From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Most Americans are still unaware of Agenda 21 and its partner in crime, ICLEI. This shouldn’t be surprising as both organizations operate in stealth mode, knowing that the enlightened would resist their goals with vigor. Luckily, a handful of activists, most notable, Carroll County Commissioner, Richard Rothschild, have dragged these undercover menaces into the light of day. The RNC, Maryland Republican Committee, and the Harford Republican Central Committee have all adopted resolutions of condemnation. When will Harford County follow?
Let me offer some background. Agenda 21, also known as Agenda for the 21st Century or Sustainable Development is the 1992 soft treaty signed at the UN’s Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. It boasts 179 signatures, including that of President George Herbert Walker Bush. What are the terms of the treaty? Well, it’s a 200-page, 40 chapter document so a simple summary is anything but. However, in a nutshell
“Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
That’s right. This treaty will be implemented by those acting in concert with the UN and will affect just about everything. Are you beginning to get an idea of the scope of this global power grab?
Agenda 21 is alive and well in Harford County thanks to our membership in an organization called ICLEI. ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) has since changed its name to Local Governments for Sustainability. This attempt to throw the hounds off the trail does nothing to change the fact that it is an international coalition, affiliated with the UN that exists to implement Local Agenda 21.
In an attempt to cloak the Agenda 21 monster, the claim is made that the treaty was never ratified and therefore has no teeth. Wrong!! Once in office, President Clinton put together the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. The task was to implement the sustainability goals set forth in Agenda 21. They took their charge seriously and and for the last 20 years the word “sustainable” and its various permutations have slithered into the accepted vernacular. Along with the word came the policies, sample legislative guidelines, restrictions, and regulations designed to bring the liberties we enjoy to an eventual end. But don’t take my word for it. In the words of Maurice Strong, UN Secretary General of the 1992 Earth Summit and Agenda 21 mastermind:
“It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the imperatives of global environmental cooperation.” – Maurice Strong essay A Journey Down a Generation
“The Earth Summit will play an important role in reforming and strengthening the United Nations as the centerpiece of the emerging system of democratic global governance.” – Maurice Strong quoted in the September 1, 1997 edition of National Review magazine.
“Our concepts of ballot-box democracy may need to be modified to produce strong governments capable of making difficult decisions, particularly in terms of safeguarding the global environment ….” Facing Down Armageddon: Environment at a Crossroads,” – essay by Maurice Strong in World Policy Journal, Summer, 2009
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit
Maurice Strong; Canadian oil billionaire, player in the oil for food scandal, current resident of Communist China and self proclaimed socialist seems to think that the UN and not our “ballot box democracy” needs to run the show. For the last three decades he and others have perverted a legitimate concern for the environment into a radical environmental nightmare. Their tools have been the useful and earnest dupes they employ under the guise of saving the planet. The next generation of indoctrinated dupes is poised to take up the cause thanks to state mandated environmental curricula such as we have in Maryland.
Sustainable development is defined by this group as “… development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This would be reasonable if care for Mother Earth really was the priority. But we know that many have adapted the universal concern for environmental stewardship to their own ends.
“We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” Timothy Wirth, former President UN Foundation, former US Senator
So it’s more about economics, wealth redistribution, cap and trade, and eminent domain. For the guys at the top, concern for the environment is just the means to an end.
Maryland is steeped in environmental policy structured around faulty claims and emotionalism. Our current situation predates Governor O’Malley’s war on rural counties. Wasn’t it Governor Glendenning that gave us “Smart Growth”? Or was it?
“In the case of the U.S., our local authorities are engaged in planning processes consistent with LA21 (Local Agenda 21) but there is little interest in using the LA21 brand. Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society such as the National Rifle Association, citizen militias and some members of Congress… (They) would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So, we call our processes something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, Director of the Center for Sustainable Communities at the University of Washington, Member President’s Council on Sustainable Development
As you can see, the “Smart Growth” that we’ve come to know and love comes directly from policies created and promoted at the UN. Note how confidently he states that local officials have already bought in. He’s right!
So what do we do? We begin this battle in our own back yard by requesting that the County Executive release us from our association with ICLEI. You can sign a petition at that makes that request. Once you’ve done that please educate yourself further.
Don’t be a dupe.
Another condescending letter from this group?
Mr. G., I fail to see how this is condescending. The case for concern is made using the very words of those behind the curtain. I’m also puzzled by the choice of quote from the text as title. It completely misses the point of the article and attempts to draw the reader away from the real meat. You may want to read again in case you missed the more important points. Or perhaps you are unable to speak to them and instead make comments that insult rather than engage.
^more condescending rhetoric from your group? People could care less what you have to say when you are insulting the reader’s intelligence.
One has to look no further than Plan MD and SB 236 ( AKA “the septic bill ) to see that Agenda 21 is in full swing in Maryland. Thank you to the author of this article for taking the time to try and educate the public about the facts concerning Agenda 21.
Linking agenda 21 and stiffer requirements for septic systems is ludicrous. Not sure about you folks but I kinda like seafood and water that isn’t fouled by human excrement.
The bigger problem is the pollution coming down the river from PA. Clean up that mess before going after my septic tank.
Those who believe they hold esoteric knowledge will hold onto it like a dog and his bone. This is nothing, nothing at all as evil as these believers think. Agenda 21 was intended to make the world a little more habitable, a little cleaner, against the will of polluters and oil barons, who want to maintain their positions of power and keep the world from ever seeing any benefit of environmentalism. But those who think their knowledge is a special property will never admit to stupidity. Go ahead and fight the conservationists, may you drown in that special knowledge.
Dear Linda, I have to say that I’m a little disturbed by your suggestion that we “drown” in our special knowledge. That phrasing suggests a kind of hostility and violence that causes me a great deal of discomfort and anxiety. I feel threatened by your negative vibes. Having said that let’s look at the actual false claims that you make. Agenda 21 is not intended to make the world a little cleaner. It is intended to reorient the way we live and in the words of Maurice Strong, its major architect, catapult the United Nations into the center of world governance. He also thinks you can do without your car and AC. I think that you may be confusing your own ideas about what Agenda 21 should be with what it was actually designed to accomplish. You might want to read the document before you make additional comments. Agenda 21 is a socialist manifesto using concern for the environment as a launching pad for government policy. For those of you saying “That’s crazy talk. This is the US. No way.” do you remember Van Jones? He was one of Obama’s earliest Czars. He is an admitted communist who is on the record that the green agenda is the perfect vehicle for ushering in “social justice”. I’m not making this up. I’m just paying attention. As far as big greedy corporations fouling up the planet. I couldn’t agree with you more. Let’s have sensible environmental regulations meant to safeguard rather than make or break specific industries. Let both political parties get out of bed with the corporations and let the free market economics rule the day.
Mr. M-T, The association is clear. Reducing rural development and forcing populations into high density urban areas is what “Smart Growth” all about. Did you not read the quote from Mr. Lawrence that ties Agenda 21 to “Smart Growth”? Limiting septic use is a means to an end. What is worse, this taking of private property is unlikely to correct the problems that it is supposed to go after. There is no good evidence that septics provide any more PO4 and N than WWTP’s. Many say that the opposite is true. If you’re concerned about human excrement in the bay you should look to WWTP’s. And we haven’t talked about the supposed “pollutants” coming from upstream. If the G of this state is so concerned about pollutants in the bay the he might want to look at the Conowingo Dam. The Clean Chesapeake Coalition is a group of counties that have the backbone to fight these crushing regulations and taxes and in the process really do something about environmental stewardship. The bottom line is Agenda 21 is more about the abuse of our private property rights than it is about the environment. And until that changes people will continue to be fooled by shallow rhetoric, phony numbers, and overzealous politicians seeking higher office. I urge you to investigate this more carefully and look at the evidence in an open minded fashion. PS: I suggest that the term “Smart Growth” be replaced by “Centralized Land Planning”, Land Value Depreciation Program”, State Mandated Confiscation Policy, Urban Hyperdensification Initiative, Farmers Retirement Confiscation Program or some other more apt term.
You should probably know what you are talking about before you compare water, waste water treatment plants to a septic tank.
It’s about groundwater contamination and pollutants not just in the bay but to water sources like the very wells that might deliver water to the same lot or neighborhood where a septic system might be located. Really not interested in having my well downhill from somebody else’s failed septic. Like I said, don’t know how you feel about it but I’m not interested in a nice glass of chilled water with poop in it from the neighbor up the road. As far as your reference to surburban sprawl and what you feel are absolute property rights – we’ve all discussed this infinitem previously. Spreading out far and wide might have been possible before we had 300 plus million people in the US. Given the tremendous need and ever growing demand for places to put all these people some semblance of planning is absolutely necessary or we risk fouling every square inch of land from here to the Pennsylvania border. Plus there’s an effect on the taxpayer as well – it costs more to send a fire truck 35 miles as opposed to down the street so the costs of sprawl increase in ways not even considered in your argument. Very shortsighted and silly to turn all the farmland into housing tracks particularly with the ever increasing population unless we want to import all our food from Brazil or Venezuela and then food becomes like oil. I support most of what you folks stand for but in this case absolute property rights must be tempered with modern realities.
Something tells me these ‘boogie man’ ideas pack all the punch of sequestration cuts… The extremists on the left felt the world would end with the cuts… we’re still here. When extremists sound the alarm, I know we’ll be okay.
Someones leaking septic tank draining into the neighbors well is very different than municipal waste water treatment plants.
I think we all forgot that mother nature herself will remove “waste” naturally, but a major leaking seeptic tank into Joes well is not good.
Stop drinking the bong water, and take off the tin foil hat, sounds like some people don’t know shit about wastewater treatment plants.
Septic tanks and wells are required to be separated a minimum distance, and the well casing and head are designed to keep out contamination. If you have coliforms in your well, it is your well that has failed, not your neighbor’s septic tank.
A poorly maintained or poorly constructed septic system is subject to failure and those failures indeed can result in groundwater contamination, overflo and seepage.
A poorly constructed highway can collapse. A poorly designed bong might leak all over your carpet wasting all that lovely water that Liberty Lover keeps mentioning. Does that mean we abandon them all together. NO. We design and provide the best available for the price and hold individuals responsible when they recklessly endanger health or property. You should consider that WWTP’s are responsible for tons of raw sewage being spilled into our waterways. I don’t hear anyone claiming that we need to limit their use. In fact, if Stupid Growth has its way, we’ll all be living in overcrowded urban areas where the water and septic systems are stretched beyond capacity. It is easier and less expensive to create these systems than it is to renovate them. Plus, a competent local government would require developers to bear that burden. In the later example the full burden would fall on taxpayers.
And your well is supposed to be protected from groundwater contamination. The only water entering the well is supposed to be below the casing, however many feet below grade that extends. Dirt is a very effective filter, so the deeper the casing, the less likely the occurence of bacteria contamination.
Technically the water is under the rock layer. Casing extends to the rock layer and is sealed with grout all the way up.
You need to listen to Kharn, The septic bill had nothing to do with “groundwater contamination”. It has to do wiith nitrates levels from the effluent in the drain fields. Supposedly, effluent from septic systems is causing high nitrate levels in some wells. No one has yet to explain to me how they can know that. I would interested to hear if anyone knows how you can measures the nitrate levels of septic effluent the filters down through the rock layer and into the aquafer. How do they know conclusively that these wells with high nitrate levels are getting the nitrates from septic effluent? Just a thought. The bill requires all homes with septic systems to have the “…best available..” technology. With ,in essence , is an $11,000 dollar septic tank. And yes I am a plumbing contractor.
Mr. Dorn, You are right to questions the assumptions upon which the supporters of these bills base their conclusions. I suggest you go to the Carrol County website where you can view video of a day long conference hosted by Richard Rothschild just prior to the passing of PLANMD. There you will hear local and international experts refute the science that is supposed to be the backbone of these bills. In particular, the gentleman that discussed WWTP and septics showed that the state claims are highly questionable when it comes to the comparison of WWTP and septics. His talk is about 2/3 through the tape. Again, many here are missing the point of the article. Much environmental regulation is not designed to protect the environment. The main goal is more about centralized planning and control of private property. All of these local and state measures are designed to advance “Smart (Stupid) Growth” which the article clearly links to the socialist, dedistributionist Agenda 21. Please take the time to investigate through the provided links.
Bullshit kharn.
The Republican National Committee stated, ” this United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called “sustainable development” views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms; all as destructive to the environment.” Do you think the entire Republican Party is drinking bong water?? Or have you just been drinking O’Malley’s kool aid?
You think drones will have shit seeing sensors to detect leaking septic systems?
How would the drones differentiate between septic systems and the State House in Annapolis? Or the White House? Or the Senate?
Sustainable development as a concept isn’t the least bit radical. It isn’t our right to take all the riches and all the land and squeeze the wealth out of it now for our enjoyment leaving the next generation little open space or wealth for thier own use. It’s far more radical to not care about the future or what we leave for the kids.
Unfortunately, Mr. M-T, our common sense concept of sustainable and the meaning for those at the forefront of Agenda 21 are 2 different things. The goal of Agenda 21 is to promote a different kind of society. A society that does not value our American traditions, values and sovereignty. Don’t tell me I’m drinking bong water or wearing a tin foil hat. I have laid out my argument in the words of the Agenda 21 designers. Can you dispute them?
I don’t assume requiring upgraded septic systems is some nefarious plot to destroy our free will or way of life. If the new requirements result in a reduced rush to develop farmland then to me that’s a welcome side affect. As much as I dislike O’Malley and his kind intensive human activity requires smart planning or you end up with an unlivable environment.
Some people want to live on newly developed farm land as it gives them a chance to start fresh and design everything from literally the groud up. Connecting water and sewer on 2+ acre lots far from the existing infrastructure is incredibly expensive, when a well and septic could be installed for much less. You’re also denying the farmers some portion of the value of their property, because the developer will consider the increased utility costs when they make offers on properties. Those properties closer to water/sewer access will have higher value than those in more remote areas, regardless of the original values.
What do you view as your sovereign right? To do what you wish to the environment around you without regard for the sustenance it provides to you, let alone the people you share the region with? Money Tree is right, clean water in the bay, shell fish you may eat, the incomes of people that derive from the Chesapeake are all affected by your sovereign right to do exactly what?
Nobody is denying farmers anything – they still get to farm; they still get some pretty lush tax breaks and subsidies too. Farmers have no more right to develop their land than I do to turn my single family lot into townhouses. I’d make money right? It’s my right, my land. You say that isn’t the same…really; how so?
The Money Tree:
There are zoning rules to allow dividing a suitable acreage into single family homes, the same rules prohibit reusing a single family home lot for high density housing due to stand off requirements, size of the plot, etc. Denying people the ability to use their property to the extent of the zoning regulations is a taking, and that requires compensation from the government to the landowners.
The environment is important, but the current regulations have gone overboard. There is no proof that failed septic systems are invading properly-functioning wells, so people should not be burdened with horrendously expensive septic tanks until all other options have been attempted. Gravity, bacteria and soil have worked to process sewage for thousands of years, we do not have to reinvent the wheel just because some crusader has come along and declared they want everyone to pay the county $400+ a year for water and sewer services.
Kharn: You have to get a permit to build correct – you can’t just build whatever you want wherever you want. Farmland is typically zoned “agricultural” and that zoning is changed when subdivisions are built allowing for developers to plan communities. Your argument therefore isn’t consistent since you’re nuancing the differences between ag land, R1, R2, etc. Assume you have 10 acres along with your home and it has access to city services and we know you can develop single family homes on 1/4 acres or less. Just why can’t you subdivide it further? It’s your right. That’s no more or less a taking than farmland. Then the question is just how many acres makes a “farm” that justifies the “illegal taking” and compensation if in both cases zoning must change to accomplish continuing development? 10 acres, 20 acres?
Liberty Lover,
As a former member of the Republican Party… Yes, I think they are drinking bong water. They are drinking bong water because they became exactly what makes the Democratic Party its own refuge of idiocy. They abandoned ideas, themes and notions that made sense. In their place the GOP has become a bastion of opposition, answering the calls for action instead of making them. When will you folks see you are nothing more than Marty Owe’Malley of a different flavor? The last few years the Republicans have had to explain their stances too much… when you have to explain it, you’re losing it. To borrow a phrase – I never left the GOP, it left me.
Well said. Both political parties have their problems because of extremists within their group.
Something tells me that when the Canadian oil billionaire refers to “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class…” he’s NOT referring to “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent UPPER class…” He’s just another Al Gore with a carbon footprint the size of Colorado who is busy telling us how we all need to tighten our belts and change our ways. Oh, that’s right, they just buy carbon offsets right? Keep living a life of luxury because you’re rich and tell the peasants to suck it up. Why should I be listening to people who suffer from pathological greed? I’m afraid the message is lost when I’d happily spit in the messenger’s eye…
This article was well-written, and exposes the con game that is Agenda 21, and for that matter O’Malley’s Plan Maryland. I believe that most people are good and mean well; however, if you put bad people into just the right positions of power, they can unleash Hell. Agenda 21 and Plan Maryland are going to wreck us, if they aren’t exposed now. In years to come, when the majority of us are thrust into urban environments without cars, and the elite are living in their mansions in the countryside, we are going to say, “What the heck just happened?” It’s happening now, folks. Look at SB-236 (The Septic Bill). Many of you know me, and know that I’m a rational human being. All I ask is that you do a little research and open your mind. Whether you are liberal or conservative, black or white, you and I are going to be devastated by this fake environmentalism, unless we educate ourselves now and get off of our couches. You can make a positive difference for Harford County.
I agree with you that a certain amount of planning is required in order to prevent waste and chaos. When folks hear about sustainability and environmental stewardship they think , and rightly so, that it is a good thing. But they are judging by their conception of those things. The folks that have designed these policies have a much more sweeping plan in mind. They are very open in their contempt of private property and would like nothing more than to see the total public control of private lands. They state this in their documents. All you have to do is read what they say and take them at their word. Great. I pay the taxes but you tell me what I can do on my property. Right down to the fact that I have to fill out a 5 page request if I want to remove a tree that is threatening to fall on my roof. By allowing the ICLEI into our community we are dancing with the devil.
What 5 page request is necessary to cut down a tree? I recently cut down several trees near my home and didn’t need permission from anyone or to fill out a form to do so.
Silly me! And here I thought the Conspiratorialists had forgotten their paranoia over Nelson Rockefeller, The Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, etc.
What a ridiculous “article.” The content of the title is in no way addressed in this piece. Gimme a break
I agree. The original title was more appropriate. For some reason the folks at the Dagger felt the need to make a change. Take your argument up with them.
What was the original title?
Justice, Mr. Patterson in no way supports Agenda 21. Please stop using peripheral circumstances to support a false claim that arises from a long ago political disappointment. This school yard rumor mongering makes you appear thin skinned and petty. Please take you complaints about Mr. Patterson to Mr. Patterson so the the adults can continue their discussion in your absence.
Proof that Theodore Patterson, C4L State Co-Ordinator promotes Agenda 21:( He is Communications Co-Chair of the Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Assn. He can’t serve two polar opposite organizations.
Yes, the man is employed. Your accusations make many unfounded assumptions. Continuing to beat this dead horse reflects badly on you.
How would you describe the State Co-ordinator of a gun control organization who is employed by the NRA? Don’t be duped.
Schoolyard rumor? Not hardly–you can’t get much more Agenda 21 than this: , or this . Making excuses or whitewashing it doesn’t change Ted Patterson’s involvement in this Marxist scheme called “smart growth/Agenda 21”. It only exposes him and those who excuse his activities for the frauds they are. Vseitz, I hope you are as forgiving when the state police come knocking on your door to collect your firearms. Hopefully they’ll send someone with a Campaign for Liberty membership card or a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag and you can chalk it up to “They’re just doing their job.” Maybe you should change your name to Campaign for TP because you seem much more interested in defending Ted Patterson than liberty.
The Real Agenda 21
I have learned that Theodore Patterson, Maryland Co-Ordinator for the Campaign for Liberty is employed by the University of Delaware as a planner of sustainable communities, and is Communications Co-Chair of the Delaware chapter of the American Planning Assn. ( Indoctrinator-In-Chief? I think that Campaign for Liberty “has some splainin’ to do”.
My apologies to the original Liberty Lover. I am new to The Dagger. I will post as Justice.
God forbid any of you actually google agenda 21 and actually figure out what it is.
Harford Campaign for Liberty has successfully trolled you all up again and I’m guessing someone there is laughing their butts off…..
Well done morons.
I have learned that Theodore Patterson, Maryland Co-Ordinator for the Campaign for Liberty is employed by the University of Delaware as a planner of sustainable communities, and is Communications Co-Chair of the Delaware chapter of the American Planning Assn. ( Indoctrinator-In-Chief? I think that Campaign for Liberty “has some splainin’ to do”.
I have a better idea….Why don’t you just call yourself “Bob”? It really would be more fitting. Don’t you have some water to carry for a County Executive in another county?
YouAreLame should call itself DupedByCampaignForLiberty. How can the Maryland State Co-Ordinator be a professional Agenda 21 promoter while condemning others?
Your assertion that the state co-ordinator promotes Agenda 21 if false. This article was not even written by him anyway. But hey , never let the facts get in the way of a political smear campaign. I wish you were as concerned about your county executive being on the board of WILMAPCO and voting to approve the Agenda 21 “Master Bike Plan” that they put forward a few months ago. If you were truly concerned about Agenda 21 , you would have voiced opposition to a bike plan that touted that is was part of “Plan MD”.
YouAreLame: Proof that Theodore Patterson, C4L State Co-Ordinator promotes Agenda 21:( He is Communications Co-Chair of the Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Assn. Instead of attacking “Bob”, you should be concerned about Theodore’s duplicity in promoting “complete communities”.
You have a problem with bike paths? You do realize that the federal government is providing additional funding for establishment of bike paths. Why would they do that? I don’t know maybe because it provides a place for safe exercise, additional transportation opportunities for those able and preserves open space. I’m guessing it’s the later that irks you folks. You folks sound whacky here and I normally support you. You don’t want septic upgrades and bike paths are an affront to civilization as we know it.
The Money Tree:
My favorite bike paths are on former railroad right of ways. They were established so the land will stay undeveloped and available if a railroad ever wants to reestablish service in the area. But the bikers cry like a bunch of babies whenever a railroad attempts to take back the land and lay new track, even though the land was available for their use only temporarily.
Money Tree, I have no problem with bike paths. Like them a lot. I don’t like the government funding them out of their endlessly deep pockets while at the same time whining at me that all of these dire things will happen because they didn’t get their way on the budget and sequestration has become a reality. If they would rather fund bike paths than teachers, and firemen, and bullet proof vests and inoculations for kids (see Senator Mikulski’s press release) then that tells me a lot about their priorities.
Justice, Mr. Patterson in no way supports Agenda 21. Please stop using peripheral circumstances to support a false claim that arises from a long ago political disappointment. This school yard rumor mongering makes you appear thin skinned and petty. Please take you complaints about Mr. Patterson to Mr. Patterson so the the adults can continue their discussion in your absence.
Proof that Theodore Patterson, C4L State Co-Ordinator promotes Agenda 21:( He is Communications Co-Chair of the Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Assn. He can’t serve two polar opposite organizations.
I suppose this group for Liberty would still advocate for lead in gasoline as well, covering up wetlands, using untold fertilizers in farming, not having any type of environmental protection and just letting our water and air pollute in the name of making money. As if having a safe environment is somehow foreign to our way of life? What kind of grass are you guys smoking? Is everything that govt does wrong just because govt is doing it? Can’t you guys ever support anything that has to do for the welfare and good being of our environment and protect it for future generations? Is it always about paying less taxes? How about leaving something for our grand-kids to enjoy?
Hey man, I noticed you are breathing air and not paying for it? WTF??!
Actually he paying because of the the cost associated with having clean air regulations that limit pollutants coming from smokestacks at incinerator plants and factories, and fewer vehicle emissions because of engine design. These things would not have happened without reasonable government regulation. If you want to know what it would be like without them think of what life was like in Pittsburgh at the turn of the century at the height of the steel boom. A smog choking and lung disease shortened life expectancy. The same holds true for the cost of clean water to keep from killing everything in the bay. We all pay for it through the added cost of construction, higher utility bills, taxes and fees. I don’t like over regulation either but there have been benefits to all of us. I agree with many of the issues raised by C4L but I don’t see your group offering reasonable alternatives. Simply being the party of NO just won’t cut it with most people. If you want to gain a larger following and greater support for your issues of concern you need to adjust your approach. Of course C4L can continue with a no compromise approach, but since you are a minority group (even within the Republican Party), that will get you little or nothing in the end. Then again some people just seem to like being mad all the time.
Of course, everyone wants a safe environment, and a bright future for their children. I just don’t think the United Nations should be involved in deciding that future – let them play at social experiments elsewhere. I like my car, I like having some land to live on, and I have no plans to become a vegetarian.
Liberty Lover, Be careful. With radical ideas like that you could become public enemy #1.
Ted Patterson, C4L Maryland State Co-Ordinator, works full time as a Sustainable Communities Planner. Talk about Indoctrinated Dupes. Why does Campaign for Liberty allow this sham?
Nice start guys…I went through the website and I found that you made decent point here. Keep up the topic that everyone can choose one of the best. Thanks.
Whistleblower, You have provided no information that is new to me. By your reasoning, someone who works in a bank is just as guilty of currency devaluation as Ben Bernanke. I barely know Mr. Patterson and respond to you only because I find this character assassination ugly and useless. Instead of using your knowledge and insight on this issue to provide information and support for an important topic, you play a petty game for personal reasons.
Don’t think it’s so much about character assassination as it is about a hypocritical irony. If you work for a university and your subject is “planning” then you have to be promoting that idea – and planning ultimately always supports the idea that certain human developments belong in only certain places – that flies in the face of just about your entire premise regarding the danger of central planners and property rights. If this C4L member truly believes in C4L then you’d think he’d find alternate employment unless of course his core values are not so supportive of C4L – beliefs and values have a way of interferring when the rent is due. Guess C4L get’s trumped by the bills.
Vseitz, your comparison is ridiculous. A person who works in a bank does not advocate for nor engage in currency devaluation. If you consider exposing truth “character assassination” then you should stop assassinating David Craig’s character. I hope you remember your words and hold the federal agents or police who come knocking on your door to collect your weapons, blameless. Maybe you should do a little research into “Complete Communities” in Delaware and get to know Ted Patterson’s activities a little better. You can start with the picture on the home page taken from Santa Monica, which is considered a model “sustainable city” under ICLEI. Then you can peruse the definition of “sustainability” taken from the project in which he is a team leader: . Note that “reproduction” is included in the definition. Ted Patterson is not just a paper pusher at the university. His work in supporting “smart growth” began long before his current employment with volunteer work for organizations like the Cecil Land Trust, the Cecil Land Use Alliance, and the Eastern Shore Land Use Conservancy which recognized him for his work in promoting smart growth. He has conducted research and authored papers promoting “transit-oriented development” and was supportive of Cecil County’s TDR program in 2010, helping to elect folks locally who crafted and supported the program. These are simple facts, and whether you choose to recognize them or stick your head in the sand and be a sheeple is up to you. Ted has a right to believe and do whatever he wants; lots of people support smart growth. However, his being the state chair of Campaign for Liberty in Maryland is the equivalent of an abortionist being the chair of Maryland Right to Life. The membership of Campaign for Liberty should be more concerned about defending their mission than providing cover for their leader who is actively working against it. Accountability and authenticity strengthen an organization, but those who know about this and choose to turn a blind eye only diminish the credibility of the organization. What a disappointment. Do the right thing, and don’t be duped.
Mr. Whistle, It seems that you are more interested in attacking Mr. Patterson than in discussing the topic at hand. You seem to know a bit about this topic and you do not seem friendly to phony sustainability. I do not want to diminish the role of reasonable planning. I am more concerned about a top down approach from way on high that uses environmentalism to diminish local control and property rights. I have not said a word about Mr. Craig’s character. I do not know him well enough to speak about it. Nor would I do so in such a public way. However, we do ask him to sever Harford’s relationship with ICLEI. If you have something to say about the post on Agenda 21 and ICLEI please offer it.
vseitz: You should be more concerned with the professional planners like Theodre Patterson who implement”the approach from way on high”. The issue is that Patterson destroys the effectiveness of Campaign for Liberty by working as a career planner, implementing Agenda 21 and ICLEI locally, while at the same time holding the position of Maryland State Co-Ordinator of C4L.
There are a lot of similarities with Obama and Ted Patterson. Just look at the history of both. If you look at Obama’s history, background and past relationships, you can understand why he’s doing what he’s doing. Sure, he says one thing to the people and then campaigns against it. The people fall for it. It’s the same thing Ted Patterson is doing. It’s pretty aggravating to put so much effort in fighting against Agenda 21, only to have your efforts undermined by someone who’s supposed to be supporting you. It’s extremely hypocritical for an organization to talk out both sides of their mouths; by saying they are against Agenda 21 but having their state coordinator promote it in Delaware.
I fail to see where in the entire rant there is any link to indocrination via MD state Curriculum as the title suggests. Perhaps it is a bit misleading!
The title is completely misleading. The original title was not used and seems to have been replaced by someone at the Dagger. In spite of that, I hope the “rant” gave you something to think about.