From North Harford High School:
On February 14, 2013, at 1 p.m. , North Harford High School will join with activists around the world for ONE BILLION RISING, the largest day of action in the history of V-Day, the global activist movement to end violence against women and girls.
ONE BILLION RISING began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. On February 14, 2013, V-Day’s 15th anniversary, NHHS will join activists, writers, thinkers, celebrities, and women and men across the world as we express their outrage, demand change, strike, dance, and RISE in defiance of the injustices women suffer, demanding an end at last to violence against women.
“When we started V-Day 14 years ago, we had the outrageous idea that we could end violence against women,” said Ensler. “Now, we are both stunned and thrilled to see that this global action is truly escalating and gaining force, with union workers, parliament members, celebrities, and women of all backgrounds coming forward to join the campaign. When we come together on February 14, 2013 to demand an end to violence against women and girls it will be a truly global voice that will rise up.”
About One Billion Rising:
One in three women on the planet is raped or beaten in her lifetime. That is ONE BILLION WOMEN violated. One billion daughters, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, lovers and friends. On 14th February 2013, V-Day’s 15th Anniversary, we are inviting ONE BILLION women and those who love them to WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to this violence. ONE BILLION RISING will move the earth, activating women and men to dance across every country. V-Day wants the world to see our collective strength, our numbers and our solidarity across borders. Join V-Day and ONE BILLION RISING today and SAY NO to violence against women and girls. To sign up and learn more, visit
About V-Day:
V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler’s award winning play The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works. In 2012, over 5,800 V-Day benefit events took place produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $90 million and educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it, crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns, reopened shelters, and funded over 14,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq. Over 300 million people have seen a V-Day benefit event in their community. V-Day has received numerous acknowledgements including Worth Magazine’s 100 Best Charities, Marie Claire Magazine’s Top Ten Charities, one of the Top-Rated organizations on Philanthropedia/Guidestar and Great Nonprofits. V-Day’s newest campaign is ONE BILLION RISING which will culminate on 021413 with a global action worldwide.
Yes, Eve Ensler of the perverse and disgusting Vagina Monologues. Seems to me there was a scene in her overrated pornographic excuse for art where an older lesbian seduces an underage girl. Couldn’t that be considered violence against girls. This activist movement drips with hypocrisy. The only thing worse is that our government school system allows and perhaps sponsors an event initiated by an advocate of child molestation. And don’t tell me I’m “for violence against women” . Nothing could be further from the truth. Shelters and services for battered women should be supported. I resist the ongoing fallacy by radical feminists that men are evil aggressors that do nothing but prey on helpless women. Where did this 1/3 statistic come from? The same place that Super Bowl Sunday is the most dangerous day of the year for American women. Or the 1/4 statistic for sexual assault that called an unwanted kiss on the cheek an act of rape. The goal here is to marginalize men. The femi-nazis have been doing it for years and nobody questions them. They have their phony intellectuals from NOW, Assoc. of Univ Woman, Emily’s List etc. behind them leading the gullible to swallow their lies. If you want to read a credible feminist, try Christina Hoff-Somners. You’ll hear about feminism that is interested in promoting the role of woman for the betterment of society, not for the betterment of an advocacy group.
So was parental consent obtained & students allowed to voluntarily attend, or is this another assembly where the entire school is forced to sit through a political/social program many students have no interest in participating in or supporting?
To stop violence against women, give them the ability, training and tools to fight back, not just read stories.
Yes, Give them conceal and carry permits.
Furthermore, North Harford need only read the newspaper to realize that that men are not the only ones acting violently against minors.
Smells like bs to me, another beruecrat with feel good facts. Students participate, more lile trumped up wordsmithing to say they were forced to listen
Good for NHHS. Violence against anyone by anyone should not be a tolerated. Anything that raises this consciousness is to be commended.
For the people who were not there I like to inform you that the 1/3 statistic is not 1 out of 3 women It’s 1out of 3 people are assaulted men, women, and children. This was an opportunity for MY school to be apart of something bigger than one person. Instead of talking down to these people and turning your head how about you take a stand do something to help people in need, people who have been assaulted in any way. Until you do you have mo room to talk
From the article:
“based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 WOMEN on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime.”
The best way for women to protect themselves is to learn to shoot….accurately….in an adrenaline-filled moment. Then, whether it’s a can of pepper spray or a 9mm, they can help protect themselves. My vote is for the 9mm.
I’d like to inform you of something else:
Children are used as pawns to accomplish political and social agendas in our schools without parental consent or student choice.
You assume that I do not help people in need. The point here is that I know the difference between real action and a show boat experiment with a social/political motivation. The sad part is the government schools are complicit in the propagandizing of our children. One Billion Rising is not an anti violence movement; it is an anti violence against women movement. Eve Ensler is more interested in “raising awareness” and whipping up the usual male bashing groups. Entire cultures are built around the concept of female subservience. Western culture does not belong in that category. I can think of no better place in the world to be female than the United States of America. The stories I hear of violence against women in other cultures breaks my heart but I have a hard time accepting MS. Ensler as the voice of abused woman around the globe. Are you aware that The Vagina Monologues glorifies the sexual abuse of a 13 old girl at the hands of an older woman? I call that violence against a girl. Ms. Ensler, under public pressure, changed the age of her victim to 16. Wow!! It’s OK to abuse a 16 year old but not a 13 year old? There is much irony here. The very school that is promoting an anti violence against women day is the same school where a adult female is charged with abusing a 15 year old boy. So let’s stop the male bashing propaganda that’s been going on for decades. Men are our fathers, brothers, sons and husbands. They love us and care for us. There are jail cells awaiting those that fall outside that characterization and services that should be supported by all for their victims.
My university distributed a t-shirt to every resident in the dorms one year, with the design on the rear saying “MEN can stop RAPE”, “MEN” and “RAPE” being in ~3″ letters, “can stop” being in ~1″ letters.
No bias there.
Ahh! Captain Obvious (kharn) steps in to point out the bias in the perpetrators of violence against women population tends heavily toward male rather than female. Well done kharn. You are brilliant! Please keep it up!
So can mace or a CCW stop it – I bet they didn’t mention that.
If taking action is the required ticket to get space on here maybe you could tell all of us what specifically you did in the past year. Hint: Wearing the T shirt doesn’t count. Yes, violence is wrong. I know it. You seem to know it. We all know it. But requiring students to be part of a social/political event without the permission of their parents is also quite wrong. Maybe our schools could just spend their time educating our kids in basic life skills rather than brainwashing them.
Jaguar Judy,
In the event you did not notice this is a high school student who took a stand. History supports such actions. No child was force and no one was brain washed.
In fact instead of bashing the STUDENTS; we should commend them for trying to help. Wow has our country gone so wrong that we have a problem with the youth of America standing up and saying something is wrong.
If as you say “no child was forced” were there permission slips sent home to the parents? Was each child given the option not to attend? if not the kids were forced by the school, school system and our government to sit through this. That fact that any school wide assembly is not of a “attend by choice” event then they are being forced. Especially if the parents were not informed and asked for consent.
Proud of Jasmine and NHHS,
Nope, we haven’t gone that far at all. Five evenings a week plus all day Saturday and Sunday are available. The primary reason kids go to school is to get a classroom education. And let me tell you what colleges and universities are already trying to tell you. It isn’t happening. That is why most must take remedial courses in core subjects before they can even start their real college education. I used to marvel at how a parent could educate their child at home and not be a trained teacher yet the student ends up being better prepared by any meaningful evaluation than if the student had gone to most public schools. I now understand. Public education could be so simple when you just hire decent teachers, give them a core curriculum with proper scope and sequence and get out of their way. Stop with the multiple layers of goofy admins, IFs, other crappy distractions, etc. and get out of their way! You end up with better educated students, better teacher-student ratios, higher teacher job satisfaction and the people (classroom teachers) who are actually performing well and delivering the end product can get paid better.
I’d say, if true that most students need remedial work in college, it’s David Craig’s cowardly stance on school funding that is the cause, not student participation in events intended to give exposure to the idea that rape happens. What kind of goofy reasoning is that?
Its not the level of funding that stops a kid from mastering algebra in two years, it is the speed of the curriculum in an included classroom attempting to teach everyone at the pace of the slowest learner.
Captain Obvious strikes again! Well done, kharn! You’ve solved all of the educational problems with your quick-witted analysis. All we have to do is separate all of the students by ability and put them in classrooms with other students with like abilities. And we’ll do it by ability to achieve, right? So the top what, 15%? can get their teacher, the next 15%, and so on. But now we have another problem! That bottom 15%er dullard is dragging down the top 2%! Well, we can divide that class up into the top 5%, and the rest. But now, we’ve got a teacher teaching 7.5 kids out of 150, and another teaching 12. But now we have a problem, which you suggested wouldn’t be fixed by additional funding — now we don’t have enough teachers to divide up the classes to the granularity we desire and which would be more educationally effective (umm… according to you… not to people who know anything about it). So now we have to add some more funding.
actually in response to Pisstoff taxpayers comment, yes, that is how students were grouped for years , when I was in the Harford county school system(70’s and 80’s) and it worked. The bottom line is everyone has a different intelligence level. Some people are smarter than others. But in this “everyone gets a trophy ” society of ours we have either ignored or forgotten that. Thus we group all students together and do every student a disservice.
Oh wow your so clever last night me and my mom talked about puttting together a “emergency drill” for ANYONE who has been or will be a victim of violence. And even if 1person sees that tshirt I know I have helped one more person how about you name one thing you’ve done to help and sitting at home behind a computer and making fun of students who VOLUNTARILY went to an assembly at the only school in harford county to take a stand doesn’t count.
Instilling values and beliefs along with political discussions is assuredly not the job of the school system. That either happens at home or it doesn’t. Hopefully it does. But in America it can never be allowed to happen in government run schools.
I disagree. Discussion of politics is a great thing to do in school, as long as it sticks to approved curriculum. Talking about politics allows kids to mature their own beliefs in an environment where someone can call “BS” politely. Would you have them not teach history in schools? What is history but politics that happened yesterday? Would you deny students the opportunity to think through the ramifications of past policy decisions? Would you doom students to not knowing about the American Revolution? Would you allow students to grow up not knowing about the Holocaust and its horrors, not thinking that was evil? And what about The Pledge of Allegiance? Pure indoctrination. And where do you stop with what can and cannot be discussed in the (usually relative) safety of a classroom? Evolution? Creation? Math? Science? Foreign Language. Even the act of simply offering a menu of courses that students can take indoctrinates them to some degree, emphasizing to them what society believes to be valuable knowledge, and encouraging them to learn it. Hell, the whole act of education itself is an act of instilling values and beliefs! I suppose you could say that the “government entity, public school” is instilling in them the belief that learning and knowledge is useful and valuable. But isn’t that a good thing to instill in them? And yet, it is indoctrination. But I don’t find any of that evil or bad or misaligned with community standards. Indeed, we want educated citizens who are capable of critical thought. At least I do.
Thank you. At least some people ate with in there right minds. And you are completely right.
Thank you for you post. It was very thoughtful and articulate.
Please have a wonderful evening.
We are not talking about debate within the confines of a classroom. We are talking about a global day of activism inspired by a controversial playwright. Eve Ensler is the author of Vagina Monologues. It is pornography that flatters itself by claiming to be art. One of the more disgusting scenes depicts the sexual “education” of a young (13 years old) girl by an older woman. Does no one see the hypocrisy here? The point of this assembly was to “raise awareness” about violence against women and yet the founder of the movement glorifies the molestation of a young girl. I am surprised that no one has even bothered to comment on this despite it having been pointed out a number of times.
So let me get this straight… the message is no good, no matter what it is, if someone whom YOU don’t like says it? Or if not whom you do not like, who has done wrong in his life? So… if someone does something bad, that’s it…. they are bad and irredeemable. That doesn’t seem like a useful way to behave.
As well, it’s a funny thing about “artists” — they get to say stuff that often offends people or is controversial. Sometimes the controversy they cause is deliberate, whether to spark buzz about a work simply for the publicity, or whether to deliberately spark outrage and so discussion about a topic. I confess, I’ve not seen the entire Vagina Monologues, but I find it difficult to believe that it would be any more offensive than anything that David Craig says about whose fault it is that the schools did not get full funding.
I really don’t see why this assembly was controversial in the least. Eliminating domestic violence or, if you prefer, violence against women seems to me a worthy cause/goal. Coming out against this assembly is like coming out in favor of violence against women. I was taught that it is cowardly and dishonorable to strike a woman, and I still believe that. What do you believe, vseitz? Is it ok to beat your wife? or your daughter?
Jasmine, I applaud you for your passion about this issue. You sound like you are genuinely on fire for this.
I support what they are trying to do but everytime I read “end violence against women”, something always hits a nerve because it should read “end violence, period”………
“Those who “abjure” violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf.” – George Orwell, Notes on Nationalism, 1945
Society is but a thin veneer.
Not familiar with the context, or the quote. Want to talk about the Quakers for a little bit, and tell me who does violence on their behalf?
They enjoy the protection of the police and our armed forces, along with any non-Quakers who respond when they are in distress.
Trying to follow the logic here. If I support our military and our police, then I abdicate my right to say that violent acts like rape, assault and murder are wrong? And that we, as a society- parents teachers, leaders and citizens- have a moral anc civic obligation to teach our children that such behavior is reprehensible?
This article is about showboating and feel goodness, as if this is the first time anti violence and anti bullying was ever introduced into a school system, right
I’m sure the majority of students forgot about the piece of paper they got about it once that dismissal bell rung.
Exactly as said, students in schools have no choice but to be herded against their will to endure “presentations” of someone’s personal agenda.
Are you talking about math class?
Jasmine is prime example of either employee or emrollee/student that has been brainwashed in thinking the “public.government” school system is there to make up your personal beliefs for you.
Is government even taught in the school system? “Today class is the bill of rights, let’s skip over the 1st and 2nd amendments”
I believe you are mistaken about Jasmine and the students as well. After reading her response I think she is capable of forming her own beliefs and is in now way brainwashed, simply educated.
The school came assembled to take a stand against those who would bear arms against an innocent individual. Seems to me like they learned something this day.
So “Today in Class”
The lesson is: No matter what side you take; the 1st amendment says that everyone has the right to say what they want. Including you.
Was each student offered an alternate activity if they did not wish to partake in this activity?
My daughter told me about this a week ago. It was strictly voluntary and kids could opt out and go to the library. My child CHOSE to attend and said it was the most meaningful, awesome assembly her school has ever had- at a time when they most needed some grown ups to talk to them about resources for help when dealing with hard issues and about treating all people with dignity and respect- which is what this was about- that and school unity and pride. Those who went choose to participate and promise to make their school a safer place for everyone. We should be praising them all. I am proud that my child was involved.
Why should any child have to choose between this feel good exercise and the library. Why are classes cancelled to accomadate an assembly inspired by a woman whose “award winning play” glorifies child rape. I want my child in class. The quality of assemblies must have deteriorated considerably if this was the most “meaningful, awesome”. Or perhaps the constant lowering of our standards and expectations allows us to settle for silly grandstanding/propagandizing in place of real action. As far as needing a grown up to talk to about some hard issues. Isn’t that what parents are for? Or is it just easier to let the school do the hard work for us. I’m sure your child is a great kid and you should be proud of her. But this global action is more about advancing an anti-male radical feminist agenda than about real solutions to real problems.
Instead of the library, maybe a more interesting activity should have been offered, such as a (educational) movie or free gym period?
Yeah, like instead of math class, they could choose to take music. Instead of music, they could choose to take gym. You do realize that there are things that students might not WANT to learn but that they OUGHT to learn anyway?
Well vseitz, maybe schools should cancel all activities that cause students to miss class. I heard NHHS also had a pep rally on Friday. Cancel that. Some students had to leave early to go to a wrestling match. Cancel that. About a month ago, NHHS, had a motivational speaker. Cancel that. Around prom time, there is always a motivational speaker that talks about good choices during and after prom. Cancel that. So many of these things, while not educational in the sense that they are not reading, writing and math, are very important lessons in life. They add to the whole high school experience. My high school experience was very good. I get the feeling that yours was not. Some of the greatest thing I remember about high school were the extrcurricular activities, including those that I had to miss class for. Also, as pointed out already, the Vagina Monologues, does not in any way glorify child rape. You obviously don’t understand that. It is about Eve’s life story. Some very frightening experiences, satirized. That’s what good artists do. They make you think and spark discussions. Many other very important people have been scrutinized for their ideas. Charles Darwin, Kepler, MLK Jr., just to name a few. Should we not talk about them in school because they are/were considered controversial?
Funny thing about the First Amendment, It also includes a line about freedom of religion and assembly, but we never seem to mention those.
Congrats to the NHHS teachers brave enough to take a stand against violence. Shame on the parents that object to this. YOU are the problem with education today. NOT teachers. You object to students attending a VOLUNTARY assembly that is about taking a stand against violence of women. SHAME ON YOU. And Kharn, so supprised to hear that you attended college.
surprised!!!!!! Sorry
Watch out for the grammar police. One misstep and your whole argument is invalid. 🙂
And kharn didn’t actually say that she attended college. Just, “my…”
She said “at my university” they handed out t-shirts….. Sorry.
I think its really funny you assume I’m female.
No, we are not. the problem with Education today is that the education system panders to the lowest level and are constantly taking the choices of how to raise the children from parents and making them it for them.
As long as there is no true level of expectation for our children, and the system doesn’t let parents make the decisions on what kind “agendas” their kids are exposed to in school, the public school system is the problem not parents like myself, Kharn or vseitz.
Sometimes the school makes the choices because maybe…..just maybe……they are experts in educating children. I would agree that this is not in the must do part of a well rounded education but it certianly falls in the good to do type of thing.
Educating or indoctrinating?
Explain the difference, o master of the obvious.
Please, the School is never the moral “experts” for my children , I am.
I object to unwarranted violence against any innocent victim. But, at the same time, I disagree with any attempt to remove my ability or right to use violence in defense against an attacker. I also object to social and political programs infiltrating our schools and drawing students away from their classes, or teaching students that all violence in all circumstances is wrong.
In case you did not know, education beyond K-12 is not limited to the left. The hard sciences show a strong right bias.
Kharn, I agree with most of what you say. I’m not sure I understand your claim that hard sciences have a right leaning bias. The very nature of science demands that it be based in objectivity and pure observation. Bias is not allowed in true science. Once it enters the realm of policy and opinion making it becomes more a tool of indoctrination. I’m not saying that people don’t use phony science to advance agendas but it needs to be recognized at that. Phony!
I meant those that practice in the field are more likely to be right-leaning in their political beliefs.
You couldn’t be more wrong. Most people with degrees beyond a bachelors degree are liberals. And as for scientists, please?????? Maybe before republicans lost their minds. Now 90 % or better are democrats. Don’t flatter yourself.
kharn, your whole post is wrong. Here’s a website that you might try before you make yourself look any more foolish: Click on the space where it says, “” and get rid of all the letters and words and stuff, and then just type that in, like you see it. Then, when your browser pulls that up, use the “search engine” that comes up to “search” for “webpages” that pertain to the terms, “is science conservative?” and then “is science liberal?” Read a couple of the pages that come up. Don’t just read the ones that you already agree with. Read like the first 10 or 15 on the list for each of them. Then, come back and apologize for all the lies you spew.
Don’t fool yourself. Our “educational institutions” have helped suppress civil behavior for more than 40 years. Damned if you even mention what is right or wrong. Damned if you talk about “decent behavior” or punishment for real poor behavior (not shooting a rubber band!). Our schools have helped muzzle parents nationwide. Parents have gone along with this bs policy for decades and now everyone all of the sudden wakes up to a land where millions are medicated, allowed to do whatever they want, no parental guidance, no moral guidance from anyone and you’re surprised? Give me a break – we are now reaping what has been sown.
You need ME to provide evidence? Do you have kids? If so, do you talk to them? If you do and you have talked to them, you should have a body of evidence that would nail the case in any court. I’ll give you just one little nugget – suspension from school for crumpling a piece of paper into a ball (NOT throwing it or even threatening to throw it – not that throwing it would really matter). This bs happens every day around this County. So what do you do with Kid B brings in a knife and intends to use it? Suspension. I’m hoping you can see the problem here without me typing any further.
So… everyday a kid gets suspended from school for crumpling a piece of paper into a ball? That’s astonishing. And REALLY non-PC. And getting suspended for intending to use a knife on someone? (I’m a little unclear, but the way you write it makes it seem like she intended to use the knife on someone, which I would think merited some sort of discipline, wouldn’t you?)
Waitaminnit. What does that have to do with political correctness which is what you were griping about when you said it muzzled parents?
How about if schools stick to the ‘must do’ stuff until they get that part right? After all, I constantly hear that teachers are overworked and don’t have enough time for this, that and the other thing. I don’t want the schools to have the latitude to determine what, in their view, is ‘educating the child’. I have already seen and heard what they think falls in to that area.
So…. I don’t know if it works this way everywhere, but often during assemblies like this, teachers can drop off the kids in the auditorium (assuming the school actually has such a space, some in Hazzard county do not) and do some planning or grading so they don’t have to do that work after contracted hours. So in a way, the assembly actually serves to focus the curriculum and ease the teacher’s time-crunch somewhat.
Those greedy teachers had to supervise their kids. Some teachers gave up their planning time to attend and help superivse.
Comrades, I was the last generation to receive a school diploma, not a certificate of punctuality. We never had this form of propaganda in the school, except for the yearly pep rally.
Comrades, I would have honorably sat in the library and read a book, even at a young age than to listen to whatever nonsense was being shoveled. I have and had plenty of respect for myself and others without needing a propaganda machine pumping faux info into my brain.
Good day, comrades.
Children who did not want to attend had the option of staying in class no one was forced to go all I’m saying is if you were not there you have no right to speak negatively. I don’t know if you mom talk you ” if you have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all” however my mothers did. Get a life and stop picking on the students who ASKED the principle to put this together
Jasmine, I think your time might have been better spent in composition class. The notion that we cannot speak up because we have a negative view of this event is absurd. If we only said nice things about controversial issues imagine the injustices that would exist today. We are not holding the students responsible. We hold a government education system with misguided priorities responsible. Perhaps the principle should have investigated the background of the founder of this movement before he complied with the students’ request.
Well if you have a problem how about you go speak to the people in charge and stop picking on and complaining that kids are not being taught in school like an adult and stop acting like a 5 year old kid complaining in all honesty you were not there so you have one write to say anything
I’m go atop for your small brain YOU. ARE. A. IGNORANT. PERSON. WHO. IS. ACTING. RATHER. NIGGERDLY
Ill go slow for your small brain YOU. ARE. A. IGNORANT. PERSON. WHO. IS. ACTING. RATHER. NIGGERDLY( meaning to act in an ignorant manner for you slower people) ON. THE. INTERNET. I’m done talking to someone with a one sided opinion and will never listen to what other people listen. No matter what you say this event was not about brainwashing, the government, you, or me it is about helping those in need so get over yourself.
Your school presentation must not have covered how to debate with someone without insulting them, eh?
Did you miss the headline, or just not read the article?
I am very proud of your actions and the fact that you are passionate in your beliefs.
Please ignore the misplaced and uninformed comments of some of individuals here.
Perhaps when they realize the look silly by debating and attempting to insult a child (and you know you are) they are in fact proving there lack of education. Really what is composition class and why would it teach governmental lesson?
Continue to make your parents proud. You are exceptional
Yeah, you should be so proud your supposed “child” resorted to racial language to “proove their point” on the internet to a bunch of strangers. Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing more.
Not supposed. Actual child. However there is no need to go further, your name speaks volumes.
The term niggardly it is an adjective it means to act in an ignorant manner.
I call BS, you’re a phoney.
Then never play poker or BS with either one of us you would loose.
Therefore again I say your name fits.
PS Jasmine stop using large words it hurts people’s feelings.
Yeah it sure does. That’s why I typed it (herp derp?) LOL
You are still FAKE.
@Jasmine and @Jasmine Mom
Niggardly means grudgingly stingy
and mean.
Jasmine you spelled it wrong and
used the word incorrectly.
How is advocating against violence towards women misguided, you ape? Do you think beating your wife or daughter (or mother?) is okay?
I do not have a wife or a daughter. I am a wife and a daughter. Once again, I will state my position. I too am against violence of any kind. I am also against using name calling in the place of rational argument. What I object to is the use of the school to promote a politically correct indoctrination. Does domestic violence exist. You bet it does. But the phony war on woman is still being drummed into peoples heads by people like Eve Ensler. How can I have respect for a movement when its founder has glorified child molestation in her “art”?
And you avoided my question: is it okay to beat your daughter?
There is a difference between agreeing with one specific group that supports a cause, and supporting the underlying message.
For example, I disdain drunk drivers, but at the same time, I think MADD is a bunch of teetotalers and I disagree with their approach to stopping drunk driving. That doesn’t mean that I drive drunk, it means I feel one specific group’s approach to solving the problem is incorrect.
Is that like opting out of the Pledge of Allegiance? Ohhh this all feels so warm and fuzzy. Why do we have at least one, possibly two generations of big and little kids who don’t have any clue at all? Political correctness is at the heart of this issue – it is the ultimate social muzzle. Do not tolerate it, do not accept it, do not succumb to it! It has helped mold this flock of blind “occupiers” “99%ers” and other social leaches – PC nonsense has killed work ethic and morals – just look around – watch the news tonight, read the paper tomorrow.
Yeah, so we totally need a breeding license in this state now.
I find it funny in these online debates, all kinds of relatives come out of the woodwork and start debating too.. “Hey Mom, I need backup!”
Pathetic. If anyone looks silly debating it’s gotta be when you go “Tag Team” on a WWF Royal Rumble Internet brawl, BROTHER!!!!
P.S. What is school policy and education on defending yourself from a perp, BTW?
Attack me I can take it. A
Attack my child I will not turn the other cheek.
Any mother would do the same.
Umm, no one “attacked” anyone. That’s a wee’ bit out of context, isn’t it?
You are absolutely correct. I would be a mother bear in this situation. But you must understand that when someone posts on these sites they open themselves up to scrutiny. Many of the posts in this thread made the point that the function of schools is to teach the three R’s and leave social/political indoctrination to the parents. The quality of your daughter’s posts indicate a lack of skill in English composition. Developing that skill would give her arguments more credibility and allow her to make them with more strength. Unfortunately, the educators at her school thought it more important to send her to a politically correct assembly than to do the hard work of educating her. Furthermore, the word is niggArdly. There is no racial connotation and it means “stingy, miserly, petty”. The more your daughter posts, the more she convinces me that I am correct.
NO. Educators at her school thought that there was another lesson to be learned that particular day. END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. How can anyone think there is anything but good intent in this event? Again, as I posted earlier, do you think we should end all activities that are not curriclar and remove kids from class? That includes sports, awards assemblies, pep rallies, etc.
then your child should not post comments if you don’t want them responded to ,and possibly attacked.
Jasmine and Your Mom,
Of all the words you could choose to use, you had to use “niggardly” – and use it incorrectly! This doesn’t make you sound smart. It makes you sound ignorant, insensitive, and mean spirited.
Just because you haven’t been raped or beaten does not mean that it doesn’t happen. And holding an assembly to talk about violence against women does two things (count them with me) 1) It sends a message to the boys that it is not oky doky to slap around their girlfriend, and 2) It sends a message to the girls that 2a) it isn’t ok that they allow themselves to get beaten or raped and 2b) that it happens and they need to be on their guards.
Your belief that the epidemic of violence against women is phony tells me that either you are in denial of having been assaulted, have never been assaulted, or have no friends who have been assaulted. If you have been assaulted and are in denial about it, that’s really too bad. If you have never been assaulted, congratulations, you are in the supermajority of women. But odds are good that you may be. Be careful. If you have no friends who have been assaulted there are a few possibilities: 1) you don’t know your friends very well 2) you have one or no friends or 3) you have many friends and none of them has been assaulted (this would be a statistical outlier and highly unlikely).
It doesn’t seem to be a phony epidemic of violence (I’d reserve the “war on women” phrase for what Republicans are doing to women’s protections and liberties). Look it up. Use the internets, if you are allowed.
And as far as this assembly being “politically correct”…. I wonder if you could explain what that means for everybody so that maybe the school could avoid doing that in the future?
I never said that women were not victims of assault. They are and there are laws against those crimes. Parents should be teaching their young boys to respect, honor, and care for women. Their young girls should be taught to protect themselves and cherish their autonomy and honor. One Billion Rising is a global event that encourages women to see themselves as victims and the community at large to see men as dangerous aggressors rather than friends and life partners. That attitude is clearly displayed by Ms. Ensler, the founder of this movement. Her pornographic play is 2 hours of man bashing, stories of horrifying sexual aggression, and the glorification of child molestation at the hands of an older woman. Yet somehow she is deemed an appropriate role model for a public high school assembly. If you want to discuss violence against women, or anyone for that matter, do it in health class. But do so with real numbers and not the usual statistics that get thrown around. The 1/4 college women raped statistic comes from a 1985 article for Ms. Magazine. No agenda there! An act was called rape if in fact it had been consensual but regretted the next day. A significant number of “rape victims” went on to have ongoing relationships with their attackers. The fact that Superbowl Sunday is the most dangerous day of the year for American women is a completely fabricated story with no basis in reality – proven to be a huge lie. I am not saying that there is no problem with violence against my gender. One woman assaulted is too many. However, the politically correct radical feminists (MS. Ensler is one of them) like to whip up the gullible with their fake numbers and heart breaking stories as if they were common place. One in 3 married woman abused by their husbands? Any thinking person has to question such an outrageous claim before it is swallowed.
Here’s the problem V:
“Parents should be teaching their young boys to respect, honor, and care for women. Their young girls should be taught to protect themselves and cherish their autonomy and honor.”
It is unfortunately true that many of our children are NOT being taught basic manners much less ethics in their homes. Where do youngsters who witness disrespect- at best – and even regular domestic violence learn that these behaviors are neither normal nor acceptable? If we had such a well parented population it would not be necessary for schools to do any kind of character education. As it is, it is more than obvious that our children need all the guidance that can be provided to encourage responsible and ethical citizenship. Perhaps you are chiding the wrong group here.
Dear Curious, Nothing frightens me more than a parent (I assume you are, forgive me if I am incorrect) willingly giving up their parental authority to a government agency. So you believe that the godless, soul-less, government run, liberal entrenched school system can do a better job instilling values in my child that I can? Isn’t that what we done incrementally for the last few decades? Look where we are compared to 75 years ago. Some children may need more guidance than they are getting but to assume that all children need to be indoctrinated by a public school system (its already happening by the way) will lead us all further away from putting responsibility where it belongs. IN THE HOME.
I think you missed my point V. I am sure there are many parents that instill their family values in their children- as have you and I. To them i say, Thank you! THAT is not the problem. The reason that we have had a slip in all levels of civility- IMHO- is that far too many parents have abdicated their responsibility to be the role model and first teacher for their offspring. Schools have been forced to teach basic civility- for no better reason than to keep all kids safe. It is hard to see how teaching a student to be civil, mannerly, respectful, honest, kind, considerate and mindful of others could be considered ” godless, soul-less” liberally biased “indoctrination”. I consider such disciplines conservative family values. I do not see any reason to object to exposing older students, to the fact that rape and violence against people is wrong. I am sure you and I would teach our children the same basic morality.
Sadly, we have many students who come into our schools without benefit of the type of parenting you and I espouse. They are ” learning” their morality IN THE HOME- from sleazy TV and grotesque video games. So teachers ( who by the way are seldom in my experience godless or soul-less) are providing a much needed service to all of our children by providing opportunity for all students to become more responsible members of the school and greater community.
I have never been prouder to be an alum of North Harford High School than I was Thursday when I went to their participation in the One Billion Rising Campaign. It was wonderful to see teachers and administrators giving space to the students to work to end violence against women. When one in three women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime, I don’t think it is a “personal agenda” or “propaganda” to educate teenagers about it, and help them see how they can change it.
Dear Please????, You’ll be pleased to know that my high school experience was very satisfying. But more to the point, why are children getting out of school to attend EXTRA curricular activities. Often the same class is missed week after week. The teachers I have talked to about this agree with me. Why are motivational speakers discussing good post prom choices? Can’t parents do this? Besides, most HS school students know what is acceptable and what is not. Often bad behavior is exactly as you stated; a matter of choice. I think the chaperoned, post prom parties are a great way to supervise kids in a safe setting. But all of this is besides the point. Who in this thread has demonstrated that the Vagina Monologues are not exactly what I have said. In the original play, a 13 year old girl is plied with alcohol by an adult woman and sexually exploited. This act is glorified and described as a “good rape”. The hypocrisy was evident to everyone and eventually Ms. Ensler scrubbed her later revisions. V-Day and A Billion Rising have more to do with creating a victim mentality in women and portraying men as beastly aggressors. This event did not belong in a high school. Children need to be in class, not in political/social indoctrination forums.
We will have to agree to disagree. I have young children in elementary school. I hope when they get to high school their school will hold events such as these. I think people that oppose a cause that supports violence against women are afraid of something. Are you OK with the Taliban who shoot young girls in the face because they want to go to school? What are you afraid of??? I don’t understand your logic. Do you think that this is some conspiracy to promote a liberal agenda? It was simply a group of students who were NOT FORCED to attend, taking a stand about something they felt strong about. Why is this an issue???? School is more than a place to learn about academics. It is a community hub. There are social interactions. Its a place where kids learn about themselves. They are not pawns of anyones agenda. They simply chose to attend the event because they thought the cause was a good one.
Mr. William H. Pyle must be spinning in his grave!
Wow you are dating yourself.
Oh, my heavens! The Dagger comments never cease to amuse me, every conservative idiot comes out to comment against anything and everything.
This event was wonderful and 100% voluntary. There are close to 80 teachers at NHHS and 15-20 chose to bring their classes. And the students in those classes were given a choice on whether or not they wanted to attend. Those that did participate experienced 40 minutes of communal RISING, they got to experience the importance of standing up for and speaking out against something they are passionate about. I would say that I am surprised people have anything negative to say about it but, come on, it’s the Dagger and the commenters on here are nothing but negative 90% of the time.
And to Svietz….please tell us ONE more time about that part in the Vagina Monologues, you simply haven’t mentioned it enough. I’m confused on what exactly happened and how you feel about it, you don’t like it, right? WE GET IT ALREADY!!!!!!!! The entire book/play is about horrible things that happen to girls/women and it needs to be said. And guess what? That particular story demonstrate that it is NOT just MEN that are the abusers/rapists and that needs to said! Women are not incapable of violence but they are more frequent victims of violence globally. The idea behind all of these events/stories is that we need to get women to be stronger and not ashamed of rape or abuse. IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT and the sad fact is, many women don’t talk about their abuse/rape because they are afraid or they meet defense attorneys who try on purpose to make them feel bad about themselves or doubt themselves or one of a hundred other reasons and so they just don’t speak out. THAT is what events like 1 Billion Rising are trying to change.
Well then, I guess that I’m experiencing the euphoria of communal rising since I’ve been arguing for something that I feel passionate about for the last 24 hours. And, I’ve done so without calling anyone idiot, ape, wingnut, unhappy etc. I’ve made my points using indisputable facts. Facts that most everyone has danced around because they cannot explain them away. I’m glad you finally mentioned that most offensive scene in the VM. The only problem with your explanation is that the play did not treat it as an act of abuse. It was elevated to an act of saving grace. A “good rape” as if there could be such thing. And yet the hypocrisy or ignorance, I’m not sure which, of most of the responses here does not even address that. This was an event about raising awareness of violence against women and its very founder seems to think that when the violence is committed by a woman it is not only OK, it is cool.
I still do not know where you get this idea of a “good rape”. I think that you just don’t understand the VM. Its called satire. One billion rising is not about Eve Ensler, its about violence against women. Why is this so controversial? Its not about abortion, or the death penalty, or evolution, or even gay rights. Its about VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. Its not about feminists, although they obviously support the cause. Its just plain taking a stand against violence against women. HOW CAN ANYONE DISAGREE WITH THIS??
Perhaps you have not read the text. It was not satire. Public anger towards her was so great that she watered the whole thing down. Feminist groups on college campuses are threatened with law suits if they produce the original version. I get the idea of a “good rape” because that is what her 13 year old victim calls it while she dreamily reflects on the experience. If you have read my posts you would understand that I am not a supporter of violence. I object to political/social indoctrination that creates a victim mentality in young girls and marginalizes our young men. I’m sorry I have to keep repeating myself but it seems to be necessary.
You are still missing the point. One billion rising is NOT about Eve Ensler or the VM. Its about violence against women, PERIOD. You said that you were not a supporter of violence. Why then do you continue to bash this event? Most of the kids that attended have no idea who Eve Ensler is. She was never mentioned at the event, nor was the VM. Those that have heard of her just happened to be kids that knew about her because they have some culture. This event had nothing to do with feminism or politics, JUST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. And furthermore, the guest speaker spoke about all types of violence. Violence against men included.
I’m not missing the point. I’m simply refusing to buy into it. Once again, Eve Ensler’s work has been about creating a mythology of universal male aggression. She is a radical feminist that claims to be concerned about the abuse of woman by men but gives a pass when women are the aggressors. More than a pass, she revels in it! Perhaps the students should have crafted an event of their own design and done so after school hours. Ms. Ensler’s association with this taints it beyond redemption. I’m also amused by your claim that the more cultured students are the ones familiar with her work. Have our standards really fallen that low?
The furry-legged feminists still trying to turn boys into girls. LOL
And by the way, if you want to talk about the curricular value of this activity, five classes: Broadcast Journalism, Drama, Chorus, Dance, and Band collaborated to organize a student directed and produced event which included student performances, student choreography, publicity, technology, school pride and unity as well as a very important message. The guest speaker from SARC who speaks to schools elsewhere in the county made a presentation about safe teenage dating. The guidance office was present. (Health and School Safety.) The entire event was documented using the highest technology. Footage will be reviewed and downloaded using high tech editing software to produce a student directed flash mob film (much like the one Edgewood did earlier this year.) The result will be aired on the morning announcements in a state of the art broadcast studio.
Soooooo currricularly -seems they covered a number of objectives in a very authentic way- too numerous to list at the moment -but just take the use of technology and media as one factor- you know, STEM.
I hope the students can hear this message from Julie who presents her reasons for opposing the Violence Against Women Act.
Rather than listening to “Julie” they ought to read the act for themselves. It’s only 176 pages and reads pretty quickly. I only say that because “Julie” says that “domestic violence is defined in the bill as calling someone names,” which is a complete fabrication. Here’s the definition of “domestic violence from the bill”:
‘‘(6) DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.—The term ‘domestic violence’
includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed
by a current or former spouse of the victim, by a person with
whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who
is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as
a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the
victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against
an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s
acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction. ”
It’s neither limited to male->female violence, nor is expanded to include calling someone names or raising one’s voice at another (around the 2 minute mark). Either Julie hasn’t read the definition, or she’s just lying. Either way, it’s kinda sad that anybody would listen to her.
In addition, the VAWA is neither redundant nor giving money to get democrats reelected. Both , again, are complete fabrications.