From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
The 2013 Legislative Session is off and running! Delegate Sue Aumann and I have put together a short Youtube video about the Top 5 Issues in the General Assembly this year. There’s always a surprise issue that pops up, but these are the top 5 we see so far:
5. Wind Energy – this issue is back again. The governor is looking very seriously at getting off-shore wind power passed this year. There have been committee reassignments in the Senate to try to get his plan passed. I have serious concerns about a wind farm five miles off the shore of Ocean City. This project will be funded by a tax on your electric bill. Once we see the legislation, I’ll give you more information.
4. Pitbulls – woof woof! There is a bill coming out next week that will address the pitbull issue. As you may recall, the courts ruled that pitbulls are dangerous dogs and left the liability for actions of pitbulls upon pitbull owners, property owners where pitbulls live, and landlords who may or may not know their tenants have pitbulls. I think you will like the bill – details to follow.
3. Repeal of the Death Penalty – I support the death penalty for limited heinous crimes. If the shooter in Newtown had not killed himself, he would be a candidate for the death penalty in my view. The senseless killing of 26 innocent people warrants the death penalty when there is a confession or direct overwhelming evidence to support the conviction.
2. Gun Control – I support the 2nd amendment. See the video for more information.
1. TAXES – there are a myriad of proposals floating around. The state budget continues to increase by more than $1 billion per year. The only way to sustain that kind of state spending is by increasing taxes. I oppose the constant increase in spending and I oppose tax increases.
Please do not hesitate to call or email me with any questions or if I can be of assistance to you and your family.
Click here: Contact Delegate Kathy Szeliga
303 House Office Building
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Toll Free in MD – 1-800-492-7122 x3698
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Please keep them coming my way.
Delegate Kathy Szeliga
zipman says
its so old, to see the outrageous shit, that you knucklehead think serves, the people of Maryland.
you all and, the asshole governor, need to get out of our lives, and our pocketbooks. just a clue , we can think for our self, and we know what your doing to us. keep doing what you do, and see what happens. bury your head in the sand, remember it’s your children and grandchildren that will PAY for the outrageous shit you do to there future !
ps i wont support any of you…every! you will pay in the life time or your children’s and your grandchilderns!!! sleep well for what you do!
george says
I don’t know if I have ever read a more poorly constructed bit of the English language.
Freestate? says
Poorly written and unnecesarily crude but I wish more Maryland voters felt this way. The leaders of this one party state seem hellbent on taxing the life out of our citizens and businesses.