Any woman that has planned a vacation knows that a proper pedicure is as important as packing just the right outfit. So, I phoned Jordan Thomas for an appointment prior to heading down to Key West for some much needed R&R.
When I made the appointment, I explained to the Receptionist that I wanted a pedicure with “the works”, buffing, polishing ,shining, lotioning and what-have-you. She stated that the nail technician would only have time to perform a normal pedicure which meant that I would receive all of the above services minus a leg massage. No problem, I responded. My feet and heels were the body parts that I was most focused upon. Sure, a leg massage is nice, but completely unncecessary. Since flip-flops are almost a uniform in the Keys, what’s imperative is that your nails are prettily polished and your heels are soft and smooth. Off I went to the new Jordan Thomas location near Duclaw.
I had been to their previous salon numerous times for facials and haircuts. The new store was just as posh and chic as the old one. However, I was puzzled that the clientele in the mani/pedi area were nonexistent. Hadn’t they told me that they didn’t have time to offer their top of the line treatment? The nail technician was very friendly and bubbly while she cut my nails and allowed me to explore acrylic manicure products. But that is where my “pedicure’ stopped. I was furious because I didn’t have time to go elsewhere for a real pedicure before my vacation began.
Politely, I asked why she was only painting my nails rather than executing all of the customary rituals involved in a pedicure. And I was told that when I booked the appointment I had asked for an Express Pedicure. NOT true! I packed up my People magazine, went home, called the Manager at Jordan Thomas. Unfortunately there was no manager on duty (really?? NO manager at all on duty?). Not sure exactly what I wished to resolve, I called again a couple of days later and had to leave a message because “the manager was busy”. Perhaps I just wanted to vent and explain that I am a repeat customer. When I still did not receive a response, I sent an e-mail on their website and called once more. It has been more than 5 months and I never heard from anyone at that salon regarding my complaint. Which is just as well, it saves me from wasting any more money or time on their substandard services.
Two months passed and I was recovering from surgery and desperately needed another pedicure as well as a pick-me-up for my spirits. My friend, Jane, recommended Visage Salon and Day Spa located on South Main Street in Bel Air. Visage is an old home which has been renovated and turned into an upscale, full service salon. Their motto is “we believe in beauty from the inside out”. After one visit, I believe that to be true. I was escorted to the nail area after being offered a selection of beverages. The employees that I encountered were convivial, vibrant and eager to please. The nail salon is located in the basement, the middle level contains the hair salon, and the top floor accommodates the waxing and massage areas. Once my nail technician realized I had not obeyed doctor’s orders to stay home and could not possibly manage the stairs, she immediately took care of finding an exit from the basement that I could use, as well as traveling upstairs with my credit card to find the cashier. AND my bill ended up being lower than what was advertised on their website.
The evidence proves that Visage is the winner in the Battle of the Bel Air Salons! Ladies and gentlemen – make your appointments – Spring is just around the corner.
Visage Salon and Day Spa
422 South Main Street
Bel Air, Maryland 21014
(410) 838-3899
Visage is impressive, wonderful establishment!
Visage is AWESOM
Visage is great! I’ve been going there for years, the ladies who work there couldn’t be nicer. They really do take the time to get to know you. I recommend them and all their services to my friends and family.
VIsage is the BEST!!! I love love love it! ALL of the people that work there are talented and amazing.
Visage is awesome. I have been going there for years. I love all of the staff and employees. They always find a way to get me in for a manicure or pedicure. Wouldn’t go anywhere else. You guys are they best.
I have been to both salons and Visage by far is my favorite. Everyone is aways very nice there and accomodating. Sounds like Jordon Thimas may have gotten too big for their own good and perhaps doesn’t care about losing one customer. As they say one bad word of mouth spreads to 20 people..LOL, love it in this case you have how many readers of the Dagger?
BTW, where are the posts from JT defending their actions, if they can?
At Jordan Thomas Salon & Spa, we have no desire to be involved with this “battle” between salons. May all our businesses thrive.
Terry, I understand but since Ms. Williams is – or says she is – a repeat customer (that would be one that has been there multipe times) I’m sure she is in your database. So, has anyone contacted her YET?
I have only been there a few times – actually twice – and I know I am in your database. I don’t go there anymore but that is my fault. I should have made sure that the person assigned to me was compatible with my personality. Instead I took the luck of the draw and struck out both times. Haircut was fine.
@Terry – your desire not to compete is the reason this article was written to begin with. Your complacent, non-caring attitude towards your customers is resonant in your response.
Had you “cared”, you would have taken care of your customer to begin with. Had you “cared”, you would have returned her phone call. Had you “cared”, you would have responded to her email.
If you actually cared, you would have made a public offer right her on this website to make it right! Instead, you respond with a ridiculous “we don’t engage in battles” remark.
You have done nothing but prove the author right, and deserve what you get from the backlash to this article. Your business will not thrive unless you change your attitude towards your kings (or in this case, queens) – your customers!
I have never had a pedicure at either salon so I suppose this disqualifies my input to this story. But, being a loyal Dagger reader and true to form those of us always put our two cents in whether relevant to the story or not. As a matter of fact, somehow I feel the comments to this story will diverge and descend to the political liberal versus conservative realm. Not in my case though. What I wanted to say is first of all what a terrible experience for the author of this article. She certainly was fair in her attempts to contact someone, anyone at Jordan Thomas, to no avail. In addition, before writing this review Jennifer certainly waited ample time before letting the story of her experience rip. I have had manicures as well as hair services at both salons. My nail services were equal at both, some good and some bad. As far as hair cutting/coloring, my stylist at Jordan Thomas wins hands down. Now I have not experienced each and every stylist at both salons so I cannot say definitively who’s the best overall. What I do know for sure in the battle of the best receptionist/front desk greeter is based on my last visit to Visage, which was a while ago, the woman who greeted me, who has been there for as long as I have been going wins, hands down! I can’t remember her name but she was the most professional, pleasant, and gracious representative I have experienced at any salon, let alone Jordan Thomas. As we know, the first person you meet on a visit to a business sets the tone. Anyway, thanks to Jennifer williams for giving us the scoop. An informed consumer is a knowledgeable consumer.
I have standing nail appointments at Jordan Thomas, I’m in there every two weeks. I find it hard to believe that the owner or anyone from management wouldn’t respond to a complaint. They are the nicest people and put their customers first. Going there so often, you get to know everyone and I’ve never been there and not seen a manager. I am not going to badmouth any salon in this county, just felt I needed to back up the one that I spend my time and money at. I don’t think anyone from JT needs to defend themselves here. Looks like they’re taking the high road with the comment posted above! Don’t believe everything you read people! It’s sad when people have nothing better to do than trash others for their own personal gain.
What does the author have to gain by telling about her experience
Good question. I do not know. But I also know the owner and the people at Jordan Thomas and they would most likely hate to be involved in such an article, even if they were on the better end. Like the owner said, may all of their businesses thrive. I’m sure Jordan Thomas does just fine and they have a lot of clients, including a few of my friends and family members who wouldn’t go anywhere else.
I have gone to Jordan Thomas for a couple of years. I once complained about a poor haircut and poor customer service and was responded to immediately by the owner of the salon. She corrected and improved the haircut on the same day as my complaint (she even stayed late to wait for me after work) and earned a loyal customer in the process. I’ve never been to Visage, but Jordan Thomas is a beautiful, clean salon offering a fantastic experience.
Wow, this column seems to have generated some interest, so let me respond in the best way that I can. Let me add that The Dagger also received an e-mail directly from Jordan Thomas Salon. First, my role at The Dagger is to write an article which outlines my experiences with various businesses in Harford County. I do not get paid by The Dagger or any Harford County establishment to provide these articles, therefore, I have no vested interest in putting ANY business in an unfavorable light. I simply write an honest account of MY personal experience. In fact, I am not a professional writer, I have been a CPA for 22 years and I have ZERO affiliation with the salon industry. I hope that Jordan Thomas uses these comments to improve their customer service. Remember that not everyone who receives bad service will complain. I had been getting my hair cut by a stylist named Mary Ann at Jordan Thomas for a couple of years prior to this particular nail experience. I have also had facials & other spa services there. JT is welcome to confirm that with their computer records (before I got married by name was Jennifer Bonney). Sometimes the front desk people were a bit unfriendly, but I always liked JT as a whole prior to this experience. The only reason that I stopped seeing Mary Ann for my hair is that my schedule at work became too busy, therefore I began frequenting a salon near my office in Baltimore City where I could get a haircut at lunchtime. Otherwise I was very happy with Mary Ann. Please feel free to ask any other questions that you may have.
Wow, I guess you answered all of the questions from Terry the person who represents herself as working for JT by saying “At Jordan Thomas WE . . . “. Perhaps she could establish her credentials as an employee in the same detailed way you established yours as a customer. But I will ask the question once again, Ms. Williams:
Has JT cared enough about your poor experience to have made any contact with you YET? If the answer is ‘no’ then it seems JT has confirmed that your experience will continue in to the future.
No, I have never heard from them directly. However, Keesha, you are wrong when you state that my “experience will continue in the future” because I do not intend to utilize their services again. I believe in constructive criticism being used as a learning tool & it seems that they are so bent on proving themselves right that they have lost at least one customer in the process. It is unfortunate, especially in this economy where some businesses struggle to succeed and therefore put forth every effort to have a satisfied customer base. This is a bit off-topic, but it makes me think about my drycleaners. I have used the same drycleaners, Sunnys, in the Box Hill shopping center since 1996. Same owner that greets me with a smile every Wednesday and every Saturday like clockwork when I go in to pick up my clothes. We chitchat about the weather or the Ravens or the Orioles. Several times I have accidentally left cash in a pocket and he always holds it the side for the next time I come in. Seventeen years of service without a hitch. Bravo.
Bravo, indeed! And because of that 17 years of service they can be confident in many more years to come. No matter the economy. Same thing with my dry cleaners in Forest Hill near the Wells Fargo bank. We won’t talk about Wells Fargo and how they totally ruined the branch in Forest Hill. I used to sing their praises to a lot of people as one of the best customer service branch banks I had ever been in. Now I don’t go there and won’t go there.
Here is the the real issue that companies that give lousy service need to pay a lot of attention to – – – – – when they blow off one of their customers, just one, the word spreads so much faster and further than when they offer great service to a customer. So take heed Wells Fargo, and JT, and Open Door, and others.
It is pretty clear that you are not a professional writer or an impartial observer, first you shouldn’t start a sentence with an conjunction, and secondly as you are allowing one negative experience out weigh the time you went for hair service. I also ask how the title reflects the point of the article. This is not a battle of the spas this is a story of a client who didn’t realize what she booked not being satisfied then going somewhere else and getting what she wanted. I assure you if you had scheduled to service in advance at JT and scheduled the full pedicure it would have lived up to your standards. You let this stew for five months then write a piece that says a full pedicure is better than an express pedicure. This DAGGER shouldn’t have even considered this writing for publish as it seems bitter and contrived.
Thanks, Brandon. Your post is masterpiece of sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and spelling. It shows your genuine virtuosity as a writer.
Brandon, please don’t drive whenever you are drinking whatever it is that you are drinking.
Jennifer, I don’t think you need to defend yourself. I think JT is overpriced and overrated. The people who work there are snotty and think they are “all that”. Kind of like Tom Brady and the Patriots. Of course, I want a job well done, but for me, it’s all about the vibe given off and at JT, every time I went (past tense!) there, I felt like I was looked down upon. My experience and my opinion.
Thanks! I love how you added a dig about the Pats! I know everyone in this town is still grinning from ear to ear over our well deserved victory last night.
You are probably just unattractive and all those beautiful, confident women added to your insecurities.
Wow, sounds like you are hormonal or something! Point out bad service and get personally attacked? How silly that you are that worked up over a salon! I’m quite sure the author isn’t losing sleep over your comments made in poor taste, but perhaps she leads a more full life than you do?
It was actually directed towards Purple. And I don’t think anyone is losing sleep over any of this because it’s about a stupid pedicure by some woman that has no background in the beauty industry, so get over yourself. I just wanted to point out that when someone bashes people for being “snooty” and “all that” when they are in fact a lovely bunch, it stems down to jealousy issues or personal insecurities.
Amy, do you have a degree in psychology? If not, please stop analyzing. The tone of your post is exactly what I experienced the one time I went to JT.
People are unemployed and the troops are overseas fighting for your freedom and you are taking up space whining about about how your toe nails didn’t get the treatment you felt they deserved five months ago.
Glad to see you have you priorities in order!
That’s right! And there shold be no dining or cooking stories on the net or in newspapers. All sports reporting should stop. Travel reviews must be banned – actually, all travel should be banned! Forget about home improvements and any hobby-related news. Just think about the unemployed and the troops, 24/7.
Thanks for straightening us out and reminding us that some folks haven’t mastered the art of multitasking and living a full life.
Thanks Phil Dirt! Funny you used the word “multi-tasking” because that is something that I do ALOT. Yes, agreed, pedicures are very unimportant in the scheme of things. These articles are strictly for entertainment purposes obviously. I don’t think that I was “whining” but everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am just glad that people take a few minutes out of their schedule to read what I write. Have a great day.
Thanks so much, Calculon. Maybe you could give us just a few concrete examples of what you individually have done since January 1 to address unemployment an troops fighting overseas.
Maybe not.
I absolutely love JT Salon. Followed them for years. The owner is an amazing & professional business woman. This story sounds far from true. Everyone @ JT Salon are so nice and talented. I would never go anywhere els.
Yea because the author has nothing better to do than to write “fake” articles using a “fake” name that is in JT “fake” database
JT is full of the most kind hearted and beautiful people in Harford Co. I have been going there for years and everyone knows me by name. I always look forward to my appts there! I don’t think it is fair to bash a small business that has been successful enough to grow and grow and grow. The owner works so hard to make JT a thriving business and a lot of others feel threatened by her passion and success. I am confident that your article will not put a dent in JT’s biz. I am glad you found another salon that suites you. Please stay there. On an ending note, the owner’s husband is so handsome and I love when he is in there doing handy work!
Jennifer- You should stick to food articles.
I typically don’t get involved in things like this but I have been a loyal customer of Jordan Thomas for years now. I have NEVER once felt insignificant to the employees there. They have always treated me with respect and addressed my needs without hesitation. I go there twice a month and have never been dissatisfied with the services that I have recieved let alone the treatment.
Perhaps if you weren’t so rude, your concerns would have been met too. Please stay at Visage so that the rest of the customers can enjoy their time there.
When did it become “rude” to simply ask to speak to a manager in order to receive the services that were actually paid for? I’m not sure I follow your line of thinking. Are you saying that if you went to business and did not receive the services that you expected, you would just walk out a happy & satisfied customer?
From the way you are acting on here (trashing nice people over and over whom you don’t even know and allowing others to talk about the owner in such a negative and false way) I can only imagine the way you acted in person. If you were classy you would have deleted these harmful posts a long time ago. However you are not, which is why the salon could probably care less about losing you as a customer.
Clearly not a genuine person that I would want to be around either.
I know this is forum for stated your complaints but Jennifer W. If your where a client at JT Salon I’m sure someone would have addressed this issue.I have been with Terri and her staff for 9 years has a client and still am. I was in the business for 20 years doing nails and makeup so I know what’s out there. I went to Shelly at visage once and the pedicure was fine but I didn’t like being in the basement so I didn’t go back. (Shellys not at Visage anymore) JT has a great staff of stylists , nail techs,and Spa personnel so Terri most be doing something right.
So, Wanda G, it seems like you are saying that Ms. Williams is lying about what? Her name? The fact that she was a client there? The person she saw there regularly? Please help us by clarifying what you are actually saying is not true. You did say “if your where a client at JT Salon . . . ” I know you meant ‘were’ and not ‘where’ but I wanted to quote you accurately.
Because if JT didn’t have her in their database they would have been back on here in a New York minute saying so.
Look, JT screwed up big time. A lot of the even really good companies do. What seperates the really good ones from the so-so is how they respond when they do screw up. JT would have been a heck of a lot better off, and would have looked a heck of a lot better to all of us, if they had just come out and said “We screwed up and we are sorry and it won’t happen again.” I suspect they then encouraged their customers to get on here and defend them but I can’t prove that.
I started off thinking JT was a pretty good place that had a big customer service glitch. Now it looks a whole lot worse to me.
So, Wanda, I challenge the owner of JT to come on this website, identify herself and say that Ms. Williams was never a customer there.
Maybe they looked up Jennifer Williams in the system instead of her maiden name, which she did not give until many comments later. Maybe the owner has more important things to do than read through trash on an unofficial news website such as the Dagger to find that info (I have plenty of time for such nonsense though haha). I think that the owner has taken the higher road by not participating in your nonsense “challenges”.
Believe me, if Ms. Williams was not in their system that would mean that the whole article was bogus and JT would have been on the phone with the Dagger in a heartbeat telling, actually demanding, that the article be pulled. If the owner has more important things to do than respond to a very unhappy customer given multiple opportunities to do so, then that tells me a lot right there. I have never been to the other place and I have no intention of going but JT doesn’t look real good in this.
Maybe the article is bogus and maybe JT did reach out to the Dagger. Maybe Visage is in on it. Who knows!
In the matter of JT vs. Visage. Have you people heard of if you do not have anything nice to say you keep your opinion to yourself. I know you should say something if it’s harmful to someone,but it is only a pedicure. It’s ashamed that Visages owner accepts such negative advertisement for their Salon. There is more then enough business for ALL the Salons in the BelAir Area. Good Luck to you all.
I am new to the area and am looking for all of the great qualities of a salon. After reading this garbage, I am without a doubt spending my time and money at Jordan Thomas Salon. Visage customers are ruthless.
Why do you assume that everyone posting negative things about JT is a Visage customer? I have never been to Visage, I just related the negative experience I encountered at JT.
I am shocked to see such negative opinions about Jordan Thomas. I have gone to them for various services (hair cuts, color, nails, facials, waxings, massages) and been pleased with all of them. I have never noticed the “snobby” behavior everyone is talking about. I usually go to the same stylist to get my hair colored, but everyone else always smiles and says hello when they walk by. The cleanliness, professionalism, and great service is why I keep coming back. I’m pretty sure there is always a manager on duty, so I’m very surprised that you had such a difficult time getting a response. Also, if you were so unhappy at the time of your pedicure, why did you pack up and leave instead of asking to speak to someone then? It doesn’t make sense that the nail technician, or any member of the Jordan Thomas Salon, would let a client leave not satisfied, and I find this part very hard to believe. As for everyone saying Jordan Thomas should be more responsive to this post, I don’t think choosing to not partake in this “battle” of salons shows they are complacent. It shows they are busy running a succesful business. Their response shows class. I am someone who believes that if something doesn’t sound right, it usually isn’t, and that seems like the case with the information in this article.
Wow, all of that service. You are one high maintenance chick.
I do not feel that I owe any “proof” of being a Jordan Thomas customer, however, in order to clear the air, here is just a sampling of SOME of the credit card charges that I have found on just one of my many credit cards. As a CPA by trade, I keep meticulous records.
January 15, 2011 – $61
March 3, 2011 – $45
April 15, 2011 – $100
May 13, 2011 – $156
September 3 – 2011 – $100
February 20, 2010 – $50
February 20, 2010 – $63.01
November 6, 2010 – $61
December 11, 2010 – $45
It looks like your last visit was over a year ago. I thought this article was about a visit 5 months ago? I do not doubt that you went to Jordan Thomas, but I do question what actually happened. Also, if you were a regular customer of Jordan Thomas they must have done something right. But all you talk about in this article is their substandard performance. Again, if something doesn’t seem right, it usually is not.
Actually over 2 years ago! I agree with you, Ashley.
Ok, MWB and Ashley, First people say she works for another salon. Which she doesn’t, she is a CPA. Then they say she never really was a customer. Which she was. She supplies the name of her stylist and dates and amounts of a sampling of transactions that were charges and don’t include other charge transactions (a “sampling” of SOME – get it?). And it doesn’t include cash transactions. Then the owner is asked to state that she is not in the JT database. No response because she is.
So, Ashley, you said “I have gone to them for various services (hair cuts, color, nails, facials, waxings, massages) and been pleased with all of them.” That’s a lot of service. I can tell you if I spent that much money at a place I would want an ownership share.
I never questioned if she went there or said she worked for another salon. It is clearly stated the author of this article is a CPA and has no experience or connection to the salon industry. As I said previously, I’m sure the owner of Jordan Thomas is not sitting on the dagger trying to defend herself. As others have commented, I’m sure their business will be fine despite the negative comments from this article. I’m not really sure what point you are trying to make by saying I have gone to Jordan Thomas for various services. I am someone who enjoys going to the spa and salon, and the only spa and salon I would go to in Harford County is Jordan Thomas. Just because I buy my groceries every week from the same grocery store doesn’t mean I want an ownership share. I am a loyal client who is defending a business and everyone who works there. I believe in supporting local businesses, especially one like Jordan Thomas who does a lot of fundraising for the community, which is something I am very passionate about. When someone tries to give them a negative image from one expierence out of many, it shows poor taste and no class. I am allowed my opinion just like everyone else on here is allowed theirs.
Keesha- you have a very strong opinion about JT and the owner considering you have never stepped foot into the establishment. You also seem to have all of the answers (access to the authors official transaction history and the salon database, for example). Your passion leads me to assume you are in some way connected to the author (considering you have also commented on her other articles in agreement to her opinions). You are entitled to your opinion but I don’t understand all this outrage against a person and place that you have never even experienced.
Why do you continue to harass the owner? Do you really think she is wasting her time reading through all of these ignorant comments based on an article written by an unofficial critic on an unofficial news site? She has a family, over 50 employees to manage, plus she still does hair…I think she has bigger fish to fry. She assessed the situation, said her peace with dignity and class and moved on.
On the other end, I clearly have a relationship with the staff of JT, so I will passionately defend the establishment and good people that have done nothing but provide me with great experiences for many years. With that said, we can agree to disagree, but I will take the high road just like the owner and move on with my life. This article has gotten more traffic than it deserves. Respond if you want, but I won’t bother to read it. I am out…gotta go book my mani/pedi appt at JT!
Well, MWB, If Keesha had access to the salon database think for a moment what that might mean. It would mean that Keesha actually works at JT. MWB, you simply must start thinking before you start typing.
Like a few other people on here have pointed out JT blew off 3 contacts from an unhappy customer who was well known to them because she had a history in their records. In hindsight I’m sure they wish they hadn’t done that and they probably learned a good lesson for the future. I get my hair cut, etc., somewhere other than JT or the othe place so I don’t really care about either of them.
These are credit card transactions, just a sample from one account as I mentioned, not cash transactions.
Keesha Jackson…
Quit trying to play Ms. Detective and get a life.
You sound like a moron.
Jamie Sanders
Well said Jamie Sanders! The owner of JT shows a lot of class along with the staff.
How much class is the owner showing when she ignores the whole thing but tells her staff to get on here and defend the shop? I am sending her a copy of “How the Mighty Fall” by Jim Collins. It’s a multi-million copy bestseller for companies that are in danger of failing because of hubris. For those of you who can’t think past your next visit to the salon you may want to look up the definition of hubris.
How much class are you showing by instigating an on-line fight with a business professional? Maybe you should personally deliver your little book to the owner so you can tell her how you really feel face to face. Get a life, loser….oh and give your own HUBRIS a check.
If anyone thinks these immature, ignorant and jealous comments towards Jordan Thomas have the slightest effect on their business…. walk in any day any time. EVERYONE is BUSY!!!! I have been a client there for years and cannot remember ever having a bad experience. The owner is a very classy business woman who I could never imagine treating any client poorly.
What your issues with the owner? Iam not a employee at jt but if you read over these comments it sound like they are clients,like me and I think she shows much class by not reading or commenting on this issue. You need to get a life and move on to something else.
Jennifer informed us about her experience. While it seems out of character for JT, obviously the appt. didn’t go as planned for Jennifer. She was a repeat customer at JT and she was disappointed when her pedicure didn’t live up to her past experiences. She expressed her opinion. End of story. Terry chose not to engage in a battle on The Dagger – I am sure because of exactly what I have just read: name calling and personal attacks. All of us have our favorite salon and we remain loyal customers because of how we have been treated. The only question I have for Jennifer is – why would you walk out without speaking up at the time and then call and complain once you got home? Speaking up in person would have been the ideal way to resolve the issue. Emails are often misinterpreted. If I remember correctly, Terry still cuts hair so there was a reasonable chance she wouldn’t be available to take a call. If your phone call wasn’t returned, call back. It seems like you gave them plenty of opportunity to resolve the issue, but it was never resolved. Someone dropped the ball. Lesson learned for all of us; if you have a problem with customer serivce – speak up until you get your problem resolved. If you provide a service to the public, watch out – you never know when you are going to lose a loyal customer. And to some of those who posted, did you really have to sink so low as to start attacking each other!
Jennifer sorry you were not happy with your service but that was back 5 months ago you stated. Why did you wait so long before you brought it up on this type of format? If it bothered you that much why didn’t you go back to jt in person and complain to the owner in person I’m sure it would have been resolved. So sad that the comments have to be harmful to everyone. I’m sure both business will do fine and hope to see a end to the comments.
Just Saying,
It probably is time to shut this down but I have to ask the same question of the owner/managers at JT that you ask of Ms. Williams. I suppose Ms. Williams is her real name and not a nom de plume.
She told them she wasn’t getting what she expected when she was there, then e-mailed them and also called them – that would be 3 contacts well before this article. So why has the owner waited to do something until I guess ‘forever’ because she apparently – and I do say apparently – hasn’t done anything yet and doesn’t intend to.
I don’t doubt even now that JT delivers a pretty good service and I didn’t doubt before all of this cat fight.
The issue here is not the foul up between the JT appointment scheduler and the person actually doing the pedicure at JT. The issue here is non-responsive management. The negative publicity is just the cost of their lack of response. Apparently it is a cost they are willing to pay. My employer will tolerate an occasional mistake by a well meaning employee but a sure way to incur their wrath is to ignore customer complaints. Isn’t the occasional mistake by a well meaning employee an opportunity for a manager to show a customer what the company is really like?
My final word.
and we wondered who voted for Obama and O’Mallety
One moment, please lo pics lolitas bbs just casually wanking to tht extra hard