despite your effort we once again get the short end. I am a resident of Harford County and work 2 jobs one in DC and one in Towson, because of the location of the 2 jobs it doesn’t time out for me to take public transit. I chose HarCo because of its location and affordability in 2000 when I wasn’t sure where my career would take me. It has taken me to DC and Towson and I have to drive, my gasoline bill is my second highest monthly bill after mortgage. I live simply, no cable, no fancy car (i drive an 05 Pontiac) nothing extravagant. I make upwards of 50k and I cannot always have my fridge full for my family. On top of every other new and existing tax along with food and energy costs, this gas tax is going to drive us from our home, which we love, into a rental, because we cannot afford any repairs that happen with the home, we went for 2 years with no AC or heat just to save the money to get a new one. I don’t understand how someone who works 2 jobs all week, lives simply can end up in a situation where he may have to leave his house or not feed his family. This makes me sad, because I try so hard and only see those who don’t move ahead.
Five Iron says
Well Dan, maybe you protest too much against your own interests. If there was better Mass transit, it is cheaper than the car. A monthly pass on Marc from Harco to DC is about 250.00 (and I believe the state actually has some tax breaks for using it, or maybe they did). To drive from the midpoint of Harco to DC on a standard vehicle getting 25 MPG at 4 bucks a gallon for at least 100 miles a day (to/from) is going to be 16 dollars a day. That’s $380.00 a standard month with optimal driving. Add in parking, wear and tear on your vehicle (and yourself). Your situation, you should be advocating for more spending on Mass Transit, not less. For a 50k a year job, you don’t have to go to DC at all and I’d think of a change of employers. If you were doing 120k and up, lot more difficult but there are plenty of 50k jobs in Balto/Harco. 50k in DC means your underpaid or you work for DC Govt or WASA.
Jaguar Judy says
Thanks, Five Iron, for sorting out Dan’s life for him. Maybe you would like to find Dan a job at 50K and up in Harco? You said it is so easy. Five Iron, wake up and smell the coffee.
Five Iron says
CDL drivers, Sales, check the paper. Your welcome. He wants to pay a minimum of 380 a month for gas for just going to work, not my problem to fix. Either fix your life or suffer the consequences like everyone else has done. Isn’t THAT what all the conservatives say about “personal responsibility?” He can take a lower paying job also with what he saves on gas, I did. Reading the Dagger brings Ron White’s famous words to mind…..
Jim in hickory says
5iron… Mass transit like the marc train is subsidized by everyone’s tax dollars because they can’t cover costs with their revenues. Never have, never will. Here’s an idea charge the mass transit users what it really costs. Till then stop taking my hard earned money in the form of more taxes for feel good programs that no government employee has an incentive to make it work properly.
Five Iron says
No mass transit system, save one in Japan, has or ever will make money. Obviously you don’t mind flying however and bailing out airlines almost once every 3 years. Yes YOU and I pay for that. You think Southwest, USAir and the rest fully fund BWI, Dulles, or Reagan National? The reason all those companies stay in business is govt bankruptcy protection and taxes to fill the gaps. It is NO different than funding mass transit and they should just say what it is, corporate welfare. Your dollar is going out one way or the other, but at least with mass transit you see the result of less vehicles on the road. I fly a lot and two things I can guarantee, Airports and Hospitals are NEVER completed, anywhere in the world! It is constant construction and the majority of it is funded by taxpayers who may or may not EVER fly or visit a hospital. DO you like overcrowded hospitals, airports or roads? Which one should we STOP funding?
Fed up says
Really Five Iron? Have you ever been on the NE Corridor of Amtrak? Cheaper – I think you better check the cost of that ticket again. And like other aspects of life in the US, people like to use Europe as a comparison – I’d suggest some of the mass-transit pushers go take a look at that “economical” mass transit in Europe – it is actually unbelievably expensive!! There are monopolies everywhere – bus routes, train routes, etc. and the cost is ridiculous throughout the European continent….no thanks – I’ll keep my car.
Marc Eaton says
I am so thankful that OweMalley and Odumba have not raised taxes on the middle class one thin dime. Sadly, if either one of these two tools could run for the offices they now hold they would win another term. Just imagine…….President OweMalley!!!!!
B says
Taxes must be raised. How else can we afford to pay Biden’s hotel bills
Dave Gasper says
What was the increase of the State Budget this year? 7%? The hard working people of Maryland didn’t see their personal income grow 7% last year as a matter of fact – personal income is decreasing. Every year these out if touch politicians reach into our wallets and take more and more! How much more can we give? I really didn’t expect any increases this year based on the fiasco last year with ‘gambling’ revenue from the additional locations and the table games! They want it all in Annapolis! I see very little value as a tax payer in this state and continue to wonder – when will this insanity stop? It must be nice for our governor and controller to take time out to address the Towson University decision to cut the men’s soccer and baseball programs – one would think they would have more important issues to address! Have they thought this through? Not only will the cost of gasoline increase but how about the pass through expense from every industry that conducts business within the state. Just imagine the increase in our grocery bills! Nice work Annapolis!!!
Becky says
There will be a lot of boats for sale now….Who could afford to fill up and spend quality family time on the Bay?
Peggysue says
Well at least the Rutters in Fawn Grove isn’t that far away for me. I imagine the stations just over the MD line will see a welcome increase in revenues.
Never underestimate Marylands ability to drive business and people away.
MD = Fed says
Maryland does not care about its people or businesses, they have the federal government instead. If not for the influx of fed money from overpaid fed jobs then Maryland would be nothing but a tourist state for the bay.
If you’re not a Marylander working a fed job then you’re likely a Marylander working a job that is tied to the fed’s presence. Defense, biotech, research, APG, or banking, real estate catering to feds. The old school manufacturing jobs left and Maryland became a full fledged federal taxpayer leach by way of employment.
Maryland is and always will be the Federal government in minature.
Five Iron says
That is what Virginia is, not MD. Leave NoVa/Norfolk out and Virginia is nothing but farmlands, logging, and cigarette factories. Private Sector employment in MD is all UofMD, Hopkins and tons of tech companies. Pull the gov’t out of MD, we are in a better support position then Virginia would be if they lost the gov’t. THe MD economy is much more diverse than VA. The entire state of VA is supported by 2 locations, both heavy fed/military. I’ll take the #1 income and education state over VA.
Jim in hickory says
5iron you should take a look around. Md’s economy is based on the federal and local government. With the military bases like APG, Andrews, Pax river, Navel acadamy. Throw in NSA, social security and all those who commute to DC everyday . If you live in MD and don’t work directly for the government chances are you are either a supplier to the government or provide services to employees of either of these groups. 60 % or more of my business is to homeowners who in one way or another work for the government.
Five Iron says
There are a LOT of Federal direct and contractor support in MD and I do not disagree with that. What I am saying is that MD=Fed thinks it is ALL or nothing by his post.
From the Choose Maryland website, we are in a better position than VA and can weather a reduction in Fed support since our economy is more divers and not ALL federal:
While you may hit 60% since I would presume you are near APG/EPG, Hopkins and UMMD and UofMD make up a comparable amount of non-Fed govt, high paying jobs for the rest of the state.
Jim in hickory says
Your belief that UofMD is not a government endeavor is quite disturbing….. And FYI do you know who runs the Hubble telescope? Are you telling us Hopkins isn’t tied to the feds?
Seriously take a long look at your linked list again I’m guessing you don’t know what most of those employers do.
Five Iron says
Yes JHU APL and the STS are a very small part of JHU overall. We are talking FEDERAL here and I am quite aware that UofMD is a “State” public institution similar to ones found in all 50 states. VZW has a small DOD percentage of contractors as do most of the others. Some however, like SAIC and Booz Allen are wholly dependent upon the US Govt. I am quite well aware of what these employers do as I have worked for and consulted to a number of them. My original comment was in relation to stating that MD’s economy is wholly dependent upon FEDERAL workers which is patently untrue. There is a Federal percentage, and large at that if you include military, civilian and contractor personnel who support the US Govt. This still doesn’t correct Glass’ original construct of the “horror” of a tax, raised ONE time by the state in 20 some years by 1% a year to fund mass transit. Has MD done a good job with transportation taxing, be it in the few R and many D governorships? Heck no. We are being passed by many countries, some larger than us, who are diving head first into mass transit (250-300 mph trains in China, Bullets in Japan and France/Europe). Our infrastructure will not demand high speed rail, but in certain locations, it makes complete sense and should be another branch of the transport tree. Easier to go NYC to DC via train than plane. 1st world countries require 1st world transportation. We cannot keep adding lane after lane to the beltways ad infinitum.
MD = Fed says
Maryland would not survive a withdrawl of Federal backed jobs and money.
All those high employment universities exist by way of federal grants.
Maryland balances the budget (sort of) by relying on taxing a high salary workforce finaced by the fed. The bay and manufacturing used to be the base but now it is the fed.
Five Iron says
No state in the country would. All Universities in the country rely on Federal grants. To me that is a non-starter. Stop them all (and pretty much kill higher education) or stop none. Maryland has never really been a true manufacturing state (outside of Beth Steel and WWII planes at Martin). It’s mostly been Ag, the Bay, Professional Business and Govt. along with research. The US really doesn’t manufacture the cheap stuff anymore, we’ve outsourced that since 1973. We do however, still export tons of technology, locomotives, airplanes and things that require higher education to build. Even the jobs at the Transmission plant require a good amount of skilled training. Could MD use a dose of reality on how to spend their money? Of Course. Glen’s standard Republican answer of NO however is also in need of updating. He can say NO for the right reason, not as a default.
George says
It is amazing that some people complain about 4 cent per gallon tax increase when the retail price of gas fluctuates by 25 to 30 cents a gallon every couple of weeks. There hasn’t been a gasoline tax increase for several decades yet the cost of building and maintaining our highways increase every year. As for public transportation, the more people who use public transportation the fewer cars there are on the road. That benefits all. As for raiding the trust fund, Ehrlich was worst offender and it took O’Malley several years to make up for it. And for those who moved out of state, we won’t miss you. Have a nice day
B says
You already pay 20 some cents a gallon in maryland state tax, and almost 20 cents federal, on money that is already taxed by both. No one has a problem paying for our roads, it is the waste a out of control spending that is the issue. You don’t give a drug addict more money.
Mr. Moderate says
And don’t you love it when polls universally indicate that large numbers of Marylanders think roads, bridges, schools, etc are in need of repair–but oppose paying higher taxes to fund the improvements!
Jaguar Judy says
I oppose paying more money into a fund that is not used for what I was told it would be used for. They took my money and didn’t deliver the product they promised, Mr. Moderate. In any place other than government that would be criminal fraud.
Ship Jumper says
Jaguar Judy… you just said it all… “Misappropriation” is epidemic, why would anyone consider the politicians who make these decisions anything less than crooks? I feel the same way.
Jaguar Judy says
If you are a taxpayer then for every taxpayer that leaves the state, my friend, you will miss them. You will miss them because your share of the pot will increase plus as this state continues to grow the tax bill your share will increase even more. And if you are not a taxpayer then I can understand why you would want ever more products and services for which someone else is paying your tab.
Del. Glen Glass says
I am proud that all members of the Harford County Delegation voted NO, NO, NO, Red, Red, Red, against the harmful GAS TAX. I am sad that the Gov. and the Dem. leadership have no mercy on the citizens of the great state of Maryland and the citizens who live here. We are voting today on other bills, and it looks like we will be debating the Gun Bill next week. I promise to always defend the Constitution and the Second Amendment. Please keep up the fight. Lets GIT’R DONE
Thanks, Del. Glen Glass, #443-360-8607
Mr. Moderate says
You keep voting NO, No, No, and keep complaining that the leadership of the state fails to fully support Harford County public works projects. People who used to make fun of public officials in Carroll County have a new set of delegates to shake their heads at! It’s embarrassing.
Christopher Boardman says
It’s all been stated before above. No politician is going to vote for a tax increase unless it is needed. Virginia gas prices are higher than Maryland’s and they are paying tolls! for road improvements. Or people can pay for higher maintenance costs for their cars and trucks when the road improvements not made lead to greater wear and tear on their vehicles. Mass transit in the Baltimore Central Maryland area is far behind other regions on the east coast and it is important to reduce congestion on the beltway and other areas by improving mass transit.
As for Senator Glassman’s opposition to better gun laws, can he say that he is satisfied wth the thousands of Americans killed with guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre? What is his solution to reducing gun violence?
Freestate? says
“No politician is going to vote for a tax increase unless it is needed” Are you f…ing kidding me.
Jaguar Judy says
No, Mr. Boardman actually believes that. He also believe that if we make it increasingly difficult and expensive for law abiding citizens to get a gun then somehow, I suppose by magic, the criminals with the guns who are using them to commit crimes will just stop. The words I would like to use aren’t fit to appear on a public page that children might read.
B says
By a ” better gun law” you mean a ban.
You must be that 17 percent that thinks congress is doing a good job.
MD = Fed says
Have you actually read the proposed gun laws or are you relying on hearsay and dumbed down media snippets? When is the last time you’ve read any bill? I make a point of reading every federal and state bill I can. I actually read the whole TARP bill.
I’ve read the gun bills and they do nothing to change gun violence.
I’m for universal background checks.
The rest of it is fluff and administrative garbage in an attempt to say ‘we did something’.
It goes so far as to be the equivalent of a poll tax on a constitutional right.
Fed up says
Uphold the laws we have! That’s the answer. Police, arrest criminals, and keep violent criminals off the street! None of this requires new or more laws – we already have them. Criminals, by definition, don’t give a rat’s about ANY laws….that’s what makes them criminals.
John N. says
How about NOT penalizing legitimate law abiding gun owners for starters. How about a 5 year minimum sentence for those caught in gun crimes. Remember project exile? But see, alot of legislators are defense attorneys. They would never allow a gun law that goes after their bread and butter. So they go after the low hanging fruit because it makes the leftists in this state feel better. As I see it, this proposed gun ban will do nothing to curb inner city violence.
MD = Fed says
When O’Malley, Brown and the other politicians give up their state paid protection and walk through pig town alone every night for a month then I’ll give up my guns.
Money Grab says
pig town?
west Baltimore?
Christopher Boardman says
Dear Jaguar Judy,
How interesting it is that you are reduced to suppressing your impulse to curse in public.
I would like you to explain how you would reduce gun violence in the U.S. By encouraging more violence by encouraging more people to arm? There are probably more people who kill their own family members with guns in their homes kept to protect themselves from criminals than those who shoot criminals in their own homes. Then there are the kids who are killed in homes that are playing with guns that are carelessly left out.
Do firemen put out fires by spraying gasoline on fires? Of course not, they use water. But you would put a gun in everyone’s hand so we can dispense justice the good old fashioned way.
Who needs the courts and police when we can have a gun, is that the way you think? And when we really get upset, there are lots of innocent children and adults to take out our anger on.
I would like to know what your solution is other than to solve violence by adding more violence, once you have gotten over abusing others who might have a different point of view.
B says
You are playing word games here Chris. Using Australia as an example gun violence would go down, but every other type of violence/ crime climbs dramatically. Look at South Africa as well.
No one is talking about dispensing justice the “old fashioned way” they are talking about their right to defend themselves, their homes and their children.
Way more children are killed every year in car accidents then gun violence, even counting those deaths that are drug related. Should we ban cars as well? This doesn’t make the deaths that do occur any better, but most deaths are committed by people breaking the very laws you are promoting.
The courts and police are reactionary, and cannot protect you when the crime is committed.
Your illusion of safety is provided to you by those of us willing to take on the responsibility of defending the peace. The second amendment was created to protect us from the tyranny you are espousing.
Christopher Boardman says
I am not playing word games. Why don’t you tell that to the families of victims killed by gun violence? The Sandy Hook massacre wasn’t funny either.
As for cars, you can’t drive one legally unless you pass some exams and have a license. Does that mean that some people drive cars without licenses? Of course, but the vast majority do drive with valid licenses and if you are caught without one you can go to jail.
The Second amendment is not a license to take a gun around and shoot anyone you want to, on the suspicion that your victim is a criminal. Now you can call me crazy or a nut or whatever, but I put more stock in the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” than in the Second Amendment which is talking about a WELL REGULATED MILITIA . It’s clear that some people don’t want any limitation to their ability to kill other people. You can’t prescribe dangerous drugs without a doctor’s or pharmacist’s license. I could go on but frankly I am weary of insensitive, cruel people who preach that it is their God-given right to shoot to kill other people suspected of being criminals even though those people have never been tried in a court of law for the crime they are allegedly accused of.
Nobody is espousing tyranny. That is the biggest pile of nonsense there is but your fear and hysteria over this issue know no bounds because you apparently do not believe in the rule of law as long as you can kill someone before there ever is a trial. Anyway, you failed to address the issue that there are more deaths committed by people with guns against their own families than are against criminals.
MD = Fed says
As for GUNS, you can’t OWN one legally unless you pass some BACKGROUND exams and have ID. Does that mean that some people OWN GUNS without PERMISSION? Of course, but the vast majority do OWN GUNS with valid PERMISSION and if you are caught without PERMISSION you can go to jail.
MD = Fed says
As for cars, you can’t drive one legally unless you pass some exams and have a license. Does that mean that some people drive cars without licenses? Of course, but the vast majority do drive with valid licenses and if you are caught without one you can go to jail.
From your mouth to my ears…
Money Grab says
I see what you did there
B says
-Someone had to kill for your freedom Chris, and someone will again. You should be glad that someone was willing to take a stand when you wont.
-You don’t understand what a militia is apparently.
-Sandy Hook was and is tragic, probably the most tragic event of my life, but an event caused by a crazy person. I will not cower and enslave myself because of the acts of a crazy person.
-No one is claiming a god given right to kill, stop your hysterics. We are claiming a right to defend ourselves and our families from those of you who think you know better then us.
-Who do you think enforces the rule of law you are championing….
B says
Once again, you play word games. Most incidents involving gun defenses don’t end up in a shooting. Try researching the number of events involving a gun for defense. It is tremendously higher then the number of people killed by their family members. 70 percent of gun murders are gang related. 90 percent of gun murders were with illegally obtained firearms. Around 250 people are killed a day, less then 150 are gun related. The point is, evil will find a wAy to kill, guns or not.
My question to you is what happens when only the bad guys have guns.
Fed up says
You best read it again – it is a right that is clearly applied to individuals and to all of us. Enforce the existing laws and stay well away from the Bill of Rights. Nobody is talking about “taking a gun around and shooting people” – only the gun-grabbers in their hysterics. Take a look at the Baltimore news for a few months – check out the background of each of the killers that are caught. Think about how many of them are first-time offenders. Maybe then, you will realize where the problem is. There is absolutely no reason why we should be exposed to 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 20th time offenders of violent crimes, yet they seem to thrive in our urban war zones. The judicial system is a mess…so let’s penalize law-abiding citizens. Consider the same logic with DUIs…not really appropriate is it?
Lib Watch says
@Chris Boardman,
Only liberals, like yourself, use scare tactics and false information concerning guns and the 2nd amendment. No one is arguing for a right to kill people, but you get all your BS mileage out of spouting about people killing people with guns. What the issue is is simply the government cannot infringe the right of citizens to keep and bear arms and that is what is happening. There are something like 84,000,000 gun owners in the Country. If guns were really the problem, than there would be a whole lot more shootings.
PS. Sometimes the most effective method for a firefighter is to fight fire with fire.
MD = Fed says
No death is funny, why would you think anyone implied otherwise?
Christopher Boardman says
Something like 2,300 people in America have been killed by guns since the SANDY HOOK MASSACRE. A former congresswoman is trying to recover from a bullet to her head. James Brady never completely recovered from a bullet to the head when he was with President Reagan and was shot by a mental patient.
As for the comment that a firefighter is most effective fighting fire with fire, this is not a serious comment but a flip remark but it does indicate how (little) people think. If the solution to criminals using guns is to arm everyone with a gun (fighting fire with fire), then we don’t need laws or courts or police, we can do it all ourselves. Like the Hatfields and the McCoys, or maybe the sects in Iraq. I’ll take good old fashioned law and order over your frontier justice in a heartbeat.
And why would I think others were being flippant about others being killed? Because I’m talking about a serious subject and about people losing their lives, and I am accused of playing word games. All you brave gun promoters, why have you failed to address the issue of more people being killed in their homes by their own families than of criminals being killed?
Did Al Gore invent the Internet? says
Can you post your source to this magic 2,300 number? I mean, if it’s don’t bother.
Lib Watch says
The fighting fire with fire comment was in response to your analogy of fighting fire with gasoline. Apparently your comment was not flip, but mine was (Typical Lib Logic).
Did Al Gore invent the Internet? says
Here’s a statistic that can’t be argued;
Sounds good man says
Always the Gun Grabbers that talk about the second amendment and the wild west. The “license” to drive a car argument is overplayed too, our country has the US Constitution and last time I checked, there was no amendment to give you a right to ride a horse, wagon, or any sort of other mode of transportation on a public right of way….
Comparing a drivers license/registering a vehicle to firearm ownership is a bit much, considering you can buy a vehicle, not register it, and drive it on your farm.
I guess if a gun grabber never leaves Maryland for anything, they can have a valid argument but since Maryland is so small, that inevitably one of them will step into one of our neighboring states that are “SHALL ISSUE.” I wonder how many Maryland gun grabbers have ever thought while they are doing their “thang” in another state, how many average common day citizens of the United States are carrying a legal and lawful firearm on their person with whatever type of permitting carry system the perspective state they are visiting has setup?
Christopher Boardman says
The figure of 2,300 plus Americans killed since Sandy Hook came from a front page article in the Huffington Post about 1-2 days ago. You can look it up yourself. How many people killed since then is acceptable?
As for my friend who wants me to thank others for killing (for me!), my father was a U.S. Marine Corps Major and eventually a lieutenant colonel in the USMC reserves. During WWII he saw thousands of dead bodies on the beaches in the Pacific. He was a Japanese interpreter for the General Yamashita war crimes trial in the Phillipines after the war. My father was a highly decorated officer and received the Legion of Merit, among other awards. He became a history professor in Asian studies and devoted his life to promoting better understanding among peoples from different cultures. I also come from a long line of patriots who fought for the country back to the Revolution. But when my father came back from the war he and my mother became Quakers and embraced pacifism and non-violence as a religious faith and as a means of trying to resolve conflicts. That is how I was raised. I did not fight in the Vietnam War – I worked in hospitals and on an Indian reservation; I served the country but in a non-violent form. The Rev. Martin Luther King was shot dead by a gun but he accomplished a lot more than most Americans and to commemorate his non-violent accomplishments on behalf of all Americans, a national holiday has been designated for him. The U.S. Civil War was done differently, however, as 600,000 able bodied men on both sides were slaughtered.
Rod Codman says
Huffington Post? LOL
Thanks for your family’s service, but as I read (beginning at the top) your posts are getting more and more strange as you continue.
Christopher Boardman says
I’m not asking for you to thank me for my family’s service, all of your snide remarks notwithstanding.
harford LOL says
Did you know valentines day is a national holiday? Wait a minute, civil war and martin Luther king? That is about as on topic as when I farted all night after eating all them spicey nachos.
I read on the internet 15,000 people farted after eating spicey nachos, that causes gasses that destroy our ozone and create global warming. Let’s ban them.
Michael Dorn says
All can say to Boardman is WOW. You must have gallons of the Kool-Aid.