From the office of Del. Pat McDonough:
Delegate McDonough’s Gun Bill Actually Saves Lives — Governor O’Malley’s Bill Can Not Make the Same Claim Based on Statistics
There were 195 murders by guns in Baltimore City last year plus numerous acts of violence committed by convicted felons on parole. Seventy percent of the murders were committed by the convicted felons and 40% by convicted gun-crime felons. Delegate Pat McDonough’s bill, which mandates no early release or pleas bargain for offenders who commit violent gun crimes, will clearly reduce murders in Baltimore City. What facts can Governor O’Malley refer to regarding his gun legislation?
Rhetoric. Arm twisting. Fear mongering. Outright lies. You know, the usual.
O’Malley has his armed posse 24/7 so he really doesn’t really care what happens to law abiding citizens. It made me sick that he was talking to his beloved media and pushing his gun grab scheme even before the poor victims in Newtown were even in the ground.
All of it in the name of safety, yet none of the proposed bills will do anything to make anyone safer.