From the Maryland Liberty Political Action Committee:
I’m writing this quickly, we have lots of preparing to do. We are in the fight of our lives right now. The Statists across the country are gearing up to destroy the 2nd Amendment once and for all in America. Here in Maryland, Governor O’Malley and the liberals are poised to pass the most extreme and far-reaching gun grab in the nation.
I need your help.
A Maryland 2nd Amendment Rally will be held next Wednesday, February 6th, starting at 11:00 a.m. at Lawyers Mall in Annapolis across from the State House at 100 State Circle, Annapolis, Md.
Can you make it?
We need every 2nd Amendment supporter in Maryland to flood Annapolis to send a clear message to state legislators that passing the O’Malley Gun Grab Bill is unacceptable.
One last thing–can you do a favor for me? We need volunteers for our “Assault Clipboard Brigade.”
We need 20 volunteers to collect petition signatures at the gun rally to help us mobilize patriots to beat gun grabbers in the Senate, will you be one of them?
In Liberty,
Fed up says
Every American should be concerned about State and Federal over-reach of our rights – rights clearly defined in the Constitution and given to All of us by a higher power, not by the government. Just like freedom of speech and religion, you may or may not wish to exercise your right. But unlike speech and religion, if this one is squashed by the government, our government will be unchecked and all other rights are by default in jeopardy and at the whim of the government. Don’t be deceived – this has nothing to do with public safety! This is a power grab pure and simple. Criminals will continue to kill – they do it successfully around the world in countries that claim to be gun-free. This power grab is geared to quieting the population – consolidating control of our country to a very limited number of people (politicians). Stop this tyrannical power grab now!
You So Funny says
Don’t forget to check under your bed every night.
K says
Thank you for presenting this information in a serious, organized, noncomedic manner. Unlike some elected employees (I know, Patrick is not elected) who seem to think Annapolis gives out a yearly best dramatic and/or comedic video performance award.
BrianC says
A Citizens Stance Against SB 281 2/6/2013
Dear Senator and Delegates,
Should you be counting; I am against any changes to current laws concerning guns and magazines. In the end, “it’s criminal control, not gun control that will save this country and state”. Any measures that change the current gun laws will only make law-abiding citizens–criminals; as I will not turn in any over-capacity magazines. Moreover, I will not subject myself to additional registration or qualifications concerning firearms that I may or may not own.
I find it interesting that MD legislature will not consider a “Voter Registration” system due to “undue hardship” principles; but yet Governor O’Malley is pressing you to add prohibitive costs in time and money to current and potential legal gun-owners.
I do support “The Criminal Gun Control Act,” which would prohibit any offender convicted of a criminal act involving any gun from receiving any form of early release. This proposal would include parole, probation, or good-time early release credits. The bill would also disallow a plea bargain.
Lastly, I have read SB 281 and not one clause would help the inner city youth that just got shot by a rival drug dealer. That, dear Senator, is where the peoples time and money should be spent.
Thank You.
Brian Czawlytko
Fed up says
Amen Brian C! Have we heard any State or Federal politician even mention how we are going to look closely at enforcing the mountains of existing laws? I haven’t – it has been a non-issue. Rather, let’s scare everyone, slam the rights of those who exercise this RIGHT in a lawful manner (99% or more) and run around making feel-good statements about this being for the children. Pathetic bottom-dwellers! But God forbid We the People actually vote them out – wake up Maryland!
Luther Lingus says
Molon labe!
Luther Lingus says
Hey Patrick – what you guys don’t realize is that most of the people on your side of the issue WORK FOR A LIVING.
Try a rally on Saturday when most people who work during the week can actually attend.
Kharn says
Senator Frosh chose Wednesday to hold the public testimony session for SB 281 on a Wednesday. Having ten thousand people show up to protest outside an empty building would not be as nearly as effective as a thousand people inside the building and three thousand standing outside. Frosh wasn’t happy, but he had to at least appear to listen to those testifying before his committee.
I took the day off and was inside the building from 10am until I had my chance to speak during the “state your name, city and position” testimony at ~9:30pm. (if you went beyond “John Doe, Harford County, I oppose this bill”, the six state troopers standing near the podium immediately began shouting down anything you attempted to say)
Harford Rally Attender says
Luther Lingus, I don’t believe yesterday’s rally was actually planned by MD Liberty PAC. My searches couldn’t determine the source as I was preparing to attend and gather details.
However, MD Liberty PAC’s “Clipboard Brigade” at the event was impressive, and as far as I could tell the only organization with activism amongst the crowd of at least 1,000 or more folks who came from all over the State of Maryland. Buses arrived from Cumberland and Allegheny County and the Eastern Shore. Western Maryland Counties had a significant presence. Furthermore, MD LIberty PAC’s follow-up e-mail showed how dedicated to these very important causes it is, and I thank this group for making huge sacrifices to stop government from continuing to infringe and impose its un-Constitutional acts on the American citizens. May we all wake up sooner than later.