From Harford County Public Schools
The Board of Education of Harford County Public Schools is seeking applicants for membership on its Citizen Advisory Committees. Membership is open to all Harford County residents, including those without children in the school system. The Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee is open to any parent of a student with a disability and no formal application is needed.
Each committee will meet on a regular basis, or as necessary to accomplish its charge. New members are confirmed in May; members are assigned to one-, two-, or three-year terms. Regular attendance is vital to maintain the continuity and effectiveness of the committee.
Residents of Harford County interested in serving as a member of any one of these committees should send a letter of interest to Ms. Teri Kranefeld, Manager of Communications, Harford County Public Schools, 102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, Maryland 21014. Letters must include the name of the committee, complete contact information (name, address, telephone number) and background information containing: membership in community, social and civic groups; occupation; level of schooling; availability to attend evening meetings; and reasons for wanting to serve on the committee. For parents and citizens interested in serving on the Special Education Advisory Committee, meeting dates will be posted on the HCPS calendar and all are welcome.
The deadline for application is March 15, 2013. Following the Board appointments in May 2013, the Citizen Advisory Committees’ coordinators will notify all applicants of the results.
A brief description of each Citizen Advisory Committee is listed below. Please contact the coordinator if you have questions concerning a specific committee.
Career and Technology Education
Coordinator: Mrs. Sue Garrett – 410-588-5289
Members of the Career and Technology Education Advisory Council serve as advisors, advocates, and reviewers for Career and Technology Education Programs, which prepare students for further education and careers in current and emerging professions. The Council solicits participation from individuals representing businesses in the ten Maryland Career Clusters.
Family Life Education
Coordinator: Mrs. Sue Garrett – 410-588-5289
This committee participates with the school system’s Family Life Education Committee in decisions regarding materials to be used in the kindergarten through twelfth grade educational program on Family Life and Human Development and HIV/AIDS prevention.
Gifted Education
Coordinator: Dr. Keri Guilbault – 410-588-5354
The Gifted Education Committee discusses and reviews the impact of the Gifted Education Program on higher student achievement.
Safety and Security
Coordinator: Mr. Bob Benedetto – 410-638-4242
This committee provides input into program improvements and initiatives in the school system. It reviews existing procedures pertaining to safety and security.
Special Education
Coordinator: Mrs. Ann-Marie Spakowski – 410-588-5246
The Special Education Committee works in conjunction with the requirements of IDEA in supporting an advisory council for parents of students with disabilities. The committee studies the impact of special education services, programs of instruction, service models, funding, as well as costs affecting the school system and its students. No application process is needed to serve on this committee.
As an advisory, each committee makes recommendations to the Superintendent of Schools.
fiscally responsible says
In the near future the Board of Education will create a new Citizens Advisory Committee for the Budget. Interested persons should watch for an official announcement.
Amy Lindecamp says
How about a Bullying/Harssment Citizens Advisory Committee? Oh wait, HCPS doesn’t care, so there isn’t any need to be advised, much less empower the “common people” with that knowledge!!!
Kharn says
It sounds like that would fall under safety/security?
Janet M Skinner says
It’s a start in the right direction anyway..I f you want your thoughts to be heard in a rational way then join..
Amy Lindecamp says
Ms.Skinner, I agree, however I don’t see an advisory committee here that would even address such said issues.
Janet M Skinner says
If I lived there now I’d join and see to it one was made..I moved to NC in 2008 so my last child in his last year of high school would no-longer be subjected to the bulling he had so endured all through his public school years in the public school systems in Maryland. I tried to get someone @ the Bd of Ed to listen then..they refused.I pressed charges, I was enraged @ the Principles in the public schools, everyone who was in place to protect my child did nothing….they failed him…
Kharn says
Principles in public education are hard to fight against, principals, on the other hand, usually respond to lawyers and rational conversation.
Amy Lindecamp says
Kharn, unfortunately the principal and school board we have been dealing hasn’t responded to rational conversation, or a meeting with our attorney. At this point we are being completely stonewalled, and are left with no other choice than to address their actions in a court of law. The worst part of our entire situation is the manner the Principal has hurt, and continues to hurt our child and family. This principal’s unfair, and completely unreasonable actions continue to be endorsed by the entire public school chain of command, even though it has been devastating to the child they have promised to care for and educate.
Janet M Skinner says
I put him in private school in Md. when he was a freshman in high school up there. Hes now in his 3rd yr @a private college here..and very successful..His goal is to be a teacher in the very type of school were he was miss- treated so he can make a difference to those who are bullied still..sad situation the public schools are just now beginning to realize their faults,but as I said” its a start”
Cdev says
Bullying goes on in private schools too. Just different kids doing the bullying.