Congressman Andy Harris Reacts to The Path to Prosperity: “Much-needed” & “Responsible”
House Budget Balances in 10 Years without Raising Taxes—Senate Proposal Never Balances but Raises Taxes
WASHINGTON, DC—Today, House Republicans released their budget entitled The Path to Prosperity: A Responsible, Balanced Budget. It ensures that Washington finally lives within its means like hard working taxpayers all over Maryland are forced to do every day. The budget offered this year shows an even greater commitment to putting America on a path toward fiscal responsibility by balancing within ten years. House Republicans have passed a budget each of the last two years, something the Democrats in the Senate have failed to do any of the last four years.
“Washington owes the American people a responsible budget that balances and fosters a healthy economy that creates good paying jobs,” said Congressman Andy Harris. “This budget is a much-needed approach to get our country on sound financial footing and rein in our massive debt.” Unlike the President’s budget, which did not receive a single Democrat or Republican vote last year or achieve balance, The Path to Prosperity would balance the federal budget within ten years.
Leaders in Washington for too long have been deflecting blame and passing the burden of America’s crushing debt onto someone else. The Path to Prosperity recognizes the need for the federal government to play a positive role in peoples’ lives by strengthening the social safety net. This budget makes sure these programs are available to those who need it, at the same time preserving them for future generations. It cuts wasteful spending, while continuing to prioritize what is important. This budget fixes our broken tax code by leveling the playing field for workers and businesses alike to foster job creation – and rewards, not punishes, success.
“Earlier this year the President got his massive tax hike. Now it is time for us to control government spending,” Harris noted. “We welcome President Obama and Senate Democrats to the table to deal with America’s crushing debt so that the country we pass on to our children and grandchildren will be as free and prosperous as the one our parents and grandparents passed on to us.”
republican says
When you say, US, you forget to include yourself. Bet there isn’t a government benefit that you haven’t liked.
RTFU says
Have you heard or seen the clips of Harris going after the head of the CDC over his report to Congress that states sequestration cuts will cause over 2,000 Maryland children to miss free vaccinations as part of a federally funded program? In that report, they clearly blame the Republicans.
As Mr. Harris pointed out in the public hearing, sequestration cuts were to the total of $30m to the program — while Obama-mama’s publicly announced budget cut over $58m to the same program.
Yet, as he writhed in his seat, the head of the CDC stated that under the Obama budget cuts, they had found provisions to ensure that no child was left behind – however, under sequestration those same provisions cannot be made.
Now to me, this is taking it a bit too far—using children in the game of politics.
Easy to do when you, as Congressmen and Senators, are not subject to the silliness of Obama-bad-Care.
Five Iron says
…and which budget that did not defund the ACA was submitted and when? Oh wait….
dilligaf says
Why don’t we start the cutting by eliminating your health, pension and retirement package. You have enough money not to need those perks?
Cdev says
Actually he double dips!
noble says
Other than a lack of specifics and some political slanting (widespread these days), I have nothing bad to say about this press release.
In fact, I think Ryan’s budget plan is pretty good. It’s a good starting place for negotiations. He deepened cuts on the military (something Harris conveniently left out above), which has been 1 of the 2 major stumbling blocks for Republicans in crafting an honest and reasonable vision, and the single most reason I could not vote for Romney, who wanted to increase it, which is ludicrous and pure politics at our expense. Ryan didn’t give away the farm and held back enough that he could give at the table with Democrats– that’s how you do it. Christie-Ryan 2016, thank you very much.
On the other hand, the Senate Democrat budget plan is laughable if only for the lack of cuts– $1.8 Trillion I think? Over 10 years? That’s a joke. Even Obama’s original original plan could do $4 Trillion. Hell at one point, even $8 Trillion was talked about.
The way out of this mess is so simple, yet so far away. Increase revenues (yes, again) by sensibly closing loopholes, deductions, etc, that favor the “rich” (however you want to define that) and more importantly corporations, and by cutting the multitude of govt programs that don’t make sense or can’t be shown to be effective. Some programs have to forced to be leaner and meaner or it will never happen.
Now can the boys and girls in the Preschool on the Hill sort that out? Doubtful.
RTFU says
You have good points, especially with the Preschool comment! HA HA!
Increasing revenues does not necessarily need to come in the form of tax increase; how about we STOP handing out millions to other countries? $2b+ to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? $27m+ to a 3rd World Country to teach them “trades”?
Why don’t we just stop paying other countries, and fix America first.
Cdev says
I agree the problem is we have gotten to a climate where there is no negotiating. Maybe Obama and the GOP have made steps to make that possible but who knows.
Citizen says
Rep. Harris, your message says that not one Dem. or Rep. voted for Obamas’ budget, yet you also say he got the massive tax hike he wanted. I guess I haven’t been paying attention, but how could both statements be true? You also said that “leaders in Washington” have been deflecting blame for the budget. There is blame for the debt. Who led the nation in an unfunded war? Do you part. Citizens are affected by the sequester cuts. Please cut your pay and benefits by the same percentage until this straightened out. And please straighten it out. Grover Norquist doesn’t represent me, you do. I am tired of hearing that government should do what house holders do when money is tight, spend less. Yes, but also, I took on a second job for more income to pay for the health and welfare of my family.
B says
There are no cuts, just less spending over the next ten years. There was more “revenue” last year then ever before. You are a fool if you think this government will tax more and use the money to pay off debt. Feel free to donate more of your income from your second job to the IRS.
Tried and Frustrated says
Mr. Harris, in case you forgot the American people showed you what they thought about Ryan’s Path to Prosperity on November 6, 2012.
The Money Tree says
Mr. Frustrated…that would all be fine exept it’s not Mr. Harris’s job to represent the people of “American” it’s his job to represent the people of MD and only in the district he represents. I would expect Mr. Harris or any other representative leader takes the views of his/her district into consideration or he/she wouldn’t be performing their proper role – you’re opinion regarding Ryan’s budget plan is most likely in the minority here. Nice try though.
Cdev says
Is he representing his district well when he votes against aide to those affected areas by the storm and then whines about no aide?
noble says
Actually, in November we decided on Romney’s plan, not Ryan’s. Though Romney adopted a lot of Ryan’s last budget plan, there were some stark difference too, and Ryan just had to eat his vegetables like a good boy, cause that’s the VP’s job.
Given some time, Ryan could one day make 4 times the President Romney ever could have been. I”m actually glad they lost because it would have been too soon for him to leave Congress, much like it was too soon for Obama– neither had the experience do the job or be on that ticket.
Tried and Frustrated says
Money Tree, my opinion about Ryan’s budget, I would say is in the majority judging from the result of the elect held in November of last year. It seems to me that yours and Mr. Harris is the one that’s in the minority. Of course like most republicans the only facts you believe in are your own facts.
The Money Tree says
Not in this district; the one that Mr. Harris represents and those are facts not “my own facts”. Obama didn’t win this district but he won the national vote – that is quite different.
Because says
He won. The other guys lost. Would you like to divide it up more finely to satisfy yourselves?
It’s like saying the British gave up at Yorktown in a draw.
Taxpayer says
It seems that a ‘majority’ are not paying federal income taxes (excluding the mandatory payroll tax) these days and would prefer the ‘minority’ doing so to pay even more. Are we now under mob rule where the minority is to be told to sit down and shut up, we won – you lost? The Ryan budget is a good start, but does not go far enough to reduce the size of the federal government. Balancing the budget over 10 years is too long. How can we pass this debt onto our children? Are we that selfish? Balance it now, make the cuts. The economy will stumble in the short-term and then take off. We need direction, not gimmicks.
noble says
Apparently I’m in the minority who pays income taxes, but in the majority of those who have been getting screwed royally for several years now. The people above my pay grade who also pay income taxes can afford to pay a little more in the short term to help get rid of our debt, I’m absolutely convinced of that. They’ll have to settle for a $35k car instead of $55k one. So sorry for your loss.
Taxpayer says
You are ‘getting screwed’ by a bloated government that refuses to diet. Feeding it more will not solve the problem.
noble says
Feeding it more AND cutting WILL solve the problem, and a lot faster.
You propose only dieting, while I propose dieting and exercise.
The problem is we have no real leaders who have made both happen. Both have to happen.
Look at how Ryan’s original budget plan didn’t even remove the deficit within 10 years– but with the new revenue of tax increases, suddenly it can happen.
We do both, or we fail.
Cdev says
We did they where Trent Lott and Bill Clinton and than Bush took over and spent like a Drunken Sailor and the House went along for the ride!
Mike Welsh says
I take great exception to your comment about drunken sailors. Although drunk, sailors quit spending when out of money!
B says
There was already record revenue last year….. How much more should be taken from those of us that contribute and given to those that don’t.
Cdev says
What do you mean the minority pay taxes? Is this a fancy way of saying 47%….? That Myth was debunked ages ago.
Common Sense says
Facts are pesky things.
All one needs to do is listen to President
Obama. Pelosi and friends say we don’t
have a spending problem.
Democrats don’t rely on facts they rely
on emotion.
noble says
Hello Pot, we have Kettle for you on line 2.
Tried and Frustrated says
I am not getting into a pissing contest with a bunch of republicans over this, the facts are there, believe them are not, that up to you.
The Money Tree says
I have no problem with your dislike of Harris – feel free however, you seem to misunderstand how basic democracy works at least in the US. The constituencies of Harris vs. (for instance) Pelosi are quite different – I would expect Pelosi votes according to her own beliefs and those of her district or she wouldn’t be elected in the first place, and if she was wouldn’t last long. I imagine a reprentative from Nebraska spends more time on agricultural issues than another from in an urban district. Mr. Harris’s support for a conservative, republican budget reflects the fact that he represents a conservative, republic district. It would be deriliction of his duty and a risk to his political future to vote otherwise.
Tried and Frustrated says
Money Tree, I think doing what is best for the country should be his main priority, don’t you?
The Money Tree says
Sometimes what is best for the district also happens to be what’s best for the country; sometimes not. I might define what’s best differently than you do. That’s why we have representational democracy – minority views have an opportunity to be represented and heard. Dissent by the minority has a long history of changing hearts and minds…that’s why we had the civil rights movement. I assume you think those who championed civil rights in the 1960’s should have kept their mouths shut? That would be consistent with your belief that Harris ought to tow the national line and in defiance of the beliefs of those in his district.
Mike Welsh says
I suppose Tired and Frustrated believes that had Romney won, Sarbanes, Van Hollen, Hoyer, Edwards, Cummings and Ruppersberger would have all come around and started voting for whatever Romney wanted. Living in dream land I would say.
Common Sense says
@Tried and Frustrated
You are Tried and Frustrated because your
progressive ideology is bankrupt and
When you lack facts it’s hard to reconcile
your progressivism with economic realty.
You dislike Republicans and conservative
positions, but you can’t reasonably express
why you think they are misguided.
Because says
Well Congress did it for Bush… probably in the belief of being bipartisan. What a bunch of delusional fools we all were.
Barbara says
Except for the years 2007 and 2008, Bush had a Republican congress. If you think the congress of 2001 and 2002 were delusional fools, take a trip to NY City and view where the twin towers used to be. Then when you have time, take a trip to the Pentagon and view the photos of the 9/11/01 damage along with the outside memorials to those killed in the attack. Delusional fools… I think not.
Because says
Ah, let’s resurrect fear as the basis for our defense spending spree to get those nasty men with cellphones in caves. Did you know the Air Force wants to start funding a new bomber?
Barbara says
I didn’t know the Air Force wanted to start funding a new bomber. Because they are considering such an idea, does that make them delusional fools? What is your point?
I haven’t resurrected anything. I have only described fact.
Because says
And when was the last day you heard about the terror color code?
Fear drives idiots. Threats of Mushroom Clouds over New York.
And we need a new bomber, because 7.62mm ammunition was not enough to take down the mastermind of 9/11.
Help me understand Barbara, I’m sure you can rationalize something that has happened to drive defense spending higher than any time in our past and well over what any other country spends as a percentage of GDP.
All to combat a bunch of guys who were simply smarter and more balsy than us. With no nuclear capable bombers at their disposal. Or aircraft carriers. But a lot of improvised explosives to blow up Humvees because we were silly enough to put men in harms way before the country was stabilized by our shock and awe.
Which country to you want to intimidate with you aircraft carrier task force? Is your oil too expensive.
Barbara says
What does all of the above have to do with being delusional? Is everyone except you delusional?
ALEX R says
I agree Tired and Frustrated, voting for what’s best for the country should be everyone’s priority. As long as I get to determine what I think is best for the country. Are you so naive as to believe that you or any of your Dem/Lib cronies have a monopoly on determining what is best for the country?
But here is what the MAJORITY of Americans as measured by just about every credible survey believe: (1) Obamacare is NOT best for the country. (2) The current debt level is way too high and is NOT best for the country. (3) The government should INDICT and try a whole bunch of so-called Wall Street executives rather than parading them in front of Congressional committees. (4) Brian Terry’s death WAS caused by the executive branch of our government. (5) The government spends way too much money and needs to CUT spending.
Tried and Frustrated says
I am finished, you can not reason with and unreasonable preson, typical republican.
Bel Air Fed says
the massive tax hike that Harris and nobody else mentions is the payroll tax hike that Harris and everybody else let slide back up in January. Is the Fed (and related contractors) still the biggest employer in Harford? Contractors already are laying off -ooooh ahhh let’s go put Andy right back in office. Ben Carson was right – Congress (and the President) – mostly all lawyers – not trained to compromise and do what’s best for all – just win – while you drive the country in the ground.
Tried and Frustrated says
Common sense, that make no sense at all.
Common Sense says
@Tried and Frustrated
I understand you being Tried and
Frustrated you got nothing but
financial and economic illiteracy.
W.T.F.? says
“Massive Tax Hike”! Andy….IF you are a doctor….then you MUSt be educated….therefore, you know that you are lying when you say the The President got his “massive tax hike”. President Obama was soundly re-elected proposing tax hikes for the wealthiest starting at $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples. What he COMPROMISED for ($400,000 and $450,000) was much higher (and you damn well know it!). Why don’t you and the rest of the tea-bagging idiots in your party grow up and stop trying to legislate against the will of the majority of the American citizens. Your pants are definitely on fire!
B says
The will of the majority you claim of American citizens is to take more from those who already foot the bill. Its called tyranny and theft. You want higher taxes, you should pay more.
Because says
Hardly Massive Andy. Exxon Mobil still gets subsidies despite Massive profits. How about you work for us for a change? And then do what Congress is Constitutionally mandated to do: Create a Budget. And while you’re at it – maybe pass an amendment that gives the President Line Item Veto. Then we can watch the president take charge over wasteful congressionally mandated spending. Like those Abrams tanks the Army doesn’t want.
B says
Exxon mobil doesn’t get a special tax subsidy. They get to claim the same tax deductions as other industries.
Line item veto to a man that can’t get his own party to vote for his proposed budget?
Common Sense says
Exxon makes a profit that’s all
a progressive needs to know.
If you make any revenue above
expenses it should be taxed
from you
Mike Welsh says
The line item veto authority, previously authorized by congress and signed into law by President Clinton, was ruled unconstitutional by the SCOTUS.
alex r says
I know that SCOTUS rejected line item veto, Mike, but why can’t POTUS get his own party to pass a budget? I guess they did earlier this week – finally – but that was an act of desperation because hardly anyone is buying the “the sky is falling because of sequestration” mantra and Obama is trying to figure out what went wrong and is in panic mode. How about that Biden press staff? Too bad the UM guy didn’t have enough knowledge to tell that arrogant broad to shove it.
Mike Welsh says
@Alex r,
As I understand it, had the Dems passed a budget in the Senate, it would have mandated the start of the reconciliation process to reach agreement between the Senate budget and the House budget. Had this occurred we would have had a budget and the Dems would not have been able to blame the Repubs for all of the woes as they would have been a party to the agreement.
I guess I have missed the latest Biden/Staff goof. Please enlighten me?
ALEX R says
Just Google “Jeremy Barr Capitol News Service” or “Biden Press Secretary Apologizes”. Not the first time by any means.
Common Sense says
Because David A. Porter is fixated on wealth transfer.
Because we must punish our successful companies.
Because says
Fixated on paying your fair share for the best interests of the country. You simply like to privatize wealth and create public debt.
Barbara says
For anyone who would like to know what their fair share is, it is the amount of wealth that you have over and above what the poor has decided that you need.
B says
Your fair share is over $36,000 debt for the state of Maryland alone, and over $56,000 for the Federal government, EACH.
Because says
B and Barbara, pony up.
Michael Dorn says
Hey Moneytree… Its not a democracy.Its a republic. Its been Bastardized into a defacto democracy but that was most definitely not the intent of the Founders. Why do you thinkt hey have an electoral college?It’s supposed to be Rule of Law…not Rule of majority. We are supposed to be represented in congress by folks who will vote according to our wishes. All you need do is look at the “affordable healthcare act” passage to see they don not really care about their constituents’ wishes.