From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Rep. Harris Responds to the State of the Union Address
Washington, DC – Rep. Andy Harris, M.D., released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union speech:
“Like so many of President Obama’s other lofty speeches, his words do not match his actions. Four straight trillion dollar deficits under the President’s watch clearly show we have a spending problem. Unfortunately, instead of focusing on getting Americans working again and reducing our deficit, President Obama focused on issues like gun control and climate change.
“House Republicans have recognized the urgent need to tackle the economic challenges we face. America’s spending is out of control. During the President’s speech tonight, America spent $450 million dollars, much of which was borrowed from places like China. This has to end. We have a moral obligation to our children and grandchildren to make sure the future we pass on to them is as free and prosperous as the one our parents passed on to us.”
Tyldak Kilsek says
What an embarrassment this guy is. Too bad he’s got so much job security, thanks to the districting.
Bethany says
Harris is useless… For example voting AGAINST Superstorm Sandy funding. Who the heck does this man represent?? His own constituents on need and he votes against. Same with the farm bill. He’s got counties of farming communities and he voted against!
I agree, absolute embarrassment to Maryland!
Farmer says
Keep up the good work Andy. You are doing exactly what the voters sent you there to do.
B says
If only speaking pretty could lead to prosperity…….
Way to early in his term for a lame duck president.
Because says
Andy. Congress is the branch of government that decides how much to tax and how much to spend on whatever they choose. Blaming Obama in the Executive Branch for Congress’ failure to spend and tax responsibly is simply a way of deflecting blame from yourself. As an example of legislation contributing to the deficit, consider the Tank Plant in Lima Ohio that has been fully funded to make more M1A2 Abrams that the Army does not want or need. That is an act of Congress, and the Executive Branch is obligated to follow through on your idiotic needs to appease your constituents at the cost of the rest of the country.
ALEX R says
Let the Andy bashing begin. I voted for him and will do so again given the choices placed on the ballot. I don’t always vote for Republicans but I can tell you the local Democratic Party is not going to give me a choice that I view as attractive.
Because, when was the last time the Senate passed a budget? Forgive me, it has been so long that I forget. The President wants more taxes and more spending and the Senate agrees. I don’t want that. So my choices are pretty clear I would say. I appreciate what the House is doing, or not doing. That’s the way this government is designed to work. If you can’t get your initiatives thru the House then they don’t become law. Deal with it and stop with the tantrums.
Sheesh, didn’t Ben Carson make Mr. Obama squirm at the National Prayer Breakfast. It was satisfying to see Mr. Obama get spanked by a brilliant black internationally famous neurosurgeon who rose from extremely poor circumstances. Why do I mention “black”? Because had Dr. Carson been white we would have heard no end of racism comments from PMSNBC and others. And please spare me the Nabisco rejoinder.
W.T.F.? says
Alex R….how about if I “Ben Carson Bash” instead of “Obama Bashing’ (like those of your ilk). I’ve heard Dr. Ben speak many times, and I’m not impressed. How could such a “brilliant” man (of any color) place so much of HIS success on God instead of science? To me, it’s oxymoronic! It stands to reason though that a person who places their god on such a high pedestal would make President Obama “squirm” a bit, as the President was elected to represent ALL citizens of the U.S.A., not just the Christian majority (which is slowly, but surely changing…..THANK GOD!) America is NOT a Theocracy, and the further away from politicians kow-towing to the religious right, the better for all of us! President Obama IS a self-proclaimed Christian (and I try not to hold that against him), but he doesn’t let his personal religious beliefs dictate how he legislates (good for him AND our country!)
Mike Welsh says
Dr. Carson does not let his religious beliefs “dictate” how he performs in the operating room, but rather as a guide in how he lives his daily life and treats others.
Taxpayer says
I prefer to see a person act on their Christian moral beliefs than the morality-based agenda coming out of Hollywood. Obama may be a self-proclaimed Christian, I find that hard to believe, considering his votes, decisions and actions. He has divided this country and continues to do so.
Because says
The label “Christian” these days has lost the meaning you seek to retain.
Justin A. Glimmer says
Hey “Taxpayer”, get your head out of your ass.
BrianC says
Science?? Science is always right……. until it’s proven wrong. World used to be flat, now it’s not. It used to be global warming–now it’s climate change. God’s the only constant.
Because says
Which incarnation of God would you be referring to?
CDEV says
The world was never flat. People thought it flat. In fact the church would burn you alive for suggesting it was not. Or suggesting that the sun is constant and the Earth moves around it. Since the Church has changed it’s view on science by rejecting the the same Flat Earth Theory it killed people for not accepting it seems God and the Church are the inconsistent ones.
Justin A. Glimmer says
Hey “BrianC”, get your head out of your ass also! (or do you enjoy dark, stinky places?)
Keesha Jackson says
Justin, Fortunately for you here in America people are allowed to be first class jerks. And you are the poster child for all of them.
PRA says
I guess you are one of those that has no religion. Did you forget this country was founded by God fearing people. You and people like you are the reason this country has gone to hell in the last decade. Everyone has to be politically correct in everything they say for fear of offending. Like the old saying goes “you can’t please everyone”. It has let this country be redirected by a single mindedness. If one person doesn’t like it out it goes. Isn’t this a democracy where majority rules? Apparently not anymore!
BrianC says
“Christian” has not lost its meaning. Maybe some people that claim to be Christians have lost their way; but the meaning of the word stays. America is headed the way of Rome. When “anything goes” -everything goes away…
ALEX R says
You say that Dr. Carson is brilliant and then you say he doesn’t know where his ability comes from. Then you recognize Obama as a self-proclaimed Christian. I just have to ask, does that make Mr. Obama stupid because he claims Christian beliefs? Man, you have a real problem. You just can’t get your head wrapped around how someone who believes there is a god and is smarter than you. Poor you. Maybe these guys know something you don’t know.
WTF, news flash for you. There is a God. He is smarter than you, and I and Mr. Obama and Dr. Carson. Now try to figure out why He tolerates you or any of us.
Mike says
How much was spent during both the Republican and Tea Party responses? Regardless a Representative is there to represent his or her district. A Senator is there to represent their state. Who here believes that any of the representatives are actually representing their constituents instead of just toeing the party line be it Democrat or Republican?
BrianC says
Great point Mike. Sad but accurate.. Term limits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At first I thought that sour look on the President’s face was something he ate. Then I realized he was, as you say, “getting spanked” in public by a smarter man, a more moral man, and truth be told, a more highly regarded man than the President will ever be. In public no less. The only thing that was missing was that Dr. Carson did not tell him to go to his room or give him a timeout. Priceless.
noble says
During the President’s speech last night we paid Mr. Harris about $150 to sit in a chair and do nothing. ($174,000/year divided by 174 days in session = $1000/day /10 hour days = $100/hour, and that’s being VERY generous considering Congress is usually in session about 150 days and I am skeptical of a 10 hour day) And I say do nothing, because he doesn’t really think for himself often, he just has interns and staffers cut and paste party talking points for his constituents to read.
But anyway, more to the point, our national debt is about $16 Trillion (God help us), and of that roughly 10% (about $1.6 Trillion) belongs to China. The next largest foreign holder is Japan, at just over $1 Trillion. About 75% of our debt is held by us– US held interests. So, I wonder what exactly Mr. Harris is referring to when he says “places like China”? What places “like” China Mr. Harris? What could you possibly be referring to with language like that? Or do you have some other motive for saying such a thing?
Do your own research people, think about it.
ALEX R says
Noble, I think we share a general disdain for nearly every elected person in the room. Nearly every one. But we have what we have. And very often, too often, the choices on the ballot are not real choices at all unless you want to write in a name. I have considered it but it would only make me feel better for a few seconds and have no lasting effect. Long ago I reached the conclusion that we would be much better off if they all went. Could we be any worse off if we put names in a hat and drew at random?
noble says
You have hit at the core of the problem, that often times the choices on the ballot are not real choices. Indeed. They are more or less products of the political machinery even before we get to vote on them. But that’s another battle.
My problem is I care about our country, I care about mainstream Republican/conservative principles, and by not demanding a better choice from the party, we are essentially giving up, in my opinion. It’s not that Harris betrays those principles (usually), it’s that he betrays the party, the process, and the electorate by just plain not being competent, thorough, or intellectually honest, and that’s the kinda crap that has Republicans losing elections.
So until we are given a real choice, or until Harris’ office chooses not to pollute the community with this type of meaningless drivel, I will be here to call him out where it seems necessary.
I tried for a long time to make lemonade from these lemons, and I can’t do it anymore, nor do I believe our country can do it anymore. All, ALL of the problems we have to solve now have been cans kicked down the road for 10, 20, 30 years.
Change has to come, and Mr. Harris has shown no indication of being part of the solution, and certainly, the crap posted above by his office is more proof of that.
LindaWeeks says
Absolutely. I will always think of Andy Harris as having been the mo-ron who asked when his insurance coverage was going to kick in right after he was elected. I don’t support one single issue that he does, and I don’t think he has the brains enough to care what the people want. He’s just another empty suit. You know, all I want to see running for office is an intelligent person; don’t care what party they represent, what issues make them tick, just be bright enough to make smart things happen, push for smart ideas, bring up issues that mo-rons can’t speak of openly; and Andy, man, you are just not the dude for the job.
BrianC says
You’re right linda, the problem is, people that are really, truly smart–are smart enough not to open themselves up to politics and all the trash that goes along with it. Only when it becomes a part time job again will we get a better grade of politician. Politics should not be a profession.
Jaguar Judy says
If I were you I would check and see if Dr. Harris actually is covered, or has ever been covered, by the health insurance you say he was so interested in. Maybe someone who keeps herself so ill informed of the facts might want to be careful who they call a moron.
That being said the choice on the ballot was not a great choice, it seldom is according to Noble, and I agree with him, but when the Democratic Party runs someone who is actually a viable alternative then let me know. Has Wendy Rosen been indicted yet?
Mike Welsh says
Ms Rosen was charged Dec 20, 2012, with illegally voting in 2 elections. She is charged with voting in both Florida and Maryland in the 2006 and 2010 elections. She faces 10 years in prison if convected.
ALEX R says
Maybe the New Harford Democratic Club could do a fund raiser for her defense.
Linda Weeks says
from Wikipedia;
At a closed-door employee benefits briefing for new congressmen during the November 2010 freshman orientation, Harris was surprised to learn that the Federal employee health benefit plan would leave the new congressmen and their staffers without coverage until the following pay period, 28 days after inauguration. Concerned about this gap in coverage, he asked whether new government employees could purchase temporary coverage to fill this gap. “This is the only employer I’ve ever worked for where you don’t get coverage the first day you are employed”, he said through his spokeswoman, Anna Nix.[19][20] Through a spokesman, his defeated opponent, Frank Kratovil, seized upon this dialogue, characterizing the question as a “demand” for special treatment and for access to the benefits he opposed in the new law.[21] Furthermore, “Harris then asked if he could purchase insurance from the government to cover the gap,” added an aide, who was struck by the similarity to Harris’s request and the public option he denounced as a gateway to socialized medicine.[22]