From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive David R. Craig and a team from the Administration will travel to New York this week to meet with three bond rating organizations. Accompanying the County Executive will be Mary Chance, Director of Administration, Aaron Tomarchio, Chief of Staff, Kathryn Hewitt, County Treasurer and James C. Richardson, Director of the Office of Economic Development.
Amidst concerns the rating agencies have regarding the federal government and its inability to solve long-term fiscal problems, the Administration will reaffirm Harford County’s conservative fiscal policies, diversified economy and strong tax base.
“We look forward to the opportunity to meet with the three bond rating organizations in an effort to keep our coveted AAA Bond Rating,” said County Executive David R. Craig. Harford County Government has worked hard the past several years using sound fiscal management while balancing the divergent wants and needs of our community within a solid and consistent revenue structure,” Craig remarked.
County Executive Craig and his team will meet Wednesday and Thursday with representatives from Standards and Poor, Moody’s Investors Services and Fitch Ratings. Administration officials will return to Harford County late Thursday.
The County Executive and his staff will discuss the successful achievements of Harford County government during the past year, as well as give a presentation regarding the primary goals and objectives for 2013 and 2014. Some of the goals are to improve technology to enhance communications with constituents, streamlining government processes and improve efficiencies. Additionally the Administration will present its fiscal management strategy, review economic development initiatives and strategic partnership with the business community and plans for the long-term improvement and investment in infrastructure to include schools, solid waste management and water and sewer among others.
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